999 resultados para geological structure
Results of geological research carried out by V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russian Academy of Sciences) on the submarine Vityaz Ridge during Cruise 37 of R/V Akademik Lavrentyev in 2005 are discussed. Various rocks composing the basement and the sedimentary cover of the ridge were dredged in three areas. Based on isotope geochronology, petrogeochemical, petrographic, and paleontological data and comparison with similar rocks available from the adjacent land and the Sea of Okhotsk, they are subdivided into several age complexes. Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes are defined among igneous rocks, while volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks are united into Late Cretaceous - Early Paleocene (Late Campanian - Danian), undivided Paleogene (Paleocene-Eocene?), Oligocene - Early Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes. Obtained data on age and formation settings of the defined complexes allowed to reconstruct geological evolution of the central Pacific slope of the Kurile Island arc.
New data on bottom sediments and igneous rocks of the Philippine Trench are under consideration. They show differences in geological structures of the island slope and the ocean slope of the trench. The island slope is comparable to the accretionary prism formations on the Philippines; there processes of gravitational re-deposition of sediments occur. The ocean slope is an edge of the Philippine Plate sinking into the trough, where basalts of the oceanic crust are exposed.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar la idoneidad de una estructura geológica para el almacenamiento de CO2. Dicha estructura está situada en la cuenca de Almazán, más concretamente en el entorno del sondeo El Gredal. A lo largo del proyecto, se describen los criterios de selección técnicos y socio-económicos basados en la Ley 40/2010 y otras publicaciones (Bachu, Llamas y otros). También se describe la geología de la cuenca de Almazán y las características de las formaciones potencialmente favorables para almacenar CO2, como son la formación Buntsandstein y la formación Utrillas. Para analizar cuál de las dos formaciones es la más favorable para el almacenamiento de CO2, se aplicarán los criterios de selección técnicos y socio-económicos, comparando ambas formaciones. En base a toda la información recopilada y estudiada, se concluye que la formación Buntsandstein es la más idónea para almacenar CO2. ABSTRACT The aim of this Project is to evaluate the suitability of a geological structure for CO2 storage. This structure is located in the Almazan Basin, specifically in the surroundings of El Gredal well. Along the project, technical and socio-economic criteria based on the Law 40/2010 and others publications (Bachu, Llamas and others) will be described. The geology of the Almazan Basin and the characteristics of potentially favorable formations for CO2 storage, such as Buntsandstein and Utrillas formations will be also described. Technical selection and socio-economic criteria will be applied in order to analyze which of the two formations is the most favorable for CO2 storage. Based on all information gathered and studied, we conclude that the Buntsandstein formation is most suitable for CO2 storage
El objetivo de este proyecto fin de carrera es analizar los parámetros ingenieriles que caracterizan una zona como almacén de CO2, así como las herramientas idóneas que permiten determinar las propiedades químico-físicas de una zona y determinar si la estructura geológica a estudio puede ser un potencial almacén de CO2; posteriormente todos estos conocimientos se aplican en un programa de exploración en una zona de la geografía española y de la evaluación de sus propiedades geológicas, litológicas, hidrodinámicas, tectónicas y se determinará si la estructura geológica a estudio puede ser un potencial almacén de CO2. ABSTRACT The main aim of this paper is to analyze the engineering parameters that characterize an area as CO2 geological storage, as well as idoneoas tools for determining the chemical and physical properties of an area and determine whether to study geological structure may be a potential CO2 storage, then all this knowledge is applied in an engineering study in an area of Spanish geography and geological evaluation of their properties, lithological, hydrodynamic, tectonic and geological structure determines whether a study may be a potential CO2 storage