1000 resultados para forage mass


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foi realizado um estudo no município de Igarapé-açú com o objetivo de avaliar a massa de forragem e a composição botânica da dieta de bovinos em pastagens de capim braquiarão e quicuio consorciadas com as leguminosas Arachis pintoi, Cratylia argentea e Leucaena leucocephala, submetidas a dois métodos de preparo de área: com mulch e com queima da vegetação secundária.A área foi dividida em parcelas, com três repetições. Foram realizados dois experimentos um com queima e outro onde a vegetação foi triturada - mulch. Foram testados três pastagens para cada experimento: 1. QB - B. humidicola + B. brizantha cv. Marandu. 2. QBAL - B. humidicola + B. brizantha consorciada com A. pintoi cv. Amarilo + L. leucocephala cv. Cunninghan . 3. QBAC - B. humidicola + B. brizantha consorciada com A. pintoi cv. Amarilo + C. argentea. A composição da dieta consumida pelos animais foi estimada através da análise microhistológica das fezes. As avaliações foram feitas no período experimental de 15/04/02 a 18/03/03. Para a determinação da composição botânica foi utilizada a técnica da análise microhistologica de fezes As coletas de fezes e de forragem foram realizadas a cada dezoito dias. As amostragens de forragem foram feitas ao acaso, nas parcelas somente com gramíneas foram amostrados seis locais, enquanto que nas parcelas consorciadas foram amostrados doze locais.Os dados da massa de forragem e composição botânica da dieta foram analisados estatisticamente pelo software SAS versão 8.2. Apresentaram diferenças entre épocas a massa total, a massa de folha de braquiarão, de araquis, de espécies da capoeira, e de material morto. Quanto ao método de preparo de área todas as variáveis de resposta apresentaram diferenças. As massas total, de folha e de colmo de braquiarão e de material morto foram superiores na pastagem composta por gramíneas (QB). A massa de folha e colmo de quicuio e de araquis foram superiores na pastagem QBAL e a massa de espécies da capoeira foi maior na pastagem QBAC. Todas as variáveis apresentaram diferenças significativas entre ciclo, sendo que, as massas totais mais elevadas foram alcançadas nos ciclos 3 e 4. O consumo de quicuio e de espécies da capoeira foram superiores na época seca, enquanto, a percentagem de braquiarão foi superior na época chuvosa. As percentagens de quicuio foram superiores no método com queima, enquanto as de braquiarão foram superiores no método mulch. Não houve diferenças significativas entre as pastagens para as percentagens de capim quicuio e de espécies da capoeira. As percentagens de braquiarão foram superiores nas pastagens de QB e QBAL e as de leguminosas foram superiores nas pastagens consorciadas com leguminosas QBAC e QBAL.Foram encontradas 14 famílias e 23 espécies. O método de preparo de área influenciou na massa de forragem e na composição botânica da dieta.A composição botânica da dieta foi influenciada pela massa de forragem. As espécies da capoeira tiveram pequena participação na composição botânica da dieta dos animais, devido a suficiente oferta de forragem na maior parte do ano.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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The production of grazing cattle has been very interesting, due to the low cost to produce fodder, compared to other sources of forage used to feed these animals, but the adequate management pasture has high influence on the success and profitability of cattle production systems. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the optimum grazing height of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes, which provides the highest individual weight gain and gain per area. The stocking rate was continuous, with variable stocking rate. The experimental period was from January to December 2010. Three Nellore males were used in each experimental plot, and, when needed, additional animals were used for adjusting the desired heights. Monthly sampling was obtained to estimate forage mass (kg.ha(-1) of DM) and the structural characteristics of the pastures, such as, leaf: stem ratio. The animals were weighed at the beginning of the experiment and every 28 days, after 12 hours of fasting, to measure the average daily gain (ADG) After weighings were performed adjustments stocking rate to desired heights. Throughout the experimental period the animals received mineral supplementation. The desired sward heights were 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm, with three replicates each. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and three replications. To body weight gain (BWG) and average daily gain (ADG), each animal was considered an experimental unit. To gain per area and stocking rate, the paddock was considered the experimental unit. The leaf: stem ratio showed a linear increasing behavior in the spring and summer seasons. The smaller grazing heights provided higher gain per unit area (812.15 kg ha(-1)), while the highest grazing heights promoted high individual weight gain (0.790 kg.dia(-1)). The results suggest that Xaraes grass pastures should be grazed between 30 and 45 cm to allow reasonable performances by area and individual performances.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the production of dry mass, forage accumulation rate and the structural composition of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes pastures, managed under different grazing heights in continuous stocking. The experimental area was 12 hectares, divided in paddocks of one hectare each. The treatments were 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm of defoliation heights. Nellore steers were used to reach the desired heights. Every 28 days four cut samples and eight visual samples were collected for comparative performance in the experimental plots. Two grazing exclusion cages were used per treatment to estimate accumulation rates kg.ha(-1) DM. The cut material was taken to the laboratory for separation of the botanical components (green leaf, stem and senescent material), weighing and determination of dry matter. The experimental design was the completely randomized with three replicates. There were treatments effects at all seasons for the production of total mass, except in the spring. In summer and spring seasons it was observed the highest values for leaf blades (1.100 kg DM.ha(-1)). In the winter, the highest values of senescent material was observed, as expected. The average accumulation showed no significant difference among the treatments, except for stem and total mass in the summer and stem in the fall. The tillers were heavier and higher values for number of green leaves per tiller occurred in the fall, but for senescent leaves per tiller ocurred in the winter. Swards grazed at heights between 45 and 60 cm of defoliation, had good production of forage mass and leaf constituent.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the structure of Tanzania grassland grazed by goats managed with different residue leaf area index (RLAI) under intermittent stocking. The experiment was carried out from February to August, 2008. The treatments consisted of three different targets RLAI (0.8, 1.6 and 2.4) and 95% light interception (LI) criterion determined the rest period. Forage samples were collected at average height sampling points and weighed. Subsequently, a smaller sample was removed to separate the morphological components (leaf, stem and dead material) and to determine the structural and productive features. The canopy architecture was evaluated by the method of inclined point quadrat. The pre-grazing height in the paddocks were significantly different among treatments. RLAI influenced dry matter contents of green forage, leaf, stem and total, with the exception of dry matter of dead material, where the lowest values were observed for 0.8 RLAI. Thus, RLAI modifies canopy structure and is sensitive to canopy height changes throughout the year. Pasture regrowth is not compromised by residual leaf area indexes between 0.8 and 2.4, when climatic factors are not limiting.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The proper use of management strategies, such as grazing intensity and nitrogen fertilization are primordial to the success of integrated crop-livestock system. Several studies have demonstrated the influence of grazing intensity and nitrogen fertilization on dynamics of forage production and nutrient cycling. However, most this researches studying these strategies in isolation and little is known about the interaction of these factors in the management of an integrated crop-livestock system. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine the best management strategy involving sward height and nitrogen fertilization, permitting greater forage production and improved efficiency in the use of nitrogen soil by a black oat ‘BRS 139’ plus ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ pasture in integrated crop-livestock system. The experiment was realized in Abelardo Luz – SC, in an area of 14 ha, where has been conducted an experiment in long term with integrated crop-livestock system under no-tillage since 2012. The experimental design is a randomized block design with three replications in a factorial design (2x2), the first factor was the grazing intensity (high and low), characterized by two sward height management (10 and 25 cm), and the second included the time factor application of N in the system: N applied on pasture (N-pasture) and N applied on the culture of grain (N-grain), at dose of 200 kg N ha stocking and variable stocking rate. The previous crop to pasture was corn. The nitrogen fertilization of pasture increased tiller density, forage density, participation of ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ and percentage of ryegrass leaves in forage mass. Forage mass was less at low sward height on average, however the percentage of ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ and rye leaves was greater and dead material was lower in this treatment. With nitrogen fertilization of pasture it was possible to double the amount of forage accumulated in periods with further development of ryegrass, furthermore, the total production of DM was increased in 38.4% and the shoot N concentration in 28.6%. When the nitrogen fertilization is applied in pasture, it is possible to keep black oat ‘BRS 139’ plus ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ pasture with an average sward height of 11 cm. The residual effect of N applied at corn was not sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of pasture and the forage production was affected by periods with N deficiency, while a single application of 200 kg N ha was sufficient to meet the N requirements throughout the forage accumulation period. The black oat ‘BRS 139’ plus ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ pasture is efficient in use and recovery of the nitrogen applied in both treatments of sward height.