982 resultados para graph matching algorithms


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This paper presents a formal method for representing and recognizing scenario patterns with rich internal temporal aspects. A scenario is presented as a collection of time-independent fluents, together with the corresponding temporal knowledge that can be relative and/or with absolute values. A graphical representation for temporal scenarios is introduced which supports consistence checking as for the temporal constraints. In terms of such a graphical representation, graph-matching algorithms/methodologies can be directly adopted for recognizing scenario patterns.


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Many tasks in computer vision can be expressed as graph problems. This allows the task to be solved using a well studied algorithm, however many of these algorithms are of exponential complexity. This is a disadvantage when considered in the context of searching a database of images or videos for similarity. Work by Mesaner and Bunke (1995) has suggested a new class of graph matching algorithms which uses a priori knowledge about a database of models to reduce the time taken during online classification. This paper presents a new algorithm which extends the earlier work to detection of the largest common subgraph.


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Weighted graph matching is a good way to align a pair of shapes represented by a set of descriptive local features; the set of correspondences produced by the minimum cost of matching features from one shape to the features of the other often reveals how similar the two shapes are. However, due to the complexity of computing the exact minimum cost matching, previous algorithms could only run efficiently when using a limited number of features per shape, and could not scale to perform retrievals from large databases. We present a contour matching algorithm that quickly computes the minimum weight matching between sets of descriptive local features using a recently introduced low-distortion embedding of the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) into a normed space. Given a novel embedded contour, the nearest neighbors in a database of embedded contours are retrieved in sublinear time via approximate nearest neighbors search. We demonstrate our shape matching method on databases of 10,000 images of human figures and 60,000 images of handwritten digits.


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In terms of a general time theory which addresses time-elements as typed point-based intervals, a formal characterization of time-series and state-sequences is introduced. Based on this framework, the subsequence matching problem is specially tackled by means of being transferred into bipartite graph matching problem. Then a hybrid similarity model with high tolerance of inversion, crossover and noise is proposed for matching the corresponding bipartite graphs involving both temporal and non-temporal measurements. Experimental results on reconstructed time-series data from UCI KDD Archive demonstrate that such an approach is more effective comparing with the traditional similarity model based algorithms, promising robust techniques for lager time-series databases and real-life applications such as Content-based Video Retrieval (CBVR), etc.


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This book will serve as a foundation for a variety of useful applications of graph theory to computer vision, pattern recognition, and related areas. It covers a representative set of novel graph-theoretic methods for complex computer vision and pattern recognition tasks. The first part of the book presents the application of graph theory to low-level processing of digital images such as a new method for partitioning a given image into a hierarchy of homogeneous areas using graph pyramids, or a study of the relationship between graph theory and digital topology. Part II presents graph-theoretic learning algorithms for high-level computer vision and pattern recognition applications, including a survey of graph based methodologies for pattern recognition and computer vision, a presentation of a series of computationally efficient algorithms for testing graph isomorphism and related graph matching tasks in pattern recognition and a new graph distance measure to be used for solving graph matching problems. Finally, Part III provides detailed descriptions of several applications of graph-based methods to real-world pattern recognition tasks. It includes a critical review of the main graph-based and structural methods for fingerprint classification, a new method to visualize time series of graphs, and potential applications in computer network monitoring and abnormal event detection.


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Identifying an individual from surveillance video is a difficult, time consuming and labour intensive process. The proposed system aims to streamline this process by filtering out unwanted scenes and enhancing an individual's face through super-resolution. An automatic face recognition system is then used to identify the subject or present the human operator with likely matches from a database. A person tracker is used to speed up the subject detection and super-resolution process by tracking moving subjects and cropping a region of interest around the subject's face to reduce the number and size of the image frames to be super-resolved respectively. In this paper, experiments have been conducted to demonstrate how the optical flow super-resolution method used improves surveillance imagery for visual inspection as well as automatic face recognition on an Eigenface and Elastic Bunch Graph Matching system. The optical flow based method has also been benchmarked against the ``hallucination'' algorithm, interpolation methods and the original low-resolution images. Results show that both super-resolution algorithms improved recognition rates significantly. Although the hallucination method resulted in slightly higher recognition rates, the optical flow method produced less artifacts and more visually correct images suitable for human consumption.


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Stereo vision is a method of depth perception, in which depth information is inferred from two (or more) images of a scene, taken from different perspectives. Practical applications for stereo vision include aerial photogrammetry, autonomous vehicle guidance, robotics and industrial automation. The initial motivation behind this work was to produce a stereo vision sensor for mining automation applications. For such applications, the input stereo images would consist of close range scenes of rocks. A fundamental problem faced by matching algorithms is the matching or correspondence problem. This problem involves locating corresponding points or features in two images. For this application, speed, reliability, and the ability to produce a dense depth map are of foremost importance. This work implemented a number of areabased matching algorithms to assess their suitability for this application. Area-based techniques were investigated because of their potential to yield dense depth maps, their amenability to fast hardware implementation, and their suitability to textured scenes such as rocks. In addition, two non-parametric transforms, the rank and census, were also compared. Both the rank and the census transforms were found to result in improved reliability of matching in the presence of radiometric distortion - significant since radiometric distortion is a problem which commonly arises in practice. In addition, they have low computational complexity, making them amenable to fast hardware implementation. Therefore, it was decided that matching algorithms using these transforms would be the subject of the remainder of the thesis. An analytic expression for the process of matching using the rank transform was derived from first principles. This work resulted in a number of important contributions. Firstly, the derivation process resulted in one constraint which must be satisfied for a correct match. This was termed the rank constraint. The theoretical derivation of this constraint is in contrast to the existing matching constraints which have little theoretical basis. Experimental work with actual and contrived stereo pairs has shown that the new constraint is capable of resolving ambiguous matches, thereby improving match reliability. Secondly, a novel matching algorithm incorporating the rank constraint has been proposed. This algorithm was tested using a number of stereo pairs. In all cases, the modified algorithm consistently resulted in an increased proportion of correct matches. Finally, the rank constraint was used to devise a new method for identifying regions of an image where the rank transform, and hence matching, are more susceptible to noise. The rank constraint was also incorporated into a new hybrid matching algorithm, where it was combined a number of other ideas. These included the use of an image pyramid for match prediction, and a method of edge localisation to improve match accuracy in the vicinity of edges. Experimental results obtained from the new algorithm showed that the algorithm is able to remove a large proportion of invalid matches, and improve match accuracy.


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Camera calibration information is required in order for multiple camera networks to deliver more than the sum of many single camera systems. Methods exist for manually calibrating cameras with high accuracy. Manually calibrating networks with many cameras is, however, time consuming, expensive and impractical for networks that undergo frequent change. For this reason, automatic calibration techniques have been vigorously researched in recent years. Fully automatic calibration methods depend on the ability to automatically find point correspondences between overlapping views. In typical camera networks, cameras are placed far apart to maximise coverage. This is referred to as a wide base-line scenario. Finding sufficient correspondences for camera calibration in wide base-line scenarios presents a significant challenge. This thesis focuses on developing more effective and efficient techniques for finding correspondences in uncalibrated, wide baseline, multiple-camera scenarios. The project consists of two major areas of work. The first is the development of more effective and efficient view covariant local feature extractors. The second area involves finding methods to extract scene information using the information contained in a limited set of matched affine features. Several novel affine adaptation techniques for salient features have been developed. A method is presented for efficiently computing the discrete scale space primal sketch of local image features. A scale selection method was implemented that makes use of the primal sketch. The primal sketch-based scale selection method has several advantages over the existing methods. It allows greater freedom in how the scale space is sampled, enables more accurate scale selection, is more effective at combining different functions for spatial position and scale selection, and leads to greater computational efficiency. Existing affine adaptation methods make use of the second moment matrix to estimate the local affine shape of local image features. In this thesis, it is shown that the Hessian matrix can be used in a similar way to estimate local feature shape. The Hessian matrix is effective for estimating the shape of blob-like structures, but is less effective for corner structures. It is simpler to compute than the second moment matrix, leading to a significant reduction in computational cost. A wide baseline dense correspondence extraction system, called WiDense, is presented in this thesis. It allows the extraction of large numbers of additional accurate correspondences, given only a few initial putative correspondences. It consists of the following algorithms: An affine region alignment algorithm that ensures accurate alignment between matched features; A method for extracting more matches in the vicinity of a matched pair of affine features, using the alignment information contained in the match; An algorithm for extracting large numbers of highly accurate point correspondences from an aligned pair of feature regions. Experiments show that the correspondences generated by the WiDense system improves the success rate of computing the epipolar geometry of very widely separated views. This new method is successful in many cases where the features produced by the best wide baseline matching algorithms are insufficient for computing the scene geometry.


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Stereo vision is a method of depth perception, in which depth information is inferred from two (or more) images of a scene, taken from different perspectives. Applications of stereo vision include aerial photogrammetry, autonomous vehicle guidance, robotics, industrial automation and stereomicroscopy. A key issue in stereo vision is that of image matching, or identifying corresponding points in a stereo pair. The difference in the positions of corresponding points in image coordinates is termed the parallax or disparity. When the orientation of the two cameras is known, corresponding points may be projected back to find the location of the original object point in world coordinates. Matching techniques are typically categorised according to the nature of the matching primitives they use and the matching strategy they employ. This report provides a detailed taxonomy of image matching techniques, including area based, transform based, feature based, phase based, hybrid, relaxation based, dynamic programming and object space methods. A number of area based matching metrics as well as the rank and census transforms were implemented, in order to investigate their suitability for a real-time stereo sensor for mining automation applications. The requirements of this sensor were speed, robustness, and the ability to produce a dense depth map. The Sum of Absolute Differences matching metric was the least computationally expensive; however, this metric was the most sensitive to radiometric distortion. Metrics such as the Zero Mean Sum of Absolute Differences and Normalised Cross Correlation were the most robust to this type of distortion but introduced additional computational complexity. The rank and census transforms were found to be robust to radiometric distortion, in addition to having low computational complexity. They are therefore prime candidates for a matching algorithm for a stereo sensor for real-time mining applications. A number of issues came to light during this investigation which may merit further work. These include devising a means to evaluate and compare disparity results of different matching algorithms, and finding a method of assigning a level of confidence to a match. Another issue of interest is the possibility of statistically combining the results of different matching algorithms, in order to improve robustness.


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The mining environment presents a challenging prospect for stereo vision. Our objective is to produce a stereo vision sensor suited to close-range scenes consisting mostly of rocks. This sensor should produce a dense depth map within real-time constraints. Speed and robustness are of foremost importance for this application. This paper compares a number of stereo matching algorithms in terms of robustness and suitability to fast implementation. These include traditional area-based algorithms, and algorithms based on non-parametric transforms, notably the rank and census transforms. Our experimental results show that the rank and census transforms are robust with respect to radiometric distortion and introduce less computational complexity than conventional area-based matching techniques.


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A fundamental problem faced by stereo matching algorithms is the matching or correspondence problem. A wide range of algorithms have been proposed for the correspondence problem. For all matching algorithms, it would be useful to be able to compute a measure of the probability of correctness, or reliability of a match. This paper focuses in particular on one class for matching algorithms, which are based on the rank transform. The interest in these algorithms for stereo matching stems from their invariance to radiometric distortion, and their amenability to fast hardware implementation. This work differs from previous work in that it derives, from first principles, an expression for the probability of a correct match. This method was based on an enumeration of all possible symbols for matching. The theoretical results for disparity error prediction, obtained using this method, were found to agree well with experimental results. However, disadvantages of the technique developed in this chapter are that it is not easily applicable to real images, and also that it is too computationally expensive for practical window sizes. Nevertheless, the exercise provides an interesting and novel analysis of match reliability.


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Map-matching algorithms that utilise road segment connectivity along with other data (i.e.position, speed and heading) in the process of map-matching are normally suitable for high frequency (1 Hz or higher) positioning data from GPS. While applying such map-matching algorithms to low frequency data (such as data from a fleet of private cars, buses or light duty vehicles or smartphones), the performance of these algorithms reduces to in the region of 70% in terms of correct link identification, especially in urban and sub-urban road networks. This level of performance may be insufficient for some real-time Intelligent Transport System (ITS) applications and services such as estimating link travel time and speed from low frequency GPS data. Therefore, this paper develops a new weight-based shortest path and vehicle trajectory aided map-matching (stMM) algorithm that enhances the map-matching of low frequency positioning data on a road map. The well-known A* search algorithm is employed to derive the shortest path between two points while taking into account both link connectivity and turn restrictions at junctions. In the developed stMM algorithm, two additional weights related to the shortest path and vehicle trajectory are considered: one shortest path-based weight is related to the distance along the shortest path and the distance along the vehicle trajectory, while the other is associated with the heading difference of the vehicle trajectory. The developed stMM algorithm is tested using a series of real-world datasets of varying frequencies (i.e. 1 s, 5 s, 30 s, 60 s sampling intervals). A high-accuracy integrated navigation system (a high-grade inertial navigation system and a carrier-phase GPS receiver) is used to measure the accuracy of the developed algorithm. The results suggest that the algorithm identifies 98.9% of the links correctly for every 30 s GPS data. Omitting the information from the shortest path and vehicle trajectory, the accuracy of the algorithm reduces to about 73% in terms of correct link identification. The algorithm can process on average 50 positioning fixes per second making it suitable for real-time ITS applications and services.


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In this paper, a new high precision focused word sense disambiguation (WSD) approach is proposed, which not only attempts to identify the proper sense for a word but also provides the probabilistic evaluation for the identification confidence at the same time. A novel Instance Knowledge Network (IKN) is built to generate and maintain semantic knowledge at the word, type synonym set and instance levels. Related algorithms based on graph matching are developed to train IKN with probabilistic knowledge and to use IKN for probabilistic word sense disambiguation. Based on the Senseval-3 all-words task, we run extensive experiments to show the performance enhancements in different precision ranges and the rationality of probabilistic based automatic confidence evaluation of disambiguation. We combine our WSD algorithm with five best WSD algorithms in senseval-3 all words tasks. The results show that the combined algorithms all outperform the corresponding algorithms.


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Parallel execution of computational mechanics codes requires efficient mesh-partitioning techniques. These mesh-partitioning techniques divide the mesh into specified number of submeshes of approximately the same size and at the same time, minimise the interface nodes of the submeshes. This paper describes a new mesh partitioning technique, employing Genetic Algorithms. The proposed algorithm operates on the deduced graph (dual or nodal graph) of the given finite element mesh rather than directly on the mesh itself. The algorithm works by first constructing a coarse graph approximation using an automatic graph coarsening method. The coarse graph is partitioned and the results are interpolated onto the original graph to initialise an optimisation of the graph partition problem. In practice, hierarchy of (usually more than two) graphs are used to obtain the final graph partition. The proposed partitioning algorithm is applied to graphs derived from unstructured finite element meshes describing practical engineering problems and also several example graphs related to finite element meshes given in the literature. The test results indicate that the proposed GA based graph partitioning algorithm generates high quality partitions and are superior to spectral and multilevel graph partitioning algorithms.


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IEEE Comp Soc, IFIP, Tianjin Normal Univ