995 resultados para geological structure


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Geological-geophysical data obtained during Cruises 7, 11, and 12 of R/V Akademic Nikolay Strakhov (1989-1991) within the international project EQUARIDGE in the Strakhov Fracture Zone region (4°N) are presented. The trough of the fracture is interpreted as an open extension joint, a graben produced by stretching along the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Bedrock studies showed that typical mid-ocean tholeiitic basalts occur within the narrow (60 nm wide) axial rift zone, whereas igneous rocks not typical for the ocean were found on the eastern and western flank plateaus. This allows to suppose that a reworked relict continental-type basement of pre-Upper Jurassic age possibly exists beneath the flank plateaus, within the segment under discussion. The above data correspond to the hypothesis of E. Bonatti about nonspreading nature of the basement of Mid-Atlantic Ridge within the equatorial segment and the Strakhov Fracture Zone.


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New geological and geophysical data on the Amirante Arc, which locates to the south of the Seychelles Islands, are presented. These data were obtained by Pacific Oceanological Institute during the 33-rd cruise of R/V Professor Bogorov in 1990. The Amirante Arc represents a seamount chain, which has submeridional strike and total length about 400 km. To the west of the Amirante Arc there are a deep sea trench and a back-arc basin, i.e. this area is characterized by structural elements associated with the subduction zone of Western Pacific type. According to our data the Amirante Arc is composed by tholeiites of ocean plateau type. This facts are evidences that the Amirante Arc differs from typical Pacific island arcs. This gives an opportunity to distinguish a special type of oceanic structures, i.e. non-volcanic (amagmatic) ridges. The Amirante Ridge has been probably formed as a result of oceanic crust heaping due to horizontal displacements of its blocks in the process of spreding ridge formation in the Indian Ocean during Cretaceous-Paleogene.


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The monograph is devoted to the main results of research on the Trans Indian Ocean Geotraverse from the Maskarene Basin to the north-western margin of Australia. These results were obtained by Russian specialists and together with Indian specialists during 15 years of cooperation in investigation of geological structure and mineral resources of the Indian Ocean. The monograph includes materials on information support of marine geological and geophysical studies, composition and structure of information resources on the Indian Ocean, bathymetry and geomorphology, structure and geological nature of the magnetic field, gravity field, plate tectonics, crustal structure and sedimentary cover, seismic stratigraphy, perspectives for detecting oil and gas, solid minerals, sediment composition, composition and properties of clay minerals, stratigraphy and sediment age, chemical composition of sediments, composition of and prospects for solid minerals.


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Results of geological research carried out by V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russian Academy of Sciences) on the submarine Vityaz Ridge during Cruise 37 of R/V Akademik Lavrentyev in 2005 are discussed. Various rocks composing the basement and the sedimentary cover of the ridge were dredged in three areas. Based on isotope geochronology, petrogeochemical, petrographic, and paleontological data and comparison with similar rocks available from the adjacent land and the Sea of Okhotsk, they are subdivided into several age complexes. Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes are defined among igneous rocks, while volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks are united into Late Cretaceous - Early Paleocene (Late Campanian - Danian), undivided Paleogene (Paleocene-Eocene?), Oligocene - Early Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes. Obtained data on age and formation settings of the defined complexes allowed to reconstruct geological evolution of the central Pacific slope of the Kurile Island arc.


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New data on bottom sediments and igneous rocks of the Philippine Trench are under consideration. They show differences in geological structures of the island slope and the ocean slope of the trench. The island slope is comparable to the accretionary prism formations on the Philippines; there processes of gravitational re-deposition of sediments occur. The ocean slope is an edge of the Philippine Plate sinking into the trough, where basalts of the oceanic crust are exposed.