996 resultados para genetic barrier


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The effect of separation by biogeographic features followed by secondary contact can blur taxonomic boundaries and produce complex genetic signatures. We analyzed population structure and gene flow across the range of the long-tailed finch (Poephila acuticauda) in northern Australia (1) to test the hypothesis that Ord Arid Intrusion acted as the causative barrier that led to divergence of P. acuticauda subspecies, (2) to determine whether genetic data support the presence of a gradual cline across the range or a sudden shift, both of which have been suggested based on morphological data, and (3) to estimate levels of contemporary gene flow within this species complex. We collected samples from 302 individuals from 10 localities. Analyses of 12 microsatellite loci and sequence data from 333 base pairs of the mitochondrial control region were used to estimate population structure and gene flow, using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), haplotype network analysis, frequency statistics, and clustering methods. Mitochondrial sequence data indicated the presence of three genetic groups (regions) across the range of P. acuticauda. Genetic diversity was highest in the east and lowest in the west. The Ord Arid Intrusion appears to have functioned as a biogeographic barrier in the past, according to mtDNA evidence presented here and evidence from previous studies. The absence of isolation by distance between adjacent regions and the lack of population genetic structure of mtDNA within regions indicates that genetic changes across the range of P. acuticauda subspecies are characterized by discrete breaks between regions. While microsatellite data indicate a complete absence of genetic structure across this species’ range, it appears unlikely that this results from high levels of gene flow. Mitochondrial data do not support the presence of contemporary gene flow across the range of this species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Some modifying factors may determine the risk of brain tumors. Until now, it could not be attempted to identify people at risk and also to improve significantly disease progression. Current therapy consists of surgical resection, followed by radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Despite of these treatments, the prognosis for patients is poor. In this review, we highlight general aspects concerning genetic alterations in brain tumors, namely astrocytomas, glioblastomas, oligodendrogliomas, medulloblastomas and ependymomas. The influence of these genetic alterations in patients' prognosis is discussed. Mutagen sensivity is associated with cancer risk. The convincing studies that linked DNA damages and DNA repair alterations with brain tumors are also described. Another important modifying factor is immunity. General immune response against cancer, tumor microenvironment and immune response, mechanisms of tumor escape, CNS tumor immunology, immune defects that impair anti-tumor systemic immunity in brain tumor patients and local immunosuppressive factors within CNS are also reviewed. New hope to treatment perspectives, as dendritic-cell-based vaccines is summarized too. Concluding, it seems well established that there is association between brain tumor risk and mutagen sensivity, which is highly heritable. Primary brain tumors cause depression in systemic host immunity; local immunosuppressive factors and immunological characteristics of tumor cells may explain the poor prognosis and DNA damages responses can alert immune system. However, it is necessary to clarify if individuals with both constitutional defects in immune functions and genetic instability have higher risk of developing brain tumors. Cytogenetic prospective studies and gene copy number variations analysis also must be performed in peripheral lymphocytes from brain tumor patients. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Four Brazilian populations of Anomalocardia brasiliana were tested for mutual genetic homogeneity, using data from 123 sequences of the mtDNA cytochrome oxidase c subunit I gene. A total of 36 haplotypes were identified, those shared being H3 (Canela Island, Prainha and Acupe) and both H5 and H9 (Prainha and Acupe). Haplotype diversity values were high, except for the Camurupim population, whereas nucleotide values were low in all the populations, except for that of Acupe. Only the Prainha population showed a deviation from neutrality and the SSD test did not reject the demographic expansion hypothesis. Fst values showed that the Prainha and Acupe populations represent a single stock, whereas in both the Canela Island and Camurupim stocks, population structures are different and independent. The observed structure at Canela Island may be due to the geographic distance between this population and the remainder. The Camurupim population does not share any haplotype with the remaining populations in northeastern Brazil. The apparent isolation could be due to the rocky barrier located facing the mouth of the Mamanguape River. The results highlight the importance of wide-scale studies to identify and conserve local genetic diversity, especially where migration is restricted.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rare variants are becoming the new candidates in the search for genetic variants that predispose individuals to a phenotype of interest. Their low prevalence in a population requires the development of dedicated detection and analytical methods. A family-based approach could greatly enhance their detection and interpretation because rare variants are nearly family specific. In this report, we test several distinct approaches for analyzing the information provided by rare and common variants and how they can be effectively used to pinpoint putative candidate genes for follow-up studies. The analyses were performed on the mini-exome data set provided by Genetic Analysis Workshop 17. Eight approaches were tested, four using the trait’s heritability estimates and four using QTDT models. These methods had their sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values compared in light of the simulation parameters. Our results highlight important limitations of current methods to deal with rare and common variants, all methods presented a reduced specificity and, consequently, prone to false positive associations. Methods analyzing common variants information showed an enhanced sensibility when compared to rare variants methods. Furthermore, our limited knowledge of the use of biological databases for gene annotations, possibly for use as covariates in regression models, imposes a barrier to further research.


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Population genetic and phylogeography of two common mediterranean species were studied in 10 localities located on the coasts of Toscana, Puglia and Calabria. The aim of the study was to verify the extent of genetic breaks, in areas recognized as boundaries between Mediterranean biogeographic sectors. From about 100 sequences obtained from the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of Halocynthia papillosa and Hexaplex trunculus genetic diversity, genetic structure at small and large distances and demographic history of both specieswere analyzed. No evidences of genetic breaks were found for the two species in Toscana and Puglia. The genetic structure of H. trunculus evidences the extent of a barrier to gene flow localized in Calabria, which could be represented by the Siculo-Tunisian Strait and the Strait of Messina. The observed patterns showed similar level of gene flow at small distances in both species, although the two species have different larval ecology. These results suggest that other factors, such as currents, local dynamics and seasonal temperatures, influence the connectivity along the Italian peninsula. The geographic distribution of the haplotypes shows that H. papillosacould represent a single genetic pool in expansion, whereas H. trunculus has two distinct genetic pools in expansion. The demographic pattern of the two species suggests that Pleistocene sea level oscillations, in particular of the LGM, may have played a key role in shaping genetic structure of the two species. This knowledge provides basic information, useful for the definition of management plans, or for the design of a network of marine protected areas along the Italian peninsula.


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The present study deal with the population structure and connectivity of the Mediterranean endemic starry ray Raja asterias (Delaroche, 1809) in the Western and Eastern Mediterranean basin. A panel of eight microsatellite loci which cross-amplify in Rajidae (El Nagar, 2010) was used to assess population connectivity and structure. Those aims were investigated by analyzing the genetic variation of 9 population sample for a total of 185 individuals collected during past scientific surveys (MEDITS, GRUND), commercial trawling and also directly at fish markets. The purpose of this thesis is to estimate the genetic divergence occurring between the Mediterranean populations and, in particular, to assess the presence of any barrier (geographic, hydrogeological and biological) to gene flow for this species. Different statistical approaches were performed to reach this aim evaluating both the genetic diversity (nucleotide diversity, allelic richness, observed and expected heterozygosity and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test) and the population differentiation patterns (pairwise Fst estimated and population structure analysis). The results obtained from the analysis of the microsatellite dataset suggest a geographic and genetic separation between the starry ray populations of the Mediterranean basin into three or four distinct groups: Western and Eastern Mediterranean basins and Sicilian coast always clustering as an independent group and Algeria which could be or not considered another separate group. The data were discussed from both an evolutionary and a conservation point of view and in relation to previous results obtained by the analysis of mitochondrial marker. A comparison with other Mediterranean demersal skate species was performed in order to better contextualise our results. Finally, our results could offer useful information to protect vulnerable species as R. asterias and developing effective conservation plans in the Mediterranean.


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In this study the population structure and connectivity of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Raja clavata (L., 1758) were investigated by analyzing the genetic variation of six population samples (N = 144) at seven nuclear microsatellite loci. The genetic dataset was generated by selecting population samples available in the tissue databases of the GenoDREAM laboratory (University of Bologna) and of the Department of Life Sciences and Environment (University of Cagliari), all collected during past scientific surveys (MEDITS, GRUND) from different geographical locations in the Mediterranean basin and North-east Atlantic sea, as North Sea, Sardinian coasts, Tuscany coasts and Cyprus Island. This thesis deals with to estimate the genetic diversity and differentiation among 6 geographical samples, in particular, to assess the presence of any barrier (geographic, hydrogeological or biological) to gene flow evaluating both the genetic diversity (nucleotide diversity, observed and expected heterozygosity, Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium analysis) and population differentiation (Fst estimates, population structure analysis). In addition to molecular analysis, quantitative representation and statistical analysis of morphological individuals shape are performed using geometric morphometrics methods and statistical tests. Geometric coordinates call landmarks are fixed in 158 individuals belonging to two population samples of Raja clavata and in population samples of closely related species, Raja straeleni (cryptic sibling) and Raja asterias, to assess significant morphological differences at multiple taxonomic levels. The results obtained from the analysis of the microsatellite dataset suggested a geographic and genetic separation between populations from Central-Western and Eastern Mediterranean basins. Furthermore, the analysis also showed that there was no separation between geographic samples from North Atlantic Ocean and central-Western Mediterranean, grouping them to a panmictic population. The Landmark-based geometric morphometry method results showed significant differences of body shape able to discriminate taxa at tested levels (from species to populations).


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The blue shark, Prionace glauca, is one of the most vagile shark species worldwide distributed. The particular body shape allows blue sharks make transoceanic movements, leading to a circumglobal distribution. Due to its reproductive cycle, an extraordinarily high number of specimens is globally registered but, even if it is still a major bycatch of longline fishery rather than a commercial target, it is characterized by a high vulnerability. In this perspective it is important to increase the amount of informations regarding its population extent in the different worldwide areas, evaluating the possible phylogeographic patterns between different locations. This study, included in the "MedBlueSGen" European project, aims exactly at filling a gap in knowledges regarding the genetic population structure of the Mediterranean blue sharks, which has never been investigated before, with a comparison with the North-Eastern Atlantic blue shark population. To reach this objective, we used a dataset of samples from different Mediterranean areas implementing it with some samples from North-Eastern Atlantic. Analyzing the variability of the two mitochondrial markers control region and cytochrome b, with the design of new species-specific primer pairs, we assessed the mitochondrial genetic structure of Mediterranean and North-Eastern Atlantic samples, focusing on the analysis of their possible connectivity, and we tried to reconstruct their demographic history and population size. Data analyses highlighted the absence of a genetic structuring within the Mediterranean and among it and North-Eastern Atlantic, suggesting that the Strait of Gibraltar doesn't represent a phylogeographic barrier. These results are coherent to what has been found in similar investigations on other worldwide blue shark populations. Analysis of the historical demographic trend revealed a general stable pattern for the cytochrome-b and a slightly population expansion for the control region marker.


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Strong genetic change over short spatial scales is surprising among marine species with high dispersal potential. Concordant breaks among several species signals a role for geographic barriers to dispersal. Along the coast of California, such breaks have not been seen across the biogeographic barrier of Point Conception, but other potential geographic boundaries have been surveyed less often.;We tested for strong-population structure in 11 species of Sebastes sampled across two regions containing potential dispersal barriers, and conducted a meta-analysis including four additional species. We show two strong breaks north of Monterey Bay, spanning an oceanographic gradient and an upwelling jet. Moderate genetic structure is just as common in the north as it is in the south, across the biogeographic break at Point Conception. Gene Xow is generally higher among deep-water species, but these conclusions are confounded by phylogeny. Species in the subgenus Sebastosomus have higher structure than those in the subgenus;Pteropodus, despite having larvae with longer pelagic phases. DiVerences in settlement behavior in the face of ocean currents might help explain these diVerences. Across similar species across the same coastal environment, we document a wide variety of patterns in gene Xow, suggesting that interaction of individual species traits such as settlement behavior with environmental factors such as;oceanography can strongly impact population structure


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The intestinal microbiota regulates key host functions. It is unknown whether modulation of the microbiota can affect a genetically determined host phenotype. Polymorphisms in the Nucleotide oligomerization domain (Nod)-like receptor family confer genetic risk for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We investigated whether the intestinal microbiota and the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium breve NCC2950 affect intestinal barrier function and responses to intestinal injury in Nod1(-/-); Nod2(-/-) mice.


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The ABO blood group system until recently constituted an insuperable barrier for solid organ transplantation, but cases of heart transplantation in infants and kidney transplantation in adults have been reported, wherein ABO-incompatible grafts have been successful. In 1990, the molecular genetic basis of three major alleles at the ABO locus was elucidated; A and B glycosyltransferases are specified by a variety of functional alleles at this locus. The antibody response to ABH antigens, namely, naturally occurring anti-A/B IgM and IgG isotype agglutinins, are controlled preoperatively by recipient conditioning using plasma exchange, immunoadsorption, and immunosuppressive regimens. We report an O-type patient who accidentally received a B-type cardiac allograft in 1997 who survived for 5 years, dying for an unrelated reason. Over a period of 45 months semiquantitatively we monitored the expression of ABO-type antigens in graft heart vessels using monoclonal antibodies on sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsies. We observed a progressive change in the antigenic profile of graft endothelial cells from B- to O-type, which was first detected at 1 year posttransplant and most prominent 3 years later, the end of the observation period. No temporal relationship was observed between the transition from B to O expression, the anti-B antibody levels or the immunosuppressive regimen.


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Reproducing the characteristics and the functional responses of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in vitro represents an important task for the research community, and would be a critical biotechnological breakthrough. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries provide strong demand for inexpensive and easy-to-handle in vitro BBB models to screen novel drug candidates. Recently, it was shown that canonical Wnt signaling is responsible for the induction of the BBB properties in the neonatal brain microvasculature in vivo. In the present study, following on from earlier observations, we have developed a novel model of the BBB in vitro that may be suitable for large scale screening assays. This model is based on immortalized endothelial cell lines derived from murine and human brain, with no need for co-culture with astrocytes. To maintain the BBB endothelial cell properties, the cell lines are cultured in the presence of Wnt3a or drugs that stabilize β-catenin, or they are infected with a transcriptionally active form of β-catenin. Upon these treatments, the cell lines maintain expression of BBB-specific markers, which results in elevated transendothelial electrical resistance and reduced cell permeability. Importantly, these properties are retained for several passages in culture, and they can be reproduced and maintained in different laboratories over time. We conclude that the brain-derived endothelial cell lines that we have investigated gain their specialized characteristics upon activation of the canonical Wnt pathway. This model may be thus suitable to test the BBB permeability to chemicals or large molecular weight proteins, transmigration of inflammatory cells, treatments with cytokines, and genetic manipulation.