79 resultados para hardship


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M. Sc.) en sciences infirmières option administration des services infirmiers


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This is a study on “Professional Services: Civil Liability for Deficiency”. This study is made with special reference to medical profession. The importance of qualitative professional services does not require any emphasis. It is a matter of great concern for the people as they are consumers.This study is divided into 12 chapters. The introductory chapter deals with characteristics of profession, basis of professional liability and international efforts to check abuse of position by professional men. Consumers as laymen can not perceive the intricacies of professional services. As a result professional men could misuse their superior position to expose consumers to hardship through deficient services. This is obvious from the fact that deficiency in professional services has assumed a menacing proportion. It is indicative of failure of internal control through self-regulation to check the abuse of position by the professional men. The professional bodies entrusted with the task of enforcing disciplinary measures show a very callous and indifferent attitude towards the repressive conduct of their members. These bodies are more concerned to protect the interest of their members. They are not free from institutional bias. They have put the interest of consumers into oblivion. In effect remedies through professional bodies has become a myth. All these factors make the external control of professional services mandatory to protect the consumers from the clutches of unscrupulous professional men, who abuse their superior position. The professional men who abuse their position are exposed to liability. Their liability arises under contract, tort and statutory law. The present study substantially concentrates on professional liability of medical men. The obvious reason is that of all professional services medical services are the frequently availed services by the consumers. Medical negligence cases account for bulk of the professional negligence cases. ln India also large number of cases are coming before consumer forae. The legal principles evolved in this sphere of professional service confers an insight into legal control of other professional services as well. The same principles are applied to other professions also, as by and large all the professions share common characteristics. Such principles are modified wherever necessary to make room for differential aspects of particular profession


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Pastoralism and ranching are two different rangeland-based livestock systems in dryland areas of East Africa. Both usually operate under low and irregular rainfall and consequently low overall primary biomass production of high spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Both are usually located far from town centres, market outlets and communication, medical, educational, banking, insurance and other infrastructure. Whereas pastoralists can be regarded as self-employed, gaining their livelihood from managing their individually owned livestock on communal land, ranches mostly employ herders as wage labourers to manage the livestock owned by the ranch on the ranches’ own land property. Both production systems can be similarly labour intensive and – with regard to the livestock management – require the same type of work, whether carried out as self-employed pastoralist or as employed herder on a work contract. Given this similarity, the aim of this study was to comparatively assess how pastoralists and employed herders in northern Kenya view their working conditions, and which criteria they use to assess hardship and rewards in their daily work and their working life. Their own perception is compared with the concept of Decent Work developed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Samburu pastoralists in Marsabit and Samburu Districts as well as herders on ranches in Laikipia District were interviewed. A qualitative analysis of 47 semi-structured interviews yielded information about daily activities, income, free time, education and social security. Five out of 22 open interviews with pastoralists and seven out of 13 open interviews with employed herders fully transcribed and subjected to qualitative content analysis to yield life stories of 12 informants. Pastoralists consider it important to have healthy and satisfied animals. The ability to provide food for their family especially for the children has a high priority. Hardships for the pastoralists are, if activities are exhausting, and challenging, and dangerous. For employed herders, decent conditions are if their wages are high enough to be able to provide food for their family and formal education for their children. It is further most important for them to do work they are experienced and skilled in. Most employed herders were former pastoralists, who had lost their animals due to drought or raids. There are parallels between the ILO ‘Decent Work’ concept and the perception of working conditions of pastoralists and employed herders. These are, for example, that remuneration is of importance and the appreciation by either the employer or the community is desired. Some aspects that are seen as important by the ILO such as safety at work and healthy working conditions only play a secondary role to the pastoralists, who see risky and dangerous tasks as inherent characteristics of their efforts to gain a livelihood in their living environment.


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This paper contributes to a growing body of literature that critically examines how mining companies are embracing community development challenges in developing countries, drawing on experiences from Ghana. Despite receiving considerable praise from the donor and industry communities, the actions being taken by Ghana's major mining companies to foster community development are facilitating few improvements in the rural regions where activities take place. Companies are generally implementing community development programmes that are incapable of alleviating rural hardship and are coordinating destructive displacement exercises. The analysis serves as a stark reminder that mining companies are not charities and engage with African countries strictly for commercial purposes.


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Why do people engage in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) – labour-intensive mineral extraction and processing activity – across sub-Saharan Africa? This paper argues that ‘agricultural poverty’, or hardship induced by an over-dependency on farming for survival, has fuelled the recent rapid expansion of ASM operations throughout the region. The diminished viability of smallholder farming in an era of globalization and overreliance on rain-fed crop production restricted by seasonality has led hundreds of thousands of rural African families to ‘branch out’ into ASM, a move made to secure supplementary incomes. Experiences from Komana West in Southwest Mali and East Akim District in Southeast Ghana are drawn upon to illustrate how a movement into the ASM economy has impacted farm families, economically, in many rural stretches of sub-Saharan Africa.


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While the 2014 European Parliament elections were marked by the rise of far right-wing parties, the different patterns of support that we observe across Europe and across time are not directly related to the economic crisis. Indeed, economic hardship seems neither sufficient nor necessary for the rise of such parties to occur. Using the cross-national results for the 2004, 2009 and 2014 EP elections in order to capture time and country variations, we posit the economy affects the rise of far right-wing parties in more complex ways. Specifically, we compare the experience of high debt countries (the ‘debtors’) and the others (the ‘creditors’) and explore the relationship between far right-wing party success on the one hand, and unemployment, inequality, immigration, globalization and the welfare state on the other hand. Our discussion suggests there might be a trade off between budgetary stability and far right-wing party support, but the choice between Charybdis and Scylla may be avoided if policy makers carefully choose which policies should bear the brunt of the fiscal adjustment.


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Economic hardship and children’s strategies – scarce resources as a starting point for negotiating family positions The aim of this article is to discuss how children and adolescents experience everyday life in economic hardship and how a negotiation of the family positions can be linked to these experiences. The article takes its theoretical starting point in childhood sociology, and is based on an interview study involving 17 children between the ages of 6–18 in families living on or below the limit for receiving welfare benefits. The purpose of these interviews is to explore how these children experience economic hardship at home and among friends, focusing their own strategies and agency. I argue that the financial situation in these families do indeed challenge the way that the child position is traditionally understood, which also has implications for the children’s identity work. Including children as participants in research therefore becomes crucial in order to fully understand the ramifications of child poverty. 


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Q&A: Tashia Bradley on Kentucky, Tortola, The Pugh Center mission, and the mild winter she brought with her to Maine Weather Report: Senior speaks at meteorological meeting, challenges historians' take on the history of forecasting Finding Community: Projects for Peace documentary explores a different, and for many, more rewarding way of life Literary Peaks: At Whitefish Review, Colby trio (plus one) gives art and literature a mountain home Sadoff Invites Us To Love Life Despite Hardship and Injustice (Review) Marketing Experts Say Plain Talk Beats Social Media Considering Life's Stepping Stones: For Debra Spark's characters, it's the journey, not the destination (Review) Finding Home Amid Myth and Mystery (Review) Recent Releases Concussion Impact: Colby-based project helps Maine schools reduce sports injuries Quiet Powerhouse: Rachael Mack ends career with 1,241 points, leads team turnaround Sports Shorts The Nation's Fastest: Dominique Kone '13 wins NCAA DIII 60-meter dash, coming back from 2011 injury


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No Brasil, historicamente, as companhias sempre detiveram ativos imobiliários (sede social, plantas fabris, galpões, etc.), influenciadas pela instabilidade macroeconômica, o que acarretava a dificuldade em estimar o preço do dinheiro. Com o controle inflacionário, foi possível expandir formas de financiamento de longo prazo, permitindo que as empresas passassem a realizar a alocação de recursos financeiros com mais eficiência, direcionando-os para as suas atividades principais. Assim, a discussão sobre a propriedade imobiliária pelas empresas é recente. E, há menos tempo ainda é que foram elaboradas novas alternativas, como os fundos de investimento imobiliário que tornaram-se mais representativos nos últimos três anos. Este trabalho visa analisar sobre as razões que permitem aos fundos de investimento imobiliário serem propostos como uma opção para as empresas realizarem a gestão de seus ativos imobiliários, quando estas buscarem não imobilizar recursos, mas sim, a locação do imóvel. Para alcançar este objetivo, o trabalho fará uma abordagem qualitativa, apresentando as características operacionais e tributárias dos fundos imobiliários e dois estudos de casos de empresas que promoveram a desmobilização de ativos por meio de fundos imobiliários. O primeiro caso é a venda de um centro de distribuição do Magazine Luiza, uma das maiores redes varejistas no Brasil, para o fundo Kinea Renda Imobiliária. O segundo exemplo é o processo de desmobilização do Banco do Brasil e o desenvolvimento do fundo BB Progressivo II. Será verificado que os objetivos das empresas foram alcançados nos dois casos e que, de fato, os fundos imobiliários podem ser considerados como uma alternativa. Entretanto, não é possível a conclusão de que ele produza os melhores resultados e que exista alguma atividade empresarial que tenha maior propensão a sua utilização. A pesquisa aborda os fundos de investimento imobiliário com o foco no locatário e possibilita que sejam aprimorados estudos quantitativos, identificando reações do mercado brasileiro ao aumento na quantidade de operações, e outras pesquisas qualitativas que envolvam novas estruturas de financiamento.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A pobreza é um problema multidimensional que se traduz em termos de privações e insuficiência de capacidades básicas. Os índices multidimensionais permitem uma análise apurada da qualidade de vida relacionada com a pobreza, considerando algumas dimensões importantes e representam um grande avanço na problemática do planejamento do desenvolvimento. O objetivo geral dessa pesquisa foi o de analisar as privações enfrentadas pelas famílias na comunidade Sirituba em Abaetetuba/PA, de acordo com as dimensões e indicadores do Índice de Pobreza Multidimensional (IPM) e analisar o impacto de transferências de renda em bens duráveis domésticos das famílias. A análise com famílias que recebem e não recebem transferências de renda mostrou que a duas tem a mesma quantidade de bens duráveis domésticos. A análise adaptada do IPM para Sirituba constatou que algumas famílias sofrem privações devido à baixa escolaridade dos chefes de família, à falta de acesso seguro água potável, à falta de saneamento básico e ao método rústico para cozinhas. Verificou-se também uma tendência de melhora no Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDHM) de Abaetetuba. O município evoluiu da faixa de “muito baixo desenvolvimento humano” para o “médio desenvolvimento humano”, isso representa uma evolução nos indicadores de educação, longevidade e renda. No entanto, sabe-se que a área urbana de Abaetetuba não apresenta os mesmos serviços públicos de uma área rural como Sirituba. O Censo 2000 e 2010 consideram dados diferentes para cada uma dessas áreas demonstrando que os serviços de energia elétrica e abastecimento de água, prestados na área rural, são menos disponíveis em comparação a área urbana de Abaetetuba.


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A presente dissertação enfoca as relações entre a literatura e a história, tendo por objetivo identificar e analisar os aspectos recorrentes em contos que ficcionalizam o relato da tortura ligada ao Regime Militar brasileiro de 1964. Para tanto, elegemos como corpus desta pesquisa os textos “Acudiram três cavaleiros”, de Marques Rabelo (1967); “O mar mais longe que vejo”, de Caio Fernando Abreu (1970); “Pedro Ramiro”, de Rodolfo Konder (1977); “O jardim das oliveiras”, de Nélida Piñon (1980); “Saindo de dentro do corpo”, de Flávio Moreira da Costa (1982); “O leite em pó da bondade humana”, de Haroldo Maranhão (1983); “Não passarás o Jordão”, de Luiz Fernando Emediato (1984); e “A mancha”, de Luis Fernando Veríssimo (2003). Tais narrativas apresentam como núcleo narrativo cenas de tortura relacionadas à ditadura civil-militar instalada no Brasil em 1964. Partimos da hipótese de que esses contos se apropriam de aspectos composicionais do testemunho verídico e os reelaboram esteticamente nos textos, muitas vezes, rompendo o que se teoriza sobre o testemunho verídico, na tentativa de se traduzir em palavras as aporias da rememoração do trauma provocado pela tortura. Para dar conta de tais proposições, elegeu-se como percurso a contextualização histórica realizada no primeiro capítulo, com o intuito de pontuar as relações existentes entre as produções e o contexto histórico. Em seguida, no capítulo dois, realizou-se a revisão do referencial teórico que baseia a pesquisa, centrando nas formulações propostas acerca da teoria do testemunho. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo, realizou-se a análise do corpus, com base em três aspectos recorrentes nas narrativas: a composição dos personagens, a organização da narrativa e a seleção vocabular. Para tal análise iremos nos pautar, principalmente, nas formulações de Seligmann-Silva (2003; 2008), Valeria de Marco (2004) e Elcio Loureiro Cornelsen (2011), acerca do testemunho de catástrofes históricas e da dimensão ficcional dessas produções; nas proposições de Maria Rita Kehl (2004) sobre o corpo torturado; e nas considerações de Sigmund Freud (1920), sobre trauma.


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The contemporary culture is based in a logic of acceleration and shortening of the relationships, a logic that disseminates and lodges in the subjectivity, so as to affect the most varied spheres of life. The purpose of the present work is to examine the conflicts that emerge in love relationships lived in such context. Seventy-four queries submitted by the users of two love-consultancy websites were taken as the object of our analysis. The complaints presented by the users were collated to the paradigms of relationship produced in the contemporary days. It was possible to observe that the modes of subjectification predominant nowadays can be apprehended in the love sphere of the human life and that from those modes derive most of the affective conflicts reported by people who seek advice in those websites. The sentimental hardship of these subjects denounces the ills of our days.


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Beauty is a central concern in the works of two modern American poets, Elizabeth Bishop and Richard Wilbur. Both poets have formal styles with emphases on descriptive imagery and natural tropes. While these two poets have often been studied individually in their own right, they have not previously been studied together with the particular focus on beauty. So, in my thesis, through close study of many of their works, I draw out their understandings of beauty and discuss how they relate to each other and to their audience. Iprimarily utilize their most extensive collections, which are Bishop’s The Complete Poems: 1927-1979 and Wilbur’s Collected Poems:1943 - 2004. I also drew from other less anthologized sources and prose work. In my first chapter, I examine Bishop’s work closely, and in my second chapter I analyze Wilbur’s poetry. I conclude that the concept of beauty is similarly important for both poets, but motivates them to different levels of action and commitment,Bishop’s understanding of life being less spiritual than Wilbur’s. I introduce the possibility that beauty represents a positive reality that may prove more inspiring and victorious than the pain and hardship encountered throughout human life.


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About 15 years ago, the Swiss Society of Pathology has developed and implemented a board examination in anatomical pathology. We describe herein the contents covered by this 2-day exam (autopsy pathology, cytology, histopathology, molecular pathology, and basic knowledge about mechanisms of disease) and its exact modalities, sketch a brief history of the exam, and finish with a concise discussion about the possible objectives and putative benefits weighed against the hardship that it imposes on the candidates.