626 resultados para glutamatergic neurotransmission
The present study was performed to validate a spatial working memory task using pharmacological manipulations. The water escape T-maze, which combines the advantages of the Morris water maze and the T-maze while minimizes the disadvantages, was used. Scopolamine, a drug that affects cognitive function in spatial working memory tasks, significantly decreased the rat performance in the present delayed alternation task. Since glutamate neurotransmission plays an important role in the maintaining of working memory, we evaluated the effect of ionotropic and metabotropic glutamatergic receptors antagonists, administered alone or in combination, on rat behaviour. As the acquisition and performance of memory tasks has been linked to the expression of the immediately early gene cFos, a marker of neuronal activation, we also investigated the neurochemical correlates of the water escape T-maze after pharmacological treatment with glutamatergic antagonists, in various brain areas. Moreover, we focused our attention on the involvement of perirhinal cortex glutamatergic neurotransmission in the acquisition and/or consolidation of this particular task. The perirhinal cortex has strong and reciprocal connections with both specific cortical sensory areas and some memory-related structures, including the hippocampal formation and amygdala. For its peculiar position, perirhinal cortex has been recently regarded as a key region in working memory processes, in particular in providing temporary maintenance of information. The effect of perirhinal cortex lesions with ibotenic acid on the acquisition and consolidation of the water escape T-maze task was evaluated. In conclusion, our data suggest that the water escape T-maze could be considered a valid, simple and quite fast method to assess spatial working memory, sensible to pharmacological manipulations. Following execution of the task, we observed cFos expression in several brain regions. Furthermore, in accordance to literature, our results suggest that glutamatergic neurotransmission plays an important role in the acquisition and consolidation of working memory processes.
Clinical, postmortem and preclinical research strongly implicates dysregulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission in major depressive disorder (MDD). Recently, metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) have been proposed as attractive targets for the discovery of novel therapeutic approaches against depression. The aim of this study was to examine mGluR2/3 protein levels in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) from depressed subjects. In addition, to test whether antidepressants influence mGluR2/3 expression we also studied levels of mGluR2/3 in fluoxetine-treated monkeys. Postmortem human prefrontal samples containing Brodmann's area 10 (BA10) were obtained from 11 depressed and 11 psychiatrically healthy controls. Male rhesus monkeys were treated chronically with fluoxetine (dose escalated to 3mg/kg, p.o.; n=7) or placebo (n=6) for 39 weeks. The mGluR2/3 immunoreactivity was investigated using Western blot method. There was a robust (+67%) increase in the expression of the mGlu2/3 protein in the PFC of depressed subjects relative to healthy controls. The expression of mGlu2/3 was unchanged in the PFC of monkeys treated with fluoxetine. Our findings provide the first evidence that mGluR2/3 is elevated in the PFC in MDD. This observation is consistent with reports showing that mGluR2/3 antagonists exhibit antidepressant-like activity in animal models and demonstrates that these receptors are promising targets for the discovery of novel antidepressants.
The glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST are widely expressed in astrocytes in the brain where they fulfill important functions during glutamatergic neurotransmission. The present study examines their distribution in peripheral organs using in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunocytochemistry. GLAST was found to be more widely distributed than GLT-1. GLAST was expressed primarily in epithelial cells, cells of the macrophage-lineage, lymphocytes, fat cells, interstitial cells, and salivary gland acini. GLT-1 was primarily expressed in glandular tissue, including mammary gland, lacrimal gland, and ducts and acini in salivary glands, but also by perivenous hepatocytes and follicular dendritic cells in spleen and lymph nodes. The findings demonstrate that, although expressed by the same cells in the brain, these two glutamate transporters have different distribution patterns in peripheral tissues and that they fulfill glutamate transport functions apart from glutamatergic neurotransmission in these areas.
Stimulation of muscarinic m1 or m3 receptors can, by generating diacylglycerol and activating protein kinase C, accelerate the breakdown of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) to form soluble, nonamyloidogenic derivatives (APPs), as previously shown. This relationship has been demonstrated in human glioma and neuroblastoma cells, as well as in transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells and PC-12 cells. We now provide evidence that stimulation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), which also are coupled to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate hydrolysis, similarly accelerates processing of APP into nonamyloidogenic APPs. This process is demonstrated both in hippocampal neurons derived from fetal rats and in human embryonic kidney 293 cells transfected with cDNA expression constructs encoding the mGluR 1 alpha subtype. In hippocampal neurons, both an mGluR antagonist, L-(+)-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid, and an inhibitor of protein kinase C, GF 109203X, blocked the APPs release evoked by glutamate receptor stimulation. Ionotropic glutamate agonists, N-methyl-D-aspartate or S(-)-5-fluorowillardiine, failed to affect APPs release. These data show that selective mGluR agonists that initiate signal-transduction events can regulate APP processing in bona fide primary neurons and transfected cells. As glutamatergic neurons in the cortex and hippocampus are damaged in Alzheimer disease, amyloid production in these regions may be enhanced by deficits in glutamatergic neurotransmission.
Synaptic plasticity is modulated by Ca(2+)-induced alterations in the balance between phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. Recent evidence suggests that calcineurin, the Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent phosphatase (2B), modulates the activity of postsynaptic glutamate receptors. However, in rat cortex, calcineurin is enriched mainly in presynaptic, not postsynaptic, fractions. To determine if calcineurin modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission through a presynaptic mechanism, we used whole-cell patch clamp experiments to test effects of two specific calcineurin inhibitors, cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK506, on synaptic activity in fetal rat cortical neurons. The rate of spontaneous action-potential firing was markedly increased by either CsA or FK506 but was unaffected by rapamycin, a structural analog of FK506 which has no effect on calcineurin. In voltage-clamp experiments, CsA increased the rate but not the amplitude of glutamate receptor-mediated, excitatory postsynaptic currents, suggesting an increased rate of glutamate release. CsA had no effect on the amplitude of currents evoked by brief bath application of selective glutamate receptor agonists, providing further evidence for a pre- rather than postsynaptic site of action. In conclusion, these data indicate that calcineurin modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission in rat cortical neurons through a presynaptic mechanism.
Cannabinoids have been shown to modulate central autonomic regulation and baroreflex control of blood pressure. Both CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors have been described in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), which receives direct afferent projections of cardiovascular reflexes. in the present study we evaluated the effects of WIN 55212-2 (WIN), a cannabinoid agonist, on fast neurotransmission in the NTS. We recorded spontaneous post-synaptic currents using the whole-cell configuration in NTS cells in brainstem slices from young rats (25-30 days old). Application of 5 mu M WIN inhibited the frequency of both glutamatergic and GABAergic sPSCs, without affecting their amplitudes. Effects of WIN were not blocked by application of the CB1 antagonist AM251, the CB2 antagonist AM630 or the varmiloid receptor TRPV1 antagonist AMG9810, suggesting that the effect of WIN is via a non-CB1 non-CB2 receptor. Neither the CB1/CB2 agonist HU210 nor the CB1 agonist ACPA affected the frequency of sPSCs. We conclude WIN inhibits the neurotransmission in the NTS of young rats via a receptor distinct from CB1 or CB2. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Energy metabolism supports both inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission processes. This study investigated the specific contribution of astrocytic metabolism to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) synthesis and inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission that remained to be ilucidated in vivo. Therefore, we measured (13) C incorporation into brain metabolites by dynamic (13) C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 14.1 T in rats under α-chloralose anaesthesia during infusion of [1,6-(13) C]glucose. The enhanced sensitivity at 14.1 T allowed to quantify incorporation of (13) C into the three aliphatic carbons of GABA non-invasively. Metabolic fluxes were determined with a mathematical model of brain metabolism comprising glial, glutamatergic and GABAergic compartments. GABA synthesis rate was 0.11 ± 0.01 μmol/g/min. GABA-glutamine cycle was 0.053 ± 0.003 μmol/g/min and accounted for 22 ± 1% of total neurotransmitter cycling between neurons and glia. Cerebral glucose oxidation was 0.47 ± 0.02 μmol/g/min, of which 35 ± 1% and 7 ± 1% was diverted to the glutamatergic and GABAergic tricarboxylic acid cycles, respectively. The remaining fraction of glucose oxidation was in glia, where 12 ± 1% of the TCA cycle flux was dedicated to oxidation of GABA. 16 ± 2% of glutamine synthesis was provided to GABAergic neurons. We conclude that substantial metabolic activity occurs in GABAergic neurons and that glial metabolism supports both glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in the living rat brain. We performed (13) C NMR spectroscopy in vivo at high magnetic field (14.1 T) upon administration of [1,6-(13) C]glucose. This allowed to measure (13) C incorporation into the three aliphatic carbons of GABA in the rat brain, in addition to those of glutamate, glutamine and aspartate. These data were then modelled to determine fluxes of energy metabolism in GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons and glial cells.
Afferent nerves carrying signals from mechanoreceptors in the aortic arch and carotid sinus terminate predominantly in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). Signal transduction and neurotransmission in the NTS are critical for central cardiovascular reflex control, but little was known about either until the late 1970's. None of the numerous neuroactive chemicals found in the NTS had met strict criteria as a neurotransmitter in the baroreflex arc until data suggested that the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate (GLU) might be released from baroreceptor afferent terminals in the NTS. In anesthetized animals microinjection into the NTS of GLU, which can be demonstrated in terminals in the NTS, produces cardiovascular responses like those seen with activation of the baroreceptor reflex. Similar responses occur in awake animals if the chemoreceptor reflex is eliminated; otherwise, in conscious animals responses mimic those of chemoreceptor reflex activation. GLU is released in the NTS upon selective activation of the baroreceptor, and possibly the chemoreceptor, reflex. Responses to selective agonists as well as baroreflex responses are eliminated by GLU antagonists microinjected into the NTS. Non-NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartic acid) receptors seem to predominate at primary baroreceptor synapses in the NTS while NMDA receptors may be involved at later synapses. Although inhibition of soluble guanylate cyclase attenuates responses to ionotropic glutamate agonists in the NTS, nitric oxide does not seem to play a role in glutamate transmission in the NTS. GLU may also participate in transmission at cardiovascular neurons beyond the NTS. For example, a role has been suggested for GLU in the ventrolateral medulla and spinal cord. Work continues concerning GLU signal transduction and mechanisms that modulate that transduction both at the NTS and at other cardiovascular nuclei
Peripheral chemoreflex activation with potassium cyanide (KCN) in awake rats or in the working heart-brainstem preparation (WHBP) produces: (a) a sympathoexcitatory/pressor response; (b) bradycardia; and (c) an increase in the frequency of breathing. Our main aim was to evaluate neurotransmitters involved in mediating the sympathoexcitatory component of the chemoreflex within the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). In previous studies in conscious rats, the reflex bradycardia, but not the pressor response, was reduced by antagonism of either ionotropic glutamate or purinergic P2 receptors within the NTS. In the present study we evaluated a possible dual role of both P2 and NMDA receptors in the NTS for processing the sympathoexcitatory component (pressor response) of the chemoreflex in awake rats as well as in the WHBP. Simultaneous blockade of ionotropic glutamate receptors and P2 receptors by sequential microinjections of kynurenic acid (KYN, 2 nmol (50 nl)(-1)) and pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonate (PPADS, 0.25 nmol (50 nl)(-1)) into the commissural NTS in awake rats produced a significant reduction in both the pressor (+38 +/- 3 versus +8 +/- 3 mmHg) and bradycardic responses (-172 +/- 18 versus -16 +/- 13 beats min(-1); n = 13), but no significant changes in the tachypnoea measured using plethysmography (270 +/- 30 versus 240 +/- 21 cycles min(-1), n = 7) following chemoreflex activation in awake rats. Control microinjections of saline produced no significant changes in these reflex responses. In WHBP, microinjection of KYN (2 nmol (20 nl)(-1)) and PPADS (1.6 nmol (20 nl)(-1)) into the commissural NTS attenuated significantly both the increase in thoracic sympathetic activity (+52 +/- 2% versus +17 +/- 1%) and the bradycardic response (-151 +/- 17 versus -21 +/- 3 beats min(-1)) but produced no significant changes in the increase of the frequency of phrenic nerve discharge (+0.24 +/- 0.02+0.20 +/- 0.02 Hz). The data indicate that combined microinjections of PPADS and KYN into the commissural NTS in both awake rats and the WHBP are required to produce a significant reduction in the sympathoexcitatory response (pressor response) to peripheral chemoreflex activation. We conclude that glutamatergic and purinergic mechanisms are part of the complex neurotransmission system of the sympathoexcitatory component of the chemoreflex at the level of the commissural NTS.
Long-term synaptic plasticity has been recently described in brainstem areas associated to visceral afferent sensory integration. Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH), an animal model for studying obstructive sleep apnea in humans, depresses the afferent neurotransmission in nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) neurons, which affect respiratory and autonomic regulation. Here we identified the synaptic mechanisms of CIH-induced depression of the afferent neurotransmission in NTS neurons in juvenile rats. We verified that CIH reduced the amplitude of both NMDA and non-NMDA glutamatergic excitatory currents (eEPSCs) evoked by tractus solitarii stimulation (TS-eEPSC) of second-order neurons in the NTS. No changes were observed in release probability, evidenced by absence of any CIH-elicited effects on short-term depression and failures in EPSCs evoked in low calcium. CIH also produced no changes in TS-eEPSC quantal size, since the amplitudes of both low calcium-evoked EPSCs and asynchronous TS-eEPSCs (evoked in the presence of Sr2+) were unchanged. Using single TS afferent fiber stimulation in slices from control and CIH rats we clearly show that CIH reduced the quantal content of the TS-eEPSCs without affecting the quantal size or release probability, suggesting a reduction in the number of active synapses as the mechanism of CIH induced TS-eEPSC depression. In accordance with this concept, the input-output relationship of stimulus intensity and TS-eEPSC amplitude shows an early saturation in CIH animals. These findings open new perspectives for a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the synaptic plasticity in the brainstem sensory neurons under challenges such as those produced by CIH in experimental and pathological conditions.
Background: schizophrenia's endophenotipic profile is not only generally complex, but often varies from case to case. The perspective of trying to define specific anatomic correlates of the syndrome has led to disappointing results. In that context, neurophysiologic hypotheses (e. g. glutamatergic hypothesis) and connectivity hypotheses became prominent. Nevertheless, despite their commitment to the principle of denying 'localist' views and approaching the syndrome's endophenotype from a whole brain perspective, efforts to integrate both have not flourished at this moment in time. Objectives: This paper aims to introduce a new etiological model that integrates the glutamatergic and the WM (WM) hypotheses of schizophrenia's etiology. This model proposes to serve as a framework in order to relate to patterns of brain abnormalities from the onset of the syndrome to stages of advanced chronification. Highlights: Neurotransmitter abnormalities forego noticeable WM abnormalities. The former, chiefly represented by NMDAR hypo-function and associated molecular cascades, is related to the first signs of cell loss. This process is both directly and indirectly integrated to the underpinning of WM structural abnormalities; not only is the excess of glutamate toxic to the WM, but its disruption is associated to the expression of known genetic risk factors (e. g., NRG-1). A second level of the model develops the idea that abnormal neurotransmission within specific neural populations ('motifs') impair particular cognitive abilities, while subsequent WM structural abnormalities impair the integration of brain functions and multimodality. As a result of this two-stage dynamic, the affected individual progresses from experiencing specific cognitive and psychological deficits, to a condition of cognitive and existential fragmentation, linked to hardly reversible decreases in psychosocial functioning.
P2X receptors are expressed on ventrolateral medulla projecting paraventricular nucleus (PVN) neurons. Here, we investigate the role of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) in modulating sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) at the level of the PVN. We used an in situ arterially perfused rat preparation to determine the effect of P2 receptor activation and the putative interaction between purinergic and glutamatergic neurotransmitter systems within the PVN on lumbar SNA (LSNA). Unilateral microinjection of ATP into the PVN induced a dose-related increase in the LSNA (1 nmol: 38 ± 6 %, 2.5 nmol: 72 ± 7 %, 5 nmol: 96 ± 13 %). This increase was significantly attenuated by blockade of P2 receptors (pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-20,40-disulphonic acid, PPADS) and glutamate receptors (kynurenic acid, KYN) or a combination of both. The increase in LSNA elicited by L-glutamate microinjection into the PVN was not affected by a previous injection of PPADS. Selective blockade of non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione disodium salt, CNQX), but not N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDA) receptors (DL-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid, AP5), attenuated the ATP-induced sympathoexcitatory effects at the PVN level. Taken together, our data show that purinergic neurotransmission within the PVN is involved in the control of SNA via P2 receptor activation. Moreover, we show an interaction between P2 receptors and non-NMDA glutamate receptors in the PVN suggesting that these functional interactions might be important in the regulation of sympathetic outflow
The circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus organizes behavioral rhythms, such as the sleep–wake cycle, on a near 24-h time base and synchronizes them to environmental day and night. Light information is transmitted to the SCN by direct retinal projections via the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Both glutamate (Glu) and pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) are localized within the RHT. Whereas Glu is an established mediator of light entrainment, the role of PACAP is unknown. To understand the functional significance of this colocalization, we assessed the effects of nocturnal Glu and PACAP on phasing of the circadian rhythm of neuronal firing in slices of rat SCN. When coadministered, PACAP blocked the phase advance normally induced by Glu during late night. Surprisingly, blocking PACAP neurotransmission, with either PACAP6–38, a specific PACAP receptor antagonist, or anti-PACAP antibodies, augmented the Glu-induced phase advance. Blocking PACAP in vivo also potentiated the light-induced phase advance of the rhythm of hamster wheel-running activity. Conversely, PACAP enhanced the Glu-induced delay in the early night, whereas PACAP6–38 inhibited it. These results reveal that PACAP is a significant component of the Glu-mediated light-entrainment pathway. When Glu activates the system, PACAP receptor-mediated processes can provide gain control that generates graded phase shifts. The relative strengths of the Glu and PACAP signals together may encode the amplitude of adaptive circadian behavioral responses to the natural range of intensities of nocturnal light.
Overwhelming evidence supports the importance of the sympathetic nervous system in heart failure. In contrast, much less is known about the role of failing cholinergic neurotransmission in cardiac disease. By using a unique genetically modified mouse line with reduced expression of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and consequently decreased release of acetylcholine, we investigated the consequences of altered cholinergic tone for cardiac function. M-mode echocardiography, hemodynamic experiments, analysis of isolated perfused hearts, and measurements of cardiomyocyte contraction indicated that VAChT mutant mice have decreased left ventricle function associated with altered calcium handling. Gene expression was analyzed by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR and Western blotting, and the results indicated that VAChT mutant mice have profound cardiac remodeling and reactivation of the fetal gene program. This phenotype was attributable to reduced cholinergic tone, since administration of the cholinesterase inhibitor pyridostigmine for 2 weeks reversed the cardiac phenotype in mutant mice. Our findings provide direct evidence that decreased cholinergic neurotransmission and underlying autonomic imbalance cause plastic alterations that contribute to heart dysfunction.
Aiming at contributing with the search for neuroactive substances from natural sources, we report for the first time antinociceptive and anticonvulsant effects of some Lychnophora species. We verify the protective effects of polar extracts (600 mg/kg, intraperitoneally), and methanolic fractions of L. staavioides and L. rupestris (100 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) in pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures on mice. Previously, a screening was accomplished, evaluating the antinociceptive central activity (hot plate test), with different extracts of L. rupestris, L. staavioides and L. diamantinana. It was possible to select the possible extracts of Lychnophora with central nervous system activity. Some of the active extracts were submitted to fractionation and purification process and the methanolic fractions of L. rupestris (stem) and L. staavioides (stem), with anticonvulsant properties (100 mg/kg, intraperitoneally), yielded 4,5-di-O-[E]-caffeoylquinic acid. This substance was injected intraperitoneally in mice and showed anticonvulsant effect against pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg. It has often been shown that seizures induced by pentylenetetrazole are involved in inhibition and/or attenuation of GABAergic neurotransmission. However, other systems of the central nervous system such as adenosinergic and glutamatergic could be involved in the caffeoylquinic acid effects. Further studies should be conducted to verify that the target receptor could be participating in this anticonvulsant property. Although other investigations have reported a series of biological activities from Lychnophora species, this is the first report of central analgesic and anticonvulsant activity in species of this genus.