477 resultados para gaze


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The objective of a Visual Telepresence System is to provide the operator with a high fidelity image from a remote stereo camera pair linked to a pan/tilt device such that the operator may reorient the camera position by use of head movement. Systems such as these which utilise virtual reality style helmet mounted displays have a number of limitations. The geometry of the camera positions and of the displays is generally fixed and is most suitable only for viewing elements of a scene at a particular distance. To address such limitations, a prototype system has been developed where the geometry of the displays and cameras is dynamically controlled by the eye movement of the operator. This paper explores why it is necessary to actively adjust the display system as well as the cameras and justifies the use of mechanical adjustment of the displays as an alternative to adjustment by electronic or image processing methods. The electronic and mechanical design is described including optical arrangements and control algorithms. The performance and accuracy of the system is assessed with respect to eye movement.


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BACKGROUND: Humans from an early age look longer at preferred stimuli, and also typically look longer at facial expressions of emotion, particularly happy faces. Atypical gaze patterns towards social stimuli are common in Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC). However, it is unknown if gaze fixation patterns have any genetic basis. In this study, we tested if variations in the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) gene are associated with gaze duration towards happy faces. This gene was selected because CNR1 is a key component of the endocannabinoid system, involved in processing reward, and in our previous fMRI study we found variations in CNR1 modulates the striatal response to happy (but not disgust) faces. The striatum is involved in guiding gaze to rewarding aspects of a visual scene. We aimed to validate and extend this result in another sample using a different technique (gaze tracking). METHODS: 30 volunteers (13 males, 17 females) from the general population observed dynamic emotion expressions on a screen while their eye movements were recorded. They were genotyped for the identical four SNPs in the CNR1 gene tested in our earlier fMRI study. RESULTS: Two SNPs (rs806377 and rs806380) were associated with differential gaze duration for happy (but not disgust) faces. Importantly, the allelic groups associated with greater striatal response to happy faces in the fMRI study were associated with longer gaze duration for happy faces. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest CNR1 variations modulate striatal function that underlies the perception of signals of social reward such as happy faces. This suggests CNR1 is a key element in the molecular architecture of perception of certain basic emotions. This may have implications for understanding neurodevelopmental conditions marked by atypical eye contact and facial emotion processing, such as ASC.


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Visual Telepresence system which utilize virtual reality style helmet mounted displays have a number of limitations. The geometry of the camera positions and of the display is fixed and is most suitable only for viewing elements of a scene at a particular distance. In such a system, the operator's ability to gaze around without use of head movement is severely limited. A trade off must be made between a poor viewing resolution or a narrow width of viewing field. To address these limitations a prototype system where the geometry of the displays and cameras is dynamically controlled by the eye movement of the operator has been developed. This paper explores the reasons why is necessary to actively adjust both the display system and the cameras and furthermore justifies the use of mechanical adjustment of the displays as an alternative to adjustment by electronic or image processing methods. The electronic and mechanical design is described including optical arrangements and control algorithms, An assessment of the performance of the system against a fixed camera/display system when operators are assigned basic tasks involving depth and distance/size perception. The sensitivity to variations in transient performance of the display and camera vergence is also assessed.


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In this paper we describe how to cope with the delays inherent in a real time control system for a steerable stereo head/eye platform. A purposive and reactive system requires the use of fast vision algorithms to provide the controller with the error signals to drive the platform. The time-critical implementation of these algorithms is necessary, not only to enable short latency reaction to real world events, but also to provide sufficiently high frequency results with small enough delays that controller remain stable. However, even with precise knowledge of that delay, nonlinearities in the plant make modelling of that plant impossible, thus precluding the use of a Smith Regulator. Moreover, the major delay in the system is in the feedback (image capture and vision processing) rather than feed forward (controller) loop. Delays ranging between 40msecs and 80msecs are common for the simple 2D processes, but might extend to several hundred milliseconds for more sophisticated 3D processes. The strategy presented gives precise control over the gaze direction of the cameras despite the lack of a priori knowledge of the delays involved. The resulting controller is shown to have a similar structure to the Smith Regulator, but with essential modifications.


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The authors present an active vision system which performs a surveillance task in everyday dynamic scenes. The system is based around simple, rapid motion processors and a control strategy which uses both position and velocity information. The surveillance task is defined in terms of two separate behavioral subsystems, saccade and smooth pursuit, which are demonstrated individually on the system. It is shown how these and other elementary responses to 2D motion can be built up into behavior sequences, and how judicious close cooperation between vision and control results in smooth transitions between the behaviors. These ideas are demonstrated by an implementation of a saccade to smooth pursuit surveillance system on a high-performance robotic hand/eye platform.


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Background: Some studies have proven that a conventional visual brain computer interface (BCI) based on overt attention cannot be used effectively when eye movement control is not possible. To solve this problem, a novel visual-based BCI system based on covert attention and feature attention has been proposed and was called the gaze-independent BCI. Color and shape difference between stimuli and backgrounds have generally been used in examples of gaze-independent BCIs. Recently, a new paradigm based on facial expression changes has been presented, and obtained high performance. However, some facial expressions were so similar that users couldn't tell them apart, especially when they were presented at the same position in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm. Consequently, the performance of the BCI is reduced. New Method: In this paper, we combined facial expressions and colors to optimize the stimuli presentation in the gaze-independent BCI. This optimized paradigm was called the colored dummy face pattern. It is suggested that different colors and facial expressions could help users to locate the target and evoke larger event-related potentials (ERPs). In order to evaluate the performance of this new paradigm, two other paradigms were presented, called the gray dummy face pattern and the colored ball pattern. Comparison with Existing Method(s): The key point that determined the value of the colored dummy faces stimuli in BCI systems was whether the dummy face stimuli could obtain higher performance than gray faces or colored balls stimuli. Ten healthy participants (seven male, aged 21–26 years, mean 24.5 ± 1.25) participated in our experiment. Online and offline results of four different paradigms were obtained and comparatively analyzed. Results: The results showed that the colored dummy face pattern could evoke higher P300 and N400 ERP amplitudes, compared with the gray dummy face pattern and the colored ball pattern. Online results showed that the colored dummy face pattern had a significant advantage in terms of classification accuracy (p < 0.05) and information transfer rate (p < 0.05) compared to the other two patterns. Conclusions: The stimuli used in the colored dummy face paradigm combined color and facial expressions. This had a significant advantage in terms of the evoked P300 and N400 amplitudes and resulted in high classification accuracies and information transfer rates. It was compared with colored ball and gray dummy face stimuli.


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Objective: Early mother-infant interactions are impaired in the context of infant cleft lip, and are associated with adverse child psychological outcomes, but the nature of these interaction difficulties is not yet fully understood. The aim of this study was to explore adult gaze behaviour and cuteness perception, which are particularly important during early social exchanges, in response to infants with cleft lip, in order to investigate potential foundations for the interaction difficulties seen in this population. Methods: Using an eye-tracker, eye movements were recorded as adult participants viewed images of infant faces with and without cleft lip. Participants also rated each infant on a scale of cuteness. Results: Participants fixated significantly longer on the mouths of infants with cleft lip, which occurred at the expense of fixation on eyes. Severity of cleft lip was associated with the strength of fixation bias, with participants looking even longer at the mouths of infants with the most severe clefts. Infants with cleft lip were rated as significantly less cute than unaffected infants. Men rated infants as less cute than women overall, but gave particularly low ratings to infants with cleft lip Conclusions: Results demonstrate that the limited disturbance in infant facial configuration of cleft lip can significantly alter adult gaze patterns and cuteness perception. Our findings could have important implications for early interactions, and may help in the development of interventions to foster healthy development in infants with cleft lip.


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The primary objective of this research study is to determine which form of testing, the PEST algorithm or an operator-controlled condition is most accurate and time efficient for administration of the gaze stabilization test


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Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of line of gaze, arm and ball was used to describe the visual and motor behaviour of male adolescents diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The ADHD participants were tested when both on (ADHD-On) and off (ADHD-Off) their medication and compared to age-matched normal controls in a modified table tennis task that required tracking the ball and hitting to cued right and left targets. Long-duration information was provided by a pre-cue, in which the target was illuminated approximately 2 s before the serve, and short-duration information by an early-cue illuminated about 350 ms after the serve, leaving -500 ms to select the target and perform the action. The ADHD groups differed significantly from the control group in both the pre-cue and early-cue conditions in being less accurate, in having a later onset and duration of pursuit tracking, and a higher frequency of gaze on and off the ball. The use of medication significantly reduced the gaze frequency of the ADHD participants, but surprisingly this did not lead to an increase in pursuit tracking, suggesting a barrier was reached beyond which ball flight information could not be processed. The control and ADHD groups did not differ in arm movement onset, duration and velocity in the short-duration early-cue condition; in the long-duration pre-cue condition, however, the ADHD group's movement time onset and arm velocity differed significantly from controls. The results show that the ADHD groups were able to process short-duration information without experiencing adverse effects on their motor behaviour; however, long-duration information contributed to irregular movement control.


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Strips of gauze and furacin gauze were implanted into the subcutaneous space and employed as dressing of dorsal incisions of albino rats. The animals were sacrificed after 24 hours, 2, 5, and 7 post-operative days. The pieces were processed for histological examination. It is possible to conclude that furacin gauze provokes more severe inflammatory reactions and does not favour connective neoformation and epithelization. Furacin gauze should be utilized only as a germicidal aim.


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Throughout history, women have often been perceived as hysterical and weak. This perception has been reflected through the representation of women in literature which has resulted in a limited scope of female normality and morality creating characteristics fundamentally different than male characters. Though these characteristics have been contributed as natural female characteristics, the theories of Jeremy Bentham, a 18th and 19th century Englishman, can be applied as a possible reason for these reactions. Bentham’s Panopticon, the theory of punishment wherein a constant unseen gaze peers at inmates theoretically creating paranoia and psychological breakdown, creates characteristics similar to those that women in literature seem to exhibit. In this paper, I will outline the characteristics of three various characters in novels. First, I will review the Panoptic literature that has been written on The Woman in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper, then I will conduct my own analysis on The Governess in Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw and Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre . In this analysis, I will consider the “gaze,” the symbolic Panopticon implemented by society, and argue how characteristics present in stereotypical representations of women are not inherent in women due to gender or sex, but because women are most objectified and thereby most affected by the Panoptic gaze of society.


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This article focuses the relationship between journeys and photographs especially among anthropologists who travel. Having travelled to the Upper Negro River as an advisor of a PhD student, I discuss what digital photographs may mean in a context where verbal communication is impossible. Real or imaginary journeys are a source of images, reports, or travel logs in which it is difficult to discern what is real and what is fiction. After discussing a few famous scientific and literary journeys, the article focuses on some anthropological journeys and concludes that images produced by anthropologists are a result of trained intuition, a sensitive gaze, and memories of former travels. The article includes photographic essays that incorporate pictures I took in February 2012 among the Hupd'äh, in the Upper Negro River region.