931 resultados para glucose uptake
Objectives: Characterize the role of protein kinase WNK1 in the phosphorylation network regulating cellular glucose uptake
The consumption of protein supplements containing amino acids is increasing around the world Aspartate (Asp) and asparagine (Asn) are amino acids metabolized by skeletal muscle. This metabolism involves biochemical pathways that are involved in increasing Krebs cycle activity via anaplerotic reactions. resulting in higher glutamine concentrations. A connection between amino acid supplementation, glycogen concentration, and glucose uptake has been previously demonstrated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of asp and Asn Supplementation on glucose uptake in rats using three different glycogen concentrations The results indicate that Asp and Asn supplementation in rats with high glycogen concentrations (fed state) further increased the glycogen concentration in the muscle, and decreased in vitro 2-deoxyglucose (a glucose analog.) uptake by the muscle at maximal insulin concentrations When animals had a medium glycogen concentration (consumed lard for 3 days). glucose uptake was higher in the supplemented group at sub-maximal insulin concentrations. We conclude that supplementation of Asp and Asn reduced glucose transport in rat muscle only at higher levels of glycogen. The ingestion of lard for 3 days changed the responsiveness and sensitivity to insulin, and that group had higher levels of insulin sensivity with Asp and Asn supplementation. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Insulin stimulates glucose transport in adipocytes and muscle cells by triggering redistribution of the GLUT4 glucose transporter from an intracellular perinuclear location to the cell surface. Recent reports have shown that the microtubule-depolymerizing agent nocodazole inhibits insulin-stimulated glucose transport, implicating an important role for microtubules in this process. In the present study we show that 2 mum nocodazole completely depolymerized microtubules in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, as determined morphologically and biochemically, resulting in dispersal of the perinuclear GLUT4 compartment and the Golgi apparatus. However, 2 mum nocodazole did not significantly effect either the kinetics or magnitude of insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Consistent with previous studies, higher concentrations of nocodazole (10-33 mum) significantly inhibited basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in adi. pocytes. This effect was not likely the result of microtubule depolymerization because in the presence of taxol, which blocked nocodazole-induced depolymerization of microtubules as well as the dispersal of the perinuclear GLUT4 compartment, the inhibitory effect of 10-33 muM nocodazole on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake prevailed. Despite the decrease in insulin-stimulated glucose transport with 33 muM nocodazole we did not observe inhibition of insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the cell surface under these conditions. Consistent with a direct effect of nocodazole on glucose transporter function we observed a rapid inhibitory effect of nocodazole on glucose transport activity when added to either 3T3-L1 adipocytes or to Chinese hamster ovary cells at 4 degreesC. These studies reveal a new and unexpected effect of nocodazole in mammalian cells which appears to occur independently of its microtubule-depolymerizing effects.
We have examined the requirement for Ca2+ in the signaling and trafficking pathways involved in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-LI adipocytes. Chelation of intracellular Ca2+, using 1,2-bis (o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetra (acetoxymethyl) ester (BAPTA-AM), resulted in >95% inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. The calmodulin antagonist, W13, inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 60%. Both BAPTA-AM and W13 inhibited Akt phosphorylation by 70-75%. However, analysis of insulin-dose response curves indicated that this inhibition was not sufficient to explain the effects of BAPTA-AM and W13 on glucose uptake. BAPTA-AM inhibited insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4 by 50%, as determined by plasma membrane lawn assay and subcellular fractionation. In contrast, the insulin-stimulated appearance of HA-tagged GLUT4 at the cell surface, as measured by surface binding, was blocked by BAPTA/AM.. While the ionophores A23187 or ionomycin prevented the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation by BAPTA-AM, they did not overcome the inhibition of glucose transport. Moreover, glucose uptake of cells pretreated with insulin followed by rapid cooling to 4 degreesC, to promote cell surface expression of GLUT4 and prevent subsequent endocytosis, was inhibited specifically by BAPTA-AM. This indicates that inhibition of glucose uptake by BAPTA-AM is independent of both trafficking and signal transduction. These data indicate that Ca2+ is involved in at least two different steps of the insulin-dependent recruitment of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. One involves the translocation step. The second involves the fusion of GLUT4 vesicles with the plasma membrane. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that Ca2+/cahnodulin plays a fundamental role in eukaryotic vesicle docking and fusion. Finally, BAPTA-AM may inhibit the activity of the facilitative transporters by binding directly to the transporter itself.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the effect of age on glucose metabolism by examining 1) glucose metabolism in young and middle-aged subjects when total or regional adiposity is taken into account and 2) in vitro glucose transport in adipose tissue explants from young and middle-aged women paired for total and abdominal adiposity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Study 1: body composition, subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue areas, and fasting and oral glucose-stimulated glucose and insulin were measured in 84 young and 81 middle-aged men and in 110 young and 91 middle-aged women. Study 2: glucose uptake in subcutaneous abdominal and visceral adipose tissue explants were measured in eight young and eight middle-aged women. RESULTS - Study 1: young and middle-aged men showed similar subcutaneous abdominal tissue area, whereas fat mass and visceral adipose tissue were greater in middle-aged than in young men (P < 0.01). Fat mass and subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue areas were greater in middle-aged as compared with young women (P < 0.01). Fasting plasma glucose and the glucose response to an oral glucose tolerance test were significantly higher in middle-aged than in young men and women (P < 0.001). Statistical control for visceral adipose tissue area eliminated the difference seen in glucose response in men and women. Study 2: glucose transport in subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue did not differ between young and middle-aged women. CONCLUSIONS - 1) Visceral obesity, more than age per se, correlates with glucose intolerance in middle-aged subjects; 2) aging does not influence in vitro adipose tissue glucose uptake.
Pregnancy is a dynamic state and the placenta is a temporary organ that, among other important functions, plays a crucial role in the transport of nutrients and metabolites between the mother and the fetus, which is essential for a successful pregnancy. Among these nutrients, glucose is considered a primary source of energy and, therefore, fundamental to insure proper fetus development. Several studies have shown that glucose uptake is dependent on several morphological and biochemical placental conditions. Oxidative stress results from the unbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants, in favor of the first. During pregnancy, ROS, and therefore oxidative stress, increase, due to increased tissue oxygenation. Moreover, the relation between ROS and some pathological conditions during pregnancy has been well established. For these reasons, it becomes essential to understand if oxidative stress can compromise the uptake of glucose by the placenta. To make this study possible, a trophoblastic cell line, the BeWo cell line, was used. Experiments regarding glucose uptake, either under normal or oxidative stress conditions, were conducted using tert-butylhydroperoxide (tBOOH) as an oxidative stress inducer, and 3H-2-deoxy-D-glucose (3H-DG) as a glucose analogue. Afterwards, studies regarding the involvement of glucose facilitative transporters (GLUT) and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3K) and protein kinase C (PKC) pathways were conducted, also under normal and oxidative stress conditions. A few antioxidants, endogenous and from diet, were also tested in order to study their possible reversible effect of the oxidative effect of tBOOH upon apical 3H-DG uptake. Finally, transepithelial studies gave interesting insights regarding the apical-to-basolateral transport of 3H-DG. Results showed that 3H-DG uptake, in BeWo cells, is roughly 50% GLUT-mediated and that tBOOH (100 μM; 24h) decreases apical 3H-DG uptake in BeWo cells by about 33%, by reducing both GLUT- (by 28%) and non-GLUT-mediated (by 40%) 3H-DG uptake. Uptake of 3H-DG and the effect of tBOOH upon 3H-DG uptake are not dependent on PKC and PI3K. Moreover, the effect of tBOOH is not associated with a reduction in GLUT1 mRNA levels. Resveratrol, quercetin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate, at 50 μM, reversed, by at least 45%, the effect of tBOOH upon 3H-DG uptake. Transwell studies show that the apical-to-basolateral transepithelial transport of 3H-DG is increased by tBOOH.In conclusion, our results show that tBOOH caused a marked decrease in both GLUT and non-GLUT-mediated apical uptake of 3H-DG by BeWo cells. Given the association of increased oxidative stress levels with several important pregnancy pathologies, and the important role of glucose for fetal development, the results of this study appear very interesting.
Resumo: Os mecanismos que regulam a homeostase da glucose no pós-prandial são distintos dos mecanismos desencadeados em situações de jejum. Desta forma o fígado parece desempenhar um papel fundamental na acção periférica da insulina após a refeição através de um mecanismo que envolve os nervos parassimpáticos hepáticos e o óxido nítrico (NO). Esta dissertação procura evidenciar a importância de ambos na fi siologia de manutenção da glicémia pós-prandial e na fi siopatologia da resistência à insulina. Dos resultados obtidos observou-se que após a administração de uma refeição mista o perfi l glicémico foi distinto em animais com ou sem ablação dos nervos parassimpáticos hepáticos. A desnervação parassimpática hepática aumentou as excursões de glucose imediatamente após a refeição. Estas diferenças nas excursões de glucose dependentes do parassimpático ocorreram devido a uma diminuição da clearance de glucose, sem que fosse afectada a taxa de aparecimento de glucose no sangue, a produção endógena de glucose e secreção de insulina ou péptido-C. Este aumento das excursões de glucose revelou-se ser devida à diminuição da clearance de glucose pós-prandial exclusivamente no músculo-esquelético, coração e o rim. Concluiu-se que o fígado teria uma função endócrina nestes três órgãos. Surgiu assim a hipótese dos S-nitrosotiois (RSNOs) poderem mimetizar essa resposta endócrina. Testou-se o seu efeito in vivo na sensibilidade à insulina. Para níveis baixos de sensibilidade à insulina, como jejum, desnervação no estado pós-prandial e resistência à insulina os RSNOs potenciaram a sensibilidade à insulina para valores semelhantes ao pós-prandial indicando-os como potenciais fármacos no tratamento da resistência à insulina. O NO e seus derivados ganharam assim uma evidência cada vez maior na acção periférica da insulina e portanto fez-se uma caracterização dos seus níveis desde a fi siologia à fi siopatologia. Os resultados obtidos nesta dissertação permitiram correlacionar a sintetase de óxido nítrico (NOS), enzima responsável pela síntese de NO como um possível marcador da resistência à insulina. Os resultados obtidos contribuíram substancialmente para compreender os mecanismos fi siológicos e fi siopatológicos de manutenção da glicémia após a refeição, colocando o fígado como órgão primordial na regulação periférica (extra-hepática) da captação de glucose.-------- ABSTRACT: The mechanisms responsible for the postprandial response are different from the ones in the fasted state. Therefore the liver seems to play a fundamental role in postprandial insulin action through a mechanism that evolves the hepatic parasympathetic nerves (HPN) and nitric oxide (NO). This work focused on the importance of both, HPN and NO, on postprandial glycemic control and on the pathophysiology of insulin resistance. We observed that after administration of a mixed meal the glycemic profi les with or without the parasympathetic nerves were distinct, increasing glucose excursions after ablation of HPN.This increase in glucose excursions was due to a decrease on the rate of glucose disappearance in extra-hepatic tissues. Glucose appearance rate, endogenous glucose production and insulin secretion were not related to this mechanism. The increase on glucose excursions after the ablation of hepatic parasympathetic system was due to a decrease on glucose clearance on extra-hepatic tissues, namely skeletal-muscle, heart and kidney. We concluded that the liver has an endocrine function on those tissues increasing their glucose uptake.This mechanism led to propose the hypothesis that S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs) could mimic this mechanism. Therefore RSNOs effects on insulin sensitivity were tested. For low insulin sensitivity levels, i.e. fasted state, ablation of the HPN or insulin resistance state induced by a high sucrose diet RSNOs increased insulin sensitivity to levels normally observed in the postprandial state. These results indicated these drugs as potential pharmacological tools in the treatment of insulin resistance. NO and their derivates emerged as fundamental parts of insulin action. A characterization of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase (NOS), the enzyme responsible for NO synthesis was part of the work performed. We concluded that NO could be used as a biomarker for insulin resistance states. This work contributed for understanding the mechanism underlying postprandial glycemic control indicating the liver as a key organ in the regulation of peripheral (extra-hepatic) insulin action.
A key aspect of glucose homeostasis is the constant monitoring of blood glucose concentrations by specific glucose sensing units. These sensors, via stimulation of hormone secretion and activation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), regulate tissue glucose uptake, utilization or production. The best described glucose detection system is that of the pancreatic beta-cells which controls insulin secretion. Secretion of other hormones, in particular glucagon, and activation of the ANS, are regulated by glucose through sensing mechanisms which are much less well characterized. Here I review some of the studies we have performed over the recent years on a mouse model of impaired glucose sensing generated by inactivation of the gene for the glucose transporter GLUT2. This transporter catalyzes glucose uptake by pancreatic beta-cells, the first step in the signaling cascade leading to glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Inactivation of its gene leads to a loss of glucose sensing and impaired insulin secretion. Transgenic reexpression of the transporter in GLUT2/beta-cells restores their normal secretory function and rescues the mice from early death. As GLUT2 is also expressed in other tissues, these mice were then studied for the presence of other physiological defects due to absence of this transporter. These studies led to the identification of extra-pancreatic, GLUT2-dependent, glucose sensors controlling glucagon secretion and glucose utilization by peripheral tissues, in part through a control of the autonomic nervous system.
In pancreatic beta-cells, the high Km glucose transporter GLUT2 catalyzes the first step in glucose-induced insulin secretion by glucose uptake. Expression of the transporter has been reported to be modulated by glucose either at the protein or mRNA levels. In this study we used the differentiated insulinoma cell line INS-1 which expresses high levels of GLUT2 and show that the expression of GLUT2 is regulated by glucose at the transcriptional level. By run-on transcription assays we showed that glucose induced GLUT2 gene transcription 3-4-fold in INS-1 cells which was paralleled by a 1.7-2.3-fold increase in cytoplasmic GLUT2 mRNA levels. To determine whether glucose regulatory sequences were present in the promoter region of GLUT2, we cloned and characterized a 1.4-kilobase region of mouse genomic DNA located 5' of the translation initiation site. By RNase protection assays and primer extension, we determined that multiple transcription initiation sites were present at positions -55, -64, and -115 from the first coding ATG and which were identified in liver, intestine, kidney, and beta-cells mRNAs. Plasmids were constructed with the mouse promoter region linked to the reporter gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT), and transiently and stably transfected in the INS-1 cells. Glucose induced a concentration-dependent increase in CAT activity which reached a maximum of 3.6-fold at 20 mM glucose. Similar CAT constructs made of the human GLUT2 promoter region and the CAT gene displayed the same glucose-dependent increase in transcriptional activity when transfected into INS-1 cells. Comparison of the mouse and human promoter regions revealed sequence identity restricted to a few stretches of sequences which suggests that the glucose responsive element(s) may be conserved in these common sequences.
The effect of graded levels of hyperinsulinemia on energy expenditure, while euglycemia was maintained by glucose infusion, was examined in 22 healthy young male volunteers by using the euglycemic insulin clamp technique in combination with indirect calorimetry. Insulin was infused at five rates to achieve steady-state hyperinsulinemic plateaus of 62 +/- 4, 103 +/- 5, 170 +/- 10, 423 +/- 16, and 1,132 +/- 47 microU/ml. Total body glucose uptake during each of the five insulin clamp studies was 0.41, 0.50, 0.66, 0.74, and 0.77 g/min, respectively. Glucose storage (calculated from the difference between total body glucose uptake minus total glucose oxidation) was 0.25, 0.29, 0.43, 0.49, and 0.52 g/min for each group, respectively, and represented over 60-70% of total glucose uptake. The net increment in energy expenditure after intravenous glucose was 0.08, 0.10, 0.14, 0.17, and 0.23 kcal/min, respectively. Throughout the physiological and supraphysiological range of insulinemia, there was a significant relationship (r = 0.95, P less than 0.001) between the increment in energy expenditure and glucose storage, indicating an energy cost of 0.45 kcal/g glucose stored. However, at each level of hyperinsulinemia, the theoretical value for the energy cost of glucose storage (assuming that all of the glucose is stored in the form of glycogen) could account for only 45-63% of the actual increase in energy expenditure that was measured by indirect calorimetry. These results indicate that factors in addition to glucose storage as glycogen must be responsible for the increase in energy expenditure that accompanies glucose infusion.
The change in energy expenditure consecutive to the infusion of glucose/insulin was examined in 17 non-obese (ten young, seven middle-aged) and 27 diabetic and non-diabetic obese subjects by employing the euglycemic insulin clamp technique in conjunction with continuous indirect calorimetry. The obese subjects were divided into four groups according to their response to a 100-g oral glucose test: group A, normal glucose tolerance; group B, impaired glucose tolerance; group C, diabetes with increased insulin response; group D, diabetes with reduced insulin response. The glucose/insulin infusion provoked an increase in energy expenditure in both young and middle-aged controls (+8.2 +/- 1.3 percent and +5.9 +/- 0.5 percent over the preinfusion baseline respectively), but a lower increase in the non-diabetic obese groups A and B (+4.0 +/- 0.7 percent and +2.0 +/- 1.0 percent over the preinfusion baseline respectively, P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01 vs young controls). However, in the diabetic obese groups C and D, energy expenditure failed to increase in response to the glucose/insulin infusion (mean change: +0.1 +/- 1.0 percent and -2.0 +/- 1.9 percent (P less than 0.01, vs middle-aged) over the preinfusion baseline respectively). When the glucose-induced thermogenesis (GIT) was related to the glucose uptake--taking into account the hepatic glucose production--the GIT was found to be similarly reduced in the diabetics groups (C and D). The net change in the rate of energy expenditure was found to be significantly correlated with the rate of glucose uptake (r = +0.647, n = 44, P less than 0.001) when all the individuals were pooled. In conclusion, this study shows that the low glucose-induced thermogenesis in obese diabetics during glucose insulin infusion is mainly related to a reduced rate of glucose uptake; in addition, inhibition of gluconeogenesis by the glucose/insulin infusion may also contribute to decrease the thermogenic response.
The signaling pathway that regulates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion depends on glucose metabolism, which is itself controlled by glucokinase. In a recent issue of Cell, show that altering N-glycosylation of the GLUT2 glucose transporter prevents its anchoring and retention at the cell surface; this impairs glucose uptake and insulin secretion.
Aquaglyceroporin-9 (AQP9) facilitates diffusion of water and energy substrates such as glycerol and monocarboxylates. AQP9 is present in plasma membrane and mitochondria of astrocytes and catecholaminergic neurons, suggesting that it plays a role in the energetic status of these cells. Using specific small interference RNA directed against AQP9 in astrocyte cultures, we showed that glycerol uptake is decreased which is associated with an increase in glucose uptake and oxidative metabolism. Our results not only confirm the presence of AQP9 in astrocytes but also suggest that changes in AQP9 expression alter glial energy metabolism.
Obesity and insulin resistance represent a problem of utmost clinical significance worldwide. Insulin-resistant states are characterized by the inability of insulin to induce proper signal transduction leading to defective glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue and impaired insulin-induced vasodilation. In various pathophysiological models, melatonin interacts with crucial molecules of the insulin signaling pathway, but its effects on glucose homeostasis are not known. In a diet-induced mouse model of insulin resistance and normal chow-fed control mice, we sought to assess the effects of an 8-wk oral treatment with melatonin on insulin and glucose tolerance and to understand underlying mechanisms. In high-fat diet-fed mice, but not in normal chow-fed control mice, melatonin significantly improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, as evidenced by a higher rate of glucose infusion to maintain euglycemia during hyperinsulinemic clamp studies and an attenuated hyperglycemic response to an ip glucose challenge. Regarding underlying mechanisms, we found that melatonin restored insulin-induced vasodilation to skeletal muscle, a major site of glucose utilization. This was due, at least in part, to the improvement of insulin signal transduction in the vasculature, as evidenced by increased insulin-induced phosphorylation of Akt and endoethelial nitric oxide synthase in aortas harvested from melatonin-treated high-fat diet-fed mice. In contrast, melatonin had no effect on the ability of insulin to promote glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue in vitro. These data demonstrate for the first time that in a diet-induced rodent model of insulin resistance, melatonin improves glucose homeostasis by restoring the vascular action of insulin.
Intestinal glucose absorption is mediated by SGLT1 whereas GLUT2 is considered to provide basolateral exit. Recently, it was proposed that GLUT2 can be recruited into the apical membrane after a high luminal glucose bolus allowing bulk absorption of glucose by facilitated diffusion. Moreover, SGLT1 and GLUT2 are suggested to play an important role in intestinal glucose sensing and incretin secretion. In mice that lack either SGLT1 or GLUT2 we re-assessed the role of these transporters in intestinal glucose uptake after radiotracer glucose gavage and performed Western blot analysis for transporter abundance in apical membrane fractions in a comparative approach. Moreover, we examined the contribution of these transporters to glucose-induced changes in plasma GIP, GLP-1 and insulin levels. In mice lacking SGLT1, tissue retention of tracer glucose was drastically reduced throughout the entire small intestine whereas GLUT2-deficient animals exhibited higher tracer contents in tissue samples than wild type animals. Deletion of SGLT1 resulted also in reduced blood glucose elevations and abolished GIP and GLP-1 secretion in response to glucose. In mice lacking GLUT2, glucose-induced insulin but not incretin secretion was impaired. Western blot analysis revealed unchanged protein levels of SGLT1 after glucose gavage. GLUT2 detected in apical membrane fractions mainly resulted from contamination with basolateral membranes but did not change in density after glucose administration. SGLT1 is unequivocally the prime intestinal glucose transporter even at high luminal glucose concentrations. Moreover, SGLT1 mediates glucose-induced incretin secretion. Our studies do not provide evidence for GLUT2 playing any role in either apical glucose influx or incretin secretion.