979 resultados para functional vision


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We present a model for early vision tasks such as denoising, super-resolution, deblurring, and demosaicing. The model provides a resolution-independent representation of discrete images which admits a truly rotationally invariant prior. The model generalizes several existing approaches: variational methods, finite element methods, and discrete random fields. The primary contribution is a novel energy functional which has not previously been written down, which combines the discrete measurements from pixels with a continuous-domain world viewed through continous-domain point-spread functions. The value of the functional is that simple priors (such as total variation and generalizations) on the continous-domain world become realistic priors on the sampled images. We show that despite its apparent complexity, optimization of this model depends on just a few computational primitives, which although tedious to derive, can now be reused in many domains. We define a set of optimization algorithms which greatly overcome the apparent complexity of this model, and make possible its practical application. New experimental results include infinite-resolution upsampling, and a method for obtaining subpixel superpixels. © 2012 IEEE.


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Capability loss simulators give designers a brief experience of some of the functional effects of capability loss. They are an effective method of helping people to understand the impact of capability loss on product use. However, it is also important that designers know what levels of loss are being simulated and how they relate to the user population. The study in this paper tested the Cambridge Simulation Glasses with 25 participants to determine the effect of different numbers of glasses on a person's visual acuity. This data is also related to the glasses' use in usability assessment. A procedure is described for determining the number of simulator glasses with which the visual detail on a product is just visible. This paper then explains how to calculate the proportion of the UK population who would be unable to distinguish that detail.


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Large concrete structures need to be inspected in order to assess their current physical and functional state, to predict future conditions, to support investment planning and decision making, and to allocate limited maintenance and rehabilitation resources. Current procedures in condition and safety assessment of large concrete structures are performed manually leading to subjective and unreliable results, costly and time-consuming data collection, and safety issues. To address these limitations, automated machine vision-based inspection procedures have increasingly been proposed by the research community. This paper presents current achievements and open challenges in vision-based inspection of large concrete structures. First, the general concept of Building Information Modeling is introduced. Then, vision-based 3D reconstruction and as-built spatial modeling of concrete civil infrastructure are presented. Following that, the focus is set on structural member recognition as well as on concrete damage detection and assessment exemplified for concrete columns. Although some challenges are still under investigation, it can be concluded that vision-based inspection methods have significantly improved over the last 10 years, and now, as-built spatial modeling as well as damage detection and assessment of large concrete structures have the potential to be fully automated.


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A programmable vision chip for real-time vision applications is presented. The chip architecture is a combination of a SIMD processing element array and row-parallel processors, which can perform pixel-parallel and row-parallel operations at high speed. It implements the mathematical morphology method to carry out low-level and mid-level image processing and sends out image features for high-level image processing without I/O bottleneck. The chip can perform many algorithms through software control. The simulated maximum frequency of the vision chip is 300 MHz with 16 x 16 pixels resolution. It achieves the rate of 1000 frames per second in real-time vision. A prototype chip with a 16 x 16 PE array is fabricated by the 0.18 mu m standard CMOS process. It has a pixel size of 30 mu m x 40 mu m and 8.72 mW power consumption with a 1.8 V power supply. Experiments including the mathematical morphology method and target tracking application demonstrated that the chip is fully functional and can be applied in real-time vision applications.


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A neural network model of 3-D visual perception and figure-ground separation by visual cortex is introduced. The theory provides a unified explanation of how a 2-D image may generate a 3-D percept; how figures pop-out from cluttered backgrounds; how spatially sparse disparity cues can generate continuous surface representations at different perceived depths; how representations of occluded regions can be completed and recognized without usually being seen; how occluded regions can sometimes be seen during percepts of transparency; how high spatial frequency parts of an image may appear closer than low spatial frequency parts; how sharp targets are detected better against a figure and blurred targets are detector better against a background; how low spatial frequency parts of an image may be fused while high spatial frequency parts are rivalrous; how sparse blue cones can generate vivid blue surface percepts; how 3-D neon color spreading, visual phantoms, and tissue contrast percepts are generated; how conjunctions of color-and-depth may rapidly pop-out during visual search. These explanations arise derived from an ecological analysis of how monocularly viewed parts of an image inherit the appropriate depth from contiguous binocularly viewed parts, as during DaVinci stereopsis. The model predicts the functional role and ordering of multiple interactions within and between the two parvocellular processing streams that join LGN to prestriate area V4. Interactions from cells representing larger scales and disparities to cells representing smaller scales and disparities are of particular importance.


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Recent evidence that echinoids of the genus Echinometra have moderate visual acuity that appears to be mediated by their spines screening off-axis light suggests that the urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, with its higher spine density, may have even more acute spatial vision. We analyzed the movements of 39 specimens of S. purpuratus after they were placed in the center of a featureless tank containing a round, black target that had an angular diameter of 6.5 deg. or 10 deg. (solid angles of 0.01 sr and 0.024 sr, respectively). An average orientation vector for each urchin was determined by testing the animal four times, with the target placed successively at bearings of 0 deg., 90 deg., 180 deg. and 270 deg. (relative to magnetic east). The urchins showed no significant unimodal or axial orientation relative to any non-target feature of the environment or relative to the changing position of the 6.5 deg. target. However, the urchins were strongly axially oriented relative to the changing position of the 10 deg. target (mean axis from -1 to 179 deg.; 95% confidence interval +/- 12 deg.; P<0.001, Moore's non-parametric Hotelling's test), with 10 of the 20 urchins tested against that target choosing an average bearing within 10 deg. of either the target center or its opposite direction (two would be expected by chance). In addition, the average length of the 20 target-normalized bearings for the 10 deg. target (each the vector sum of the bearings for the four trials) were far higher than would be expected by chance (P<10(-10); Monte Carlo simulation), showing that each urchin, whether it moved towards or away from the target, did so with high consistency. These results strongly suggest that S. purpuratus detected the 10 deg. target, responding either by approaching it or fleeing it. Given that the urchins did not appear to respond to the 6.5 deg. target, it is likely that the 10 deg. target was close to the minimum detectable size for this species. Interestingly, measurements of the spine density of the regions of the test that faced horizontally predicted a similar visual resolution (8.3+/-0.5 deg. for the interambulacrum and 11+/-0.54 deg. for the ambulacrum). The function of this relatively low, but functional, acuity - on par with that of the chambered Nautilus and the horseshoe crab - is unclear but, given the bimodal response, is likely to be related to both shelter seeking and predator avoidance.


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The effect of vision on the excitability of corticospinal projections to the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and extensor carpi radialis (ECR) muscles of right human forearm was investigated before and during discrete movement of the opposite limb. An external force opposed the initial phase of the movement (wrist flexion) and assisted the reverse phase, so that recruitment of the wrist extensors was minimized. Three conditions were used as follows: viewing the inactive right limb (Vision), viewing the mirror image of the moving left limb (Mirror), and with vision of the right limb occluded (No Vision). Transcranial magnetic stimulation was delivered to the left motor cortex: before, at the onset of, or during the left limb movement to obtain motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the muscles of the right forearm. At and following movement onset, MEPs obtained in the right FCR were smaller in the Vision condition than in the Mirror and No Vision conditions. A distinct pattern of variation was obtained for the ECR. In all conditions, MEPs in this muscle were elevated upon or following movement of the opposite limb. An additional analysis of ipsilateral silent periods indicated that interhemispheric inhibition plays a role in mediating these effects. Activity-dependent changes in corticospinal output to a resting limb during discrete actions of the opposite limb are thus directly contingent upon where one looks. Furthermore, the extent to which vision exerts an influence upon projections to specific muscles varies in accordance with the functional contribution of their homologs to the intended action.


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Animals can call on a multitude of sensory information to orient and navigate. In some cases they may calibrate these cues against each other to establish the most accurate information available. One such cue is the pattern of polarized light in the sky, which may be used as a geographical reference to calibrate other cues in the compass mechanism. Mammals, however, have not been shown to use this cue, even though they do calibrate a magnetic compass with sunset. In this paper we demonstrate that bats use polarization cues at sunset to calibrate a magnetic compass, subsequently used for orientation during a homing experiment. It is thus the only mammal known so far to make use of the polarization pattern in the sky. This is an intriguing finding as currently there is no clear understanding of how this cue is perceived in this taxon and has general implications for the sensory biology of mammalian vision.


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PURPOSE: Presbyopia limits activities of daily living, but population-based data from rural China are scarce. METHODS: A population-based, cross-sectional study was conducted in 2009 among all persons aged 40+ years in a rural area near Shenyang, China. Distance and near VA were measured using logMAR E charts. Individuals with pinhole-corrected distance vision ≥20/63 underwent detailed eye examination and near refraction. RESULTS: A total of 1008 (91.5%) respondents were examined (mean age, 58.4 ± 10.7 years for men, 56.8 ± 9.89 years for women). Women and older subjects were more likely to participate. The prevalence of functional presbyopia (near vision <20/50 [N8] improved by ≥1 line with correction) was 67.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 64.30%-70.09%), increasing from 27.6% at 40 to 49 years of age to 81.8% at 60 to 69 years. Multivariate analysis showed that older age (P < 0.001), but not gender or education, was significantly associated with a higher risk of presbyopia. Self-reported presbyopic spectacle correction coverage was 51.5%. In multivariate logistic regression models, worse presenting near vision (P = 0.013) and higher required spherical equivalent power (P < 0.001) were associated with having correction, while age, gender, education, and distance vision were unassociated. Major barriers reported by persons without near correction included poor quality of available glasses (33.1%) and lack of awareness of the condition and its treatment (28.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Presbyopia is highly prevalent in rural China, and nearly half of affected persons have no access to correction. Interventions should focus on education and improvement in the quality of refractive services.


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Le traumatisme craniocérébral léger (TCCL) a des effets complexes sur plusieurs fonctions cérébrales, dont l’évaluation et le suivi peuvent être difficiles. Les problèmes visuels et les troubles de l’équilibre font partie des plaintes fréquemment rencontrées après un TCCL. En outre, ces problèmes peuvent continuer à affecter les personnes ayant eu un TCCL longtemps après la phase aiguë du traumatisme. Cependant, les évaluations cliniques conventionnelles de la vision et de l’équilibre ne permettent pas, la plupart du temps, d’objectiver ces symptômes, surtout lorsqu’ils s’installent durablement. De plus, il n’existe pas, à notre connaissance, d’étude longitudinale ayant étudié les déficits visuels perceptifs, en tant que tels, ni les troubles de l’équilibre secondaires à un TCCL, chez l’adulte. L’objectif de ce projet était donc de déterminer la nature et la durée des effets d’un tel traumatisme sur la perception visuelle et sur la stabilité posturale, en évaluant des adultes TCCL et contrôles sur une période d’un an. Les mêmes sujets, exactement, ont participé aux deux expériences, qui ont été menées les mêmes jours pour chacun des sujets. L’impact du TCCL sur la perception visuelle de réseaux sinusoïdaux définis par des attributs de premier et de second ordre a d’abord été étudié. Quinze adultes diagnostiqués TCCL ont été évalués 15 jours, 3 mois et 12 mois après leur traumatisme. Quinze adultes contrôles appariés ont été évalués à des périodes identiques. Des temps de réaction (TR) de détection de clignotement et de discrimination de direction de mouvement ont été mesurés. Les niveaux de contraste des stimuli de premier et de second ordre ont été ajustés pour qu’ils aient une visibilité comparable, et les moyennes, médianes, écarts-types (ET) et écarts interquartiles (EIQ) des TR correspondant aux bonnes réponses ont été calculés. Le niveau de symptômes a également été évalué pour le comparer aux données de TR. De façon générale, les TR des TCCL étaient plus longs et plus variables (plus grands ET et EIQ) que ceux des contrôles. De plus, les TR des TCCL étaient plus courts pour les stimuli de premier ordre que pour ceux de second ordre, et plus variables pour les stimuli de premier ordre que pour ceux de second ordre, dans la condition de discrimination de mouvement. Ces observations se sont répétées au cours des trois sessions. Le niveau de symptômes des TCCL était supérieur à celui des participants contrôles, et malgré une amélioration, cet écart est resté significatif sur la période d’un an qui a suivi le traumatisme. La seconde expérience, elle, était destinée à évaluer l’impact du TCCL sur le contrôle postural. Pour cela, nous avons mesuré l’amplitude d’oscillation posturale dans l’axe antéropostérieur et l’instabilité posturale (au moyen de la vitesse quadratique moyenne (VQM) des oscillations posturales) en position debout, les pieds joints, sur une surface ferme, dans cinq conditions différentes : les yeux fermés, et dans un tunnel virtuel tridimensionnel soit statique, soit oscillant de façon sinusoïdale dans la direction antéropostérieure à trois vitesses différentes. Des mesures d’équilibre dérivées de tests cliniques, le Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition (BOT-2) et le Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) ont également été utilisées. Les participants diagnostiqués TCCL présentaient une plus grande instabilité posturale (une plus grande VQM des oscillations posturales) que les participants contrôles 2 semaines et 3 mois après le traumatisme, toutes conditions confondues. Ces troubles de l’équilibre secondaires au TCCL n’étaient plus présents un an après le traumatisme. Ces résultats suggèrent également que les déficits affectant les processus d’intégration visuelle mis en évidence dans la première expérience ont pu contribuer aux troubles de l’équilibre secondaires au TCCL. L’amplitude d’oscillation posturale dans l’axe antéropostérieur de même que les mesures dérivées des tests cliniques d’évaluation de l’équilibre (BOT-2 et BESS) ne se sont pas révélées être des mesures sensibles pour quantifier le déficit postural chez les sujets TCCL. L’association des mesures de TR à la perception des propriétés spécifiques des stimuli s’est révélée être à la fois une méthode de mesure particulièrement sensible aux anomalies visuomotrices secondaires à un TCCL, et un outil précis d’investigation des mécanismes sous-jacents à ces anomalies qui surviennent lorsque le cerveau est exposé à un traumatisme léger. De la même façon, les mesures d’instabilité posturale se sont révélées suffisamment sensibles pour permettre de mesurer les troubles de l’équilibre secondaires à un TCCL. Ainsi, le développement de tests de dépistage basés sur ces résultats et destinés à l’évaluation du TCCL dès ses premières étapes apparaît particulièrement intéressant. Il semble également primordial d’examiner les relations entre de tels déficits et la réalisation d’activités de la vie quotidienne, telles que les activités scolaires, professionnelles ou sportives, pour déterminer les impacts fonctionnels que peuvent avoir ces troubles des fonctions visuomotrice et du contrôle de l’équilibre.


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A whole life-cycle information management vision is proposed, the organizational requirements for the realization of the scenario is investigated. Preliminary interviews with construction professionals are reported. Discontinuities at information transfer throughout life-cycle of built environments are resulting from lack of coordination and multiple data collection/storage practices. A more coherent history of these activities can improve the work practices of various teams by augmenting decision making processes and creating organizational learning opportunities. Therefore, there is a need for unifying these fragmented bits of data to create a meaningful, semantically rich and standardized information repository for built environment. The proposed vision utilizes embedded technologies and distributed building information models. Two diverse construction project types (large one-off design, small repetitive design) are investigated for the applicability of the vision. A functional prototype software/hardware system for demonstrating the practical use of this vision is developed and discussed. Plans for case-studies for validating the proposed model at a large PFI hospital and housing association projects are discussed.


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A vision system for recognizing rigid and articulated three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional images is described. Geometrical models are extracted from a commercial computer aided design package. The models are then augmented with appearance and functional information which improves the system's hypothesis generation, hypothesis verification, and pose refinement. Significant advantages over existing CAD-based vision systems, which utilize only information available in the CAD system, are realized. Examples show the system recognizing, locating, and tracking a variety of objects in a robot work-cell and in natural scenes.


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In this paper, an active stereo vision-based learning approach is proposed for a robot to track, fixate and grasp an object in unknown environments. First, the functional mapping relationships between the joint angles of the active stereo vision system and the spatial representations of the object are derived and expressed in a three-dimensional workspace frame. Next, the self-adaptive resonance theory-based neural networks and the feedforward neural networks are used to learn the mapping relationships in a self-organized way. Then, the approach is verified by simulation using the models of an active stereo vision system which is installed in the end-effector of a robot. Finally, the simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the present approach.


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This paper addresses the problem of determening which 3D shape is present, and more importantly, the dimensions of the shape within a scene. This is performed in an active vision system because it reduces the complexity of the problem through the use of gaze stabilisation, choice of foveation point and selective processing by adaptively processing regions of interest. In our case only a small number of equations and parameters are needed for each shape. For example, a container has width and height. These are incorporated into functional descriptions of the shapes.