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The Andean forearc of northern Chile comprises four morphotectonic units, which include from east to west: 1) The Cordillera de la Costa: composed of Jurassic granites and andesites, thought to represent a volcanic arc, the Mejillones terrane, an accreted allochthonous terrane, and the Lower Cretaceous Coloso basin, which formed through forearc extension along the suture between the Mejillones terrane and the Jurassic arc. Palaeomagnetic studies of the above units have identified approximately 29+/-11 degrees of clockwise rotation. Rotation is due to extension (caused by subduction roll back and slab pull), at an angle to the direction of absolute motion of the South American Plate. 2) The Central Depression: a large arid basin containing isolated fault-bounded blocks of pre-Mesozoic metamorphosed igneous rocks, Triassic sediments and volcanics, and Jurassic carbonates, deposited in a. back-arc basin setting. The isolated blocks formed through extension along previous thrust faults, these originated through compression of the back-arc basin due to accretion of the Jurassic volcanic arc. 3) The Precordillera.: composed of Permian-Triassic rift-related sediments and volcanics, Jurassic continental sediments synchronous with back-arc basin sedimentation, and Cretaceous and Oligo-Miocene continental sediments deposited in foreland basins. Palaeomagnetism has identified clockwise rotation in rocks ranging in age from Jurassic-Miocene. Rotation in the Precordillera. affected larger structural blocks than in the Cordillera de la Costa. 4) The Salar Depression: a. series of arid continental basins developed on continental crust. These basins nay have originated in the Triassic, when rifting of the South American craton is thought to have taken place. In conclusion, palaeomagnetic and geological evidence is consistent with the view that the north Chilean forearc was largely under an extensional stress regime. However, the presence of extensive compressional structures in Palaeocene and older rocks in the forearc together with the currently active foreland thrust belt of Argentina. indicate that throughout the evolution of the Andean Orogen, a delicate balance between compressional and extensional tectonic regimes has existed.


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This thesis describes the geology of a Lower Palaeozoic terrain, situated west of the town of Fishguard, SW Dyfed, Wales. The area is dominated by the Fishguard Volcanic Complex (Upper Llanvirn), and sediments that range in age from the Middle Cambrian to the Lower Llandeilo. The successions represent an insight into sedimentation and volcanism for c. 100 Ma. along the south-western margin of the Lower Palaeozoic Welsh Basin. The stratigraphy of the sedimentary sequence has been completely revised and the existing volcanostratigraphy modified. The observed complexity of the stratigraphy is primarily the consequence of Caldedonide deformation which resulted in large scale repetition. Fold-thrust tectonics dominates the structural style of the area. Caledonide trending (NE-SW) cross-faults complicate preexisting structures. Middle Cambrian (?) sedimentation is documented by shallow marine clastics and red shales deposited within tidal - subtidal environments. Upper Cambrian sedimentation was dominated by shallow marine `storm' and `fair weather' sedimentation within a muddy shelf environment. Shallow marine conglomerates and heterolithic intertidal siliciclastics mark the onset of Ordovician sedimentation during the lower Arenig transgression. Mid-Arenig sediments reflect deposits influenced by storm, fair-weather and wave related processes in various shallow marine environments, including; shoreface, inner shelf, shoaling bar, and deltaic. Graptolitic marine shales were deposited from the upper mid-Arenig through to the lower Llandeilo; during which time sediments accumulated by pelagic processes and fine grained turbidites. The varied nature of sedimentation reflects both localised change within the depositional system and the influence of larger regional eustatic events. Ordovician subaqueous volcanic activity produced thick accumulations of lavas, pyroclastics, hydroclastics, and hyaloclastics. The majority of volcanism was effusive in nature, erupted below the Pressure Compensation Level. Basaltic volcanism was characterised by pillowed lavas and tube networks, whilst sheet-flow lavas, pillow breccias and minor hyaloclastites developed locally. Silicic volcanism was dominated by rhyolitic clastics of various affinities, although coherent silicic obsidian lavas, sheet-flow lavas and pyroclastics developed. Hypabyssal intrusives of variable composition and habit occur throughout the volcanic successions. Low-grade regional metamorphism has variably affected the area, conditions of the prehnite-pumpellyite and greenschist facies having been attained. Numerous secondary phases developed in response to the conditions imposed, which collectively indicate that P-T conditions were of low-pressure facies series in the range P= 1.2-2.0 kbars and T= 230-350oC, under an elevated geothermal gradient of 40-45oC km-1. Polymineralic cataclastites associated with Caledonide deformation indicate that tectonism and metamorphism were in part contemporaneous.


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The Cutri Formation’s, type location, exposed in the NW of Mallorca, Spain has previously been described by Álvaro et al., (1989) and further interpreted by Abbots (1989) unpublished PhD thesis as a base-of-slope carbonate apron. Incorporating new field and laboratory analysis this paper enhances this interpretation. From this analysis, it can be shown without reasonable doubt that the Cutri Formation was deposited in a carbonate base-of-slope environment on the palaeowindward side of a Mid-Jurassic Tethyan platform. Key evidence such as laterally extensive exposures, abundant deposits of calciturbidtes and debris flows amongst hemipelagic deposits strongly support this interpretation.


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Quantitative analysis of penetrative deformation in sedimentary rocks of fold and thrust belts has largely been carried out using clast based strain analysis techniques. These methods analyse the geometric deviations from an original state that populations of clasts, or strain markers, have undergone. The characterisation of these geometric changes, or strain, in the early stages of rock deformation is not entirely straight forward. This is in part due to the paucity of information on the original state of the strain markers, but also the uncertainty of the relative rheological properties of the strain markers and their matrix during deformation, as well as the interaction of two competing fabrics, such as bedding and cleavage. Furthermore one of the single largest setbacks for accurate strain analysis has been associated with the methods themselves, they are traditionally time consuming, labour intensive and results can vary between users. A suite of semi-automated techniques have been tested and found to work very well, but in low strain environments the problems discussed above persist. Additionally these techniques have been compared to Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) analyses, which is a particularly sensitive tool for the characterisation of low strain in sedimentary lithologies.


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The studied sector of the central Ribeira Fold Belt (SE Brazil) comprises metatexites, diatexites, charnockites and blastomylonites. This study integrates petrological and thermochronological data in order to constrain the thermotectonic and geodynamic evolution of this Neoproterozoic-Ordovician mobile belt during Western Gondwana amalgamation. New data indicate that after an earlier collision stage at similar to 610 Ma (zircon, U-Pb age), peak metamorphism and lower crust partial melting, coeval with the main regional high grade D(1) thrust deformation, occurred at 572-562 Ma (zircon, U-Pb ages). The overall average cooling rate was low (<5 degrees C/Ma) from 750 to 250 degrees C (at similar to 455 Ma; biotite-WR Rb-Sr age), but disparate cooling paths indicate differential uplift between distinct lithotypes: (a) metatexites and blastomylonites show a overall stable 3-5 degrees C/Ma cooling rate; (b) charnockites and associated rocks remained at T>650 degrees C during sub-horizontal D(2) shearing until similar to 510-470 Ma (garnet-WR Sm-Nd ages) (1-2 degrees C/Ma), being then rapidly exhumed/cooled (8-30 degrees C/Ma) during post-orogenic D(3) deformation with late granite emplacement at similar to 490 Ma (zircon, U-Pb age). Cooling rates based on garnet-biotite Fe-Mg diffusion are broadly consistent with the geochronological cooling rates: (a) metatexites were cooled faster at high temperatures (6 degrees C/Ma) and slowly at low temperatures (0.1 degrees C/Ma), decreasing cooling rates with time; (b) charnockites show low cooling rates (2 degrees C/Ma) near metamorphic peak conditions and high cooling rates (120 degrees C/Ma) at lower temperatures, increasing cooling rates during retrogression. The charnockite thermal evolution and the extensive production of granitoid melts in the area imply that high geothermal gradients were sustained fora long period of time (50-90 Ma). This thermal anomaly most likely reflects upwelling of asthenospheric mantle and magma underplating coupled with long-term generation of high HPE (heat producing elements) granitoids. These factors must have sustained elevated crustal geotherms for similar to 100 Ma, promoting widespread charnockite generation at middle to lower crustal levels. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Erneute Untersuchungen der mesozoischen Faltenstruktur des Otago Schiefergürtels, Südinsel, Neuseeland, zeigen, dass diese aus zwei aufeinander folgenden, ähnlichen, asymmetrischen, offenen bis mäßig engen Großfaltengenerationen im km- Größenbereich besteht anstatt aus den vorher angenommenen Decken- oder Halbfalten. Hauptproblem der Großfaltenstruktur sind Zonen von durchgreifender Boudinage, die in der Nähe der Großfaltenscharniere entstanden sind. Vorherige Bearbeiter deuteten diese Zonen als 'starke Verformungszonen' oder Überschiebungszonen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass in diesen Zonen nur durch die asymmetrische Faltung die unteren liegenden Schenkel der Großfalten boudiniert und somit häufig die ansonsten typischen Faltenstrukturen des liegenden Schenkels einer symmetrischen Faltung überprägt wurden. Ein weiteres Problem dieser mesozoischen Großfaltenstruktur ist die Überprägung einer Faltengeneration auf eine frühere. Weil die Verkürzungsrichtung der überprägenden Faltengeneration nicht subparallel zur älteren Faltenachse ist, sondern einen Winkel von rund 30 Grad einschließt, ist ein Wechsel von orthogonalen zu koaxialen Interferenzmustern der Kleinfalten beobachtbar. Folglich ist die Orientierung der Scheitellinie einer überprägenden und überprägten Kleinfalte nicht unbedingt subparallel zur Orientierung der Faltenachse der Großfalte trotz zylindrischer Faltung. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Überprägung der mesozoischen Großfaltenstruktur durch das känozoisch entstandene, transpressionale Alpine Störungssystem, das einen zweiseitigen Falten- und Überschiebungsgürtel im Otago und im Nordwesten anschließenden Alpinen Schiefergürtel bildet, beschrieben.


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Elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic data on metatexites, diatexites, orthogneisses and charnockites from the central Ribeira Fold Belt indicate that they are LILE-enriched weakly peraluminous granodiorites. Harker and Th-Hf-La correlation trends suggest that these rocks represent a co-genetic sequence, whereas variations on CaO, MnO, Y and HREE for charnockites can be explained by garnet consumption during granulitic metamorphism. Similar REE patterns and isotopic results of epsilon(565)(Nd) = -5.4 to -7.3 and (87)Sr/(86)Sr(565) = 0.706-0.711 for metatexites, diatexites, orthogneisses and charnockites, as well as similar T(DM) ages between 2.0 and 1.5 Ga are consistent with evolution from a relatively homogeneous and enriched common crustal (metasedimentary) protolith. Results suggest a genetic link between metatexites, diatexites, orthogneisses and charnockites and a two-step process for charnockite development: (a) generation of the hydrated igneous protoliths by anatexis of metasedimentary rocks; (b) continuous high-grade metamorphism that transformed the ""S-type granitoids"" (leucosomes and diatexites) into orthogneisses and, as metamorphism and dehydration progressed, into charnockites. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pseudosections, geothermobarometric estimates and careful petrographic observations of gneissic migmatites and granulites from Neoproterozoic central Ribeira Fold Belt (SE Brazil) were performed in order to quantify the metamorphic P-T conditions during prograde and retrograde evolution of the Brasiliano Orogeny. Results establish a prograde metamorphic trajectory from amphibolite facies conditions to metamorphic peak (T = 850 +/- 50 A degrees C; P = 8 +/- 1 kbar) that promoted widespread dehydrationmelting of 30 to 40% of the gneisses and high-grade granitization. After the metamorphic peak, migmatites evolved with cooling and decompression to T a parts per thousand 500 A degrees C and P a parts per thousand 5 kbar coupled with aH2O increase, replacing the high-grade paragenesis plagioclase-quartz-K-feldspar-garnet by quartz-biotite-sillimanite-(muscovite). Cordierite absence, microtextural observations and P-T results constrain the migmatite metamorphic evolution in the pseudosections as a clockwise P-T path with retrograde cooling and decompression. High-temperature conditions further dehydrated the lower crust with biotite and amphibole-dehydration melting and granulite formation coupled with 10% melt generation. Granulites can thus be envisaged as middle to lower crust dehydrated restites. Granulites were slowly (nearly isobarically) cooled, followed by late exhumation/retrograde rapid decompression and cooling, reflecting a two step P-T path. This retrograde evolution, coupled with water influx, chemically reequilibrated the rocks from granulite to amphibolite/greenschist facies, promoting the replacement of the plagioclase-quartz-garnet-hypersthene peak assemblage by quartz-biotite- K-feldspar symplectites.


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Combined fluid inclusion (FI) microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, C-O-H isotopes and oxygen fugacities of granulites from central Ribeira Fold Belt, SE Brazil, provided the following results: i) Magnetite-Hematite fO(2) estimates range from 10(-11.5) bar (QFM + 1) to 10(-18.3) bar (QFM - 1) for the temperature range of 896 degrees C-656 degrees C, implying fO(2) decrease from metamorphic peak temperatures to retrograde conditions; ii) 5 main types of fluid inclusions were observed: a) CO(2) and CO(2)-N(2) (0-11 mol%) high to medium density (1.01-0.59 g/cm(3)) FI; b) CO(2) and CO(2)-N(2) (0-36 mol%) low density (0.19-0.29 g/cm(3)) FI; c) CO(2) (94-95 mol%)-N(2) (3 mol%)-CH(4) (2-3 mol%)-H(2)O (water phi(v) (25 degrees C) = 0.1) FI; d) low-salinity H(2)O-CO(2) FI; and e) late low-salinity H(2)O FI; iii) Raman analyses evidence two graphite types in khondalites: an early highly ordered graphite (T similar to 450 degrees C) overgrown by a disordered kind (T similar to 330 degrees C); iv) delta(18)O quartz results of 10.3-10.7 parts per thousand, imply high-temperature CO(2) delta(18)O values of 14.4-14.8 parts per thousand, suggesting the involvement of a metamorphic fluid, whereas lower temperature biotite delta(18)O and delta D results of 7.5-8.5 parts per thousand and -54 to -67 parts per thousand respectively imply H(2)O delta(18)O values of 10-11 parts per thousand and delta D(H2O) of -23 to -36 parts per thousand suggesting delta(18)O depletion and increasing fluid/rock ratio from metamorphic peak to retrograde conditions. Isotopic results are compatible with low-temperature H(2)O influx and fO(2) decrease that promoted graphite deposition in retrograde granulites, simultaneous with low density CO(2), CO(2)-N(2) and CO(2)-N(2)-CH(4)-H(2)O fluid inclusions at T = 450-330 degrees C. Graphite delta(13)C results of -10.9 to -11.4 parts per thousand imply CO(2) delta(13)C values of -0.8 to -1.3 parts per thousand suggesting decarbonation of Cambrian marine carbonates with small admixture of lighter biogenic or mantle derived fluids. Based on these results, it is suggested that metamorphic fluids from the central segment of Ribeira Fold Belt evolved to CO(2)-N(2) fluids during granulitic metamorphism at high fO(2), followed by rapid pressure drop at T similar to 400-450 degrees C during late exhumation that caused fO(2) reduction induced by temperature decrease and water influx, turning carbonic fluids into CO(2)-H(2)O (depleting biotite delta(18)O and delta D values), and progressively into H(2)O. When fO(2) decreased substantially by mixture of carbonic and aqueous fluids, graphite deposited forming khondalites. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Pluriserial Ribeira Magmatic System-590 of the Late Precambrian Ribeira Fold Belt comprises seven groups of high-K rocks of crustal or mantle origin with ages ranging between 620 and 570 Ma. One of these groups is represented by transalkaline suites akin to appinitic lamprophyres. The suites assemble one or more of following lithologies: (+/- quartz) gabbros and monzogabbros, (+/- quartz) diorites and monzodiorites, (+/- quartz) monzonites and syenites in addition to rare granites. All these rocks occur together in the Piracaia pluton, State of São Paulo. The mineralogy of the Piracaia suite comprises variable amounts of plagioclase (An 60-10), alkali-feldspars (orthoclase, microcline, albite), ortho- (Fe-hypersthene) and clinopyroxenes (augite), amphiboles (hornblende and rare late Fe-hastingsite), abundant biotite, quartz, opaques, sphene, allanite and zircon. Several magmatic pulses constructed the pluton. The Piracaia magma bulk trend evolved initially along the silica-undersaturation plane with simultaneous fractionation of accessory, mafic and felsic minerals. These are segregated in feldspar-rich cumulates. In the late stage, the evolutionary trend followed two distinct paths: one along the or-ab thermal barrier with the crystallization of syenites; the second one along the thermal valley in the or-ab-qz subsystem, producing quartz-syenites and granites. The source of the Piracaia magma was a 'vein-plus-wall-rock-system '. Together the pulses reflect increasing and decreasing participation of peridotites and mica pyroxenites, respectively, in the magmatogenic process. The magmatic pulses were stored in magma chambers, several drained by deep faults or fractures, which were successively reactivated and recharged. Each new pulse underwent mixing with earlier residual magma, followed by fractionation. During ascent through the hot and thickened post-collisional crust, the magma pulses underwent minor compositional changes by crustal contamination. The concentration of valuable elements (Cu, Zn, Gd) in the Piracaia pluton occurred during two phases of the magmatic evolution. Cu and Zn were enriched in cumulates and Gd was concentrated in residual quartz-syenitic veins. Due to their homogeneous dark colour and texture, the monzodiorites are exploited both for polished dimension stones and supports for sensitive scientific instruments. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Araguaia-Tocantins geosuture, which separates the Araguaia Fold Belt (AFB) from the Archean Amazonian Craton, was active in the late Middle Proterozoic. The Baixo Araguaia Supergroup was deposited, consisting of the Estrondo Group (lower quartzites with intercalated schists), Xambioá Formation (schists), and Canto da Vazante Formation (upper feldspathic schists); and the Tocantins Group consisting of the Couto Magalhaës Formation (phyllites, quartzites, slates, limestones, and metacherts) and Pequizeiro Formation (upper chlorite schists); and associated mafic-ultramafic bodies. The deformational history includes four regional phases of deformation within this supracrustal sequence: recumbent folds with vergence to the west; refolding with a N-S trend; an intense crenulation episode; and late thrusting from east to west. Metamorphism is of intermediate or intermediate-high pressure type with garnet, biotite, chlorite, and sericite isograds succeeded by a slightly or non-metamorphosed zone, from east to west. Rocks surrounding sparse gneissic-cored domes contain isograds of staurolite, kyanite, and fibrolite. These isograds are believed to be associated with the 1100 Ma Uruaçuano event. The Brasiliano Orogeny strongly affected the AFB with displacements due to transcurrent reactivation of great and old faults of the basement, slight folding in the supracrustal sequence, intrusion of small granite bodies, and development of domes with associated normal faults. The area underlain by the Estrondo Group was uplifted at this time, causing the deposition of the Rio das Barreiras polymictic conglomerate of the central area. K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses date this thermo-tectonic event at 550 ± 100 Ma. The Archean basement is exposed in the cores of domes as a granite-gneiss association, the Colméia complex, which shows thermo-tectonic features that may be interpreted as polycyclic imprints (Jequié, Transamazonian?, Uruaçuano, and Brasiliano Events). © 1989.


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The area where the study was conducted is located in the central-western state of Goias. It geologically inserts the northern portion of the Greenstone Belt of Faina which belongs to the Archean terranes that fits in Brasília Fold Belt and Tocantins Structural Province. This region is known for its greenstone lode gold potential and it was heavily exploited by pioneers and prospectors, leaving many records for where they have been through. Preliminary work done by Orinoco Brasil Mineração in their required areas at the region showed that the environment is promising for gold mineralization and that the ore is controlled by structures. Therefore the objectives of this work were the geological and structural mapping in semi detail scale to improve geological, stratigraphic and structural controls present attributing possible ore understanding. With the development of the work there were recognized on the desktop three structural domains separated by a thrust fault. For each domain were discriminated the geological units ranging in gneisses, quartzites formed from coarse sediments arcoseanos, and schists. By mapping structures there were found five deformation phases, Dn-2, Dn-1, the Dn event that generated the main foliation (Sn) in high representation and two post-stages Dn with brittle late manifestations. The detail mapping of the Rattlesnake Gallery showed that the mineralized quartz vein is consistent with axial-plane foliation Sn-2 belonging to the oldest deformation Dn-2 phase and that the high grade is distributed in the hinge region folds of the same phase


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Fibrous calcite veins with organic inclusions have been widely considered as indicators of oil and gas generation and migration under overpressure. Abundant fibrous calcite veins containing organic-bearing inclusions occur in faulted Lower Paleozoic through Triassic hydrocarbon source rocks in the Dabashan Foreland Belt (DBF). d13CPDB and d18OPDB values of the fibrous calcite range from - 4.8 to -1.9 to per mil and - 12.8 to - 8.4 per mil respectively, which is lighter than that of associated carbonate host rocks ranging from - 1.7 to + 3.1 per mil and - 8.7 to - 4.5 per mil. A linear relationship between d13CPDB and d18OPDB indicates that the calcite veins were precipitated from a mixture of basinal and surface fluids. The fibrous calcite contains a variety of inclusions, such as solid bitumen, methane bearing all-liquid inclusions, and vapor-liquid aqueous inclusions. Homogenization temperatures of aqueous inclusions range from 140 to 196° with an average of 179°. Salinities of aqueous inclusions average 9.7 wt% NaCl. Independent temperatures from bitumen reflectance and inclusion phase relationships of aqueous and methane inclusions were used to determine fluid pressures. Results indicate high pressures, elevated above typical lithostatic confining pressure, from 150 to 200 MPa. The elevated salinity and high temperature and pressure conditions of the fibrous calcite veins argue against an origin solely from burial overpressure resulting from clay transformation and dehydration reactions. Instead fluid inclusion P-T data and geochemistry results and regional geology indicate abnormally high pressures during fluid migration. These findings indicate that tectonic stress generated fracture and fault fluid pathways and caused migration of organic bearing fluids from the DBF during the Yanshan orogeny.