987 resultados para following pregnancy


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Venous thromboembolism (VTE) remains the leading cause of maternal mortality. Reports identified further research is required in obese and women post caesarean section (CS). Risk factors for VTE during pregnancy are periodically absent indicating the need for a simple and effective screening tool for pregnancy. Perturbation of the uteroplacental haemostasis has been implicated in placenta mediated pregnancy complications. This thesis had 4 main aims: 1) To investigate anticoagulant effects following a fixed thromboprophylaxis dose in healthy women post elective CS. 2) To evaluate the calibrated automated thrombogram (CAT) assay as a potential predictive tool for thrombosis in pregnancy. 3) To compare the anticoagulant effects of fixed versus weight adjusted thromboprophylaxis dose in morbidly obese pregnant women. 4) To investigate the LMWH effects on human haemostatic gene and antigen expression in placentae and plasma from the uteroplacental , maternal and fetal circulation. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), thrombin antithrombin (TAT), CAT and anti-Xa levels were analysed. Real-time PCR and ELISA were used to quantify mRNA and protein expression of TFPI and TF in placental tissue. In women post CS, anti-Xa levels do not reflect the full anticoagulant effects of LMWH. LMWH thromboprophylaxis in this healthy cohort of patients appears to have a sustained effect in reducing excess thrombin production post elective CS. The results of this study suggest that predicting VTE in pregnant women using CAT assay is not possible at present time. The prothrombotic state in pregnant morbidly obese women was substantially attenuated by weight adjusted but not at fixed LMWH doses. LMWH may be effective in reducing in- vivo thrombin production in the uteroplacental circulation of thrombophilic women. All these results collectively suggest that at appropriate dosage, LMWH is effective in attenuating excess thrombin generation, in low risk pregnant women post caesarean section or moderate to high risk pregnant women who are morbidly obese or tested positive for thrombophilia. The results of the studies provided data to inform evidence-based practice to improve the outcome for pregnant women at risk of thrombosis.


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Background: With cesarean section rates increasing worldwide, clarity regarding negative effects is essential. This study aimed to investigate the rate of subsequent stillbirth, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy following primary cesarean section, controlling for confounding by indication. Methods and Findings: We performed a population-based cohort study using Danish national registry data linking various registers. The cohort included primiparous women with a live birth between January 1, 1982, and December 31, 2010 (n = 832,996), with follow-up until the next event (stillbirth, miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy) or censoring by live birth, death, emigration, or study end. Cox regression models for all types of cesarean sections, sub-group analyses by type of cesarean, and competing risks analyses for the causes of stillbirth were performed. An increased rate of stillbirth (hazard ratio [HR] 1.14, 95% CI 1.01, 1.28) was found in women with primary cesarean section compared to spontaneous vaginal delivery, giving a theoretical absolute risk increase (ARI) of 0.03% for stillbirth, and a number needed to harm (NNH) of 3,333 women. Analyses by type of cesarean section showed similarly increased rates for emergency (HR 1.15, 95% CI 1.01, 1.31) and elective cesarean (HR 1.11, 95% CI 0.91, 1.35), although not statistically significant in the latter case. An increased rate of ectopic pregnancy was found among women with primary cesarean overall (HR 1.09, 95% CI 1.04, 1.15) and by type (emergency cesarean, HR 1.09, 95% CI 1.03, 1.15, and elective cesarean, HR 1.12, 95% CI 1.03, 1.21), yielding an ARI of 0.1% and a NNH of 1,000 women for ectopic pregnancy. No increased rate of miscarriage was found among women with primary cesarean, with maternally requested cesarean section associated with a decreased rate of miscarriage (HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.60, 0.85). Limitations include incomplete data on maternal body mass index, maternal smoking, fertility treatment, causes of stillbirth, and maternally requested cesarean section, as well as lack of data on antepartum/intrapartum stillbirth and gestational age for stillbirth and miscarriage. Conclusions: This study found that cesarean section is associated with a small increased rate of subsequent stillbirth and ectopic pregnancy. Underlying medical conditions, however, and confounding by indication for the primary cesarean delivery account for at least part of this increased rate. These findings will assist women and health-care providers to reach more informed decisions regarding mode of delivery.


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Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue has been proposed for storing gametes of young patients at high risk of premature ovarian failure. Autotransplantation has recently provided some promising results and is still the unique option to restore ovarian function from cryopreserved ovarian tissue in humans. In this article, we analyse data from the combined orthotopic and heterotopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue that restored the ovarian function and fertility. Orthotopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue at ovarian and peritoneal sites, together with a heterotopic transplantation at the abdominal subcutaneous site, was performed to restore the ovarian function of a 29-year-old woman previously treated with bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for Hodgkin's disease. Ovarian reserve markers progressively suppress within values 5 months after the transplantation (basal FSH 5 mUI/ml and inhibin B 119 ng/ml). Follicular development was observed at all transplantation sites but was predominant at the ovarian site. Six natural cycles were fully documented and analysed. The patient became spontaneously pregnant following the sixth cycle, but unfortunately she later miscarried. Combined orthotopic and heterotopic transplantations succeeded in the restoration of normal spontaneous cycles. Furthermore, this spontaneous pregnancy confirmed the efficiency of this procedure for restoring human fertility.


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The objective of this study was to determine the effects of plane of nutrition during early and mid-pregnancy on the performance of mature ewes and their offspring. From day 0 to day 39 post mating (early pregnancy, EP), 82 multiparous ewes were fed to provide either 60% (low, L), 100% (medium, M) or 200% (high, H) of predicted metabolisable energy (ME) requirements for maintenance, following a synchronised mating. From day 40 to day 90 (mid-pregnancy, MP), ewes were provided with either 80% (M) or 140% (H) of ME requirements. After 90 days of gestation, all ewes were fed to meet requirements for late pregnancy. During EP, mean live weight (LW) and body condition score (BCS) change of ewes were -6.3, -0.8 and +6.0kg and -0.02, +0.10 and +0.22 units in the L-, M- and H-EP treatments, respectively. During MP, mean LW and BCS change were -0.8 and +4.9kg and -0.09 and +0.09 units in the M- and H-MP treatments, respectively (P 0. 05) on conception rate, although there tended to be an inverse relationship (P = 0.085) between plane of nutrition in EP and plasma progesterone concentrations at day 42 of gestation. EP nutrition influenced foetal development with lambs from ewes offered diet L-EP being smaller (P


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AIM: To understand the uniqueness of the experience of testing HIV positive from the perspective of pregnant women.

BACKGROUND: As more people learn of their HIV diagnosis through routine screening processes, it is timely to reflect on the impact of receiving an unexpected positive result.

DESIGN: A prospective qualitative study.

METHODS: This paper draws on the case studies of four women who were participating in a larger prospective qualitative study of reproductive decision-making, pregnancy and childbirth following HIV diagnosis. Multiple interviews were conducted following diagnosis during pregnancy, and, after the birth of their babies. Thematic data analysis was undertaken.

RESULTS: Drawing on Becker's theory of disruption, we document the 'sudden disjuncture' of their antenatal diagnosis and the embodied emotional struggle the women engaged in to create continuity in their lives. A diagnosis of HIV disrupted the women's biographies in terms of their health, relationships and social identity. As pregnant women, the threat of HIV was experienced most significantly in relation to their unborn child. However, their narratives also revealed how a diagnosis of HIV in the context of pregnancy, whilst traumatic, provided a focus for regaining continuity in their lives, as the baby became a metaphor for hope and orientation toward the future.

CONCLUSIONS: As HIV testing becomes more 'routine', the findings of this study serve to remind health professionals that a positive diagnosis continues to constitute a major trauma to individuals and families.

RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: We propose that appropriately educated nursing and midwifery staff could facilitate the 'meaning making' process that is required for newly diagnosed HIV positive persons to find a subjective sense of well-being in their lives.


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To evaluate attentional and activity behaviors in 4-year-olds following prenatal selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) exposure.


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Following the UK Medical Research Council’s (MRC) guidelines for the development and evaluation of complex interventions, this study aimed to design, develop and optimise an educational intervention about young men and unintended teenage pregnancy based around an interactive film. The process involved identification of the relevant evidence base, development of a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of unintended teenage pregnancy in relation to young men, and exploratory mixed methods research. The result was an evidence-based, theory-informed, user-endorsed intervention designed to meet the much neglected pregnancy education needs of teenage men and intended to increase both boys’ and girls’ intentions to avoid an unplanned pregnancy during adolescence. In prioritising the development phase, this paper addresses a gap in the literature on the processes of research-informed intervention design. It illustrates the application of the MRC guidelines in practice while offering a critique and additional guidance to programme developers on the MRC prescribed processes of developing interventions. Key lessons learned were: 1) know and engage the target population and engage gatekeepers in addressing contextual complexities; 2) know the targeted behaviours and model a process of change; and 3) look beyond development to evaluation and implementation.


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OBJECTIVE: So far, associations between appraisals, maternal adjustment and coping following diagnosis of fetal anomaly have not been investigated in women who continue with their pregnancy. METHOD: This study measured maternal coping and adjustment after and appraisal of a diagnosis of fetal anomaly in 40 mothers who had continued with their pregnancy using a cross-sectional questionnaire design. RESULTS: Based on retrospective reporting, 35% of participants met full diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder after having received the diagnosis. Women were significantly more depressed (p < 0.001) and anxious (p < 0.001) and reported significantly less positive affect (p < 0.05) after having received the diagnosis in comparison to the time after childbirth. There were no significant differences between emotion-focused and problem-focused coping. Stressful life events, women's age, number of people providing support and problem-focused coping explained 57.6% of variance in anxiety and depression after childbirth. Satisfaction with social support, emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping significantly explained 40.6% of variance in positive affect after childbirth. CONCLUSION: Following a prenatal diagnosis and for the remainder of their pregnancy, particular attention should be paid to older mothers, those experiencing additional stressful life events and those who are socially isolated, as these women may experience greater distress after childbirth.


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L’asthme est connu comme l’une des maladies chroniques les plus fréquentes chez la femme enceinte avec une prévalence de 4 à 8%. La prévalence élevée de l’asthme fait en sorte qu’on se préoccupe de l’impact de la grossesse sur l’asthme et de l’impact de l’asthme sur les issus de la grossesse. La littérature présente des résultats conflictuels concernant l’impact de l’asthme maternel sur les issus périnatales comme les naissances prématurées, les bébés de petit poids et les bébés de petit poids pour l’âge gestationnel (PPGA). De plus, les données scientifiques sont rares concernant l’impact de la sévérité et de la maîtrise de l’asthme durant la grossesse sur les issus périnatales. Donc, nous avons mené cinq études pour réaliser les objectifs suivants: 1. Le développement et la validation de deux indexes pour mesurer la sévérité et la maîtrise de l’asthme. 2. L’évaluation de l’impact du sexe du fœtus sur le risque d’exacerbation de l’asthme maternel et l’utilisation de médicaments antiasthmatiques durant la grossesse; 3. L’évaluation de l’impact de l’asthme maternel sur les issus périnatales; 4. L’évaluation de l’impact de la sévérité de l’asthme maternel durant la grossesse sur les issus périnatales; 5. L’évaluation de l’impact de la maîtrise de l’asthme maternel durant la grossesse sur les issus périnatales. Pour réaliser ces projets de recherche, nous avons travaillé avec une large cohorte de grossesse reconstruite à partir du croisement de trois banques de données administratives du Québec recouvrant la période entre 1990 et 2002. Pour les trois dernières études, nous avons utilisé un devis de cohorte à deux phases d’échantillonnage pour obtenir, à l’aide d’un questionnaire postal, des informations complémentaires qui ne se trouvaient pas dans les banques de données, comme la consommation de cigarettes et d’alcool pendant la grossesse. Nous n’avons trouvé aucune différence significative entre les mères de fétus féminins et de fétus masculins pour les exacerbations de l’asthme pendant la grossesse (aRR=1.02; IC 95%: 0.92 to 1.14). Par contre, nous avons trouvé que le risque de bébé PPGA (OR: 1.27, IC 95%: 1.14-1.41), de bébé de petit poids (OR: 1.41, IC 95%:1.22-1.63) et de naissance prématurée (OR: 1.64, IC 95%:1.46-1.83) était significativement plus élevés chez les femmes asthmatiques que chez les femmes non asthmatiques. De plus, nous avons démontré que le risque d’un bébé PPAG était significativement plus élevé chez les femmes avec un asthme sévère (OR:1.48, IC 95%: 1.15-1.91) et modéré (OR: 1.30, IC 95%:1.10-1.55) que chez les femmes qui avaient un asthme léger. Nous avons aussi observé que les femmes qui avaient un asthme bien maîtrisé durant la grossesse étaient significativement plus à risque d’avoir un bébé PPAG (OR:1.28, IC 95%: 1.15-1.43), un bébé de petit poids (OR: 1.42, IC 95%:1.22-1.66), et un bébé prématuré (OR: 1.63, IC 95%:1.46-1.83) que les femmes non asthmatiques. D’après nos résultats, toutes les femmes asthmatiques même celles qui ont un asthme bien maîtrisé doivent être suivies de près durant la grossesse car elles courent un risque plus élevé d’avoir des issus de grossesses défavorables pour leur nouveau-né.


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Ovarian follicle development continues in a wave-like manner during the bovine oestrous cycle giving rise to variation in the duration of ovulatory follicle development. The objectives of the present study were to determine whether a relationship exists between the duration of ovulatory follicle development and pregnancy rates following artificial insemination (AI) in dairy cows undergoing spontaneous oestrous cycles, and to identify factors influencing follicle turnover and pregnancy rate and the relationship between these two variables. Follicle development was monitored by daily transrectal ultrasonography from 10 days after oestrus until the subsequent oestrus in 158 lactating dairy cows. The cows were artificially inseminated following the second observed oestrus and pregnancy was diagnosed 35 days later. The predominant pattern of follicle development was two follicle waves (74.7%) with three follicle waves in 22.1% of oestrous cycles and four or more follicle waves in 3.2% of oestrous cycles. The interval from ovulatory follicle emergence to oestrus (EOI) was 3 days longer (P < 0.0001) in cows with two follicle waves than in those with three waves. Ovulatory follicles from two-wave oestrous cycles grew more slowly but were approximately 2 mm larger (P < 0.0001) on the day of oestrus. Twin ovulations were observed in 14.2% of oestrous cycles and occurred more frequently (P < 0.001) in three-wave oestrous cycles; consequently EOI was shorter in cows with twin ovulations. Overall, 57.0% of the cows were diagnosed pregnant 35 days after AI. Linear logistic regression analysis revealed an inverse relationship between EOI and the proportion of cows diagnosed pregnant, among all cows (n = 158; P < 0.01) and amongst those with single ovulations (n = 145; P < 0.05). Mean EOI was approximately I day shorter (P < 0.01) in cows that became pregnant than in non-pregnant cows; however, pregnancy rates did not differ significantly among cows with different patterns of follicle development. These findings confirm and extend previous observations in pharmacologically manipulated cattle and show, for the first time, that in dairy cows undergoing spontaneous oestrous cycles, natural variation in the duration of post-emergence ovulatory follicle development has a significant effect on pregnancy rate, presumably reflecting variation in oocyte developmental competence.


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Poor glucose tolerance may be an under-researched contributory factor in the high (10% to 20%) pre-weaning mortality rate observed in pigs. Insulin resistance commences at around week 12 of gestation in the sow, although there are conflicting reports in the literature about the extent to which insulin resistance is modulated by maternal diet. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of supplementing the maternal diet with different dietary oils during either the first half or the second half of gestation on the glucose tolerance of the sow. Sows were offered the control (C: n = 5) diet as pellets or the C diet plus 10% extra energy (h = 16 per group) derived from either. (i) extra pellets; (ii) palm oil; (iii) olive oil; (iv) sunflower oil; or (v) fish oil. Experimental diets were fed during either the first (G1) or second (G2) half of gestation. A glucose tolerance test (GTT) was conducted on day 108 of gestation by administering 0.5g/kg glucose i.v. Blood samples were taken every 5 to 10 min for 90 min post administration. The change in body weight and backfat thickness during gestation was similar but both type and timing of dietary supplementation influenced litter size and weight. With the exception of the sunflower oil group, supplementing the maternal diet in G1 resulted in larger and heavier litters, particularly in mothers offered palm oil. Basal blood glucose concentrations tended to be more elevated in G1 than G2 groups, whilst plasma insulin concentrations were similar Following a GTT, the adjusted area under the curve was greater in G1 compared to G2 sows, despite no differences in glucose clearance. Maternal diet appeared to influence the relationship between glucose curve characteristics following a GTT and litter outcome. In conclusion, the degree of insulin sensitivity can be altered by both the period during which maternal nutritional supplementation is offered and the fatty acid profile of the diet.


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Ovarian follicle development continues in a wave-like manner during the bovine oestrous cycle giving rise to variation in the duration of ovulatory follicle development. The objectives of the present study were to determine whether a relationship exists between the duration of ovulatory follicle development and pregnancy rates following artificial insemination (AI) in dairy cows undergoing spontaneous oestrous cycles, and to identify factors influencing follicle turnover and pregnancy rate and the relationship between these two variables. Follicle development was monitored by daily transrectal ultrasonography from 10 days after oestrus until the subsequent oestrus in 158 lactating dairy cows. The cows were artificially inseminated following the second observed oestrus and pregnancy was diagnosed 35 days later. The predominant pattern of follicle development was two follicle waves (74.7%) with three follicle waves in 22.1% of oestrous cycles and four or more follicle waves in 3.2% of oestrous cycles. The interval from ovulatory follicle emergence to oestrus (EOI) was 3 days longer (P < 0.0001) in cows with two follicle waves than in those with three waves. Ovulatory follicles from two-wave oestrous cycles grew more slowly but were approximately 2 mm larger (P < 0.0001) on the day of oestrus. Twin ovulations were observed in 14.2% of oestrous cycles and occurred more frequently (P < 0.001) in three-wave oestrous cycles; consequently EOI was shorter in cows with twin ovulations. Overall, 57.0% of the cows were diagnosed pregnant 35 days after AI. Linear logistic regression analysis revealed an inverse relationship between EOI and the proportion of cows diagnosed pregnant, among all cows (n = 158; P < 0.01) and amongst those with single ovulations (n = 145; P < 0.05). Mean EOI was approximately I day shorter (P < 0.01) in cows that became pregnant than in non-pregnant cows; however, pregnancy rates did not differ significantly among cows with different patterns of follicle development. These findings confirm and extend previous observations in pharmacologically manipulated cattle and show, for the first time, that in dairy cows undergoing spontaneous oestrous cycles, natural variation in the duration of post-emergence ovulatory follicle development has a significant effect on pregnancy rate, presumably reflecting variation in oocyte developmental competence.


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Background The precipitating role of life events in the onset of depression is well-established. The present study sought to examine whether life events hypothesised to be personally salient would be more strongly associated with depression than other life events. In a sample of women making the first transition to parenthood, we hypothesised that negative events related to the partner relationship would be particularly salient and thus more strongly predictive of depression than other events. Methods A community-based sample of 316 first-time mothers stratified by psychosocial risk completed interviews at 32 weeks gestation and 29 weeks postpartum to assess dated occurrence of life events and depression onsets from conception to 29 weeks postpartum. Complete data was available from 273 (86.4%). Cox proportional hazards regression was used to examine risk for onset of depression in the 6 months following a relationship event versus other events, after accounting for past history of depression and other potential confounders. Results 52 women (19.0%) experienced an onset of depression between conception and 6 months postpartum. Both relationship events (Hazard Ratio = 2.1, p = .001) and other life events (Hazard Ratio = 1.3, p = .020) were associated with increased risk for depression onset; however, relationship events showed a significantly greater risk for depression than did other life events (p = .044). Conclusions The results are consistent with the hypothesis that personally salient events are more predictive of depression onset than other events. Further, they indicate the clinical significance of events related to the partner relationship during pregnancy and the postpartum.


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Background: Although associated adverse pregnancy outcomes, no international or Swedish consensus exists that identifies a cut-off value or what screening method to use for definition of gestational diabetes mellitus. This study investigates the following: i) guidelines for screening of GDM; ii) background and risk factors for GDM and selection to OGTT; and iii) pregnancy outcomes in relation to GDM, screening regimes and levels of OGTT 2 hour glucose values. Methods: This cross-sectional and population-based study uses data from the Swedish Maternal Health Care Register (MHCR) (2011 and 2012) combined with guidelines for GDM screening (2011-2012) from each Maternal Health Care Area (MHCA) in Sweden. The sample consisted of 184, 183 women: 88, 140 in 2011 and 96,043 in 2012. Chi-square and two independent samples t-tests were used. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. Results: Four screening regimes of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) (75 g of glucose) were used: A) universal screening with a 2-hour cut-off value of 10.0 mmol/L; B) selective screening with a 2-hour cut-off value of 8.9 mmol/L; C) selective screening with a 2-hour cut-off value of 10.0 mmol/L; and D) selective screening with a 2-hour cut-off value of 12.2 mmol/L. The highest prevalence of GDM (2.9%) was found with a 2-hour cut-off value of 8.9 mmol/L when selective screening was applied. Unemployment and low educational level were associated with an increased risk of GDM. The OR was 4.14 (CI 95%: 3.81-4.50) for GDM in obese women compared to women with BMI <30 kg/m(2). Women with non-Nordic origin presented a more than doubled risk for GDM compared to women with Nordic origin (OR = 2.24; CI 95%: 2.06-2.43). Increasing OGTT values were associated with increasing risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Conclusions: There was no consensus regarding screening regimes for GDM from 2011 through 2012 when four different regimes were applied in Sweden. Increasing levels of OGTT 2-hour glucose values were strongly associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Based on these findings, we suggest that Sweden adopts the recent recommendations of the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) concerning the performance of OGTT and the diagnostic criteria for GDM.


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Objectives: The aim of the present study was to examine neonatal symptoms previously reported to be associated with exposure to antidepressant medication in late pregnancy in a group of infants exposed to antidepressants, using a prospective and controlled design.

Method: A prospective case-control study recruited 27 pregnant women taking antidepressant medication and 27 matched controls who were not taking antidepressant medication in pregnancy. Of the 27 women taking medication, 25 remained on medication in the third trimester and, of these, 23 women had complete data available. In pregnancy and after delivery women were assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory-II and a purpose-designed questionnaire. After delivery mothers were asked a set of nine questions pertaining to symptoms of discontinuation in their newborn and questions about pregnancy and delivery complications.

Results: There was an increased risk of discontinuation symptoms in neonates exposed to antidepressant medication in late pregnancy and an association with higher dose medication. The study group were found to be significantly more likely to display behaviour such as crying, jitteriness, tremor, feeding, reflux and sneezing and sleep for <3 h after a feed. They also had significantly higher rates of jaundice and admissions to the special care nursery.

Conclusions: Exposure to antidepressants in late pregnancy is associated with a range of symptoms in the neonate that are consistent with the effects of exposure to antidepressants in late pregnancy. The clusters of symptoms most highly correlated are the gastrointestinal and central nervous system symptoms. These finding helps to identify the common symptoms associated with a neonatal serotonin discontinuation syndrome.