1000 resultados para granular flow


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The dynamical properties ofshaken granular materials are important in many industrial applications where the shaking is used to mix, segregate and transport them. In this work asystematic, large scale simulation study has been performed to investigate the rheology of dense granular media, in the presence of gas, in a three dimensional vertical cylinder filled with glass balls. The base wall of the cylinder is subjected to sinusoidal oscillation in the vertical direction. The viscoelastic behavior of glass balls during a collision, have been studied experimentally using a modified Newton's Cradle device. By analyzing the results of the measurements, using numerical model based on finite element method, the viscous damping coefficient was determinedfor the glass balls. To obtain detailed information about the interparticle interactions in a shaker, a simplified model for collision between particles of a granular material was proposed. In order to simulate the flow of surrounding gas, a formulation of the equations for fluid flow in a porous medium including particle forces was proposed. These equations are solved with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique using a subgrid-model originally proposed for compressible turbulent flows. For a pentagonal prism-shaped container under vertical vibrations, the results show that oscillon type structures were formed. Oscillons are highly localized particle-like excitations of the granular layer. This self-sustaining state was named by analogy with its closest large-scale analogy, the soliton, which was first documented by J.S. Russell in 1834. The results which has been reportedbyBordbar and Zamankhan(2005b)also show that slightly revised fluctuation-dissipation theorem might apply to shaken sand, which appears to be asystem far from equilibrium and could exhibit strong spatial and temporal variations in quantities such as density and local particle velocity. In this light, hydrodynamic type continuum equations were presented for describing the deformation and flow of dense gas-particle mixtures. The constitutive equation used for the stress tensor provides an effective viscosity with a liquid-like character at low shear rates and a gaseous-like behavior at high shear rates. The numerical solutions were obtained for the aforementioned hydrodynamic equations for predicting the flow dynamics ofdense mixture of gas and particles in vertical cylindrical containers. For a heptagonal prism shaped container under vertical vibrations, the model results were found to predict bubbling behavior analogous to those observed experimentally. This bubbling behavior may be explained by the unusual gas pressure distribution found in the bed. In addition, oscillon type structures were found to be formed using a vertically vibrated, pentagonal prism shaped container in agreement with computer simulation results. These observations suggest that the pressure distribution plays a key rolein deformation and flow of dense mixtures of gas and particles under vertical vibrations. The present models provide greater insight toward the explanation of poorly understood hydrodynamic phenomena in the field of granular flows and dense gas-particle mixtures. The models can be generalized to investigate the granular material-container wall interactions which would be an issue of high interests in the industrial applications. By following this approach ideal processing conditions and powder transport can be created in industrial systems.


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This work concerns the experimental study of rapid granular shear flows in annular Couette geometry. The flow is induced by continuous driving of the horizontal plate at the top of the granular bed in an annulus. The compressive pressure, driving torque, instantaneous bed height and rotational speed of the shearing plate are measured. Moreover, local stress fluctuations are measured in a medium made of steel spheres 2 and 3 mm in diameter. Both monodisperse packing and bidisperse packing are investigated to reveal the influence of size diversity in intermittent features of granular materials. Experiments are conducted in an annulus that can contain up to 15 kg of spherical steel balls. The shearing granular medium takes place via the rotation of the upper plate which compresses the material loaded inside the annulus. Fluctuations of compressive force are locally measured at the bottom of the annulus using a piezoelectric sensor. Rapid shear flow experiments are pursued at different compressive forces and shear rates and the sensitivity of fluctuations are then investigated by different means through monodisperse and bidisperse packings. Another important feature of rapid granular shear flows is the formation of ordered structures upon shearing. It requires a certain range for the amount of granular material (uniform size distribution) loaded in the system in order to obtain stable flows. This is studied more deeply in this thesis. The results of the current work bring some new insights into deformation dynamics and intermittency in rapid granular shear flows. The experimental apparatus is modified in comparison to earlier investigations. The measurements produce data for various quantities continuously sampled from the start of shearing to the end. Static failure and dynamic shearing ofa granular medium is investigated. The results of this work revealed some important features of failure dynamics and structure formation in the system. Furthermore, some computer simulations are performed in a 2D annulus to examine the nature of kinetic energy dissipation. It is found that turbulent flow models can statistically represent rapid granular flows with high accuracy. In addition to academic outcomes and scientific publications our results have a number of technological applications associated with grinding, mining and massive grain storages.


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El concepto de aspereza equivalente (ks) permite relacionar la resistencia al flujo de cauces de contorno granular con el tamaño de las partículas que lo conforman, mediante la ley logarítmica de distribución vertical de velocidad de la corriente. En este artículo se revisa el estado del conocimiento acerca de los criterios para la predicción de dicha relación con el objetivo de brindar una guía para la selección de los mismos. Pese a que el análisis de las experiencias compiladas desvela la dispersión de resultados, a efectos prácticos se recomienda para ríos de grava y de montaña: ks ï®ï 3â¢d90; ks ï®ï 3,4â¢d84 y ks ï®ï 7â¢d50. Dicha dispersión y el hecho de que ks sea varias veces superior al diámetro medio del sedimento puede atribuirse en diferente grado: a la heterogeneidad del sedimento en lechos naturales, a las formas de fondo, al transporte sólido de fondo,así como a las limitaciones del modelo logarítmico de distribución de velocidad bajo ciertas condiciones de flujo. La predicción de ks en función de variables estadísticas del campo de elevaciones del lecho se ha revelado como una alternativa con una elevada capacidad explicativa, por lo que en la medida que avancen las técnicas microtopográficas se consolidará esta vía como el método del futuro.


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Tämän tyÃn tavoitteena oli tutkia rakeisen materiaalin kinematiikkaa ja rakentaa koelaitteisto rakeisen materiaalin leikkausjännitysvirtauksien tutkimiseen. Kokeellisessa osassa on keskitytty sisäisiin voimaheilahteluihin ja niiden ymmärtämiseen. Teoriaosassa on käyty läpi rakeisen materiaalin yleisiä ominaisuuksia ja lisäksi on esitetty kaksi eri tapaa mallintaa fysikaalisien ominaisuuksien heilahteluja rakeisessa materiaalissa. Nämä kaksi esitettyä mallinnusmenetelmää ovat skalaarinen q-malli ja simulointi. Skalaarinen q-malli määrittelee jokaiseen yksittäiseen rakeeseen kohdistuvan jännityksen, rakeen ollessa osa 2- tai 3-dimensionaalista asetelmaa. Tämän mallin perusidea on kuvata jännityksien epähomogeenisuutta, joka johtuu rakeiden satunnaisasettelusta. Simulointimallinnus perustuu event-driven algoritmiin, missä systeemin dynamiikkaa kuvataan yksittäisillä partikkelien tÃrmäyksillä. TÃrmäyksien vaiheet ratkaistiin käyttämällä liikemääräyhtälÃitä ja restituution määritelmää. Teoriaosuudessa käytiin vielä pieniltä osin läpi syitä jännitysheilahteluihin ja rakeisen materiaalin lukkiintumiseen. Tutkimuslaitteistolla tutkittiin rakeisen materiaalin käyttäytymistä rengasmaisessa leikkausjännitysvirtauksessa. Tutkimusosuuden päätavoitteena oli mitata partikkelien kosketuksista ja tÃrmäyksistä johtuvia hetkellisiä voimaheilahteluja rengastilavuuden pohjalta. Rakeisena materiaalina tutkimuksessa käytettiin teräskuulia. Jännityssignaali ajan funktiona osoittaa suurta heilahtelua, joka voi olla jopa kertalukua keskiarvosta suurempaa. Tällainen suuren amplitudin omaava heilahtelu on merkittävä haittapuoli yleisesti rakeisissa materiaaleissa käytettyjen jatkuvuusmallien kanssa. Tällainen heilahtelu tekee käytetyt jatkuvuusmallit epäpäteviksi. Yleisellä tasolla jännityksien todennäkÃisyysjakauma on yhtäpitävä skalaarisen q-mallin tuloksien kanssa. Molemmissa tapauksissa todennäkÃisyysjakaumalla on eksponentiaalinen muoto.


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Studies regarding the field of this work aim to substitute industrial mechanical conveyors with pneumatic conveyors to overcome the disadvantages in solids flow regulation and risks posed to production and health. The experimental part of this work examines how the granular material properties, fluidizing airflow rate, equipment geometry, and pressures along the pipes affect the mass flow rate through the system. The results are compared with those obtained from previous experiments conducted with alumina. Experiments were carried out with a pilot scale downer-riser system at Outotec Research Center Frankfurt. Granular materi-als used in this work are named as sand, ilmenite, iron ore 1 and iron ore 2.


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The objective of this study was to model mathematically and to simulate the dynamic behavior of an auger-type fertilizer applicator (AFA) in order to use the variable-rate application (VRA) and reduce the coefficient of variation (CV) of the application, proposing an angular speed controller θ' for the motor drive shaft. The input model was θ' and the response was the fertilizer mass flow, due to the construction, density of fertilizer, fill factor and the end position of the auger. The model was used to simulate a control system in open loop, with an electric drive for AFA using an armature voltage (V A) controller. By introducing a sinusoidal excitation signal in V A with amplitude and delay phase optimized and varying θ' during an operation cycle, it is obtained a reduction of 29.8% in the CV (constant V A) to 11.4%. The development of the mathematical model was a first step towards the introduction of electric drive systems and closed loop control for the implementation of AFA with low CV in VRA.


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The rotary valve is a widely used mechanical device in many solids-handling industrial processes. However, it may also be responsible for most of the attrition effects occurring in a typical process. In this study, the attrition effects occurring in a rotary valve operating as a stand-alone device and as part of a pneumatic conveying system were investigated. In the former case granular attrition was carried out at three different rotary valve speeds and the experimental results obtained were found to be in good agreement with the Gwyn correlation. In the latter case three typical air flow rates were used in the pneumatic conveying system. The size distribution of the attrition product obtained at the lowest air flow rate used was not adequately described by the Gwyn correlation. The attrition process and mechanisms involved were analysed and the minimum size of the attrition product obtained from both modes of operations was found to be similar.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o tratamento de água bruta proveniente de um reservatório de água, utilizando instalação piloto de dupla filtração (DF), composta por filtro ascendente de pedregulho (FAP) e filtro rápido descendente de areia (FRD), seguida de uma unidade de pós-tratamento com carvão ativado granular (CAG). Adicionalmente, foi verificado o efeito da pré e interoxidação (entre o FAP e o FRD) na eficiência global do tratamento e na formação de subprodutos orgânicos halogenados (SOH). Em função dos resultados obtidos, foi observado que a pré-oxidação melhorou a qualidade do efluente do FAP e a interoxidação favoreceu que resultassem valores menores de turbidez e cor no efluente do FRD. O processo de tratamento por adsorção em carvão ativado granular, utilizado como pós-tratamento, mostrou-se eficiente para assegurar a qualidade dos efluentes finais nos ensaios realizados, especialmente, em relação à remoção de matéria orgânica, cianobactérias e cor. As concentrações máximas de SOH encontrados nos efluentes do FRD e do FCAG não ultrapassaram os valores limites da Portaria nº 2.914/2011 do Ministério da Saúde.


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Particle flow patterns were investigated for wet granulation and dry powder mixing in ploughshare mixers using Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT). In a 4-1 mixer, calcium carbonate with mean size 45 mum was granulated using a 50 wt.% solution of glycerol and water as binding fluid, and particle movement was followed using a 600-mum calcium hydroxy-phosphate tracer particle. In a 20-1 mixer, dry powder flow was studied using a 600-mum resin bead tracer particle to simulate the bulk polypropylene powder with mean size 600 mum. Important differences were seen between particle flow patterns for wet and dry systems. Particle speed relative to blade speed was lower in the wet system than in the dry system, with the ratios of average particle speed to blade tip speed for all experiments in the range 0.01-015. In the axial plane, the same particle motion was observed around each blade; this provides a significant advance for modelling flow in ploughshare mixers. For the future, a detailed understanding of the local velocity, acceleration and density variations around a plough blade will reveal the effects of flow patterns in granulating systems on the resultant distribution of granular product attributes such as size, density and strength. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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In biaxial compression tests, the stress calculations based on boundary information underestimate the principal stresses leading to a significant overestimation of the shear strength. In direct shear tests, the shear strain becomes highly concentrated in the mid-plane of the sample during the test. Although the stress distribution within the specimen is heterogeneous, the evolution of the stress ratio inside the shear band is similar to that inferred from the boundary force calculations. It is also demonstrated that the dilatancy in the shear band significantly exceeds that implied from the boundary displacements. In simple shear tests, the stresses acting on the wall boundaries do not reflect the internal state of stress but merely provide information about the average mobilised wall friction. It is demonstrated that the results are sensitive to the initial stress state defined by K0 = sh/sv. For all cases, non-coaxiality of the principal stress and strain-rate directions is examined and the corresponding flow rule is identified. Periodic cell simulations have been used to examine biaxial compression for a wide range of initial packing densities. Both constant volume and constant mean stress tests have been simulated. The characteristic behaviour at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales is determined by whether or not the system percolates (enduring connectivity is established in all directions). The transition from non-percolating to percolating systems is characterised by transitional behaviour of internal variables and corresponds to an elastic percolation threshold, which correlates well with the establishment of a mechanical coordination number of ca. 3.0. Strong correlations are found between macroscopic and internal variables at the critical state.


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The development of more realistic constitutive models for granular media, such as sand, requires ingredients which take into account the internal micro-mechanical response to deformation. Unfortunately, at present, very little is known about these mechanisms and therefore it is instructive to find out more about the internal nature of granular samples by conducting suitable tests. In contrast to physical testing the method of investigation used in this study employs the Distinct Element Method. This is a computer based, iterative, time-dependent technique that allows the deformation of granular assemblies to be numerically simulated. By making assumptions regarding contact stiffnesses each individual contact force can be measured and by resolution particle centroid forces can be calculated. Then by dividing particle forces by their respective mass, particle centroid velocities and displacements are obtained by numerical integration. The Distinct Element Method is incorporated into a computer program 'Ball'. This program is effectively a numerical apparatus which forms a logical housing for this method and allows data input and output, and also provides testing control. By using this numerical apparatus tests have been carried out on disc assemblies and many new interesting observations regarding the micromechanical behaviour are revealed. In order to relate the observed microscopic mechanisms of deformation to the flow of the granular system two separate approaches have been used. Firstly a constitutive model has been developed which describes the yield function, flow rule and translation rule for regular assemblies of spheres and discs when subjected to coaxial deformation. Secondly statistical analyses have been carried out using data which was extracted from the simulation tests. These analyses define and quantify granular structure and then show how the force and velocity distributions use the structure to produce the corresponding stress and strain-rate tensors.


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Behavior of granular material subjected to repeated load triaxial compression tests is characterized by a model based on rate process theory. Starting with the Arrhenius equation from chemical kinetics, the relationship of temperature, shear stress, normal stress and volume change to deformation rate is developed. The proposed model equation includes these factors as a product of exponential terms. An empirical relationship between deformation and the cube root of the number of stress applications at constant temperature and normal stress is combined with the rate equation to yield an integrated relationship of temperature, deviator stress, confining pressure and number of deviator stress applications to axial strain. The experimental program consists of 64 repeated load triaxial compression tests, 52 on untreated crushed stone and 12 on the same crushed stone material treated with 4% asphalt cement. Results were analyzed with multiple linear regression techniques and show substantial agreement with the model equations. Experimental results fit the rate equation somewhat better than the integrated equation when all variable quantities are considered. The coefficient of shear temperature gives the activation enthalpy, which is about 4.7 kilocalories/mole for untreated material and 39.4 kilocalories/mole for asphalt-treated material. This indicates the activation enthalpy is about that of the pore fluid. The proportionality coefficient of deviator stress may be used to measure flow unit volume. The volumes thus determined for untreated and asphalt-treated material are not substantially different. This may be coincidental since comparison with flow unit volumes reported by others indicates flow unit volume is related to gradation of untreated material. The flow unit volume of asphalt-treated material may relate to asphalt cement content. The proposed model equations provide a more rational basis for further studies of factors affecting deformation of granular materials under stress similar to that in pavement subjected to transient traffic loads.


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Intelligent systems are currently inherent to the society, supporting a synergistic human-machine collaboration. Beyond economical and climate factors, energy consumption is strongly affected by the performance of computing systems. The quality of software functioning may invalidate any improvement attempt. In addition, data-driven machine learning algorithms are the basis for human-centered applications, being their interpretability one of the most important features of computational systems. Software maintenance is a critical discipline to support automatic and life-long system operation. As most software registers its inner events by means of logs, log analysis is an approach to keep system operation. Logs are characterized as Big data assembled in large-flow streams, being unstructured, heterogeneous, imprecise, and uncertain. This thesis addresses fuzzy and neuro-granular methods to provide maintenance solutions applied to anomaly detection (AD) and log parsing (LP), dealing with data uncertainty, identifying ideal time periods for detailed software analyses. LP provides deeper semantics interpretation of the anomalous occurrences. The solutions evolve over time and are general-purpose, being highly applicable, scalable, and maintainable. Granular classification models, namely, Fuzzy set-Based evolving Model (FBeM), evolving Granular Neural Network (eGNN), and evolving Gaussian Fuzzy Classifier (eGFC), are compared considering the AD problem. The evolving Log Parsing (eLP) method is proposed to approach the automatic parsing applied to system logs. All the methods perform recursive mechanisms to create, update, merge, and delete information granules according with the data behavior. For the first time in the evolving intelligent systems literature, the proposed method, eLP, is able to process streams of words and sentences. Essentially, regarding to AD accuracy, FBeM achieved (85.64+-3.69)%; eGNN reached (96.17+-0.78)%; eGFC obtained (92.48+-1.21)%; and eLP reached (96.05+-1.04)%. Besides being competitive, eLP particularly generates a log grammar, and presents a higher level of model interpretability.


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This thesis addresses various aspects related to silos, from the strength of some structural parts to internal actions due to grain. Two hopper silo models were mainly studied, so the thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses only on the silo cylinder and deals with the collapse of a silo due to failure of the vertical walls. We had the opportunity to access data from a real silo and perform tensile tests on corrugated sheets. The theoretical and experimental resistance of the corrugated sheet forming the silo cylinder was studied. The resistance was then compared with the internal actions due to grain prescribed by various standards. The second part, however, focused on the hopper of a silo in which a load test (loading and unloading of the silo) was performed. Through the test data, an attempt was made to reproduce the pressures normal to the hopper through analytical reasoning. The experimental pressures were then compared with the theoretical pressures predicted by the standards. In addition, with mathematical reasoning, an attempt was made to reproduce the horizontal pressure on the vertical walls of the silo from the experimental normal pressure in the hopper. In fact, the test was related only to the hopper part and not to the silo cylinder.


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Rapidity-odd directed flow (v1) measurements for charged pions, protons, and antiprotons near midrapidity (y=0) are reported in sNN=7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, 62.4, and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions as recorded by the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. At intermediate impact parameters, the proton and net-proton slope parameter dv1/dy|y=0 shows a minimum between 11.5 and 19.6 GeV. In addition, the net-proton dv1/dy|y=0 changes sign twice between 7.7 and 39 GeV. The proton and net-proton results qualitatively resemble predictions of a hydrodynamic model with a first-order phase transition from hadronic matter to deconfined matter, and differ from hadronic transport calculations.