959 resultados para genotype phenotype correlation
Purpose: To identify the genetic cause of central areolar choroidal dystrophy (CACD) in a large Northern Irish family.
Methods: We previously reported linkage of the locus for CACD in this family to an interval of approximately 5 cM on chromosome 17p13 flanked by polymorphic markers D17S1810 and CHLC GATA7B03. We undertook sequence capture, massively-parallel sequencing and computational alignment, base-calling and annotation to identify a causative mutation. Conventional sequencing was used to confirm the results.
Results: Deep sequencing identified a single-base substitution in guanylate cyclase 2D, membrane (retina-specific) (GUCY2D). The novel mutation segregated with the disease phenotype and resulted in substitution of valine by alanine at position 933, within the catalytic domain of the protein. It altered a motif that is strongly conserved in a large number of distantly related proteins across several species, and was predicted to have a damaging effect on protein activity.
Conclusion: Mutations in GUCY2D have previously been associated with dominant cone rod dystrophies (CORD6) and recessive forms of Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA). This is the first report of GUCY2D mutation causing CACD and adds to our understanding of genotype-phenotype correlation in this heterogeneous group of choroidoretinal dystrophies.
Complete achromatopsia is a rare autosomal recessive disease associated with CNGA3, CNGB3, GNAT2 and PDE6C mutations. This retinal disorder is characterized by complete loss of color discrimination due to the absence or alteration of the cones function. The purpose of the present study was the clinical and the genetic characterization of achromatopsia in a large consanguineous Tunisian family. Ophthalmic evaluation included a full clinical examination, color vision testing and electroretinography. Linkage analysis using microsatellite markers flanking CNGA3, CNGB3, GNAT2 and PDE6C genes was performed. Mutations were screened by direct sequencing. A total of 12 individuals were diagnosed with congenital complete achromatopsia. They are members of six nuclear consanguineous families belonging to the same large consanguineous family. Linkage analysis revealed linkage to GNAT2. Mutational screening of GNAT2 revealed three intronic variations c.119-69G>C, c.161+66A>T and c.875-31G>C that co-segregated with a novel mutation p.R313X. An identical GNAT2 haplotype segregating with this mutation was identified, indicating a founder mutation. All patients were homozygous for the p.R313X mutation. This is the first report of the clinical and genetic investigation of complete achromatopsia in North Africa and the largest family with recessive achromatopsia involving GNAT2; thus, providing a unique opportunity for genotype-phenotype correlation for this extremely rare condition.
We describe 19 unrelated individuals with submicroscopic deletions involving 10p15.3 characterized by chromosomal microarray (CMA). Interestingly, to our knowledge, only two individuals with isolated, submicroscopic 10p15.3 deletion have been reported to date; however, only limited clinical information is available for these probands and the deleted region has not been molecularly mapped. Comprehensive clinical history was obtained for 12 of the 19 individuals described in this study. Common features among these 12 individuals include: cognitive/behavioral/developmental differences (11/11), speech delay/language disorder (10/10), motor delay (10/10), craniofacial dysmorphism (9/12), hypotonia (7/11), brain anomalies (4/6) and seizures (3/7). Parental studies were performed for nine of the 19 individuals; the 10p15.3 deletion was de novo in seven of the probands, not maternally inherited in one proband and inherited from an apparently affected mother in one proband. Molecular mapping of the 19 individuals reported in this study has identified two genes, ZMYND11 (OMIM 608668) and DIP2C (OMIM 611380; UCSC Genome Browser), mapping within 10p15.3 which are most commonly deleted. Although no single gene has been identified which is deleted in all 19 individuals studied, the deleted region in all but one individual includes ZMYND11 and the deleted region in all but one other individual includes DIP2C. There is not a clearly identifiable phenotypic difference between these two individuals and the size of the deleted region does not generally predict clinical features. Little is currently known about these genes complicating a direct genotype/phenotype correlation at this time. These data however, suggest that ZMYND11 and/or DIP2C haploinsufficiency contributes to the clinical features associated with 10p15 deletions in probands described in this study.
BACKGROUND: Hyperzincemia and hypercalprotectinemia (Hz/Hc) is a distinct autoinflammatory entity involving extremely high serum concentrations of the proinflammatory alarmin myeloid-related protein (MRP) 8/14 (S100A8/S100A9 and calprotectin). OBJECTIVE: We sought to characterize the genetic cause and clinical spectrum of Hz/Hc. METHODS: Proline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 1 (PSTPIP1) gene sequencing was performed in 14 patients with Hz/Hc, and their clinical phenotype was compared with that of 11 patients with pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, and acne (PAPA) syndrome. PSTPIP1-pyrin interactions were analyzed by means of immunoprecipitation and Western blotting. A structural model of the PSTPIP1 dimer was generated. Cytokine profiles were analyzed by using the multiplex immunoassay, and MRP8/14 serum concentrations were analyzed by using an ELISA. RESULTS: Thirteen patients were heterozygous for a missense mutation in the PSTPIP1 gene, resulting in a p.E250K mutation, and 1 carried a mutation resulting in p.E257K. Both mutations substantially alter the electrostatic potential of the PSTPIP1 dimer model in a region critical for protein-protein interaction. Patients with Hz/Hc have extremely high MRP8/14 concentrations (2045 ± 1300 μg/mL) compared with those with PAPA syndrome (116 ± 74 μg/mL) and have a distinct clinical phenotype. A specific cytokine profile is associated with Hz/Hc. Hz/Hc mutations altered protein binding of PSTPIP1, increasing interaction with pyrin through phosphorylation of PSTPIP1. CONCLUSION: Mutations resulting in charge reversal in the y-domain of PSTPIP1 (E→K) and increased interaction with pyrin cause a distinct autoinflammatory disorder defined by clinical and biochemical features not found in patients with PAPA syndrome, indicating a unique genotype-phenotype correlation for mutations in the PSTPIP1 gene. This is the first inborn autoinflammatory syndrome in which inflammation is driven by uncontrolled release of members of the alarmin family.
La Fibrosis Quística es la enfermedad autosómica recesiva mas frecuente en caucásicos. En Colombia no se conoce la incidencia de la enfermedad, pero investigaciones del grupo de la Universidad del Rosario indican que podría ser relativamente alta. Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de afectados por Fibrosis Quística en una muestra de recién nacidos de la ciudad de Bogotá. Metodología: Se analizan 8.297 muestras de sangre de cordón umbilical y se comparan tres protocolos de tamizaje neonatal: TIR/TIR, TIR/DNA y TIR/DNA/TIR. Resultados: El presente trabajo muestra una incidencia de 1 en 8.297 afectados en la muestra analizada. Conclusiones: Dada la relativamente alta incidencia demostrada en Bogotá, se justifica la implementación de Tamizaje Neonatal para Fibrosis Quística en Colombia.
La Enfermedad de Pompe (EP) es un desorden metabólico caracterizado por la deficiencia de alfa-glucosidasa acida (GAA), una enzima que cataliza la hidrolisis de las uniones glucosidicas α-1.4 y α-1,6 de glucógeno. Esta deficiencia resulta en acumulación de glucógeno en todos los tejidos, especialmente en musculo esquelético. Los pacientes con EP muestran un gran espectro de fenotipos con respecto a la edad de inicio, progresión de la enfermedad, severidad y tasa de progresión a muerte. El curso clínico de la enfermedad es principalmente determinado por la naturaleza de las variaciones genéticas de GAA quellevan a diferentes grados de deficiencia enzimática. Hasta la fecha alrededor de 400 distintas variaciones en la secuencia de GAA han sido descritas, y en algunos casos la correlación genotipo-fenotipo no es claramente evidente. En este estudio se describe el primer análisis genético y clínico de pacientes colombianos con EP en 13 individuos afectados. La secuenciación directa del gen GAA, revelo ocho distintas mutaciones relacionadas con la etiología de EP incluyendo dos nuevas mutaciones missense c.1106T>C (p.Leu369Pro) y c.2236T >C (p. Trp746Arg). Estudios funcionales in vitro mostraron que los cambios estructurales conferidos por ambas mutaciones no inhiben la síntesis del precursor de GAA de 110 KD pero afectan el procesamiento y el transporte intra-celular de la proteína.
Descripción de las ataxias heredodegenerativas con énfasis en la semiología general de este tipo de enfermedades y la fisiopatología de los grandes grupos de ataxias.
El síndrome Down (SD) es la trisomía más común en humanos, presentándose en 1 de cada 745 nacidos vivos y es la causa más frecuente de retardo mental. El origen más observado de la trisomíaes una no disyunción meiótica (95%), la cual generalmente es de origen materno, mientras un 5% se debe a errores post-cigóticos mitóticos. Objetivo: identificar el origen parental delcromosoma 21 extra, el momento del error no disyuncional y establecer una correlación entre estos eventos y las manifestaciones fenotípicas de los pacientes afectados. Materiales y métodos: se estudiaron cincuenta familias con un hijo con SD mediante el uso de cinco short tandem repeats (STR) a lo largo de 21q, se construyeron los haplotipos de cada paciente y sus padres, determinandoel origen parental y el momento en que surgió el error no disyuncional. Resultados:en 80% de las familias el error fue en meiosis I y 20% en la meiosis II; 98% de los cromosomasadicionales fue de origen materno y 2% paterno. Se encontró correlación genotipo-fenotipo en ocho características estudiadas: cuello corto y ancho, tercera fontanela, labio inferior prominente, paladar estrecho y corto, raíz del hélix cruzando la concha, alopecia, pliegue único palmar yotras anomalías como nevus y xeroderma y eventos de recombinación en 24,5% de las familias analizadas. Conclusiones: la edad materna y la variación en el número de recombinaciones está asociada con no disyunciones meióticas I y II; se encontró correlación entre el momento del errorno disyuncional y algunas variables clínicas.
Realizamos um estudo observacional de pacientes com mucopolissacaridose tipo VI, com o objetivo de determinar o perfil epidemiológico, clínico e bioquímico de um grupo de pacientes sul-americanos a fim de contribuir em estudos futuros de correlação genótipo-fenótipo e de avaliação de protocolos clínicos. Os critérios de inclusão foram: ter 4 anos ou mais e confirmação bioquímica da doença (níveis reduzidos da atividade da ARSB, aumento de GAGs urinários e atividade normal de outra sulfatase). Os critérios de exclusão foram: terapia com reposição enzimática atual ou prévia ou ter realizado transplante de medula óssea. Foram avaliados 28 pacientes por anamnese, exame físico, acocardiograma, eletrocardiograma, avaliação oftalmológica, medidas de glicosaminoglicanos urinários e da atividade da N-acetilgalactosamina-4-sulfatase em leucócitos. A amostra estudada tinha 92,9% de brasileiros, sendo 53,8% da região sudeste. No momento da avaliação, a média de idade foi de 97,1 meses e a média de idade ao diagnóstico foram de 48,4 meses. Em 88% da amostra os sintomas iniciaram com menos de 36 meses e em 27% das famílias houve relato de consangüinidade entre os pais. A média de peso e estatura ao nascimento foi de 3481 gramas e 51,3 centímetros, respectivamente. Da amostra, 57,1% nasceram de parto vaginal. Todos apresentavam alguma alteração ecocardiográfica, bem como opacificação corneana. As manifestações clínicas mais freqüentes foram: baixa estatura, opacificação corneana, facies grosseira, contraturas articulares e mãos em garra. A média da atividade enzimática em leucócitos foi de 5,4 nmoles/h x mg proteína e a excreção urinária de glicosaminoglicanos foi, em média, 7,9 vezes superior ao normal. O número de manifestações clínicas citadas não apresentou correlação significativa com a idade, com a excreção urinária de GAGs ou com a atividade enzimática em leucócitos. Também não houve correlação significativa entre a excreção urinária de GAGS e a atividade enzimática. Concluímos que a MPS VI é uma patologia com alta morbidade e que, comparados com a literatura, os pacientes da nossa amostra têm um diagnóstico tardio e maior freqüência de alterações cardiológicas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Random regression models have been widely used to estimate genetic parameters that influence milk production in Bos taurus breeds, and more recently in B. indicus breeds. With the aim of finding appropriate random regression model to analyze milk yield, different parametric functions were compared, applied to 20,524 test-day milk yield records of 2816 first-lactation Guzerat (B. indicus) cows in Brazilian herds. The records were analyzed by random regression models whose random effects were additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual, and whose fixed effects were contemporary group, the covariable cow age at calving (linear and quadratic effects), and the herd lactation curve. The additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were modeled by the Wilmink function, a modified Wilmink function (with the second term divided by 100), a function that combined third-order Legendre polynomials with the last term of the Wilmink function, and the Ali and Schaeffer function. The residual variances were modeled by means of 1, 4, 6, or 10 heterogeneous classes, with the exception of the last term of the Wilmink function, for which there were 1, from 0.20 to 0.33. Genetic correlations between adjacent records were high values (0.83-0.99), but they declined when the interval between the test-day records increased, and were negative between the first and last records. The model employing the Ali and Schaeffer function with six residual variance classes was the most suitable for fitting the data. © FUNPEC-RP.
O câncer colorretal é um grave problema de saúde pública na região norte, sendo a 3a neoplasia mais frequente entre os homens e a 2a entre as mulheres. Cerca de 10% destes tumores são hereditários e a polipose adenomatosa familial está entre as principais causas destes. Mutações no gene APC são responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de tumores nestes pacientes e estão presentes desde a fase mais precoce na carcinogênese, além disso, existe uma relação entre o tipo de mutação e apresentação clínica da doença. Até o presente momento não existe uma publicação com o perfil de mutação do gene APC na região norte do país. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal, identificar o perfil de mutações no gene APC em famílias do estado do Pará. Um total de 15 pacientes foi analisado provenientes de cinco famílias, todos atendidos no UNACON do HUJBB. Foi realizado a extração de DNA do sangue periférico e realizado um sequenciamento direto em um membro de cada família, obtendo desta forma um screening molecular e os demais membros da família foram genotipados pela técnica ARMS. A análise estatística foi realizada pelos softwares que acompanham o próprio produto. Neste estudo foram encontrados mutações nos 15 membros estudados (provenientes das 5 famílias), 40% das quais eram do tipo frameshift, 35% silenciadoras e 20% nonsense. Sendo que 60% de todas as mutações ocorreram na região MCR. Entre as três mutações mais frequentes na literatura, neste estudo foram encontradas duas: códon 1309 (em 40% dos indivíduos) e no códon 1061 (em 10% dos indivíduos). Estes números foram bem diferentes dos encontrados na literatura, reforçando o papel da miscigenação na frequência das mutações. A mutação c.3956delC foi a única encontrada em todas as famílias analisadas, o que pode comportar-se como um forte biomarcador desta síndrome. A avaliação clínica dos pacientes confirmou a correlação genótipo/fenótipo, sendo um fator determinante para o direcionamento clínico e aconselhamento genético. A plataforma confeccionada para análise de mutações pela técnica ARMS será de grande utilidade, já que conseguiu detectar mutações no 15 indivíduos estudados a um custo bem inferior que o sequenciamento direto por PCR.
Pompe disease is a genetic disorder resulting from a deficiency of lysosomal acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA) that manifests as a clinical spectrum with regard to symptom severity and rate of progression. In this study, we used microarrays to examine gene expression from the muscle of two cohorts of infantile-onset Pompe patients to identify transcriptional differences that may contribute to the disease phenotype. We found strong similarities among the gene expression profiles generated from biceps and quadriceps, and identified a number of signaling pathways altered in both cohorts. We also found that infantile-onset Pompe patient muscle had a gene expression pattern characteristic of immature or regenerating muscle, and exhibited many transcriptional markers of inflammation, despite having few overt signs of inflammatory infiltrate. Further, we identified genes exhibiting correlation between expression at baseline and response to therapy. This combined dataset can serve as a foundation for biological discovery and biomarker development to improve the treatment of Pompe disease. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
To evaluate the prevalence of genetic defects in clinically suspected autoinflammatory syndromes (AIS) in a Brazilian multicenter study. The study included 102 patients with a clinical diagnosis of Cryopyrin Associated Periodic Syndromes (CAPS), TNF Receptor Associated Periodic Syndrome (TRAPS), Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency (MKD) and Pediatric Granulomatous Arthritis (PGA). One of the five AIS-related genes (NLRP3, TNFRSF1A, MEFV, MVK and NOD2) was evaluated in each patient by direct DNA sequencing, based on the most probable clinical suspect. Clinical diagnoses of the 102 patients were: CAPS (n = 28), TRAPS (n = 31), FMF (n = 17), MKD (n = 17) and PGA (n = 9). Of them, 27/102 (26 %) had a confirmed genetic diagnosis: 6/28 (21 %) CAPS patients, 7/31 (23 %) TRAPS, 3/17 (18 %) FMF, 3/17 (18 %) MKD and 8/9 (89 %) PGA. We have found that approximately one third of the Brazilian patients with a clinical suspicion of AIS have a confirmed genetic diagnosis.
Background Congenital deletions affecting 3q11q23 have rarely been reported and only five cases have been molecularly characterised. Genotype. phenotype correlation has been hampered by the variable sizes and breakpoints of the deletions. In this study, 14 novel patients with deletions in 3q11q23 were investigated and compared with 13 previously reported patients. Methods Clinical data were collected from 14 novel patients that had been investigated by high resolution microarray techniques. Molecular investigation and updated clinical information of one cytogenetically previously reported patient were also included. Results The molecular investigation identified deletions in the region 3q12.3q21.3 with different boundaries and variable sizes. The smallest studied deletion was 580 kb, located in 3q13.31. Genotype. phenotype comparison in 24 patients sharing this shortest region of overlapping deletion revealed several common major characteristics including significant developmental delay, muscular hypotonia, a high arched palate, and recognisable facial features including a short philtrum and protruding lips. Abnormal genitalia were found in the majority of males, several having micropenis. Finally, a postnatal growth pattern above the mean was apparent. The 580 kb deleted region includes five RefSeq genes and two of them are strong candidate genes for the developmental delay: DRD3 and ZBTB20. Conclusion A newly recognised 3q13.31 microdeletion syndrome is delineated which is of diagnostic and prognostic value. Furthermore, two genes are suggested to be responsible for the main phenotype.