676 resultados para grafted twigs


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An efficient numerical self-consistent field theory (SCFT) algorithm is developed for treating structured polymers on spherical surfaces. The method solves the diffusion equations of SCFT with a pseudospectral approach that combines a spherical-harmonics expansion for the angular coordinates with a modified real-space Crank–Nicolson method for the radial direction. The self-consistent field equations are solved with Anderson-mixing iterations using dynamical parameters and an alignment procedure to prevent angular drift of the solution. A demonstration of the algorithm is provided for thin films of diblock copolymer grafted to the surface of a spherical core, in which the sequence of equilibrium morphologies is predicted as a function of diblock composition. The study reveals an array of interesting behaviors as the block copolymer pattern is forced to adapt to the finite surface area of the sphere.


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The phase behavior of grafted d-polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymer films is examined, with particular focus on the effect of solvent and annealing time. It was observed that the films undergo a two-step transformation from an initially disordered state, through an ordered metastable state, to the final equilibrium configuration. It was also found that altering the solvent used to wash the films, or complete removal of the solvent prior to thermal annealing using supercritical CO2, could influence the structure of the films in the metastable state, though the final equilibrium state was unaffected. To aid in the understanding to these experimental results, a series of self-consistent field theory calculations were done on a model diblock copolymer brush containing solvent. Of the different models examined, those which contained a solvent selective for the grafted polymer block most accurately matched the observed experimental behavior. We hypothesize that the structure of the films in the metastable state results from solvent enrichment of the film near the film/substrate interface in the case of films washed with solvent or faster relaxation of the nongrafted block for supercritical CO2 treated (solvent free) films. The persistence of the metastable structures was attributed to the slow reorganization of the polymer chains in the absence of solvent.


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Grafting is a technique that may affect plant tolerance to iron chlorosis in plants cultivated for their fruit. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the tolerance of non-grafted quince seedlings and pear grafted onto quince plants cultivated in pots with alkaline soil. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the University of Cordoba, Spain, in pots (3 L) filled with alkaline soil, with one plant per pot. The treatments consisted of two genotypes, quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill) semi-woody rooted cuttings, cultivar BA29, and pear (Pyrus Communis L.), cultivar Ercolini, grafted onto quince cultivar BA29 (rootstock), and two nutrient solutions with and without iron (80 mu M Fe-EDDHA) arranged in a completely random design with eight repetitions. Each pot received 250 mL of the nutrient solution on June 3rd, 2010. Chlorophyll indirect measurements and the main stem length were evaluated for six weeks after the commencement of the treatments. During the last week, the main stem dry matter weight and the leaf total iron content were determined. It was found that grafting pear seedlings onto quince rootstock resulted in a higher tolerance to iron deficiency than when quince was not grafted. Non-grafted quince plants without iron in the nutrient solution, compared to the results with its application, showed low SPAD (Soil-Plant Analyses Development) values and resulted in plants with a lower leaf iron content and lower dry matter production; however, decreased seedling stem growth was observed only in the last week of cultivation.


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Grafting is an alternative technique often recommended for cucumber culture in protected environments. This study aimed to study yield of cucumber grafted on different rootstocks compared to non-grafted plants in non-infected soil. Five treatments (Japanese cucumber hybrid 'Tsuyataro' without grafting, grafted on squash hybrids 'Shelper', 'Excitte Ikki', 'Daiguy' and 'Keiji') were evaluated in a completely randomized blocks design, with four repetitions and six plants per plot. Lesser fruit yield was obtained in cucumber grafted on 'Keiji', while cucumber grafted on other rootstocks did not differ from non-grafted plants. So, in the absence of soil borne diseases, grafting did not increase cucumber fruit yield, and, depending on rootstock, grafting can decrease production compared with non grafted plants.


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No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a influência de doze porta-enxertos sobre a qualidade dos frutos da lima-ácida 'Tahiti' (Citrus latifolia Tanaka), clone 'IAC-5', amostrados em duas posições nas plantas, em experimento conduzido na Estação de Citricultura de Bebedouro, em um pomar de três anos. O espaçamento utilizado foi de 8.0 x 5.0m. Os porta-enxertos utilizados foram: citrangeiro 'Carrizo' (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.); os híbridos 'Cravo' x 'Swingle' (C. limonia Osbeck x P. trifoliata (L.) Raf. x C. paradisi Macf.) e 'Changsha' x 'English Small' (C. sunki Hort. ex Tan. x P. trifoliata Raf.); as tangerineiras 'Sun Chu Sha Kat' (C. reticulata Blanco) e 'Sunki' (C. sunki Hort. ex Tanaka); os limoeiros 'Cravo Limeira' e 'Cravo FCAV' (C. limonia Osbeck); o citrumeleiro 'Swingle' (P. trifoliata Raf. x C. paradisi Macf.), o tangeleiro 'Orlando' (C. reticulata Blanco x C. paradisi Macf.) e os trifoliateiros 'Rubidoux', 'FCAV' e 'Flying Dragon' (Poncirus trifoliata Raf.). Foi utilizado um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com doze tratamentos e seis repetições. Os distintos porta-enxertos induziram diferenças na qualidade dos frutos, entretanto todas as características de qualidade foram consideradas aceitáveis para a variedade, sendo bons substitutos para o limão 'Cravo'.


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Dichloromethane extracts from twigs of Virola surinamensis (Myristicaceae) showed in vitro trypanosomicidal activity against trypomastigote form of Trypanosoma cruzi. The extract, fractionated by preparative circular chromatography and preparative high-performance liquid chromatography yielded two steroids, two lignans, five flavonoids, and one polyketide. Among the isolated compounds, the lignans presented the highest trypanosomicidal activity.


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Melanose, caused by Diaporthe citri, produces reddish brown lesions on the fruit, leaves, and twigs of citrus trees, and greatly reduces the marketability of fresh fruit. Most of the inoculum is produced in pycnidia on dead twigs in the tree canopy, which exude large numbers of conidia in slimy masses. In this study, detached twigs inoculated with conidia were readily colonized and produced large numbers of pycnidia within 30 to 40 days when they were soaked 3 to 4 h on alternate days. Conidial production was measured by wetting twigs in a rain tower periodically and collecting the conidia in the runoff water. Production began after 80 days and continued for nearly 300 days. In other experiments, production of mature pycnidia on detached twigs was greatest at 94 to 100% relative humidity (RH) and at 28 degrees C. Low RH and temperature, however, favored survival of conidia in exuded masses on twigs. In the field, colonization of detached twigs by D. citri was high in rainy season, moderate in spring and early fall, and minimal in late fall and winter. Twig colonization was positively related to the number of rain days and average temperature, but not to total rainfall. In another experiment, inoculated twigs placed in the tree canopy developed pycnidia and then produced conidial masses for about 200 days. D. citri is a serious pathogen, but a weak parasite, that survives primarily by colonization and reproduction on dead twigs.


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Silica gel with a surface area of 500 m2g-1 and an average pore diameter of 60 angstrom was chemically modified with Ti(IV) oxide using the grafting method. The amount of metal oxide attached to the surface was 1.8.10(-3) mol g-1. The X-ray photoelectron spectra showed that the metal ion species on the surface are Ti(IV) in TiO2 and MTiO3 (M = Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+ and Pb2+), i.e. they have the binding energy of Ti2p3/2 = 458.7 eV. The dehydration of the solid at higher temperature increased the O(II)/Ti (O(II) = oxygen bound to titanium atom) ratio, presumably due to a reticulation of the hydrous Ti(IV) oxide on the silica surface at higher temperatures. Migration of Ti(IV) into the silica gel matrix was observed but the specific surface area was not significantly changed.


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Aim: To evaluate the integration of implants installed using a surgical guide in augmented sites with autologous bone or deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) blocks, concomitantly with a collagen membrane.Material and methods: Mandibular molars were extracted bilaterally in six Labrador dogs, the buccal bony wall was removed, and a box-shaped defect was created. After 3 months, flaps were elevated, a bony graft was harvested from the ascending ramus, and secured to the lateral wall of the defect by means of screws. In the left mandibular side, a DBBM block was fixed into the defect. A resorbable membrane was applied at both sides, and the flaps were sutured. After 3 months, flaps were elevated, and a customized device was used as surgical guide to prepare the recipient sites in the interface between grafts and parent bone. One implant was installed in each side of the mandible. After 3 months, biopsies were harvested, and ground sections were prepared for histologic evaluation.Results: One autologous bone block graft was lost before implant installation. The width of the alveolar crest at the test sites (DBBM) was 5.4 +/- 1.2 mm before, 9.4 +/- 1.2 mm immediately after grafting, and 9.3 +/- 1 mm at implant installation. At the control sites (autologous bone), the corresponding values were: 5.2 +/- 1, 9 +/- 1.2, and 8.7 +/- 0.9 mm, respectively. All implants installed were available for histologic evaluation (n = 5). The autologous bone grafts, rich in vessels and cells, were integrated in the parent bone, and only little non-vital bone was found. The BIC% was 56.7 +/- 15.6% and 54.2 +/- 13.2% at the buccal and lingual aspects, respectively. At the test sites, the DBBM appeared to be embedded into connective tissue, and very little newly formed bone was encountered within the grafts. The BIC% was 5.8 +/- 12.3% and 51.3 +/- 14.2% at the buccal and lingual aspects, respectively.Conclusions: Autologous bone blocks used to augment the alveolar bony crest horizontally allowed the complete osseointegration of implants installed after 3 months of healing. However, similar blocks of DBBM did not promote osseointegration, although the installed implants were stable owing to the osseointegration in the sites of the parent bone.


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This study's objective is to evaluate the photosynthates partitioning and source-sink relationships, in vegetative and reproductive twigs of sweet passion fruit, using the carbon-13, stable isotope of carbon. The leaves of vegetative and reproductive twigs were placed in a sealed chamber and 13CO 2 were injected for 30 minutes. After six hours, the different organs of the twig were collected and immersed in liquid nitrogen (-196°C). All plant samples were oven-dried, powdered and combusted in an elemental analyzer. The results showed that the methodology was efficient to evaluate the partitioning of photosynthates. In the vegetative twigs, the new open leaves, the closed leaves and growth meristem were the principal sink for the source leaves enriched with 13CO 2. In the reproductive twigs with only flowers buds, the source-sink relationship was changed and the flowers buds turn to be the principal sink and the growing leaves were secondary sinks. The presence of young fruits changed again the source-sink relationship of the twig, and they were the principal sinks. The apical leaves, with 60% of final leaf area were also a sink for photosynthates.


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Most of the interspecific rootstocks (Lycopersicum esculentum × L. hirsutum) used in grafted Spanish tomato crops are resistant to Meloidogyne nematodes, but the 'Mi' resistance gene does not work well at high soil temperatures. Ralstonia solanacearum is a bacterial disease usual in tropical areas, but recently identified with low incidence in several European countries. This disease could be controlled by grafting tomato on Solanum torvum, which is also resistant to Meloidogyne. However, S. torvum and tomato have low grafting affinity, which could be improved using an intermediate rootstock. Some cultivars of eggplant have a relatively good affinity with tomato and complete affinity with S. torvum. In this study we compared two tomato cultivars (one resistant to Verticillium dalihae, Fusarium oxysporum v. lycopersici race 2 and Meloidogyne spp., and one non-resistant) grafted onto 'Beaufort' (Lycopersicum esculentum × L. hirsutum), 'Torvum Vigor' (Solanum torvum) and also with an intermediate grafting of eggplant ('Cristal') between tomato and S. torvum, with nongrafted plants as controls. This arrangement was carried out in two cropping cycles (winter-spring and summer-autumn). In both cycles, plants grafted onto S. torvum, both single or double grafted, yielded less than those grafted onto 'Beaufort' or nongrafted plants. In the spring cycle, no differences were found between single and double-grafted plants using S. torvum rootstocks, but in the autumn cycle double grafted plants had higher yields than the single grafted plants. The severity of nematode infections, in terms of reducing yields, and/or hypothetical infections of Ralstonia, will determine the utility of this technique in tomato production.


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Two tomato scions (cvs. 'Raf' and 'Gorety') were grafted on three different rootstocks: S. torvum, 'Beaufort' (Lycopersicum esculentum × Lycopersicum hirsutum) and intermediate grafting of eggplant 'Cristal' between tomato and S. torvum (double graft). Plants were grown in Mediterranean greenhouse conditions. The response to grafting was measured through growth parameters, Fv/Fm and leaf macronutrients analysis, and it was compared with non-grafted plants. The scions grafted on S. torvum in simple and double graft showed lower fresh and dry weight of leaves, number of commercial fruits, plant height, Fv/Fm and decreased their capacity to absorb several nutrients resulting in a lower mineral concentration in scions leaves, as a result of a thickened graft union. On the other hand, both scions showed a good response when grafted on the rootstock 'Beaufort', with which growth parameters, yield and photosynthetic capacity were similar to non-grafted plants. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Objectives: This study aimed to comparatively evaluate the in vitro osteogenic potential of cells obtained from the mandibular ramus (MR, autogenous bone donor site) and from the maxillary sinus (MS) bone grafted with a mixture of anorganic bovine bone (ABB) and MR prior to titanium implant placement (MS, grafted implant site). Material and methods: Cells were obtained from three patients subjected to MS floor augmentation with a 1: 1 mixture of ABB (GenOx Inorg®) and MR. At the time of the sinus lift procedure and after 8 months, prior to implant placement, bone fragments were taken from MR and MS, respectively, and subjected to trypsin-collagenase digestion for primary cell culturing. Subcultured cells were grown under osteogenic condition for up to 21 days and assayed for proliferation/viability, osteoblast marker mRNA levels, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and calcium content/Alizarin red staining. ALP activity was also determined in primary explant cultures exposed to GenOx Inorg® (1: 1 with MR) for 7 days. Data were compared using either the Mann-Whitney U-test or the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: MS cultures exhibited a significantly lower osteogenic potential compared with MR cultures, with a progressive increase in cell proliferation together with a decrease in osteoblast markers, reduced ALP activity and calcium content. Exposure of MR-derived primary cultures to GenOx Inorg® inhibited ALP activity. Conclusion: These results suggest that the use of GenOx Inorg® in combination with MR fragments for MS floor augmentation inhibits the osteoblast cell differentiation at the implant site in the long term. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical survival rate of osseointegrated implants placed in the atrophic maxilla that has been reconstructed by means of autogenous bone grafts harvested from a cranial calvarial site. Further, we sought to analyse the level of pen-implant bone after prosthetic rehabilitation and to determine subjective patient satisfaction with the treatment performed. This study conformed to the STROBE guidelines regarding retrospective studies. Twenty-five patients who had received osseointegrated implants with late loading in the reconstructed atrophic maxilla were included in the study. The survival rate and level of pen-implant bone loss were evaluated. A questionnaire related to the surgical and prosthetic procedures was completed. The observed implant survival rate was 92.35%. The mean bone loss recorded was 1.76 mm in the maxilla and 1.54 mm in the mandible. The results of the questionnaire indicated a high level of patient satisfaction, little surgical discomfort, and that the patients would recommend the procedure and would undergo the treatment again. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the cranial calvarial site is an excellent donor area; calvarial grafts provided stability and maintenance of bone volume over the course of up to 11 years.