989 resultados para foetal alcohol syndrome
Background Coronary heart disease (CHD) and depression are leading causes of disease burden globally and the two often co-exist. Depression is common after Myocardial Infarction (MI) and it has been estimated that 15-35% of patients experience depressive symptoms. Co-morbid depression can impair health related quality of life (HRQOL), decrease medication adherence and appropriate utilisation of health services, lead to increased morbidity and suicide risk, and is associated with poorer CHD risk factor profiles and reduced survival. We aim to determine the feasibility of conducting a randomised, multi-centre trial designed to compare a tele-health program (MoodCare) for depression and CHD secondary prevention, with Usual Care (UC). Methods Over 1600 patients admitted after index admission for Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) are being screened for depression at six metropolitan hospitals in the Australian states of Victoria and Queensland. Consenting participants are then contacted at two weeks post-discharge for baseline assessment. One hundred eligible participants are to be randomised to an intervention or a usual medical care control group (50 per group). The intervention consists of up to 10 × 30-40 minute structured telephone sessions, delivered by registered psychologists, commencing within two weeks of baseline screening. The intervention focuses on depression management, lifestyle factors (physical activity, healthy eating, smoking cessation, alcohol intake), medication adherence and managing co-morbidities. Data collection occurs at baseline (Time 1), 6 months (post-intervention) (Time 2), 12 months (Time 3) and 24 months follow-up for longer term effects (Time 4). We are comparing depression (Cardiac Depression Scale [CDS]) and HRQOL (Short Form-12 [SF-12]) scores between treatment and UC groups, assessing the feasibility of the program through patient acceptability and exploring long term maintenance effects. A cost-effectiveness analysis of the costs and outcomes for patients in the intervention and control groups is being conducted from the perspective of health care costs to the government. Discussion This manuscript presents the protocol for a randomised, multi-centre trial to evaluate the feasibility of a tele-based depression management and CHD secondary prevention program for ACS patients. The results of this trial will provide valuable new information about potential psychological and wellbeing benefits, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of an innovative tele-based depression management and secondary prevention program for CHD patients experiencing depression.
Since the 1970s alcohol and drug use by pregnant women has become a target of political, professional and personal concern. The present study focuses on prenatal substance use and the regulation of risks by examining different kinds of societal responses to prenatal alcohol and drug use. The study analyses face-to-face encounters between professionals and service users at a specialised maternity clinic for pregnant women with substance abuse problems, medical and political discourses on the compulsory treatment of pregnant women as a means of FAS prevention and official recommendations on alcohol intake during pregnancy. Moreover, the study addresses the women s perspective by asking how women who have used illicit drugs during pregnancy perceive and rank the dangers linked to drug use. The study consists of five empirical sub-studies and a summary article. Sub-study I was written in collaboration with Dorte Hecksher and Sub-study IV with Riikka Perälä. Theoretically the study builds on the one hand, on the socio-cultural approach to the selection and perception of risks and on the other on governmentality studies which focus on the use of power in contemporary Western societies. The study is based on an ethnographic approach and makes use of the principles of multi-sited ethnography. The empirical sub-studies are based on three different types of qualitative data: ethnographic field notes from a maternity clinic from a period of 7 months, documentary material (medical journals, political documents, health education materials, government reports) and 3) interviews from maternity clinics with clients and members of staff. The study demonstrates that the logic of the regulation of prenatal alcohol use in Finland is characterised by the rise of the foetus , a process in which the urgency of protecting the foetus has gradually gained a more prominent role in the discourses on alcohol-related foetal damage. An increasing unwillingness to accept any kinds of risks when foetal health is at stake is manifested in the public debate on the compulsory treatment of pregnant women with alcohol problems and in the health authorities decision to advise pregnant women to refrain from alcohol use during pregnancy (Sub-studies I and II). Secondly, the study suggests that maternity care professionals have an ambivalent role in their mundane encounters with their pregnant clients: on the one hand professionals focus on the well-being of the foetus, but on the other, they need to take into account the women s needs and agency. The professionals daily encounters with their clients are thus characterised by hybridisation: the simultaneous use of technologies of domination and technologies of agency (Sub-studies III and IV). Finally, the study draws attention to the women s understanding of the risks of illicit drug during pregnancy, and shows that the women s understanding of risk differs from the bio-medical view. The study suggests that when drug-using pregnant women seek professional help they can feel that their moral worth is threatened by professionals negative attitudes which can make service-use challenging.
Background: Little is known about the risk of progression to hazardous alcohol use in people currently drinking at safe limits. We aimed to develop a prediction model (predictAL) for the development of hazardous drinking in safe drinkers. Methods: A prospective cohort study of adult general practice attendees in six European countries and Chile followed up over 6 months. We recruited 10,045 attendees between April 2003 to February 2005. 6193 European and 2462 Chilean attendees recorded AUDIT scores below 8 in men and 5 in women at recruitment and were used in modelling risk. 38 risk factors were measured to construct a risk model for the development of hazardous drinking using stepwise logistic regression. The model was corrected for over fitting and tested in an external population. The main outcome was hazardous drinking defined by an AUDIT score >= 8 in men and >= 5 in women. Results: 69.0% of attendees were recruited, of whom 89.5% participated again after six months. The risk factors in the final predictAL model were sex, age, country, baseline AUDIT score, panic syndrome and lifetime alcohol problem. The predictAL model's average c-index across all six European countries was 0.839 (95% CI 0.805, 0.873). The Hedge's g effect size for the difference in log odds of predicted probability between safe drinkers in Europe who subsequently developed hazardous alcohol use and those who did not was 1.38 (95% CI 1.25, 1.51). External validation of the algorithm in Chilean safe drinkers resulted in a c-index of 0.781 (95% CI 0.717, 0.846) and Hedge's g of 0.68 (95% CI 0.57, 0.78). Conclusions: The predictAL risk model for development of hazardous consumption in safe drinkers compares favourably with risk algorithms for disorders in other medical settings and can be a useful first step in prevention of alcohol misuse.
Disease characteristics. Perry syndrome is characterized by parkinsonism, hypoventilation, depression, and weight loss. The mean age at onset is 48 years; the mean disease duration is five years. Parkinsonism and psychiatric changes (depression, apathy, character changes, and withdrawal) tend to occur early; severe weight loss and hypoventilation manifest later. Diagnosis/testing. The diagnosis is based on clinical findings and molecular genetic testing of DCTN1, the only gene known to be associated with Perry syndrome. Management. Treatment of manifestations: Dopaminergic therapy (particularly levodopa/carbidopa) should be considered in all individuals with significant parkinsonism. Although response to levodopa is often poor, some individuals may have long-term benefit. Noninvasive or invasive ventilation support may improve quality of life and prolong life expectancy. Those patients with psychiatric manifestations may benefit from antidepressants and psychiatric care. Weight loss is managed with appropriate dietary changes. Surveillance: routine evaluation of weight and calorie intake, respiratory function (particularly at night or during sleep), strength; and mood. Agents/circumstances to avoid: Central respiratory depressants (e.g., benzodiazepines, alcohol). Genetic counseling. Perry syndrome is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. The proportion of cases attributed to de novo mutations is unknown. Each child of an individual with Perry syndrome has a 50% chance of inheriting the mutation. No laboratories offering molecular genetic testing for prenatal diagnosis are listed in the GeneTests Laboratory Directory; however, prenatal testing may be available through laboratories offering custom prenatal testing for families in which the disease-causing mutation has been identified.
La schizophrénie est une maladie mentale grave qui présente une comorbidité fréquente avec la toxicomanie et avec divers troubles immunitaires. Une méta-analyse réalisée récemment dans notre laboratoire a montré une augmentation d’IL-6 (une cytokine pro-inflammatoire), du récepteur soluble d’IL-2 (un marqueur d’activation du système immunitaire), et d’IL-1RA (une cytokine anti-inflammatoire) dans la schizophrénie, suggérant l’existence d’un syndrome inflammatoire dans cette maladie. La toxicomanie aussi est associée au dérèglement du réseau des cytokines inflammatoires, mais les effets dépendent du type de drogues et ils sont parfois diamétralement opposés. On dispose encore de peu d’informations sur le statut immunitaire et inflammatoire des patients qui ont un double diagnostic de schizophrénie et de toxicomanie. Le but de ce travail était d’explorer l’existence d’un état inflammatoire systémique chez les patients schizophrènes et toxicomanes, et l’influence du traitement avec un médicament antipsychotique atypique, la quétiapine. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient : 1) Mesurer les concentrations plasmatiques des cytokines inflammatoires chez les schizophrènes et toxicomanes avant, pendant et après traitement avec la quétiapine ; et 2) Faire des études de corrélations entre les taux de cytokines, les symptômes cliniques, et la consommation de drogues. Les résultats montrent que comparativement aux contrôles normaux, les patients avec un double diagnostic présentent une augmentation d’IL-6, d’IL-1RA, du sIL-2R et d’IL-8 avant traitement à la quétiapine. Les augmentations des concentrations plasmatiques d’IL-1RA sont particulièrement importantes chez les patients avec double diagnostic, si on les compare à celles publiées chez les schizophrènes sans toxicomanie. Le traitement à la quétiapine n’influence pas les concentrations plasmatiques de ces cytokines, sauf sIL-2R qui augmente davantage au cours du traitement. Des corrélations positives de puissance modérée sont retrouvées entre IL-6 et dépression, IL-6 et alcool, IL-1RA et cognition, IL-8 et dépression, IL-8 et alcool, sIL-2R et cannabis. Notre étude révèle que la réponse inflammatoire est activée chez les schizophrènes et toxicomanes. De plus, la toxicomanie semble jouer un rôle facilitant ou potentialisateur dans les augmentations des taux circulants d’IL-1RA. Les études en cours sur différentes populations de schizophrènes avec ou sans toxicomanie, et chez des toxicomanes non schizophrènes permettront de préciser le rôle des différentes drogues d’abus dans le syndrome inflammatoire chez les schizophrènes, ainsi que les implications de ce syndrome sur le plan clinique et thérapeutique.
Le syndrome d’embolie de liquide amniotique (SELA) est une complication rare et souvent catastrophique de l’accouchement chez la femme caractérisée classiquement par une hypotension sévère, un arrêt cardiorespiratoire et une coagulation intra-vasculaire disséminée. Malheureusement, sa physiopathologie est encore mal connue. Le rôle des kinines n’a notamment pas été étudié. L’objectif de notre projet était de développer un modèle animal de SELA et d’étudier le rôle éventuel des kinines dans ce syndrome. Douze lapines en fin de gestation ont été incluses dans l’étude. Pour chacune d’entre-elles, le liquide amniotique était aspiré de chaque sac amniotique après une laparotomie. Six lapines recevaient un bolus de liquide amniotique injecté via la veine auriculaire alors que les six autres recevaient un bolus de saline. Parallèlement, les effets in vitro de liquide amniotique sur la coagulation étaient évalués par thrombelastographie (TEG) et comparés aux effets de la saline. L’injection de liquide amniotique n’a pas permis de reproduire les signes cliniques de SELA, n’a pas entrainé la génération de bradykinine, et n’a pas eu d’effet sur le temps de prothrombine, le temps de thromboplastine partielle activée, et l’activité du facteur VIII de. Une thrombocytopénie sévère et transitoire a cependant été notée 5 minutes après l’injection de liquide amniotique. De plus, en additionnant in vitro de liquide amniotique au sang on a observé un tracé de TEG hypercoagulable comparé à celui obtenu avec la saline. Le modèle n’ayant pas pu reproduire le SELA, le rôle des kinines dans ce syndrome reste à déterminer.
The aim of this review article is to provide an overview of the role of pigs as a biomedical model for humans. The usefulness and limitations of porcine models have been discussed in terms of metabolic, cardiovascular, digestive and bone diseases in humans. Domestic pigs and minipigs are the main categories of pigs used as biomedical models. One drawback of minipigs is that they are in short supply and expensive compared with domestic pigs, which in contrast cost more to house, feed and medicate. Different porcine breeds show different responses to the induction of specific diseases. For example, ossabaw minipigs provide a better model than Yucatan for the metabolic syndrome as they exhibit obesity, insulin resistance and hypertension, all of which are absent in the Yucatan. Similar metabolic/physiological differences exist between domestic breeds (e.g. Meishan v. Pietrain). The modern commercial (e.g. Large White) domestic pig has been the preferred model for developmental programming due to the 2- to 3-fold variation in body weight among littermates providing a natural form of foetal growth retardation not observed in ancient (e.g. Meishan) domestic breeds. Pigs have been increasingly used to study chronic ischaemia, therapeutic angiogenesis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and abdominal aortic aneurysm as their coronary anatomy and physiology are similar to humans. Type 1 and II diabetes can be induced in swine using dietary regimes and/or administration of streptozotocin. Pigs are a good and extensively used model for specific nutritional studies as their protein and lipid metabolism is comparable with humans, although pigs are not as sensitive to protein restriction as rodents. Neonatal and weanling pigs have been used to examine the pathophysiology and prevention/treatment of microbial-associated diseases and immune system disorders. A porcine model mimicking various degrees of prematurity in infants receiving total parenteral nutrition has been established to investigate gut development, amino acid metabolism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Endoscopic therapeutic methods for upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding are being developed. Bone remodelling cycle in pigs is histologically more similar to humans than that of rats or mice, and is used to examine the relationship between menopause and osteoporosis. Work has also been conducted on dental implants in pigs to consider loading; however with caution as porcine bone remodels slightly faster than human bone. We conclude that pigs are a valuable translational model to bridge the gap between classical rodent models and humans in developing new therapies to aid human health.
The metabolic syndrome may have its origins in thriftiness, insulin resistance and one of the most ancient of all signalling systems, redox. Thriftiness results from an evolutionarily-driven propensity to minimise energy expenditure. This has to be balanced with the need to resist the oxidative stress from cellular signalling and pathogen resistance, giving rise to something we call 'redox-thriftiness'. This is based on the notion that mitochondria may be able to both amplify membrane-derived redox growth signals as well as negatively regulate them, resulting in an increased ATP/ROS ratio. We suggest that 'redox-thriftiness' leads to insulin resistance, which has the effect of both protecting the individual cell from excessive growth/inflammatory stress, while ensuring energy is channelled to the brain, the immune system, and for storage. We also suggest that fine tuning of redox-thriftiness is achieved by hormetic (mild stress) signals that stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and resistance to oxidative stress, which improves metabolic flexibility. However, in a non-hormetic environment with excessive calories, the protective nature of this system may lead to escalating insulin resistance and rising oxidative stress due to metabolic inflexibility and mitochondrial overload. Thus, the mitochondrially-associated resistance to oxidative stress (and metabolic flexibility) may determine insulin resistance. Genetically and environmentally determined mitochondrial function may define a 'tipping point' where protective insulin resistance tips over to inflammatory insulin resistance. Many hormetic factors may induce mild mitochondrial stress and biogenesis, including exercise, fasting, temperature extremes, unsaturated fats, polyphenols, alcohol, and even metformin and statins. Without hormesis, a proposed redox-thriftiness tipping point might lead to a feed forward insulin resistance cycle in the presence of excess calories. We therefore suggest that as oxidative stress determines functional longevity, a rather more descriptive term for the metabolic syndrome is the 'lifestyle-induced metabolic inflexibility and accelerated ageing syndrome'. Ultimately, thriftiness is good for us as long as we have hormetic stimuli; unfortunately, mankind is attempting to remove all hormetic (stressful) stimuli from his environment.
Alcoholism is a chronic disorder characterized by the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome following the abrupt cessation of alcohol intake that includes symptoms of physical and emotional disturbances, anxiety being the most prevalent symptom. In humans, it was shown that anxiety may increase the probability of relapse. In laboratory animals, however, the use of anxiety to predict alcohol preference has remained difficult. Excitatory amino acids as glutamate have been implicated in alcohol hangover and may be responsible for the seizures and anxiety observed during withdrawal. The dorsal periaqueductal gray (DPAG) is a midbrain region critical for the modulation/expression of anxiety- and fear-related behaviors and the propagation of seizures induced by alcohol withdrawal, the glutamate neurotransmission being one of the most affected. The present study was designed to evaluate whether low- (LA) and high-anxiety rats (HA), tested during the alcohol hangover phase, in which anxiety is the most prevalent symptom, are more sensitive to the reinforcing effects of alcohol when tested in a voluntary alcohol drinking procedure. Additionally, we were interested in investigating the main effects of reducing the excitatory tonus of the dorsal midbrain, after the blockade of the ionotropic glutamate receptors into the DPAG, on the voluntary alcohol intake of HA and LA motivated rats that were made previously experienced with the free operant response of alcohol drinking. For this purpose, we used local infusions of the N-metil D-Aspartato (NMDA) and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-kainate receptors antagonist DL-2-Amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid - DL-AP7 (10 nmol/0.2 mu l) and L-glutamic acid diethyl ester - GDEE (160 nmol/0.2 mu l) respectively. Alcohol intoxication was produced by 10 daily bolus intraperitonial (IP) injections of alcohol (2.0 g/kg). Peak-blood alcohol levels were determined by gas-chromatography analysis in order to assess blood-alcohol content. Unconditioned and conditioned anxiety-like behavior was assessed by the use of the fear-potentiated startle procedure (FPS). Data collected showed that anxiety and alcohol drinking in HA animals are positively correlated in animals that were made previously familiarized with the anxiolytic effects of alcohol. In addition, anxiety-like behavior induced during alcohol hangover seems to be an effect of changes in glutamatergic neurotransmission into DPAG possibly involving AMPA/kainate and NMDA receptors, among others. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: The aims of the present study were to assess the associations between mood, anxiety and substance use disorders, including their subtypes, and the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). METHOD: Thorough physical investigations, biological measures and standardized interview techniques were used to assess 3716 subjects of an urban area, aged 35-66 years. RESULTS: Atypical depression was associated with increased prevalence of overweight, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome (OR = 1.5, 95% C.I. 1.1-2.0; OR = 2.0, 95% C.I. 1.1-3.5, OR = 1.6, 95% C.I. 1.0-2.4 respectively), whereas decreased prevalence of overweight was found in melancholic (OR = 0.7, 95% C.I. 0.6-0.9) and unspecified depression (OR = 0.8, 95% C.I. 0.7-1.0). Alcohol abuse was associated with diabetes (OR = 1.8, 95% C.I. 1.1-2.9) and dyslipidemia (OR = 1.3, 95% C.I. 1.0-1.8), alcohol dependence with dyslipidemia only (OR = 1.4, 95% C.I. 1.0-2.0). Almost all mental disorders were associated with a lifetime history of regular cigarette smoking, and atypical depression, alcohol misuse and drug dependence were associated with inactivity. CONCLUSION: To conclude results emphasize the need to subtype depression and to pay particular attention to the atypical subtype. Comorbid alcohol misuse may further increase the cardiovascular risk. Efforts to diminish smoking in subjects with mental disorders could be crucial measures to reduce their high incidence of cardiovascular disease.
A drinking experiment with participants suffering from Gilbert's syndrome was performed to study the possible influence of this glucuronidation disorder on the formation of ethyl glucuronide (EtG). Gilbert's syndrome is a rather common and, in most cases, asymptomatic congenital metabolic aberration with a prevalence of about 5 %. It is characterized by a reduction of the enzyme activity of the uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) isoform 1A1 up to 80 %. One of the glucuronidation products is EtG, which is formed in the organism following exposure to ethanol. EtG is used as a short-term marker for ethyl alcohol consumption to prove abstinence in various settings. After 2 days of abstinence from ethanol and giving a void urine sample, 30 study participants drank 0.1 L of sparkling wine (9 g ethanol). 3, 6, 12, and 24 h after drinking, urine samples were collected. 3 hours after drinking, an additional blood sample was taken, in which liver enzyme activities, ethanol, hematological parameters, and bilirubin were measured. EtG and ethyl sulfate (EtS), another short-term marker of ethanol consumption, were determined in the urine samples using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS); creatinine was measured photometrically. In all participants, EtG and EtS were detected in concentrations showing a wide range (EtG: 3 h sample 0.5-18.43 mg/L and 6 h sample 0.67-13.8 mg/L; EtS: 3 h sample 0.87-6.87 mg/L and 6 h sample 0.29-4.48 mg/L). No evidence of impaired EtG formation was found. Thus, EtG seems to be a suitable marker for ethanol consumption even in individuals with Gilbert's syndrome.
We investigated cross-sectional associations between intakes of zinc, magnesium, heme- and non heme iron, beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E and inflammation and subclinical atherosclerosis in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). We also investigated prospective associations between those micronutrients and incident MetS, T2D and CVD. Participants between 45-84 years of age at baseline were followed between 2000 and 2007. Dietary intake was assessed at baseline using a 120-item food frequency questionnaire. Multivariable linear regression and Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to evaluate associations of interest. Dietary intakes of non-heme iron and Mg were inversely associated with tHcy concentrations (geometric means across quintiles: 9.11, 8.86, 8.74, 8.71, and 8.50 µmol/L for non-heme iron, and 9.20, 9.00, 8.65, 8.76, and 8.33 µmol/L for Mg; ptrends <0.001). Mg intake was inversely associated with high CC-IMT; odds ratio (95% CI) for extreme quintiles 0.76 (0.58, 1.01), ptrend: 0.002. Dietary Zn and heme-iron were positively associated with CRP (geometric means: 1.73, 1.75, 1.78, 1.88, and 1.96 mg/L for Zn and 1.72, 1.76, 1.83, 1.86, and 1.94 mg/L for heme-iron). In the prospective analysis, dietary vitamin E intake was inversely associated with incident MetS and with incident CVD (HR [CI] for extreme quintiles - MetS: 0.78 [0.62-0.97] ptrend=0.01; CVD: 0.69 [0.46-1.03]; ptrend =0.04). Intake of heme-iron from red meat and Zn from red meat, but not from other sources, were each positively associated with risk of CVD (HR [CI] - heme-iron from red meat: 1.65 [1.10-2.47] ptrend = 0.01; Zn from red meat: 1.51 [1.02 - 2.24] ptrend =0.01) and MetS (HR [CI] - heme-iron from red meat: 1.25 [0.99-1.56] ptrend =0.03; Zn from red meat: 1.29 [1.03-1.61]; ptrend = 0.04). All associations evaluated were similar across different strata of gender, race-ethnicity and alcohol intake. Most of the micronutrients investigated were not associated with the outcomes of interest in this multi-ethnic cohort. These observations do not provide consistent support for the hypothesized association of individual nutrients with inflammatory markers, MetS, T2D, or CVD. However, nutrients consumed in red meat, or consumption of red meat as a whole, may increase risk of MetS and CVD.^
BACKGROUND: Hydrops foetalis is defined as excessive fluid accumulation within the foetal extravascular compartments and body cavities. It has been described in human and veterinary medicine, but despite several descriptive studies its aetiology is still not fully clarified. Pulmonary hypoplasia and anasarca (PHA) syndrome is a rare congenital abnormality in cattle that is characterised by hydrops foetalis including extreme subcutaneous oedema (anasarca) and undeveloped or poorly formed lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia). Until now, sporadic cases of PHA were reported in cattle breeds like Australian Dexter, Belted Galloway, Maine-Anjou, and Shorthorn. This report describes the first known cases of PHA syndrome in Slovenian Cika cattle. CASE PRESENTATION: A 13-year-old cow aborted a male calf in the seventh month of pregnancy, while a male calf was delivered by caesarean section on the due date from a 14-year-old cow. The pedigree analysis showed that the calves were sired by the same bull, the dams were paternal half-sisters and the second calf was the product of a dam-son mating. Gross lesions were similar in both cases and characterized by severe anasarca, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, ascites, hypoplastic lungs, absence of lymph nodes, and an enlarged heart. The first calf was also athymic. Histopathology of the second affected calf confirmed severe oedema of the subcutis and interstitium of the organs, and pulmonary hypoplasia. The lymph vessels in the subcutis and other organs were severely dilated. Histopathology of the second calf revealed also lack of bronchus associated lymphoid tissue and adrenal gland hypoplasia. CONCLUSIONS: The findings were consistent with known forms of the bovine PHA syndrome. This is the first report of the PHA syndrome occurring in the local endangered breed of Cika cattle. Observed inbreeding practice supports that this lethal defect most likely follows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. In the light of the disease phenotype it is assumed that a mutation causing an impaired development of lymph vessels is responsible for the hydrops foetalis associated malformations in bovine PHA.
Wernicke syndrome is a rare neurological pathology due to a deficit in vitamin B1. The syndrome is common among alcohol abusers, patients with malignant tumor or gastrointestinal diseases, those who undergo hemodialysis or long-term peritoneal dialysis, pregnant women with hyperemesis, women who breast-feed, patients with hyperthyroidism or anorexia nervosa or gastric or jejunal-ileal bypass surgery for obesity, patients submitted to gastric surgery or prolonged total parenteral nutrition or prolonged intravenous therapy. We report a case of Wernicke syndrome due to afferent loop syndrome characterized by incoercible vomiting.
The pathogenecity of white spot syndrome virus (WSV) was studied experimentally with challenge exposure of two hundred shrimp with average weight 10 to 12 grams of Litopenaeus vannamei. The shrimp L. vannamei before introducing examined with IQ 2000 detection Kit for WSV. The Fenneropenaeus indicus that showed the clinical sign and PCR positive of white spot disease (WSD) was used the source of WSV. The challenge exposures were accomplished by feeding minced tissue of F. indicus for 24 hours. The result showed L. vannamei after three days revealed the clinical sign of WSV, the PCR examined was positive and all shrimp died after ten days. The shrimp that showed sign of disease were collected for histpathology in Davidson fixator and a part of samples preserved in Ethyl alcohol %75to %90 for PCR. The histopathology showed the effect of virus and cowdly type A inclusion body can see in all tissue except hepatopancreas. The PCR also indicate the virus infected the shrimp Litpeneaus vannamei after 3 days. The SOI and ROI determined the severity of infection and rate of infection in different tissue.