970 resultados para gene function


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Wnt/β-catenin signaling has a central role in the development and progression of most colon cancers (CCs). Germline variants in Wnt/β-catenin pathway genes may result in altered gene function and/or activity, thereby causing inter-individual differences in relation to tumor recurrence capacity and chemoresistance. We investigated germline polymorphisms in a comprehensive panel of Wnt/β-catenin pathway genes to predict time to tumor recurrence (TTR) in patients with stage III and high-risk stage II CC. A total of 234 patients treated with 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy were included in this study. Whole-blood samples were analyzed for putative functional germline polymorphisms in SFRP3, SFRP4, DKK2, DKK3, Axin2, APC, TCF7L2, WNT5B, CXXC4, NOTCH2 and GLI1 genes by PCR-based restriction fragment-length polymorphism or direct DNA sequencing. Polymorphisms with statistical significance were validated in an independent study cohort. The minor allele of WNT5B rs2010851 T>G was significantly associated with a shorter TTR (10.7 vs 4.9 years; hazard ratio: 2.48; 95% CI, 0.96-6.38; P=0.04) in high-risk stage II CC patients. This result remained significant in multivariate Cox's regression analysis. This study shows that the WNT5B germline variant rs2010851 was significantly identified as a stage-dependent prognostic marker for CC patients after 5-fluorouracil-based adjuvant therapy.


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PURPOSE: Recent evidence suggests that cancer stem cells (CSC) are responsible for key elements of colon cancer progression and recurrence. Germline variants in CSC genes may result in altered gene function and/or activity, thereby causing interindividual differences in a patient's tumor recurrence capacity and chemoresistance. We investigated germline polymorphisms in a comprehensive panel of CSC genes to predict time to tumor recurrence (TTR) in patients with stage III and high-risk stage II colon cancer.

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A total of 234 patients treated with 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy at the University of Southern California were included in this study. Whole blood samples were analyzed for germline polymorphisms in genes that have been previously associated with colon CSC (CD44, Prominin-1, DPP4, EpCAM, ALCAM, Msi-1, ITGB1, CD24, LGR5, and ALDH1A1) by PCR-RFLP or direct DNA-sequencing.

RESULTS: The minor alleles of CD44 rs8193 C>T, ALCAM rs1157 G>A, and LGR5 rs17109924 T>C were significantly associated with increased TTR (9.4 vs. 5.4 years; HR, 0.51; 95% CI: 0.35-0.93; P = 0.022; 11.3 vs. 5.7 years; HR, 0.56; 95% CI: 0.33-0.94; P = 0.024, and 10.7 vs. 5.7 years; HR, 0.33; 95% CI: 0.12-0.90; P = 0.023, respectively) and remained significant in the multivariate analysis stratified by ethnicity. In recursive partitioning, a specific gene variant profile including LGR5 rs17109924, CD44 rs8193, and ALDH1A1 rs1342024 represented a high-risk subgroup with a median TTR of 1.7 years (HR, 6.71, 95% CI: 2.71-16.63, P < 0.001).

CONCLUSION: This is the first study identifying common germline variants in colon CSC genes as independent prognostic markers for stage III and high-risk stage II colon cancer patients.


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Microarray data analysis is one of data mining tool which is used to extract meaningful information hidden in biological data. One of the major focuses on microarray data analysis is the reconstruction of gene regulatory network that may be used to provide a broader understanding on the functioning of complex cellular systems. Since cancer is a genetic disease arising from the abnormal gene function, the identification of cancerous genes and the regulatory pathways they control will provide a better platform for understanding the tumor formation and development. The major focus of this thesis is to understand the regulation of genes responsible for the development of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer by analyzing the microarray expression data. In this thesis, four computational algorithms namely fuzzy logic algorithm, modified genetic algorithm, dynamic neural fuzzy network and Takagi Sugeno Kang-type recurrent neural fuzzy network are used to extract cancer specific gene regulatory network from plasma RNA dataset of colorectal cancer patients. Plasma RNA is highly attractive for cancer analysis since it requires a collection of small amount of blood and it can be obtained at any time in repetitive fashion allowing the analysis of disease progression and treatment response.


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The cupin superfamily is a group of functionally diverse proteins that are found in all three kingdoms of life, Archaea, Eubacteria, and Eukaryota. These proteins have a characteristic signature domain comprising two histidine- containing motifs separated by an intermotif region of variable length. This domain consists of six beta strands within a conserved beta barrel structure. Most cupins, such as microbial phosphomannose isomerases (PMIs), AraC- type transcriptional regulators, and cereal oxalate oxidases (OXOs), contain only a single domain, whereas others, such as seed storage proteins and oxalate decarboxylases (OXDCs), are bi-cupins with two pairs of motifs. Although some cupins have known functions and have been characterized at the biochemical level, the majority are known only from gene cloning or sequencing projects. In this study, phylogenetic analyses were conducted on the conserved domain to investigate the evolution and structure/function relationships of cupins, with an emphasis on single- domain plant germin-like proteins (GLPs). An unrooted phylogeny of cupins from a wide spectrum of evolutionary lineages identified three main clusters, microbial PMIs, OXDCs, and plant GLPs. The sister group to the plant GLPs in the global analysis was then used to root a phylogeny of all available plant GLPs. The resulting phylogeny contained three main clades, classifying the GLPs into distinct subfamilies. It is suggested that these subfamilies correlate with functional categories, one of which contains the bifunctional barley germin that has both OXO and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. It is proposed that GLPs function primarily as SODs, enzymes that protect plants from the effects of oxidative stress. Closer inspection of the DNA sequence encoding the intermotif region in plant GLPs showed global conservation of thymine in the second codon position, a character associated with hydrophobic residues. Since many of these proteins are multimeric and enzymatically inactive in their monomeric state, this conservation of hydrophobicity is thought to be associated with the need to maintain the various monomer- monomer interactions. The type of structure-based predictive analysis presented in this paper is an important approach for understanding gene function and evolution in an era when genomes from a wide range of organisms are being sequenced at a rapid rate.


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Over the past decade genomic approaches have begun to revolutionise the study of animal diversity. In particular, genome sequencing programmes have spread beyond the traditional model species to encompass an increasing diversity of animals from many different phyla, as well as unicellular eukaryotes that are closely related to the animals. Whole genome sequences allow researchers to establish, with reasonable confidence, the full complement of any particular family of genes in a genome. Comparison of gene complements from appropriate genomes can reveal the evolutionary history of gene families, indicating when both gene diversification and gene loss have occurred. More than that, however, assembled genomes allow the genomic environment in which individual genes are found to be analysed and compared between species. This can reveal how gene diversification occurred. Here, we focus on the Fox genes, drawing from multiple animal genomes to develop an evolutionary framework explaining the timing and mechanism of origin of the diversity of animal Fox genes. Ancient linkages between genes are a prominent feature of the Fox genes, depicting a history of gene clusters, some of which may be relevant to understanding Fox gene function.


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RNA interference (RNAi) is a specific and powerful tool used to manipulate gene expression and study gene function. The cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) can metabolize more than 50% of drugs. In the present study, we investigated whether vector-expressed small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) altered the CYP3A4 expression and function using the Chinese hamster cell line (V79) overexpressing CYP3A4 (CHL-3A4). Three different siRNA oligonucleotides (3A4I, 3A4II, and 3A4III) were designed and tested for their ability to interfere with CYP3A4 gene expression. Our study demonstrated that transient transfection of CHL-3A4 cells with the 3A4III siRNAs, but not 3A4I and II, significantly reduced CYP3A4 mRNA levels by 65% and protein expression levels by 75%. All these siRNAs did not affect the expression of CYP3A5 at both mRNA and protein levels in V79 cells overexpressing CYP3A5. Transfection of CHL-3A4 cells with 3A4III siRNAs significantly diminished the cytotoxicity of two CYP3A4 substrate drugs, cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide, in CHL-3A4 cells, with the IC50 increased from 55 to 210 µM to >1000 µM. Nifedipine at 5.78, 14.44, and 28.88 µM was significantly (P < 0.01) depleted by approximately 100, 40, and 22%, respectively, in S9 fractions from CHL-3A4 cells compared with parental CHL-pIC19h cells. In addition, transfection of the CHL-3A4 cells with vectors expressing the 3A4III siRNAs almost completely inhibited CYP3A4-mediated nifedipine metabolism. This study demonstrated, for the first time, the specific suppression of CYP3A4 expression and function using vector-based RNAi technique. The use of RNAi is a promising tool for the study of cytochrome P450 family function.


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A strain of Staphylococcus isolated by Dr. Fekete at the Sandia National Laboratory toxic metal dumping site in Sandia, New Mexico. has been found to reduce toxic Cr(VI) to the less toxic Cr(IlI) state. We have ascertained the environmental parameters for optimal bacterial growth and Cr(VI) reduction. This knowledge may be employed in a comprehensive bioremediation scheme designed to accelerate natural reparation of that Sandia ecosystem. In addition we have investigated the genetic and enzymatic basis for this Cr(VI) reducing ability. This information may allow us to create more effective bioremediation schemes based on the comprehensive knowledge of enzyme and gene function. Preliminary investigations have been carried out toward this end which may serve as the basis for a more thorough investigation.


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In this study, AHI1 and NDRG2 gene function in the insulin signalling pathways regulating skeletal muscle homeostasis was investigated. Findings implicate AHI1 in the regulation of insulin-stimulated glucose transport and the development of insulin resistance, whilst associating NDRG2 with the regulation of myoblast proliferation and differentiation; possible via interactions with PICK1 and arfaptin2.


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Background: A current challenge in gene annotation is to define the gene function in the context of the network of relationships instead of using single genes. The inference of gene networks (GNs) has emerged as an approach to better understand the biology of the system and to study how several components of this network interact with each other and keep their functions stable. However, in general there is no sufficient data to accurately recover the GNs from their expression levels leading to the curse of dimensionality, in which the number of variables is higher than samples. One way to mitigate this problem is to integrate biological data instead of using only the expression profiles in the inference process. Nowadays, the use of several biological information in inference methods had a significant increase in order to better recover the connections between genes and reduce the false positives. What makes this strategy so interesting is the possibility of confirming the known connections through the included biological data, and the possibility of discovering new relationships between genes when observed the expression data. Although several works in data integration have increased the performance of the network inference methods, the real contribution of adding each type of biological information in the obtained improvement is not clear. Methods: We propose a methodology to include biological information into an inference algorithm in order to assess its prediction gain by using biological information and expression profile together. We also evaluated and compared the gain of adding four types of biological information: (a) protein-protein interaction, (b) Rosetta stone fusion proteins, (c) KEGG and (d) KEGG+GO. Results and conclusions: This work presents a first comparison of the gain in the use of prior biological information in the inference of GNs by considering the eukaryote (P. falciparum) organism. Our results indicates that information based on direct interaction can produce a higher improvement in the gain than data about a less specific relationship as GO or KEGG. Also, as expected, the results show that the use of biological information is a very important approach for the improvement of the inference. We also compared the gain in the inference of the global network and only the hubs. The results indicates that the use of biological information can improve the identification of the most connected proteins.


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Introduction: Brief overview of Bone Development Disorders of the Skeleton Cartilage-Hair-Hypoplasia The RMRP gene Specific Aims Material and Methods Results: Clinical Studies Mutation Screen of CHH patients Search for Modifiers Functional Studies of human RMRP Mouse Studies Yeast Studies Discussion: Conclusions Summmary Appendix


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Using a human terato-carcinoma cell line, PA-1, the functional role of the oncogenes and tumor suppressor gene involved in the multistep process of carcinogenesis have been analyzed. The expression of AP-2 was strongly correlated with the susceptibility to ras transformation. The differential responsiveness to growth factors between stage 1 ras resistant cells and stage 2 ras susceptible cells was observed, indicating that the ability of stage 2 cells to respond to the mutated ras oncogenes in transformation correlated with the ability to be stimulated by certain growth factors. Using differential screening of cDNA libraries, a number of differentially expressed cDNA clones was isolated. One of those, clone 12, is overexpressed in ras transformed stage 3 cells. The amino acid sequence of clone 12 is almost identical to a mouse LLrep3 gene that was growth-regulated, and 78% similar to a yeast ribosomal protein S4. These results suggest that the S4 gene may be involved in regulation of growth. Clone 9 is expressed in stage 1 ras resistant cells (3.5-kb and 3.0-kb transcripts) but the expression of this clone in stage 2 ras susceptible cells and stage 3 ras-transformed cells is greatly diminished. The expression of this cDNA clone was increased to at least five fold in ras resistant cells and nontumorigenic hybrids treated with retinoic acid but not increased in retinoic acid treated ras susceptible cells, ras transformed cells and the tumorigenic segregants. Partial sequence of this clone showed no homology to the sequences in Genbank. These findings suggest that clone 9 could be a suppressor gene or the genes that are involved in the biochemical pathway of tumor suppression or neurogenic differentiation. The apparent pleiotropic effect of the loss of this suppressor gene function support Harris' proposal that tumor suppressor genes regulate differentiation. The tumor suppressor gene may act as negative regulator of tumor growth by controlling gene expression in differentiation. ^


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The plastid genomes of some nonphotosynthetic parasitic plants have experienced an extreme reduction in gene content and an increase in evolutionary rate of remaining genes. Nothing is known of the dynamics of these events or whether either is a direct outcome of the loss of photosynthesis. The parasitic Scrophulariaceae and Orobanchaceae, representing a continuum of heterotrophic ability ranging from photosynthetic hemiparasites to nonphotosynthetic holoparasites, are used to investigate these issues. We present a phylogenetic hypothesis for parasitic Scrophulariaceae and Orobanchaceae based on sequences of the plastid gene rps2, encoding the S2 subunit of the plastid ribosome. Parasitic Scrophulariaceae and Orobanchaceae form a monophyletic group in which parasitism can be inferred to have evolved once. Holoparasitism has evolved independently at least five times, with certain holoparasitic lineages representing single species, genera, and collections of nonphotosynthetic genera. Evolutionary loss of the photosynthetic gene rbcL is limited to a subset of holoparasitic lineages, with several holoparasites retaining a full length rbcL sequence. In contrast, the translational gene rps2 is retained in all plants investigated but has experienced rate accelerations in several hemi- as well as holoparasitic lineages, suggesting that there may be substantial molecular evolutionary changes to the plastid genome of parasites before the loss of photosynthesis. Independent patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous rate acceleration in rps2 point to distinct mechanisms underlying rate variation in different lineages. Parasitic Scrophulariaceae (including the traditional Orobanchaceae) provide a rich platform for the investigation of molecular evolutionary process, gene function, and the evolution of parasitism.


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Microinjection at high copy number of plasmids containing only the coding region of a gene into the Paramecium somatic macronucleus led to a marked reduction in the expression of the corresponding endogenous gene(s). The silencing effect, which is stably maintained throughout vegetative growth, has been observed for all Paramecium genes examined so far: a single-copy gene (ND7), as well as members of multigene families (centrin genes and trichocyst matrix protein genes) in which all closely related paralogous genes appeared to be affected. This phenomenon may be related to posttranscriptional gene silencing in transgenic plants and quelling in Neurospora and allows the efficient creation of specific mutant phenotypes thus providing a potentially powerful tool to study gene function in Paramecium. For the two multigene families that encode proteins that coassemble to build up complex subcellular structures the analysis presented herein provides the first experimental evidence that the members of these gene families are not functionally redundant.


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We introduce a method of functionally classifying genes by using gene expression data from DNA microarray hybridization experiments. The method is based on the theory of support vector machines (SVMs). SVMs are considered a supervised computer learning method because they exploit prior knowledge of gene function to identify unknown genes of similar function from expression data. SVMs avoid several problems associated with unsupervised clustering methods, such as hierarchical clustering and self-organizing maps. SVMs have many mathematical features that make them attractive for gene expression analysis, including their flexibility in choosing a similarity function, sparseness of solution when dealing with large data sets, the ability to handle large feature spaces, and the ability to identify outliers. We test several SVMs that use different similarity metrics, as well as some other supervised learning methods, and find that the SVMs best identify sets of genes with a common function using expression data. Finally, we use SVMs to predict functional roles for uncharacterized yeast ORFs based on their expression data.


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Inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene causes the familial cancer syndrome, VHL disease, characterized by a predisposition to renal cell carcinoma and other tumor types. Loss of VHL gene function also is found in a majority of sporadic renal carcinomas. A preponderance of the tumor-disposing inherited missense mutations detected in VHL disease are within the elongin-binding domain of VHL. This region mediates the formation of a multiprotein VHL complex containing elongin B, elongin C, cul-2, and Rbx1. This VHL complex is thought to function as an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Here, we report that VHL proteins harboring mutations which disrupt elongin binding are unstable and rapidly degraded by the proteasome. In contrast, wild-type VHL proteins are directly stabilized by associating with both elongins B and C. In addition, elongins B and C are stabilized through their interactions with each other and VHL. Thus, the entire VHL/elongin complex is resistant to proteasomal degradation. Because the elongin-binding domain of VHL is frequently mutated in cancers, these results suggest that loss of elongin binding causes tumorigenesis by compromising VHL protein stability and/or potential VHL ubiquitination functions.