975 resultados para form-from-motion
Large asymmetric bed forms commonly develop in rivers. The turbulence associated with flow separation that develops over their steep lee side is responsible for the form shear stress which can represent a substantial part of total shear stress in rivers. This paper uses the Delft3D modeling system to investigate the effects of bed form geometry and forcing conditions on flow separation length and associated turbulence, and bed form shear stress over angle-of-repose (30 lee side angle) bed forms. The model was validated with lab measurements that showed sufficient agreement to be used for a systematic analysis. The influence of flow velocity, bed roughness, relative height (bed form height/water depth), and aspect ratio (bed form height/length) on the variations of the normalized length of the flow separation zone, the extent of the wake region (where the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) was more than 70% of the maximum TKE), the average TKE within the wake region and the form shear stress were investigated. Form shear stress was found not to scale with the size of the flow separation zone but to be related to the product of the normalized extent of the wake region (extent of the wake region/extent of water body above the bed form) and the average TKE within the wake region. The results add to understanding of the hydrodynamics of bed forms and may be used for the development of better parameterizations of smallscale processes for application in large-scale studies.
Batrachotoxins, including many congeners not previously described, were detected, and relative amounts were measured by using HPLC-mass spectrometry, in five species of New Guinean birds of the genus Pitohui as well as a species of a second toxic bird genus, Ifrita kowaldi. The alkaloids, identified in feathers and skin, were batrachotoxinin-A cis-crotonate (1), an allylically rearranged 16-acetate (2), which can form from 1 by sigmatropic rearrangement under basic conditions, batrachotoxinin-A and an isomer (3 and 3a, respectively), batrachotoxin (4), batrachotoxinin-A 3′-hydroxypentanoate (5), homobatrachotoxin (6), and mono- and dihydroxylated derivatives of homobatrachotoxin. The highest levels of batrachotoxins were generally present in the contour feathers of belly, breast, or legs in Pitohui dichrous, Pitohui kirhocephalus, and Ifrita kowaldi. Lesser amounts are found in head, back, tail, and wing feathers. Batrachotoxin (4) and homobatrachotoxin (6) were found only in feathers and not in skin. The levels of batrachotoxins varied widely for different populations of Pitohui and Ifrita, a result compatible with the hypothesis that these birds are sequestering toxins from a dietary source.
Motion is a powerful cue for figure-ground segregation, allowing the recognition of shapes even if the luminance and texture characteristics of the stimulus and background are matched. In order to investigate the neural processes underlying early stages of the cue-invariant processing of form, we compared the responses of neurons in the striate cortex (V1) of anaesthetized marmosets to two types of moving stimuli: bars defined by differences in luminance, and bars defined solely by the coherent motion of random patterns that matched the texture and temporal modulation of the background. A population of form-cue-invariant (FCI) neurons was identified, which demonstrated similar tuning to the length of contours defined by first- and second-order cues. FCI neurons were relatively common in the supragranular layers (where they corresponded to 28% of the recorded units), but were absent from layer 4. Most had complex receptive fields, which were significantly larger than those of other V1 neurons. The majority of FCI neurons demonstrated end-inhibition in response to long first- and second-order bars, and were strongly direction selective, Thus, even at the level of V1 there are cells whose variations in response level appear to be determined by the shape and motion of the entire second-order object, rather than by its parts (i.e. the individual textural components). These results are compatible with the existence of an output channel from V1 to the ventral stream of extrastriate areas, which already encodes the basic building blocks of the image in an invariant manner.
This paper describes a novel algorithm for tracking the motion of the urethra from trans-perineal ultrasound. Our work is based on the structure-from-motion paradigm and therefore handles well structures with ill-defined and partially missing boundaries. The proposed approach is particularly well-suited for video sequences of low resolution and variable levels of blurriness introduced by anatomical motion of variable speed. Our tracking method identifies feature points on a frame by frame basis using the SURF detector/descriptor. Inter-frame correspondence is achieved using nearest-neighbor matching in the feature space. The motion is estimated using a non-linear bi-quadratic model, which adequately describes the deformable motion of the urethra. Experimental results are promising and show that our algorithm performs well when compared to manual tracking.
This paper describes a novel algorithm for tracking the motion of the urethra from trans-perineal ultrasound. Our work is based on the structure-from-motion paradigm and therefore handles well structures with ill-defined and partially missing boundaries. The proposed approach is particularly well-suited for video sequences of low resolution and variable levels of blurriness introduced by anatomical motion of variable speed. Our tracking method identifies feature points on a frame by frame basis using the SURF detector/descriptor. Inter-frame correspondence is achieved using nearest-neighbor matching in the feature space. The motion is estimated using a non-linear bi-quadratic model, which adequately describes the deformable motion of the urethra. Experimental results are promising and show that our algorithm performs well when compared to manual tracking.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Sociais, 11 de Abril de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.
O principal objectivo da animação de personagens virtuais é o de contar uma história através da utilização de personagens virtuais emocionalmente expressivos. Os personagens têm personalidades distintas, e transmitem as suas emoções e processos de pensamento através dos seus comportamentos (comunicação não verbal). As suas acções muitas das vezes constituem a geração de movimentos corporais complexos. Existem diversas questões a considerar quando se anima uma entidade complexa, tais como, a posição das zonas móveis e as suas velocidades. Os personagens virtuais são um exemplo de entidades complexas e estão entre os elementos mais utilizados em animação computacional. O foco desta dissertação consistiu na criação de uma proposta de sistema de animação de personagens virtuais, cujos movimentos e expressões faciais são capazes de transmitir emoções e estados de espírito. Os movimentos primários, ou seja os movimentos que definem o comportamento dos personagens, são provenientes da captura de movimentos humanos (Motion Capture). As animações secundárias, tais como as expressões faciais, são criadas em Autodesk Maya recorrendo à técnica BlendShapes. Os dados obtidos pela captura de movimentos, são organizados numa biblioteca de comportamentos através de um grafo de movimentos, conhecido por Move Tree. Esta estrutura permite o controlo em tempo real dos personagens através da gestão do estado dos personagens. O sistema possibilita também a transição eficaz entre movimentos semelhantes e entre diferentes velocidades de locomoção, minimizando o efeito de arrastamento de pés conhecido como footskate. Torna-se assim possível definir um trajecto que o personagem poderá seguir com movimentos suaves. Estão também disponíveis os resultados obtidos nas sessões de avaliação realizadas, que visaram a determinação da qualidade das transições entre animações. Propõem-se ainda o melhoramento do sistema através da implementação da construção automática do grafo de movimentos.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the response rate and characteristics of people who either took part or not in from the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA) , according to information subsets. METHODS ERICA is a school-based, nation-wide investigation with a representative sample of 12 to 17-year-old adolescents attending public or private schools in municipalities with over 100,000 inhabitants in Brazil. Response rate of eligible subjects were calculated according to macro-regions, sex, age, and type of school (public or private). We also calculated the percentages of replacement schools in comparison with the ones originally selected as per the sample design, according to the types of schools in the macro-regions. The subjects and non-subjects were compared according to sex, age, and average body mass indices (kg/m2). RESULTS We had 102,327 eligible adolescents enrolled in the groups drawn. The highest percentage of complete information was obtained for the subset of the questionnaire (72.9%). Complete information regarding anthropometric measurements and the ones from the questionnaire were obtained for 72.0% of the adolescents, and the combination of these data with the 24-hour dietary recall were obtained for 70.3% of the adolescents. Complete information from the questionnaire plus biochemical blood evaluation data were obtained for 52.5% of the morning session adolescents (selected for blood tests). The response percentage in private schools was higher than the one in public schools for most of the combination of information. The ratio of older and male adolescents non-participants was higher than the ratio among participants. CONCLUSIONS The response rate for non-invasive procedures was high. The response rate for blood collection – an invasive procedure that requires a 12-hour fasting period and the informed consent form from legal guardians – was lower. The response rate observed in public schools was lower than in the private ones, and that may reflect lower school frequency of registered students.
A schistosomiasis control program was implemented between 1974/87 in Peri-Peri,. MG (622 inhabitants). Molluscicide (niclosamide) was applied at three monthly intervals in water sources with Biomphalaria glabrata, and individuals eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the feces were treated annually with oxamniquine. From 1974 to 1983 the control measures were undertaken by staff of the "René Rachou" Research Center FIOCRUZ (CPqRR), and from 1984 to 1987 these measures were included in the Capim Branco basic health network activities. During both periods, the prevalence, incidence, intensity of infection and hepatosplenic form as well as the number of infected snails decreased significantly. The prevalence decreased from 43.5 to 4.4%, the incidence from 19.0 to 2.9%, the overall intensity of S. mansoni from 281 to 87 and of the hepatosplenic form from 5.9 to 0.0%. The results obtained suggest that the municipal management of control measures was as effective as the vertical program conducted by CPqRR staff.
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Ramo de Sistemas Autónomos
Aquest projecte resol les fases inicials d'un altre projecte més gran que té com a objectiu la conversió automàtica de seqüències d'imatges a 3D. El projecte s'ha centrat en la reconstrucció calibrada de col·leccions d'imatges mitjançant la tècnica anomenada structure from motion. Aquesta tècnica forma part de l'àmbit de la visió per computador i s'utilitza per obtenir la posició i l'orientació de les diferents càmeres juntament amb una reconstrucció 3D de l'escena en forma de núvol de punts.
Scope The Education Strategy for the Children Detention School Service September 2010-2013 has been operating in draft form from 2008 and has evolved to the document it is now. It constitutes the Department of Education and Skills’ (DES) overarching strategy on educational services for children placed in children detention schools and provides an outline of the Department’s role in this sector and provides the broad parameters which inform educational provision in the education facilities attached to these detention schools. Background In December 2005, following a review carried out by the Department of Justice and Law Reform, the Government approved a programme of Youth Justice reforms specifically designed to restructure the youth justice service in Ireland into a more modern and streamlined service.
Estudi i implementació d’un mètode de reconstrucció 3D basat en SfM i registre de vistes 3D parcials
Aquest projecte es basarà en reconstruir una imatge 3D gran a partir d’una seqüència d’imatges 2D capturades per una càmera. Ens centrem en l’estudi de les bases matemàtiques de la visió per computador així com en diferents mètodes emprats en la reconstrucció 3D d’imatges. Per portar a terme aquest estudi s’utilitza la plataforma de desenvolupament MatLab ja que permet tractar operacions matemàtiques, imatges i matrius de gran tamany amb molta senzillesa, rapidesa i eficiència, per aquesta raó s’usa en moltes recerques sobre aquest tema. El projecte aprofundeix en el tema descrit anteriorment estudiant i implementant un mètode que consisteix en aplicar Structure From Motion (SFM) a pocs frames seguits obtinguts d’una seqüència d’imatges 2D per crear una reconstrucció 3D. Quan s’han creat dues reconstruccions 3D consecutives i fent servir un frame com a mínim en comú entre elles, s’aplica un mètode de registre d’estructures 3D, l’Iterative Closest Point (ICP), per crear una reconstrucció 3D més gran a través d’unir les diferents reconstruccions obtingudes a partir de SfM. El mètode consisteix en anar repetint aquestes operacions fins al final dels frames per poder aconseguir una reconstrucció 3D més gran que les petites imatges que s’aconsegueixen a través de SfM. A la Figura 1 es pot veure un esquema del procés que es segueix. Per avaluar el comportament del mètode, utilitzem un conjunt de seqüències sintètiques i un conjunt de seqüències reals obtingudes a partir d’una càmera. L’objectiu final d’aquest projecte és construir una nova toolbox de MatLab amb tots els mètodes per crear reconstruccions 3D grans per tal que sigui possible tractar amb facilitat aquest problema i seguir-lo desenvolupant en un futur
A legislative bill is a written proposal for a law. Ideas for bills come from many sources: a legislator’s constituents, businesses, government agencies, professional associations, interest groups and other state legislatures. When a legislator recognizes or is made aware of a problem which could be pursued through legislation, that idea is put into the form of a bill. In Iowa, only legislators are able to sponsor and introduce bills. Bills may be sponsored by a Senator or Representative, or by a Senate or House committee. All bills must be approved by both the Senate and the House before being sent to the Governor for final approval. When a bill is introduced by members of a legislative chamber, it must follow a process and, if passed, be sent to members in the other legislative chamber where this process is repeated. The bill and its language must be in identical form from both chambers before being sent to the Governor.
Conservation laws in physics are numerical invariants of the dynamics of a system. In cellular automata (CA), a similar concept has already been defined and studied. To each local pattern of cell states a real value is associated, interpreted as the “energy” (or “mass”, or . . . ) of that pattern.The overall “energy” of a configuration is simply the sum of the energy of the local patterns appearing on different positions in the configuration. We have a conservation law for that energy, if the total energy of each configuration remains constant during the evolution of the CA. For a given conservation law, it is desirable to find microscopic explanations for the dynamics of the conserved energy in terms of flows of energy from one region toward another. Often, it happens that the energy values are from non-negative integers, and are interpreted as the number of “particles” distributed on a configuration. In such cases, it is conjectured that one can always provide a microscopic explanation for the conservation laws by prescribing rules for the local movement of the particles. The onedimensional case has already been solved by Fuk´s and Pivato. We extend this to two-dimensional cellular automata with radius-0,5 neighborhood on the square lattice. We then consider conservation laws in which the energy values are chosen from a commutative group or semigroup. In this case, the class of all conservation laws for a CA form a partially ordered hierarchy. We study the structure of this hierarchy and prove some basic facts about it. Although the local properties of this hierarchy (at least in the group-valued case) are tractable, its global properties turn out to be algorithmically inaccessible. In particular, we prove that it is undecidable whether this hierarchy is trivial (i.e., if the CA has any non-trivial conservation law at all) or unbounded. We point out some interconnections between the structure of this hierarchy and the dynamical properties of the CA. We show that positively expansive CA do not have non-trivial conservation laws. We also investigate a curious relationship between conservation laws and invariant Gibbs measures in reversible and surjective CA. Gibbs measures are known to coincide with the equilibrium states of a lattice system defined in terms of a Hamiltonian. For reversible cellular automata, each conserved quantity may play the role of a Hamiltonian, and provides a Gibbs measure (or a set of Gibbs measures, in case of phase multiplicity) that is invariant. Conversely, every invariant Gibbs measure provides a conservation law for the CA. For surjective CA, the former statement also follows (in a slightly different form) from the variational characterization of the Gibbs measures. For one-dimensional surjective CA, we show that each invariant Gibbs measure provides a conservation law. We also prove that surjective CA almost surely preserve the average information content per cell with respect to any probability measure.