937 resultados para focal adhesion


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Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a highly conserved, cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase that has been implicated in promoting cell migration and transmission of antiapoptotic signals in vertebrate cells. In cultured cells, integrin engagement with the extracellular matrix promotes the recruitment of FAK to focal contacts and increases in its phosphotyrosine content and kinase activity, suggesting FAK is an intracellular mediator of integrin signaling. We have identified a Drosophila FAK homolog, DFak56, that is 33% identical to vertebrate FAK, with the highest degree of homology in domains critical for FAK function, including the kinase and focal adhesion targeting domains, and several protein–protein interaction motifs. Furthermore, when expressed in NIH 3T3 cells, DFak56 both localizes to focal contacts and displays the characteristic elevation of phosphotyrosine content in response to plating the cells on fibronectin. During embryogenesis, DFak56 is broadly expressed, and it becomes elevated in the gut and central nervous system at later stages. Consistent with a role in cell migration, we also observe that DFak56 is abundant in the border cells of developing egg chambers before the onset of, and during, their migration.


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High-efficiency entry of the enteropathogenic bacterium Yersinia pseudotuberculosis into nonphagocytic cells is mediated by the bacterial outer membrane protein invasin. Invasin-mediated uptake requires high affinity binding of invasin to multiple β1 chain integrin receptors on the host eukaryotic cell. Previous studies using inhibitors have indicated that high-efficiency uptake requires tyrosine kinase activity. In this paper we demonstrate a requirement for focal adhesion kinase (FAK) for invasin-mediated uptake. Overexpression of a dominant interfering form of FAK reduced the amount of bacterial entry. Specifically, the autophosphorylation site of FAK, which is a reported site of c-Src kinase binding, is required for bacterial internalization, as overexpression of a derivative lacking the autophosphorylation site had a dominant interfering effect as well. Cultured cells expressing interfering variants of Src kinase also showed reduced bacterial uptake, demonstrating the involvement of a Src-family kinase in invasin-promoted uptake.


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Integrin receptors play a central role in the biology of lymphocytes, mediating crucial functional aspects of these cells, including adhesion, activation, polarization, migration, and signaling. Here we report that induction of activation of the β2-integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) in T lymphocytes with divalent cations, phorbol esters, or stimulatory antibodies is followed by a dramatic polarization, resulting in a characteristic elongated morphology of the cells and the arrest of migrating lymphoblasts. This cellular polarization was prevented by treatment of cells with the specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. Furthermore, the interaction of the activated integrin LFA-1 with its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule 1 induced the activation of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK-2). FAK activation reached a maximum after 45 min of stimulation; in contrast, PYK-2 activation peaked at 30 min, declining after 60 min. Upon polarization of lymphoblasts, FAK and PYK-2 redistributed from a diffuse localization in the cytoplasm to a region close to the microtubule-organizing center in these cells. FAK and PYK-2 activation was blocked when lymphoblasts were pretreated with actin and tubulin cytoskeleton-interfering agents, indicating its cytoskeletal dependence. Our results demonstrate that interaction of the β2-integrin LFA-1 with its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule 1 induces remodeling of T lymphocyte morphology and activation and redistribution of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases FAK and PYK-2.


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We have previously shown that the LIM domains of paxillin operate as the focal adhesion (FA)-targeting motif of this protein. In the current study, we have identified the capacity of paxillin LIM2 and LIM3 to serve as binding sites for, and substrates of serine/threonine kinases. The activities of the LIM2- and LIM3-associated kinases were stimulated after adhesion of CHO.K1 cells to fibronectin; consequently, a role for LIM domain phosphorylation in regulating the subcellular localization of paxillin after adhesion to fibronectin was investigated. An avian paxillin-CHO.K1 model system was used to explore the role of paxillin phosphorylation in paxillin localization to FAs. We found that mutations of paxillin that mimicked LIM domain phosphorylation accelerated fibronectin-induced localization of paxillin to focal contacts. Further, blocking phosphorylation of the LIM domains reduced cell adhesion to fibronectin, whereas constitutive LIM domain phosphorylation significantly increased the capacity of cells to adhere to fibronectin. The potentiation of FA targeting and cell adhesion to fibronectin was specific to LIM domain phosphorylation as mutation of the amino-terminal tyrosine and serine residues of paxillin that are phosphorylated in response to fibronectin adhesion had no effect on the rate of FA localization or cell adhesion. This represents the first demonstration of the regulation of protein localization through LIM domain phosphorylation and suggests a novel mechanism of regulating LIM domain function. Additionally, these results provide the first evidence that paxillin contributes to “inside-out” integrin-mediated signal transduction.


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The focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is discretely localized to focal adhesions via its C-terminal focal adhesion–targeting (FAT) sequence. FAK is regulated by integrin-dependent cell adhesion and can regulate tyrosine phosphorylation of downstream substrates, like paxillin. By the use of a mutational strategy, the regions of FAK that are required for cell adhesion–dependent regulation and for inducing tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin were determined. The results show that the FAT sequence was the single region of FAK that was required for each function. Furthermore, the FAT sequence of FAK was replaced with a focal adhesion–targeting sequence from vinculin, and the resulting chimera exhibited cell adhesion–dependent tyrosine phosphorylation and could induce paxillin phosphorylation like wild-type FAK. These results suggest that subcellular localization is the major determinant of FAK function.


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Insulin can regulate the abundance and organization of filamentous actin within cells in culture. Early studies using cell lines that overexpress the insulin receptor demonstrated that insulin caused a rapid reversible disassembly of actin filaments that coincided with the rapid tyrosine dephosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase. We have extended these studies by demonstrating that paxillin, another focal adhesion protein, and Src undergo tyrosine dephosphorylation in response to insulin in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and rat hepatoma (HTC) cells that overexpress the insulin receptor. This contrasted with the effect of insulin in parental CHO and HTC cells in which focal adhesion proteins were not dephosphorylated in response to the hormone. In addition, insulin caused a dispersion of focal adhesion proteins and disruption of actin filament bundles only in cells that overexpressed the insulin receptor. Moreover, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, which are considered prototypic insulin-responsive cells, actin filament assembly was stimulated, and focal adhesion protein tyrosine phosphorylation was not altered. 3T3-L1 cells have more insulin receptors than either parental CHO or HTC cells but have fivefold less insulin receptors than the overexpressing cell lines. We hypothesize that a threshold may exist in which the overexpression of insulin receptors determines how insulin signaling pathways regulate the actin cytoskeleton.


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Tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) creates a high-affinity binding site for the src homology 2 domain of the Src family of tyrosine kinases. Assembly of a complex between FAK and Src kinases may serve to regulate the subcellular localization and the enzymatic activity of members of the Src family of kinases. We show that simultaneous overexpression of FAK and pp60c-src or p59fyn results in the enhancement of the tyrosine phosphorylation of a limited number of cellular substrates, including paxillin. Under these conditions, tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin is largely cell adhesion dependent. FAK mutants defective for Src binding or focal adhesion targeting fail to cooperate with pp60c-src or p59fyn to induce paxillin phosphorylation, whereas catalytically defective FAK mutants can direct paxillin phosphorylation. The negative regulatory site of pp60c-src is hypophosphorylated when in complex with FAK, and coexpression with FAK leads to a redistribution of pp60c-src from a diffuse cellular location to focal adhesions. A FAK mutant defective for Src binding does not effectively induce the translocation of pp60c-src to focal adhesions. These results suggest that association with FAK can alter the localization of Src kinases and that FAK functions to direct phosphorylation of cellular substrates by recruitment of Src kinases.


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Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is an important regulator of integrin signaling in adherent cells and accordingly its activity is significantly modulated during mitosis when cells detach from the extracellular matrix. During mitosis, FAK becomes heavily phosphorylated on serine residues concomitant with its inactivation and dephosphorylation on tyrosine. Little is known about the regulation of FAK activity by serine phosphorylation. In this report, we characterize two novel sites of serine phosphorylation within the C-terminal domain of FAK. Phosphorylation-specific antibodies directed to these sites and against two previously characterized sites of serine phosphorylation were used to study the regulated phosphorylation of FAK in unsynchronized and mitotic cells. Among the four major phosphorylation sites, designated pS1-pS4, phosphorylation of pS1 (Ser722) is unchanged in unsynchronized and mitotic cells. In contrast, pS3 and pS4 (Ser843 and Ser910) exhibit increased phosphorylation during mitosis. In vitro peptide binding experiments provide evidence that phosphorylation of pS1 (Ser722) may play a role in modulating FAK binding to the SH3 domain of the adapter protein p130Cas.


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Testicular protein kinase 1 (TESK1) is a serine/threonine kinase with a structure composed of a kinase domain related to those of LIM-kinases and a unique C-terminal proline-rich domain. Like LIM-kinases, TESK1 phosphorylated cofilin specifically at Ser-3, both in vitro and in vivo. When expressed in HeLa cells, TESK1 stimulated the formation of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions. In contrast to LIM-kinases, the kinase activity of TESK1 was not enhanced by Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) or p21-activated kinase, indicating that TESK1 is not their downstream effector. Both the kinase activity of TESK1 and the level of cofilin phosphorylation increased by plating cells on fibronectin. Y-27632, a specific inhibitor of ROCK, inhibited LIM-kinase-induced cofilin phosphorylation but did not affect fibronectin-induced or TESK1-induced cofilin phosphorylation in HeLa cells. Expression of a kinase-negative TESK1 suppressed cofilin phosphorylation and formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions induced in cells plated on fibronectin. These results suggest that TESK1 functions downstream of integrins and plays a key role in integrin-mediated actin reorganization, presumably through phosphorylating and inactivating cofilin. We propose that TESK1 and LIM-kinases commonly phosphorylate cofilin but are regulated in different ways and play distinct roles in actin reorganization in living cells.


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The focal adhesion kinase (FAK) has been implicated in integrin-mediated signaling events and in the mechanism of cell transformation by the v-Src and v-Crk oncoproteins. To gain further insight into FAK signaling pathways, we used a two-hybrid screen to identify proteins that interact with mouse FAK. The screen identified two proteins that interact with FAK via their Src homology 3 (SH3) domains: a v-Crk-associated tyrosine kinase substrate (Cas), p130Cas, and a still uncharacterized protein, FIPSH3-2, which contains an SH3 domain closely related to that of p130Cas. These SH3 domains bind to the same proline-rich region of FAK (APPKPSR) encompassing residues 711-717. The mouse p130Cas amino acid sequence was deduced from cDNA clones, revealing an overall high degree of similarity to the recently reported rat sequence. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments confirmed that p130Cas and FAK are associated in mouse fibroblasts. The stable interaction between p130Cas and FAK emerges as a likely key element in integrin-mediated signal transduction and further represents a direct molecular link between the v-Src and v-Crk oncoproteins. The Src family kinase Fyn, whose Src homology 2 (SH2) domain binds to the major FAK autophosphorylation site (tyrosine 397), was also identified in the two-hybrid screen.


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VASP (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein), an established substrate of cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases in vitro and in living cells, is associated with focal adhesions, microfilaments, and membrane regions of high dynamic activity. Here, the identification of an 83-kDa protein (p83) that specifically binds VASP in blot overlays of different cell homogenates is reported. With VASP overlays as a detection tool, p83 was purified from porcine platelets and used to generate monospecific polyclonal antibodies. VASP binding to purified p83 in solid-phase binding assays and the closely matching subcellular localization in double-label immunofluorescence analyses demonstrated that both proteins also directly interact as native proteins in vitro and possibly in living cells. The subcellular distribution, the biochemical properties, as well as microsequencing data revealed that porcine platelet p83 is related to chicken gizzard zyxin and most likely represents the mammalian equivalent of the chicken protein. The VASP-p83 interaction may contribute to the targeting of VASP to focal adhesions, microfilaments, and dynamic membrane regions. Together with our recent identification of VASP as a natural ligand of the profilin poly-(L-proline) binding site, our present results suggest that, by linking profilin to zyxin/p83, VASP may participate in spatially confined profilin-regulated F-actin formation.


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Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) is required for the growth and differentiation of mononuclear phagocytes. In the present studies using human monocytes, we show that M-CSF induces interaction of the Grb2 adaptor protein with the focal adhesion kinase pp125FAK. The results demonstrate that tyrosine-phosphorylated pp125FAK directly interacts with the SH2 domain of Grb2. The findings indicate that a pYENV site at Tyr-925 in pp125FAK is responsible for this interaction. We also demonstrate that the Grb2-FAK complex associates with the GTPase dynamin. Dynamin interacts with the SH3 domains of Grb2 and exhibits M-CSF-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation in association with pp125FAK. These findings suggest that M-CSF-induced signaling involves independent Grb2-mediated pathways, one leading to Ras activation and another involving pp125FAK and a GTPase implicated in receptor internalization.


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S100 proteins promote cancer cell migration and metastasis. To investigate their roles in the process of migration we have constructed inducible systems for S100P in rat mammary and human HeLa cells that show a linear relationship between its intracellular levels and cell migration. S100P, like S100A4, differentially interacts with the isoforms of nonmuscle myosin II (NMIIA, K(d) = 0.5 µm; IIB, K(d) = 8 µm; IIC, K(d) = 1.0 µm). Accordingly, S100P dissociates NMIIA and IIC filaments but not IIB in vitro. NMIIA knockdown increases migration in non-induced cells and there is no further increase upon induction of S100P, whereas NMIIB knockdown reduces cell migration whether or not S100P is induced. NMIIC knockdown does not affect S100P-enhanced cell migration. Further study shows that NMIIA physically interacts with S100P in living cells. In the cytoplasm, S100P occurs in discrete nodules along NMIIA-containing filaments. Induction of S100P causes more peripheral distribution of NMIIA filaments. This change is paralleled by a significant drop in vinculin-containing, actin-terminating focal adhesion sites (FAS) per cell. The induction of S100P, consequently, causes significant reduction in cellular adhesion. Addition of a focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibitor reduces disassembly of FAS and thereby suppresses S100P-enhanced cell migration. In conclusion, this work has demonstrated a mechanism whereby the S100P-induced dissociation of NMIIA filaments leads to a weakening of FAS, reduced cell adhesion, and enhanced cell migration, the first major step in the metastatic cascade.


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Denaturation of extracellular matrix proteins exposes cryptic binding sites. It is hypothesized that binding of cell adhesion receptors to these cryptic binding sites regulates cellular behaviour during tissue repair and regeneration. To test this hypothesis, we quantify the adhesion of pre-osteoblastic cells to native (Col) and partially-denatured (pdCol) collagen I using single-cell force spectroscopy. During early stages of cell attachment (≤180 s) pre-osteoblasts (MC3T3-E1) adhered significantly stronger to pdCol compared to Col. RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp)-containing peptides suppressed this elevated cell adhesion. We show that the RGD-binding α5β1- and αv-integrins mediated pre-osteoblast adhesion to pdCol, but not to Col. On pdCol pre-osteoblasts had a higher focal adhesion kinase tyrosine-phosphorylation level that correlated with enhanced spreading and motility. Moreover, pre-osteoblasts cultured on pdCol showed a pronounced matrix mineralization activity. Our data suggest that partially-denatured collagen exposes RGD-motifs that trigger binding of α5β1- and αv-integrins. These integrins initiate cellular processes that stimulate osteoblast adhesion, spreading, motility and differentiation. Taken together, these quantitative insights reveal an approach for the development of alternative collagen I- based surfaces for tissue engineering applications.


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This work is motivated by experimental observations that cells on stretched substrate exhibit different responses to static and dynamic loads. A model of focal adhesion that can consider the mechanics of stress fiber, adhesion bonds, and substrate was developed at the molecular level by treating the focal adhesion as an adhesion cluster. The stability of the cluster under dynamic load was studied by applying cyclic external strain on the substrate. We show that a threshold value of external strain amplitude exists beyond which the adhesion cluster disrupts quickly. In addition, our results show that the adhesion cluster is prone to losing stability under high-frequency loading, because the receptors and ligands cannot get enough contact time to form bonds due to the high-speed deformation of the substrate. At the same time, the viscoelastic stress fiber becomes rigid at high frequency, which leads to significant deformation of the bonds. Furthermore, we find that the stiffness and relaxation time of stress fibers play important roles in the stability of the adhesion cluster. The essence of this work is to connect the dynamics of the adhesion bonds (molecular level) with the cell's behavior during reorientation (cell level) through the mechanics of stress fiber. The predictions of the cluster model are consistent with experimental observations.