955 resultados para heat kernel,worldline model,perturbative quantum gravity
In this paper, we propose a new edge-based matching kernel for graphs by using discrete-time quantum walks. To this end, we commence by transforming a graph into a directed line graph. The reasons of using the line graph structure are twofold. First, for a graph, its directed line graph is a dual representation and each vertex of the line graph represents a corresponding edge in the original graph. Second, we show that the discrete-time quantum walk can be seen as a walk on the line graph and the state space of the walk is the vertex set of the line graph, i.e., the state space of the walk is the edges of the original graph. As a result, the directed line graph provides an elegant way of developing new edge-based matching kernel based on discrete-time quantum walks. For a pair of graphs, we compute the h-layer depth-based representation for each vertex of their directed line graphs by computing entropic signatures (computed from discrete-time quantum walks on the line graphs) on the family of K-layer expansion subgraphs rooted at the vertex, i.e., we compute the depth-based representations for edges of the original graphs through their directed line graphs. Based on the new representations, we define an edge-based matching method for the pair of graphs by aligning the h-layer depth-based representations computed through the directed line graphs. The new edge-based matching kernel is thus computed by counting the number of matched vertices identified by the matching method on the directed line graphs. Experiments on standard graph datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our new kernel.
In this paper, we develop a new graph kernel by using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence and the discrete-time quantum walk. To this end, we commence by performing a discrete-time quantum walk to compute a density matrix over each graph being compared. For a pair of graphs, we compare the mixed quantum states represented by their density matrices using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence. With the density matrices for a pair of graphs to hand, the quantum graph kernel between the pair of graphs is defined by exponentiating the negative quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between the graph density matrices. We evaluate the performance of our kernel on several standard graph datasets, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the new kernel.
This paper reviews the construction of quantum field theory on a 4-dimensional spacetime by combinatorial methods, and discusses the recent developments in the direction of a combinatorial construction of quantum gravity.
A set of observables is described for the topological quantum field theory which describes quantum gravity in three space-time dimensions with positive signature and positive cosmological constant. The simplest examples measure the distances between points, giving spectra and probabilities which have a geometrical interpretation. The observables are related to the evaluation of relativistic spin networks by a Fourier transform.
The origin of divergent logarithmic contributions to gauge theory cross sections arising from soft and collinear radiation is explored and a general prescription for tackling next-to-soft logarithms is presented. The NNLO Abelian-like contributions to the Drell-Yan K-factor are reproduced using this generalised prescription. The soft limit of gravity is explored where the interplay between the eikonal phase and Reggeization of the graviton is explained using Wilson line techniques. The Wilson line technique is then implemented to treat the set of next-to-soft contributions arising from dressing external partons with a next-to-soft Wilson line.
We propose a criterion for the validity of semiclassical gravity (SCG) which is based on the stability of the solutions of SCG with respect to quantum metric fluctuations. We pay special attention to the two-point quantum correlation functions for the metric perturbations, which contain both intrinsic and induced fluctuations. These fluctuations can be described by the Einstein-Langevin equation obtained in the framework of stochastic gravity. Specifically, the Einstein-Langevin equation yields stochastic correlation functions for the metric perturbations which agree, to leading order in the large N limit, with the quantum correlation functions of the theory of gravity interacting with N matter fields. The homogeneous solutions of the Einstein-Langevin equation are equivalent to the solutions of the perturbed semiclassical equation, which describe the evolution of the expectation value of the quantum metric perturbations. The information on the intrinsic fluctuations, which are connected to the initial fluctuations of the metric perturbations, can also be retrieved entirely from the homogeneous solutions. However, the induced metric fluctuations proportional to the noise kernel can only be obtained from the Einstein-Langevin equation (the inhomogeneous term). These equations exhibit runaway solutions with exponential instabilities. A detailed discussion about different methods to deal with these instabilities is given. We illustrate our criterion by showing explicitly that flat space is stable and a description based on SCG is a valid approximation in that case.
In the absence of an external frame of reference-i.e., in background independent theories such as general relativity-physical degrees of freedom must describe relations between systems. Using a simple model, we investigate how such a relational quantum theory naturally arises by promoting reference systems to the status of dynamical entities. Our goal is twofold. First, we demonstrate using elementary quantum theory how any quantum mechanical experiment admits a purely relational description at a fundamental. Second, we describe how the original non-relational theory approximately emerges from the fully relational theory when reference systems become semi-classical. Our technique is motivated by a Bayesian approach to quantum mechanics, and relies on the noiseless subsystem method of quantum information science used to protect quantum states against undesired noise. The relational theory naturally predicts a fundamental decoherence mechanism, so an arrow of time emerges from a time-symmetric theory. Moreover, our model circumvents the problem of the collapse of the wave packet as the probability interpretation is only ever applied to diagonal density operators. Finally, the physical states of the relational theory can be described in terms of spin networks introduced by Penrose as a combinatorial description of geometry, and widely studied in the loop formulation of quantum gravity. Thus, our simple bottom-up approach (starting from the semiclassical limit to derive the fully relational quantum theory) may offer interesting insights on the low energy limit of quantum gravity.
We analyze renormalizability properties of noncommutative (NC) theories with a bifermionic NC parameter. We introduce a new four-dimensional scalar field model which is renormalizable at all orders of the loop expansion. We show that this model has an infrared stable fixed point (at the one-loop level). We check that the NC QED (which is one-loop renormalizable with a usual NC parameter) remains renormalizable when the NC parameter is bifermionic, at least to the extent of one-loop diagrams with external photon legs. Our general conclusion is that bifermionic noncommutativity improves renormalizability properties of NC theories.
We introduce an analytical approximation scheme to diagonalize parabolically confined two-dimensional (2D) electron systems with both the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions. The starting point of our perturbative expansion is a zeroth-order Hamiltonian for an electron confined in a quantum wire with an effective spin-orbit induced magnetic field along the wire, obtained by properly rotating the usual spin-orbit Hamiltonian. We find that the spin-orbit-related transverse coupling terms can be recast into two parts W and V, which couple crossing and noncrossing adjacent transverse modes, respectively. Interestingly, the zeroth-order Hamiltonian together with W can be solved exactly, as it maps onto the Jaynes-Cummings model of quantum optics. We treat the V coupling by performing a Schrieffer-Wolff transformation. This allows us to obtain an effective Hamiltonian to third order in the coupling strength k(R)l of V, which can be straightforwardly diagonalized via an additional unitary transformation. We also apply our approach to other types of effective parabolic confinement, e. g., 2D electrons in a perpendicular magnetic field. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approximate eigensolutions, we obtain analytical expressions for the nth Landau-level g(n) factors in the presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus couplings. For small values of the bulk g factors, we find that spin-orbit effects cancel out entirely for particular values of the spin-orbit couplings. By solving simple transcendental equations we also obtain the band minima of a Rashba-coupled quantum wire as a function of an external magnetic field. These can be used to describe Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. This procedure makes it easier to extract the strength of the spin-orbit interaction in these systems via proper fitting of the data.
A new two-parameter integrable model with quantum superalgebra U-q[gl(3/1)] symmetry is proposed, which is an eight-state fermions model with correlated single-particle and pair hoppings as well as uncorrelated triple-particle hopping. The model is solved and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.
We point out that using the heat kernel on a cone to compute the first quantum correction to the entropy of Rindler space does not yield the correct temperature dependence. In order to obtain the physics at arbitrary temperature one must compute the heat kernel in a geometry with different topology (without a conical singularity). This is done in two ways, which are shown to agree with computations performed by other methods. Also, we discuss the ambiguities in the regularization procedure and their physical consequences.
In inflationary cosmological models driven by an inflaton field the origin of the primordial inhomogeneities which are responsible for large-scale structure formation are the quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field. These are usually calculated using the standard theory of cosmological perturbations, where both the gravitational and the inflaton fields are linearly perturbed and quantized. The correlation functions for the primordial metric fluctuations and their power spectrum are then computed. Here we introduce an alternative procedure for calculating the metric correlations based on the Einstein-Langevin equation which emerges in the framework of stochastic semiclassical gravity. We show that the correlation functions for the metric perturbations that follow from the Einstein-Langevin formalism coincide with those obtained with the usual quantization procedures when the scalar field perturbations are linearized. This method is explicitly applied to a simple model of chaotic inflation consisting of a Robertson-Walker background, which undergoes a quasi-de Sitter expansion, minimally coupled to a free massive quantum scalar field. The technique based on the Einstein-Langevin equation can, however, deal naturally with the perturbations of the scalar field even beyond the linear approximation, as is actually required in inflationary models which are not driven by an inflaton field, such as Starobinsky¿s trace-anomaly driven inflation or when calculating corrections due to nonlinear quantum effects in the usual inflaton driven models.
We consider a renormalizable two-dimensional model of dilaton gravity coupled to a set of conformal fields as a toy model for quantum cosmology. We discuss the cosmological solutions of the model and study the effect of including the back reaction due to quantum corrections. As a result, when the matter density is below some threshold new singularities form in a weak-coupling region, which suggests that they will not be removed in the full quantum theory. We also solve the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Depending on the quantum state of the Universe, the singularities may appear in a quantum region where the wave function is not oscillatory, i.e., when there is not a well-defined notion of classical spacetime.
An analytical model of orographic gravity wave drag due to sheared flow past elliptical mountains is developed. The model extends the domain of applicability of the well-known Phillips model to wind profiles that vary relatively slowly in the vertical, so that they may be treated using a WKB approximation. The model illustrates how linear processes associated with wind profile shear and curvature affect the drag force exerted by the airflow on mountains, and how it is crucial to extend the WKB approximation to second order in the small perturbation parameter for these effects to be taken into account. For the simplest wind profiles, the normalized drag depends only on the Richardson number, Ri, of the flow at the surface and on the aspect ratio, γ, of the mountain. For a linear wind profile, the drag decreases as Ri decreases, and this variation is faster when the wind is across the mountain than when it is along the mountain. For a wind that rotates with height maintaining its magnitude, the drag generally increases as Ri decreases, by an amount depending on γ and on the incidence angle. The results from WKB theory are compared with exact linear results and also with results from a non-hydrostatic nonlinear numerical model, showing in general encouraging agreement, down to values of Ri of order one.