51 resultados para furnishings


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Over the past two years the global economy has experienced substantial economic turmoil, resulting in severe economic contraction. While there has been a recent return to growth, this situation has impacted all economic sectors worldwide. In the highly tourism-dependent region of the Caribbean, the impact of the global economic crisis has been most notable on the tourism sector, which, from the early 1990s, became the key driver of economic growth for the region. The eventual emergence of this sector reflects an economic development history which was previously underpinned by the export of agricultural commodities, and subsequently by the adoption of the import substitution industrialization model as promulgated by Arthur Lewis. This was further stimulated by spectacular economic contraction in Caribbean economies during the 1980s as a result of changes in the global terms of trade for commodities, generally low levels of competitiveness for manufactured goods, as well as weak institutional and governance frameworks. Ultimately, many economies began to reflect fiscal and balance of payments constraints. By the end of the 1990s, too, evidence of declining competitiveness even in the tourism sector began to become apparent particularly when evaluated under the framework of the Butler Tourism Area Life- Cycle (TALC) model. The recent economic crisis, therefore, provides an opportunity to reflect on the overall approach to economic development in the Caribbean, and to assess the implications of the region’s response to the crisis. This analysis makes the case for the future development of the sector to be based on two broad strategies. The first is to deepen the integration of the tourism sector into the broader economy through the diversification of the regional tourism product, as well as the enhancement of linkages with other sectors, while the second is to expand the tourism sector into a total service economy through the introduction of new services. Considering linkages, the development of clusters and value chains to support the tourism sector is identified with respect to agriculture and food, handicraft, and furnishings. Among the new services identified are education, wellness, yachting and boating, financial services, and information and communications technologies (ICT). This overall strategy is deemed to be better suited to the macroeconomic realities of the Caribbean, where high labour costs and other structural rigidities require a high-valued specialty tourism product in order to sustain the sector’s global competitiveness.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A vida material na cidade de Belém é o palco da análise deste trabalho ao buscar compreender as relações sociais, econômicas e culturais através do universo das casas e objetos das famílias abastadas entre 1920-1945. As mudanças e permanências na forma de morar se fazia presente no discurso do poder público que paulatinamente com o discurso pautado na higiene buscou inserir práticas no cotidiano que interferiram nos interiores das residências e nas ações dos seus moradores. Pretendemos acompanhar os moradores no interior de suas residências, observando a chegada de objetos e hábitos que estavam pautados no conceito de civilização divulgada pelo Estado republicano. Assim nos propomos a observar as notícias da economia paraense e seu crescimento no setor da produção de móveis e os sujeitos que estavam atrelados ao consumo destes objetos, conhecendo os lugares de venda e compra de utensílios domésticos e suas formas de divulgação. Tentamos analisar a uso social dos objetos nos cômodos das residências e as transformações que estes provocaram entre seus usuários ao apresentarem vínculos entre vida material e práticas culturais.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Brazilian construction is with high production which resulted in many service industries and also for businesses that work in conjunction with it. For the furniture industries would not be different, since they are intimately involved with the construction. To meet the demand for furnishings in Brazil, some clusters of industries have developed in recent years, as in the case of Uba (MG), Arapongas (PR) and Bento Gonçalves (RS). For industries sector can always increase its production combining quality and customer satisfaction, is necessary for their production procedures are studied and improved every day. The aim of this research is to propose a solution for simple information system involving the issue of tracking parts of the furniture produced in an industry custom furniture that depend on outsourced services. The research occurred during four months of the year 2013 for the observation of the production of the industry, where possible observing interference could be carried out with the aim of obtaining improvements in the production line. It is concluded that control of the finished product in a custom furniture industry is a very complex work, because the information system must transmit information faithful, which has not happened formerly, but after the implementation of the identification system was significant improvement the transfer of information between sectors mounts internal and external furniture


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Increasingly, the furniture market is competitive. The construction industry presents itself in growth, mainly due to the lines of existing incentives and tax credits established by the government, assisting the impulse to purchase real estate, building materials and furniture. Factors that promote and strengthen the sector's growth. With high demand from the furniture market, demand for higher quality and increasing technological advances, research is often undertaken in search of solutions for process improvement and product features, focusing on the production of materials less harmful to the environment, provision of raw press to lower cost, improve the production process and product development of cost-effective. This research focuses on the comparative study between two materials widely used in furniture manufacturing. MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) and MDP (Medium Density Particleboard). The subject provides the focus in furniture production, presenting and comparing data collected from three companies producing panels between physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, also presenting some of the main factors of influence on the quality of the panels, their features and applications on mobile. The study shows the high potential of using the MDP (Medium Density Particleboard) in furniture designs, as well as MDF (Medium Density Particleboard), favoring the final terms of the project , resulting in better utilization of each material , avoiding waste and increase unnecessary cost . Currently, several projects are developed in MDP and MDF furniture, where there is no relevance to their characteristics regarding their limitations. Many of these furnishings are designed without a specific study of the best use and positioning of each material, with better utilization , favoring collateral design , especially furniture designed exclusively for each environment . The lack of technical ...


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A home filing system makes important papers readily available when needed. If managed properly, the filing system can get older papers out of the way, making needed records more accessible. A well-organized filing system for your household can pay big dividends when it comes time to find an important paper you need NOW. There is no one best filing system for everyone; what works for you could be a disaster for someone else. Once set up, a filing system helps you to be a more effective and efficient financial manager and decision maker.


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Manufactured housing has been found to have substantial levels of formaldehyde in the indoor air. Because mobile homes are more affordable than conventional housing, there has been a large increase in their use in the U.S. This increase in mobile home use has been substantial in the sunbelt regions such as Texas, where high temperatures and humidities may enhance out-gassing of formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds from construction and furnishing materials and increase any potential health hazards.^ The influences of environmental, architectural and temporal factors on the presence of indoor formaldehyde and other organic compounds were investigated in conjunction with the Texas Indoor Air Quality Study of manufactured housing. A matched pair of mobile homes, one with electric heating and cooking utilities and the other with propane gas utilities, were used for a series of controlled experiments over a fourteen month period from October, 1982 through November, 1983.^ Over this fourteen month period formaldehyde levels decreased approximately 33%. Daily fluctuations of 20% to 40% were observed even with a constant indoor temperature. An increase in indoor temperature of 8(DEGREES)C doubled the measured formaldehyde concentration. Opening windows resulted in decreases of indoor formaldehyde levels of up to 50%. Studies of the impact of propane as a cooking source showed no increase in formaldehyde levels with stove use.^ The presence and concentration of selected volatile organic compounds is influenced greatest by occupancy. Occupants continually open and close windows and doors, vary the operation and settings (temperature) of air control systems, and vary in their selection of furnishings and use of consumer products, which may act as sources of indoor air contaminants. ^


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La resistencia de algunos niños a la atención odontológica constituye un problema para los profesionales, el niño y sus padres. Una forma de prevenirla es preparar al niño con anticipación utilizando el juego como espacio transicional para la aceptación de los procedimientos de curación. La experiencia nos ha demostrado su eficacia en la construcción de representaciones en la mente del niño del diagnóstico y del tratamiento. Al anticipar la experiencia a través del juego disminuye su temor. La metodología implementada es la técnica de juego en grupos pequeños de pares. Los niños comprenden la situación odontológica a través de dramatizaciones, dibujos y juegos con instrumental y juguetes En un clima Iúdico, aprenden el uso del instrumental odontológico, se familiariza con el mobiliario y aparatología del consultorio y posteriormente se evalúa la disposición para recibir atención odontológica.


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Este trabajo constituye una propuesta didáctica para incluir en los procesos de enseñanza de la arquitectura y del dibujo y la teoría del proyecto arquitectónico en la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de la República del Uruguay. Se parte de la afirmación ya demostrada de que el cine de ficción resulta un medio adecuado y complementario de otros procedimientos para enseñar y estudiar arquitectura. El trabajo establece una ejercitación alternativa a las tradicionales basada en el método de la comparación que permite establecer relaciones entre diferentes realidades: entre la realidad y la ficción o entre diferentes mundos de ficción. Si se hace referencia concreta a la ejercitación desarrollada en los cursos de proyecto y dibujo arquitectónicos de la Facultad de Arquitectura, no es novedad que las prácticas del dibujo de observación directa del objeto real o mediatizado –croquis de observación directa y restitución (pasaje de un sistema de representación codificada a otro) – o del manejo de referentes paradigmáticos durante los procesos creativos, se basan todas en la comparación entre dos cosas. Toda comparación nos induce a fijar la atención en dos o más objetos para descubrir sus relaciones y estimar sus semejanzas lo que nos permite conocer con mayor precisión sus atributos. El ejercicio de ideación de un objeto –propio del proceso proyectual– se sustenta en el cotejo sucesivo y alternativo de la observación del objeto imaginado y de su representación gráfica progresiva. En ese proceso son puestos en juego mecanismos que activan y relacionan nuestras sensaciones con nuestra memoria inconsciente y con redes de conceptos adquiridos a través de la enseñanza y la reflexión. Por un lado, este trabajo busca –mediante el planteo de hipótesis– poner en juego diferentes recursos de análisis de filmes para su debida demostración y, al extraer conclusiones, aportar al conocimiento científico sobre un tema. Por otra parte procura mostrar un camino alternativo para el manejo del recurso cine en los procesos de enseñanza del estudiante de arquitectura. Un camino que estructure diferentes procedimientos de análisis –que por sí mismos implican un ejercicio de la percepción y de la sensibilización– para verificar los contenidos y el alcance de las hipótesis planteadas. This work emerges from a reflection based on the capacity of the cinematographic resource in architecture teaching. The proposal consists in alternative exercises different from the traditional ones, specially designed for architecture students. The exercises handle the potential value of the cinema, especially fictional film or narrative film, as a tool for developing our perception and reflection, thus stimulating the rational and emotional aspects of each person. It is based on the comparative method which allows the establishment of relations among different realities: between fiction and reality and between different fiction worlds. It has been structured into three modules of increasing difficulty. Each one initiates its discourse with a hypothesis formulation which must be demonstrated and triggers a research process where the student’s knowledge, reasoning and ability to evaluate are put into play through a set of exercises. These involve the graphic survey of film spaces, cinematic languages and significance perception systems in order to detect archetypical architectural spaces common to different films. In this particular case, the proposal is addressed to the analysis of interior domestic spaces and its furnishings.


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This paper reveals the importance of the Dickens Opera House to the local history of Longmont, Colorado. Through an exploration of pioneer history and of architectural patronage and audience accommodation, this paper illustrates how the Dickens Opera House participated in the construction of cultural identity and civic aspirations of the city of Longmont. Using the Tabor Opera House of Leadville and Wright Opera House of Ouray as framing examples to place the Dickens Opera House within its proper architectural and historical context, I approach the building’s inception, construction, and early years as a way to track the early civic identity of a community through a work of architecture. The Dickens Opera House provided a point for the citizens of Longmont to focus their hopes of success and respectability in a newly formed community. An opera house provided a high-class perception of a town that provided a projection of respectability. Such a construction was built from various sources – the architecture of the building, simply calling the building an ‘opera house’, furnishings in the latest fashions and equipment of the latest technology, and extravagant scenery and curtains. In addition to these outward projections, opera houses also provided a place for community events. It was the location in town that brought people together.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"NPS D-16"--P. [3] of cover.