969 resultados para gravitational 2-body problem
We analyse the global structure of the phase space of the planar planetary 2/1 mean-motion resonance in cases where the outer planet is more massive than its inner companion. Inside the resonant domain, we show the existence of two families of periodic orbits, one associated to the librational motion of resonant angle (sigma-family) and the other related to the circulatory motion of the difference in longitudes of pericentre (Delta pi-family). The well-known apsidal corotation resonances (ACR) appear as intersections between both families. A complex web of secondary resonances is also detected for low eccentricities, whose strengths and positions are dependent on the individual masses and spatial scale of the system. The construction of dynamical maps for various values of the total angular momentum shows the evolution of the families of stable motion with the eccentricities, identifying possible configurations suitable for exoplanetary systems. For low-moderate eccentricities, several different stable modes exist outside the ACR. For larger eccentricities, however, all stable solutions are associated to oscillations around the stationary solutions. Finally, we present a possible link between these stable families and the process of resonance capture, identifying the most probable routes from the secular region to the resonant domain, and discussing how the final resonant configuration may be affected by the extension of the chaotic layer around the resonance region.
This paper presents the second part in our study of the global structure of the planar phase space of the planetary three-body problem, when both planets lie in the vicinity of a 2/1 mean-motion resonance. While Paper I was devoted to cases where the outer planet is the more massive body, the present work is devoted to the cases where the more massive body is the inner planet. As before, outside the well-known Apsidal Corotation Resonances (ACR), the phase space shows a complex picture marked by the presence of several distinct regimes of resonant and non-resonant motion, crossed by families of periodic orbits and separated by chaotic zones. When the chosen values of the integrals of motion lead to symmetric ACR, the global dynamics are generally similar to the structure presented in Paper I. However, for asymmetric ACR the resonant phase space is strikingly different and shows a galore of distinct dynamical states. This structure is shown with the help of dynamical maps constructed on two different representative planes, one centred on the unstable symmetric ACR and the other on the stable asymmetric equilibrium solution. Although the study described in the work may be applied to any mass ratio, we present a detailed analysis for mass values similar to the Jupiter-Saturn case. Results give a global view of the different dynamical states available to resonant planets with these characteristics. Some of these dynamical paths could have marked the evolution of the giant planets of our Solar system, assuming they suffered a temporary capture in the 2/1 resonance during the latest stages of the formation of our Solar system.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The dynamics of a pair of satellites similar to Enceladus-Dione is investigated with a two-degrees-of-freedom model written in the domain of the planar general three-body problem. Using surfaces of section and spectral analysis methods, we study the phase space of the system in terms of several parameters, including the most recent data. A detailed study of the main possible regimes of motion is presented, and in particular we show that, besides the two separated resonances, the phase space is replete of secondary resonances.
Gravitational capture can be used to explain the existence of the irregular satellites of giants planets. However, it is only the first step since the gravitational capture is temporary. Therefore, some kind of non-conservative effect is necessary to to turn the temporary capture into a permanent one. In the present work we study the effects of Jupiter mass growth for the permanent capture of retrograde satellites. An analysis of the zero velocity curves at the Lagrangian point L-1 indicates that mass accretion provides an increase of the confinement region ( delimited by the zero velocity curve, where particles cannot escape from the planet) favoring permanent captures. Adopting the restricted three-body problem, Sun-Jupiter-Particle, we performed numerical simulations backward in time considering the decrease of M-4. We considered initial conditions of the particles to be retrograde, at pericenter, in the region 100 R-4 less than or equal to a less than or equal to 400 R-4 and 0 less than or equal to e < 0.5. The results give Jupiter's mass at the moment when the particle escapes from the planet. Such values are an indication of the necessary conditions that could provide capture. An analysis of these results shows that retrograde satellites would be captured as soon as they get inside the Hills' radius and after that they keep migrating toward the planet while it is growing. For the region where the orbits of the four old retrograde satellites of Jupiter ( Ananke, Carme, Pasiphae and Sinope) are located we found that such satellites could have been permanently captured when Jupiter had between 62% and 93% of its present mass.
In a previous work, Vieira Neto & Winter (2001) numerically explored the capture times of particles as temporary satellites of Uranus. The study was made in the framework of the spatial, circular, restricted three-body problem. Regions of the initial condition space whose trajectories are apparently stable were determined. The criterion adopted was that the trajectories do not escape from the planet during an integration of 10(5) years. These regions occur for a wide range of orbital initial inclinations (i). In the present work it is studied the reason for the existence of such stable regions. The stability of the planar retrograde trajectories is due to a family of simple periodic orbits and the associated quasi-periodic orbits that oscillate around them. These planar stable orbits had already been studied (Henon 1970; Huang & Innanen 1983). Their results are reviewed using Poincare surface of sections. The stable non-planar retrograde trajectories, 110 degrees less than or equal to i < 180
Gravitational capture is a characteristic of some dynamical systems in celestial mechanics, as in the elliptic restricted three-body problem that is considered in this paper. The basic idea is that a spacecraft (or any particle with negligible mass) can change a hyperbolic orbit with a small positive energy around a celestial body into an elliptic orbit with a small negative energy without the use of any propulsive system. The force responsible for this modification in the orbit of the spacecraft is the gravitational force of the third body involved in the dynamics. In this way, this force is used as a zero cost control, equivalent to a continuous thrust applied in the spacecraft. One of the most important applications of this property is the construction of trajectories to the Moon. The objective of the present paper is to study in some detail the effects of the eccentricity of the primaries in this maneuver.
In the present work is analyzed the contribution of the Moon on the collisional process of the Earth with asteroids (NEOs). The dynamical system adopted is the restricted four-body problem Sun-Earth-Moon-particle. Using a simple analytical approach one can verify that, the orbit of an object can be significantly affected by the Moon's gravitational field when their relative velocity is smaller than 5 km/s. Therefore, the present work is based on hypothetical asteroids whose velocities relative to Moon are of the order of 1 km/s. In fact, there are several real objects (NEOs) with such velocities at the point they cross the Earth's orbit. The net results obtained indicate that the Moon helps to avoid collisions (2.6%) more than it contributes to extra collisions (0.6%). (C) 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present work we analyse the behaviour of a particle under the gravitational influence of two massive bodies and a particular dissipative force. The circular restricted three body problem, which describes the motion of this particle, has five equilibrium points in the frame which rotates with the same angular velocity as the massive bodies: two equilateral stable points (L-4, L-5) and three colinear unstable points (L-1, L-2, L-3). A particular solution for this problem is a stable orbital libration, called a tadpole orbit, around the equilateral points. The inclusion of a particular dissipative force can alter this configuration. We investigated the orbital behaviour of a particle initially located near L4 or L5 under the perturbation of a satellite and the Poynting-Robertson drag. This is an example of breakdown of quasi-periodic motion about an elliptic point of an area-preserving map under the action of dissipation. Our results show that the effect of this dissipative force is more pronounced when the mass of the satellite and/or the size of the particle decrease, leading to chaotic, although confined, orbits. From the maximum Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent a final value of gamma was computed after a time span of 10(6) orbital periods of the satellite. This result enables us to obtain a critical value of log y beyond which the orbit of the particle will be unstable, leaving the tadpole behaviour. For particles initially located near L4, the critical value of log gamma is -4.07 and for those particles located near L-5 the critical value of log gamma is -3.96. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The motion of a test particle in the vicinity of exterior resonances is examined in the context of the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem. The existence of asymmetric periodic orbits associated with the 1 : n resonances (where n = 2, 3, 4, 5) is confirmed; there is also evidence of asymmetric resonances associated with larger values of n. A detailed examination of the evolution of the family of orbits associated with the 1:2 resonance shows the sequence that leads to asymmetric libration. on the basis of numerical studies of the phase space it is concluded that the existence of asymmetric libration means that the region exterior to the perturbing mass is more chaotic than the interior region. The apparent absence of 'particles' in 1 : n resonances in the solar system may reflect this inherent bias.
In the present work, we expanded the study done by Solorzanol(1) including the eccentricity of the perturbing body. The assumptions used to develop the single-averaged analytical model are the same ones of the restricted elliptic three-body problem. The disturbing function was expanded in Legendre polynomials up to fourth-order. After that, the equations of motion are obtained from the planetary equations and we performed a set of numerical simulations. Different initial eccentricities for the perturbing and perturbed body are considered. The results obtained perform an analysis of the stability of a near-circular orbits and investigate under which conditions this orbit remain near-circular.
The problem of escape/capture is encountered in many problems of the celestial mechanics -the capture of the giants planets irregular satellites, comets capture by Jupiter, and also orbital transfer between two celestial bodies as Earth and Moon. To study these problems we introduce an approach which is based on the numerical integration of a grid of initial conditions. The two-body energy of the particle relative to a celestial body defines the escape/capture. The trajectories are integrated into the past from initial conditions with negative two-body energy. The energy change from negative to positive is considered as an escape. By reversing the time, this escape turns into a capture. Using this technique we can understand many characteristics of the problem, as the maximum capture time, stable regions where the particles cannot escape from, and others. The advantage of this kind of approach is that it can be used out of plane (that is, for any inclination), and with perturbations in the dynamics of the n-body problem. © 2005 International Astronomical Union.
In this work we solve exactly a class of three-body propagators for the most general quadratic interactions in the coordinates, for arbitrary masses and couplings. This is done both for the constant as the time-dependent couplings and masses, by using the Feynman path integral formalism. Finally, the energy spectrum and the eigenfunctions are recovered from the propagators. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The homogeneous Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation is solved in momentum space by using confining potentials. Since the confining potentials are unbounded at large distances, they lead to a singularity at small momentum. In order to remove the singularity of the kernel of the integral equation, a regularized form of the potentials is used. As an application of the method, the mass spectra of heavy quarkonia, mesons consisting from heavy quark and antiquark (Υ(bb̄), ψ(cc̄)), are calculated for linear and quadratic confining potentials. The results are in good agreement with configuration space and experimental results. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
20 years after the discovery of the first planets outside our solar system, the current exoplanetary population includes more than 700 confirmed planets around main sequence stars. Approximately 50% belong to multiple-planet systems in very diverse dynamical configurations, from two-planet hierarchical systems to multiple resonances that could only have been attained as the consequence of a smooth large-scale orbital migration. The first part of this paper reviews the main detection techniques employed for the detection and orbital characterization of multiple-planet systems, from the (now) classical radial velocity (RV) method to the use of transit time variations (TTV) for the identification of additional planetary bodies orbiting the same star. In the second part we discuss the dynamical evolution of multi-planet systems due to their mutual gravitational interactions. We analyze possible modes of motion for hierarchical, secular or resonant configurations, and what stability criteria can be defined in each case. In some cases, the dynamics can be well approximated by simple analytical expressions for the Hamiltonian function, while other configurations can only be studied with semi-analytical or numerical tools. In particular, we show how mean-motion resonances can generate complex structures in the phase space where different libration islands and circulation domains are separated by chaotic layers. In all cases we use real exoplanetary systems as working examples.