984 resultados para fl exiguridad


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Bereits zum dritten Mal führte die Private Universität im Fürstentum Liechtenstein UFL im November 2012 ihr jährliches Symposium zum Gesundheitsrecht durch. Dieses Mal beschäftigten sich die Referate mit dem Thema Alter und Altern, und zwar nicht nur aus rechtlicher Perspektive, sondern mit Blick über die Disziplinengrenzen hinaus.


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Adaptations to new pollinators involve multiple floral traits, each requiring coordinated changes in multiple genes. Despite this genetic complexity, shifts in pollination syndromes have happened frequently during angiosperm evolution. Here we study the genetic basis of floral UV absorbance, a key trait for attracting nocturnal pollinators. In Petunia, mutations in a single gene, MYB-FL, explain two transitions in UV absorbance. A gain of UV absorbance in the transition from bee to moth pollination was determined by a cis-regulatory mutation, whereas a frameshift mutation caused subsequent loss of UV absorbance during the transition from moth to hummingbird pollination. The functional differences in MYB-FL provide insight into the process of speciation and clarify phylogenetic relationships between nascent species.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Die Österreichische National-Bank sieht sich angesichts des Ansturms auf die Bankeinlagen gezwungen, die Auszahlungen auf 25 Gulden pro Kontoinhaber zu beschränken


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Von A. Sliwa


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Vom Dr. H. Karsten


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set provides continuous measurements made with a WETLabs Eco-FL sensor mounted on the flowthrough system between June 4th, 2011 and March 30th, 2012. Data was recorded approximately every 10s. Two issues affected the data: 1. Periods when the water 0.2µm filtered water were used as blanks and 2. Periods where fluorescence was affected by non-photochemical quenching (NPQ, chlorophyll fluorescence is reduced when cells are exposed to light, e.g. Falkowski and Raven, 1997). Median data and their standard deviation were binned to 5min bins with period of light/dark indicated by an added variable (so that NPQ affected data could be neglected if the user so chooses). Data was first calibrated using HPLC data collected on the Tara (there were 36 data within 30min of each other). Fewer were available when there was no evident NPQ and the resulting scale factor was 0.0106 mg Chl m-3/count. To increase the calibration match-ups we used the AC-S data which provided a robust estimate of Chlorophyll (e.g. Boss et al., 2013). Scale factor computed over a much larger range of values than HPLC was 0.0088 mg Chl m-3/count (compared to 0.0079 mg Chl m-3/count based on manufacturer). In the archived data the fluorometer data is merged with the TSG, raw data is provided as well as manufacturer calibration constants, blank computed from filtered measurements and chlorophyll calibrated using the AC-S. For a full description of the processing of the Eco-FL please see Taillandier, 2015.


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The use of fly ash (FA) as an admixture to concrete is broadly extended for two main reasons: the reduction of costs that supposes the substitution of cement and the micro structural changes motivated by the mineral admixture. Regarding this second point, there is a consensus that considers that the ash generates a more compact concrete and a reduction in the size of the pore. However, the measure in which this contributes to the pozzolanic activity or as filler is not well defined. There is also no justification to the influence of the physical parameters, fineness of the grain and free water, in its behavior. This work studies the use of FA as a partial substitute of the cement in concretes of different workability (dry and wet) and the influence in the reactivity of the ash. The concrete of dry consistency which serves as reference uses a cement dose of 250 Kg/m 3 and the concrete of fluid consistency utilized a dose of cement of 350 Kg/m 3 . Two trademark of Portland Cement Type 1 were used. The first reached the resistant class for its fineness of grain and the second one for its composition. Moreover, three doses of FA have been used, and the water/binder ratio was constant in all the mixtures. We have studied the mechanical properties and the micro-structure of the concretes by means of compressive strength tests, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and thermal analysis (TA). The results of compressive strength tests allow us to observe that concrete mixtures with cements of the same classification and similar dosage of binder do not present the same mechanical behavior. These results show that the effective water/binder ratio has a major role in the development of the mechanical properties of concrete. The study of different dosages using TA, thermo-gravimetry and differential thermal analysis, revealed that the portlandite content is not restrictive in any of the dosages studied. Again, this proves that the rheology of the material influences the reaction rate and content of hydrated cement products. We conclude that the available free water is determinant in the efficiency of pozzolanic reaction. It is so that in accordance to the availability of free water, the ashes can react as an active admixture or simply change the porous distribution. The MIP shows concretes that do not exhibit significant changes in their mechanical behavior, but have suffered significant variation in their porous structure


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We have developed a simple method for the quantitative detection of specific DNA or RNA molecules based on the finding that BODIPY® FL fluorescence was quenched by its interaction with a uniquely positioned guanine. This approach makes use of an oligonucleotide probe or primer containing a BODIPY® FL-modified cytosine at its 5′-end. When such a probe was hybridized with a target DNA, its fluorescence was quenched by the guanine in the target, complementary to the modified cytosine, and the quench rate was proportional to the amount of target DNA. This widely applicable technique will be used directly with larger samples or in conjunction with the polymerase chain reaction to quantify small DNA samples.


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Los pacientes con LF presentan un curso clínico indolente y una supervivencia relativamente prolongada, sin embargo el LF continúa considerándose una enfermedad incurable con los tratamientos convencionales y la recaída de los pacientes es la norma, alcanzando en las sucesivas recaídas un menor número de respuestas y de menor duración. Los enfermos con LF de alto riesgo intensificados con TAPH pueden alcanzar remisiones prolongadas, pero el mejor momento para dicho procedimiento es controvertido. Los enfermos trasplantados en primera remisión han demostrado un beneficio en la Supervivencia Libre de Progresión (SLP) en comparación con los tratados con la terapia convencional o con la inmunoquimioterapia. Sin embargo, ningún estudio randomizado (ER) ha demostrado todavía un beneficio en la Supervivencia Global (SG). No obstante, la mediana de seguimiento de los estudios fase III que evalúan el papel del TAPH es insuficiente para obtener beneficios en términos de SG. El único ER disponible que evalúa el rol del TAPH en pacientes con LF trasplantados en 2ª RC demuestra un beneficio en la SLP y la SG en comparación con la terapia convencional y ha sido confirmado en varios estudios retrospectivos con largos seguimientos...