170 resultados para forager nymph
Gammarus spp. are traditionally viewed under the functional feeding group (FFG) concept as herbivorous 'shredders'. Although recent studies suggest that Gammarus should also be viewed as predators, this latter role remains contentious. Here, in a laboratory experiment, we objectively examine the balance between shredder and predator roles in a common freshwater species. Gammarus pulex preyed significantly on mayfly nymph, Baetis rhodani, in both the presence and absence of excess leaf material. There was no significant difference in predation where the alternative food, that is, leaf material, was present as compared to absent. Also, G. pulex shredded leaf material in the presence and absence of B. rhodani. However, shredding was significantly reduced where alternative food, that is, B. rhodani prey, was present as compared to absent. Further, G. pulex had a clear leaf species preference. Our results suggest that Gammarus function as both predators and shredders, with the balance of the two roles perhaps depending on food availability and quality. We discuss implications for the use of the FFG concept in assessing freshwater processes, and the role that Gammarus predation may play in structuring macroinvertebrate communities.
Incorporating ecological processes and animal behaviour into Species Distribution Models (SDMs) is difficult. In species with a central resting or breeding place, there can be conflict between the environmental requirements of the 'central place' and foraging habitat. We apply a multi-scale SDM to examine habitat trade-offs between the central place, roost sites, and foraging habitat in . Myotis nattereri. We validate these derived associations using habitat selection from behavioural observations of radio-tracked bats. A Generalised Linear Model (GLM) of roost occurrence using land cover variables with mixed spatial scales indicated roost occurrence was positively associated with woodland on a fine scale and pasture on a broad scale. Habitat selection of radio-tracked bats mirrored the SDM with bats selecting for woodland in the immediate vicinity of individual roosts but avoiding this habitat in foraging areas, whilst pasture was significantly positively selected for in foraging areas. Using habitat selection derived from radio-tracking enables a multi-scale SDM to be interpreted in a behavioural context. We suggest that the multi-scale SDM of . M. nattereri describes a trade-off between the central place and foraging habitat. Multi-scale methods provide a greater understanding of the ecological processes which determine where species occur and allow integration of behavioural processes into SDMs. The findings have implications when assessing the resource use of a species at a single point in time. Doing so could lead to misinterpretation of habitat requirements as these can change within a short time period depending on specific behaviour, particularly if detectability changes depending on behaviour. © 2011 Gesellschaft für ökologie.
The objective of this investigation was to clarify the adaptive significance of female sexual behaviours in the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, and the Texas field cricket, Gryllus integer. Experiments were focussed primarily on: nutritional factors affecting female reproductive success; the ontogeny of female sexual behaviours; female mating frequency and progeny production; and the pattern of sperm competition. Reproduction of singly mated female A. domesticus assigned to 3 nutritional regimes was compared . Females fed a vitamin and protein-enriched mouse chow, cannibalistic females, and starved females produced on the average, 513 , 200 and 68 offspring, respectively. Cannibals probably could not obtain the same amounts of essential nutrients as females fed mouse chow. Reabsorption of oocytes was likely the major factor contributing to the decreased reproduction of starved females. In addition, female !. domesticus fed mouse chow, but allowed constant access to males produced 11 times as many offspring than did females fed corn meal. Females fed corn meal probably could not absorb or synthesize enough dietary lipids, thus resulting in poor ovariole growth. Female !. domesticus first mate at an average adult age of 7 days, closely corresponding to when they first exhibit positive phonotaxis. Females mate repeatedly and often consume the externally attached spermatophore. In ~. domesticus, females allowed constant access to males produced significantly more offspring than did single maters. Similarly, doubly mated G. integer females produced more offspring than did single maters. This difference resulted largely from the failure of many single maters to reproduce. Remating by female crickets partly functions in offsetting the possibility of a failed initial mating. Nymph production increased significantly with the time the spermatophore was attached in singly mated ~. domesticus. Spermatophore consumption by the female was not affected by male guarding behaviour, and the interval between mating and eating of the spermatophore may often be shorter than the time required for maximum insemination. Some degree of sperm depletion in singly mated !. domesticus and G. integer may have occurred. The patterns of daily offspring production of singly and multiplymated females suggests that a factor provided by a male during mating stimulates female oviposition and/or egg production. Female crickets also might acquire nutrition from spermatophore consumption, a benefit that is augmented by female multiple mating. The electrophoretic examination of various allozymes in ~. integer did not permit determination of a pattern of sperm competition. However, the possibility of last male sperm predominance is related to male guarding behaviour.
A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: report of Independence Day celebration including multiple toasts to the military; Page 2: report of South Carolina militia marching home; report of U.S. schooner Alligator being lost to a tornado in Port Royal; report of 10,000 militia and 2,000 regular Army troops to be used in defense of the District of Columbia and vicinity; report U.S. is to try to raise 100,000 militia for defense; news of British deserters providing information to the U.S.; report of skirmishes along the U.S. coast; statement from U.S. Navy Capt. David Porter stating he had taken possession of Sir Henry Martin's Island; report of British troops burning a militia barracks in Lewiston, N.Y.; 4 accounts of the battle of Chippewa and the taking of Fort Erie; statement from Maj. Gen. Brown in praise of his troops in the battle of Chippewa; copy of General Brown's orders to attack at Fort Erie; essay arguing against U.S. citizens boarding enemy ships; report of peace treaty rumours; Page 3: account of Capt. Porter's capture and subsequent escape from the British; list of American prisoners held on the British ship Nymph; report of British cargo ship captured by U.S. war ship; Proclamation from James Madison pardoning military deserters if they return to military service; announcement to officers and soldiers in the military offering reward for the return of military deserters; Page 4: 2 reward advertisements for return of military deserters;
The image is described as "(5) 'Maid of the Mist' - Nymph of the mighty cataract, Niagara Falls, U.S.A.".
Els geògrafs s’inclouen tant en el camp de les ciències de la terra com en el de les ciències socials, tot i que també es poden considerar filòsofs morals, perquè es preocupen i s’interessen pels valors, els costums i les aspiracions humanes de no només limitar-se a sobreviure, sinó també d’aconseguir una vida fructuosa i agradable. En aquest intent per aconseguir una bona vida, els éssers humans han hagut d’organitzar-se i servir-se del poder, amb el qual és fàcil, per altra banda, cometre abusos contra els més febles i també contra la natura. El vessant moral és inevitable en qualsevol detallada consideració de la realitat humana. Aquest article pretén explorar l’esmentat vessant en societats senzilles i complexes, és a dir, tant entre els pobles caçadors-recol·lectors com en aquelles cultures més sofisticades que han transformat el camp, el jardí i la ciutat
Stingless bees (Meliponini) construct their own species-specific nest entrance. The size of this entrance is under conflicting selective pressures. Smaller entrances are easier to defend; however, a larger entrance accommodates heavier forager traffic. Using a comparative approach with 26 species of stingless bees, we show that species with greater foraging traffic have significantly larger entrances. Such a strong correlation between relative entrance area and traffic across the different species strongly suggests a trade-off between traffic and security. Additionally, we report on a significant trend for higher forager traffic to be associated with more guards and for those guards to be more aggressive. Finally, we discuss the nest entrance of Partamona, known in Brazil as boca de sapo, or toad mouth, which has a wide outer entrance but a narrow inner entrance. This extraordinary design allows these bees to finesse the defensivity/traffic trade-off.
In the present study, we compared 2 methods for collecting ixodid ticks on the verges of animal trails in a primary Amazon forest area in northern Brazil. (i) Dragging: This method was based on passing a 1-m(2) white flannel over the vegetation and checking the flannel for the presence of caught ticks every 5-10 m. (ii) Visual search: This method consisted of looking for guesting ticks on the tips of leaves of the vegetation bordering animal trails in the forest. A total of 103 adult ticks belonging to 4 Amblyomma species were collected by the visual search method on 5 collecting dates, while only 44 adult ticks belonging to 3 Amblyomma species were collected by dragging on 5 other collecting dates. These values were statistically different (Mann-Whitney Test, P = 0.0472). On the other hand, dragging was more efficient for subadult ticks, since no larva or nymph was collected by visual search, whereas 18 nymphs and 7 larvae were collected by dragging. The visual search method proved to be suitable for collecting adult ticks in the Amazon forest: however, field studies should include a second method, such as dragging in order to maximize the collection of subadult ticks. Indeed, these 2 methods can be performed by a single investigator at the same time, while he/she walks on an animal trail in the forest. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivou-se estudar o desenvolvimento de Leptoglossus gonagra Fabr. (Heteroptera: Coreidae), em cinco espécies de maracujazeiro (Passiflora spp.), discriminando-as quanto aos tipos e graus de resistência. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em laboratório sob condições de 25 ± 1º C; 65 ± 10% UR e fotofase de 14 h, durante 1998, em Jaboticabal, SP. Foram utilizados ramos, botões florais, flores e frutos de P. alata, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. giberti, P. laurifolia e P. nitida. Avaliou-se a duração de cada ínstar, a mortalidade em cada ínstar e em toda fase ninfal, o peso de ninfas de terceiro e quinto ínstares com 24 h de idade, o peso de adultos com 24 h de idade e a longevidade. Utilizou-se o delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado. em todas as espécies, L. gonagra não completou seu desenvolvimento quando alimentado apenas com frutos. Os ramos, botões florais, flores e frutos de P. nitida apresentaram grau de antibiose mais elevado que os de P. alata, P. edulis f. flavicarpa e P. giberti, enquanto P. laurifolia é a espécie mais adequada ao desenvolvimento de L. gonagra.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Foram avaliados os aspectos biológicos dos estádios imaturos de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) e Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider), alimentados com ovos e ninfas de Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biótipo B. Ovos dos predadores foram individualizados em recipientes de vidro de fundo chato com 2,5 cm de diâmetro e 8,5 cm de altura que foram mantidos à temperatura de 25±2ºC, UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 14h. Após a eclosão das larvas, discos de folhas de tomateiro e de couve com 2 cm de diâmetro, contendo ovos e ninfas de B. tabaci, respectivamente, foram colocados nos recipientes. A duração e a viabilidade de cada ínstar e da fase pupal de ambas as espécies predadoras alimentadas com diferentes estágios da presa foram avaliados. Larvas de primeiro ínstar de C. externa apresentaram desenvolvimento mais lento quando alimentadas com ovos de B. tabaci biotipo B monstrando influência do estágio da presa fornecida no período de desenvolvimento do predador. O mesmo não ocorreu para a espécie C. cincta. O desenvolvimento de larvas de primeiro ínstar de ambas as espécies predadoras foi semelhante quando foram alimentadas com ovos de B. tabaci; porém C. cincta apresentou período de desenvolvimento mais longo (5,4 dias) comparada a C. externa (4,0 dias) quando alimentada com ninfas da presa. Para larvas de segundo e terceiro ínstares e para a duração da fase larval não houve influência do estágio da presa fornecida (ovo ou ninfa) no período de desenvolvimento. A duração do segundo ínstar foi maior para C. cincta do que para C. externa (4,8 e 4,1 dias, respectivamente). Porém a duração do terceiro instar foi maior e da fase larval foi menor para C. externa (6,6 e 15,3 dias, respectivamente) do que para C. cincta (6,4 e 16,7 dias, respectivamente). A viabilidade dos ínstares foi acima de 90% para ambas as espécies. No entanto, menor porcentagem de viabilidade da fase de pupa foi registrada para C. cincta, quando alimentada com ovos (30%) ou ninfas (55,6%).