976 resultados para flux de conscience


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In this work we employed a hybrid method, combining RF-magnetron sputtering with evaporation, for the deposition of tailor made metallic precursors, with varying number of Zn/Sn/Cu (ZTC) periods and compared two approaches to sulphurization. Two series of samples with 1×, 2× and 4× ZTC periods have been prepared. One series of precursors was sulphurized in a tubular furnace directly exposed to a sulphur vapour and N2+5% H2 flux at a pressure of 5.0×10+4 Pa. A second series of identical precursors was sulphurized in the same furnace but inside a graphite box where sulphur pellets have been evaporated again in the presence of N2+5% H2 and at the same pressure as for the sulphur flux experiments. The morphological and chemical analyses revealed a small grain structure but good average composition for all three films sulphurized in the graphite box. As for the three films sulphurized in sulphur flux grain growth was seen with the increase of the number of ZTC periods whilst, in terms of composition, they were slightly Zn poor. The films' crystal structure showed that Cu2ZnSnS4 is the dominant phase. However, in the case of the sulphur flux films SnS2 was also detected. Photoluminescence spectroscopy studies showed an asymmetric broad band emission whichoccurs in the range of 1–1.5 eV. Clearly the radiative recombination efficiency is higher in the series of samples sulphurized in sulphur flux. We have found that sulphurization in sulphur flux leads to better film morphology than when the process is carried out in a graphite box in similar thermodynamic conditions. Solar cells have been prepared and characterized showing a correlation between improved film morphology and cell performance. The best cells achieved an efficiency of 2.4%.


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This paper describes the methodology adopted to assess local air quality impact in the vicinity of a coal power plant located in the south of Portugal. Two sampling areas were selected to assess the deposition flux of dust fallout and its potential spatial heterogeneity. The sampling area was divided into two subareas: the inner, with higher sampling density and urban and suburban characteristics, inside a 6-km circle centered on the stacks, and an outer subarea, mainly rural, with lower sampling density within a radius of 20 km. Particulate matter deposition was studied in the vicinity of the coal fired power plant during three seasonal sampling campaigns. For the first one, the average annual flux of dust fallout was 22.51 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 4.20 to 65.94 g/(m2 yr); for the second one was 9.47 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 0.78 to 32.72 g/(m2 yr) and for the last one was 38.42 g/(m2 yr), ranging from 1.41 to 117.48 g/(m2 yr). The fallout during the second campaign turned out to be much lower than for others. This was in part due to meteorological local patterns but mostly due to the fact that the power plant was not working at full power during the second sampling campaign.155


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The design of magnetic cores can be carried out by taking into account the optimization of different parameters in accordance with the application requirements. Considering the specifications of the fast field cycling nuclear magnetic resonance (FFC-NMR) technique, the magnetic flux density distribution, at the sample insertion volume, is one of the core parameters that needs to be evaluated. Recently, it has been shown that the FFC-NMR magnets can be built on the basis of solenoid coils with ferromagnetic cores. Since this type of apparatus requires magnets with high magnetic flux density uniformity, a new type of magnet using a ferromagnetic core, copper coils, and superconducting blocks was designed with improved magnetic flux density distribution. In this paper, the designing aspects of the magnet are described and discussed with emphasis on the improvement of the magnetic flux density homogeneity (Delta B/B-0) in the air gap. The magnetic flux density distribution is analyzed based on 3-D simulations and NMR experimental results.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry, Neuroscience


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A presente tese pretende fazer uma abordagem ao crescimento dos consumos de energia elétrica, que se tem verificado, nos últimos anos, no setor das telecomunicações e das tecnologias de informação; devido ao constante crescimento das redes, dos equipamentos a ela ligados e do tráfego que nelas transita. Num contexto de globalização da economia, no qual, as redes de telecomunicações e de energia elétrica são dois dos maiores contribuintes, a presente tese procura encontrar enquadramentos e soluções para um dos maiores desafios que a humanidade enfrenta atualmente, e que em parte, é consequente dessa globalização: encontrar novas fontes e formas de utilização da energia, -particularmente da energia elétrica - para que a humanidade continue a usufruir, de uma forma sustentável, dos benefícios que a mesma proporciona. Na primeira parte, procura-se fazer uma abordagem que utiliza fontes de informação e conhecimento, do mercado global, nomeadamente, entidades reguladoras e normalizadoras, operadores, fornecedores de tecnologias e consumidores, que abrangessem os três maiores mercados mundiais – União Europeia, Estados Unidos da América e Ásia-Pacífico. Considerou-se fundamental fazê-lo, por se tratar de uma dissertação no âmbito de um Mestrado com o selo de garantia EUR-ACE. Ao longo da dissertação analisou-se a temática da eficiência energética nas redes de telecomunicações e das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, um tema cada vez mais pertinente, já que o número de pessoas com ligações à Internet, já supera os 3 mil milhões, e as redes passaram a ser o meio por onde são transmitidos, a cada segundo, terabytes de sinais de voz, dados e vídeo. Procurou-se encontrar as linhas de orientação que estão a ser traçadas, para otimizar os consumos energéticos, de um complexo sistema convergente de redes e serviços, formado por entidades reguladoras e normalizadoras, operadores, fornecedores de tecnologias e consumidores, onde nem sempre as fronteiras estão perfeitamente definidas. Perante a constatação da realidade exposta, analisou-se as políticas energéticas desenvolvidas nos últimos anos, pelos vários players do mercado das telecomunicações, das tecnologias de informação e dos sistemas elétricos de energia bem como algumas métricas e objetivos comumente aceites. viii São analisados os contributos das partes interessadas, para o desenvolvimento de políticas energéticas eficazes, por forma a permitirem uma implementação, que considere o funcionamento dos equipamentos como um todo, e não de uma forma isolada como tradicionalmente o assunto era abordado. As especificidades na forma como funcionam as redes de telecomunicações e respetivos equipamentos, são expostas sobre várias óticas, comprovando-se que a temática da eficiência energética é uma das áreas mais difíceis lidar, de todas as consideradas nas políticas energéticas. Demonstrou-se que muitos dos equipamentos não estão otimizados em termos de gestão de energia, procurou-se evidenciar as consequências dessa realidade, uma vez que os equipamentos referidos, têm a necessidade de estar permanentemente a ser alimentados pela rede de energia elétrica, para garantir as funções para que foram projetados. Da pesquisa efetuada e descrita ao longo da dissertação, constatamos o empenho de toda a comunidade científica, operadores e agências de energia e de telecomunicações, em resolver o problema, já que há a consciencialização de que o ritmo de crescimento da rede e equipamentos terminais, é superior ao registado na melhoria da eficiência energética dos vários componentes e equipamentos terminais. Na segunda parte do relatório da tese, procurou-se testar a aplicabilidade das normas e recomendações dos organismos que tutelam a atividade a nível global - algumas publicadas nos últimos 2 anos - a um caso prático. Um edifício hospitalar de média dimensão. Foi elaborada uma aplicação informática, que suportada numa metodologia padronizada, seja capaz de fazer a avaliação da eficiência energética dos equipamentos serviços de telecomunicações de informação e comunicação em funcionamento do hospital. Por dificuldades de disponibilidade dos responsáveis do edifício, os resultados ficaram aquém do esperado. Conseguiu-se desenhar a aplicação, inventariar-se apenas parte dos equipamentos. Demonstrou-se que, a forma como alguns equipamentos estão a ser utilizados, não cumprem regras de utilização racional e eficiente. Procurou-se sensibilizar alguns dos responsáveis, para a necessidade de alterar comportamentos e prosseguir o processo de inventariação, por forma, a que o trabalho iniciado atinja os objetivos propostos.


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Continuous cell lines that proliferate in chemically defined and simple media have been highly regarded as suitable alternatives for vaccine production. One such cell line is the AG1.CR.pIX avian cell line developed by PROBIOGEN. This cell line can be cultivated in a fully scalable suspension culture and adapted to grow in chemically defined, calf serum free, medium [1]–[5]. The medium composition and cultivation strategy are important factors for reaching high virus titers. In this project, a series of computational methods was used to simulate the cell’s response to different environments. The study is based on the metabolic model of the central metabolism proposed in [1]. In a first step, Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA) was used along with measured uptake and secretion fluxes to estimate intracellular flux values. The network and data were found to be consistent. In a second step, Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) was performed to access the cell’s biological objective. The objective that resulted in the best predicted results fit to the experimental data was the minimization of oxidative phosphorylation. Employing this objective, in the next step Flux Variability Analysis (FVA) was used to characterize the flux solution space. Furthermore, various scenarios, where a reaction deletion (elimination of the compound from the media) was simulated, were performed and the flux solution space for each scenario was calculated. Growth restrictions caused by essential and non-essential amino acids were accurately predicted. Fluxes related to the essential amino acids uptake and catabolism, the lipid synthesis and ATP production via TCA were found to be essential to exponential growth. Finally, the data gathered during the previous steps were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA), in order to assess potential changes in the physiological state of the cell. Three metabolic states were found, which correspond to zero, partial and maximum biomass growth rate. Elimination of non-essential amino acids or pyruvate from the media showed no impact on the cell’s assumed normal metabolic state.


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This paper presents the design and the prototype implementation of a three-phase power inverter developed to drive a motor-in-wheel. The control system is implemented in a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device. The paper describes the Field Oriented Control (FOC) algorithm and the Space Vector Modulation (SVM) technique that were implemented. The control platform uses a Spartan-3E FPGA board, programmed with Verilog language. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the developed system operation under different load conditions. Finally are presented conclusions based on the experimental results.


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Electric Vehicles (EVs) are increasingly used nowadays, and different powertrain solutions can be adopted. This paper describes the control system of an axial flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) for EVs powertrain. It is described the implemented Field Oriented Control (FOC) algorithm and the Space Vector Modulation (SVM) technique. Also, the mathematical model of the PMSM is presented. Both, simulation and experimental, results with different types of mechanical load are presented. The experimental results were obtained using a laboratory test bench. The obtained results are discussed.


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PhD thesis in Biomedical Engineering


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Background: Stress is associated with cardiovascular diseases. Objective: This study aimed at assessing whether chronic stress induces vascular alterations, and whether these modulations are nitric oxide (NO) and Ca2+ dependent. Methods: Wistar rats, 30 days of age, were separated into 2 groups: control (C) and Stress (St). Chronic stress consisted of immobilization for 1 hour/day, 5 days/week, 15 weeks. Systolic blood pressure was assessed. Vascular studies on aortic rings were performed. Concentration-effect curves were built for noradrenaline, in the presence of L-NAME or prazosin, acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside and KCl. In addition, Ca2+ flux was also evaluated. Results: Chronic stress induced hypertension, decreased the vascular response to KCl and to noradrenaline, and increased the vascular response to acetylcholine. L-NAME blunted the difference observed in noradrenaline curves. Furthermore, contractile response to Ca2+ was decreased in the aorta of stressed rats. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the vascular response to chronic stress is an adaptation to its deleterious effects, such as hypertension. In addition, this adaptation is NO- and Ca2+-dependent. These data help to clarify the contribution of stress to cardiovascular abnormalities. However, further studies are necessary to better elucidate the mechanisms involved in the cardiovascular dysfunction associated with stressors. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2014; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)


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Les xarxes híbrides satèl·lit-terrestre ofereixen connectivitat a zones remotes i aïllades i permeten resoldre nombrosos problemes de comunicacions. No obstant, presenten diversos reptes, ja que realitzen la comunicació per un canal mòbil terrestre i un canal satèl·lit contigu. Un d'aquests reptes és trobar mecanismes per realitzar eficientment l'enrutament i el control de flux, de manera conjunta. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és simular i estudiar algorismes existents que resolguin aquests problemes, així com proposar-ne de nous, mitjançant diverses tècniques d'optimització convexa. A partir de les simulacions realitzades en aquest estudi, s'han analitzat àmpliament els diversos problemes d'enrutament i control de flux, i s'han avaluat els resultats obtinguts i les prestacions dels algorismes emprats. En concret, s'han implementat de manera satisfactòria algorismes basats en el mètode de descomposició dual, el mètode de subgradient, el mètode de Newton i el mètode de la barrera logarítmica, entre d'altres, per tal de resoldre els problemes d'enrutament i control de flux plantejats.


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The multiplicity of cell death mechanisms induced by neonatal hypoxia-ischemia makes neuroprotective treatment against neonatal asphyxia more difficult to achieve. Whereas the roles of apoptosis and necrosis in such conditions have been studied intensively, the implication of autophagic cell death has only recently been considered. Here, we used the most clinically relevant rodent model of perinatal asphyxia to investigate the involvement of autophagy in hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Seven-day-old rats underwent permanent ligation of the right common carotid artery, followed by 2 hours of hypoxia. This condition not only increased autophagosomal abundance (increase in microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-11 level and punctuate labeling) but also lysosomal activities (cathepsin D, acid phosphatase, and beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase) in cortical and hippocampal CA3-damaged neurons at 6 and 24 hours, demonstrating an increase in the autophagic flux. In the cortex, this enhanced autophagy may be related to apoptosis since some neurons presenting a high level of autophagy also expressed apoptotic features, including cleaved caspase-3. On the other hand, enhanced autophagy in CA3 was associated with a more purely autophagic cell death phenotype. In striking contrast to CA3 neurons, those in CA1 presented only a minimal increase in autophagy but strong apoptotic characteristics. These results suggest a role of enhanced autophagy in delayed neuronal death after severe hypoxia-ischemia that is differentially linked to apoptosis according to the cerebral region.


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In this paper we study the existence and qualitative properties of travelling waves associated to a nonlinear flux limited partial differential equation coupled to a Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov type reaction term. We prove the existence and uniqueness of finite speed moving fronts of C2 classical regularity, but also the existence of discontinuous entropy travelling wave solutions.