559 resultados para fetus


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Preeclampsia (PE) is the most common medical complication in pregnancy and a major cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. This disease is a great challenge for obstetricians because there are no effective interventions to treat or prevent it, and antenatal care involves a difficult balance between the risks for women to continue pregnancy and the risks for the baby's early birth. Fetal complications in PE are directly related to gestational age and the severity of maternal disease and include increased rates of preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction, placental abruption, and perinatal death. The major complications for the newborn are related to prematurity, although the data on the morbidity and outcome for preterm infants of women who have PE are conflicting, and few studies address this issue. The pathogenesis of PE involves abnormal placentation associated with immune and vascular events that result in endothelial dysfunction and clinical manifestations of PE. This disease has been associated with imbalance in angiogenic factors and oxidative stress. Nevertheless, only a limited number of studies have been carried out on fetuses and newborns that suggest that infants born from women who have PE are exposed to increased oxidative stress. Because oxidative stress and free radicals may play roles in several neonatal diseases, a direct effect of maternal disease on neonatal outcome is expected, and further research on such neonates, in the short- and long-term, is urgently needed. © 2011 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of maternal lead poisoning during pregnancy on the development of the jaw (Meckel's cartilage) of rat fetuses by histologic and morphometric methods. Pregnant rats received a single intraperitoneal injection of 2.5 mg of lead acetate/100g body weight on the 10th day of pregnancy. Meckel's cartilage of fetuses of the lead-treated group showed smaller volume density and size of the lacunae, as well as modification of the lacunae shape. Moreover, the number density of lacunae and the volume density of the matrix increased significantly in the Meckel's cartilage in treated group fetuses. The results suggest that lead poisoning during the period of organogenesis can induce disturbances in the development and differentiation of the fetal stomatognathic system. Reducing the consumption of alcoholic beberages and smoking cessation by women in childbearing age, along with a strict policy of control of the environmental lead exposure can bring great benefits to the future generations of children.


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Oral Diseases (2012) 18, 648654 Aim: Infective agents may affect pregnancy outcomes by deregulating homeostasis. Objectives: The effects of Porphyromonas gingivalis infection before and at different gestation periods were evaluated. Materials and Methods: Wistar rats infected via subcutaneous with P. gingivalis W83, one week before mating (BM), days 1 (PR1) and 11 of gestation (PR11), and controls were evaluated, and samples were obtained at the end of gestation. P. gingivalis was detected by PCR. Cytokine was determined by ELISA. Results: Infected rats had lower maternal gain of weight. Implantation was not observed in 2/12 BM rats. PR11 presented more fetal-placental resorptions and lower placenta/fetus weight than controls. P. gingivalis was detected in placenta and fetus. IL-6 and TNF-a levels were higher in placenta and serum of infected groups, except for TNF-a in placenta of PR1. IL-1 beta levels were higher in placenta of PR11, but lower in serum and placenta of PR1. There were no differences in IL-10 and PGE2 concentrations among the groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The experimental infection by P. gingivalis resulted in alterations in the gestational pattern and in fetal development. The consequences of infection at mid-gestation were more severe than at the beginning, possibly due to the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the fetal compartment.


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A 2-year-old Red Holstein cow was presented with uterine torsion at 235 days of pregnancy. The fetus extracted by cesarean section had weak vital signs and marked abdominal distention. An edematous pouch that contained tubular structures with peristaltic activity was associated with the umbilical cord. Because of poor prognosis, both dam and fetus were euthanized. At necropsy, the fetus had severe distention of the forestomachs, abomasum, and proximal small intestine; absence of distal small intestine, cecum, and proximal colon; atresia of the 2 blind ends of the intestine; and atrophy of distal colon and rectum. The tubular structures associated with the umbilical cord were identified as the segments of intestine that were absent in the fetus. Intestinal atresia combined with ectopia may be caused by local ischemia during temporary herniation and rotation of the fetal gut into the extraembryonic coelom. The close connection between ectopic intestine and amniotic sheath of the umbilical cord in this case may have facilitated vascularization and allowed development and viability of the ectopic intestine.


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New tetracycline and streptomycin resistance genes, tet(44) and ant(6)-Ib, were identified in Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus within a transferable pathogenicity island that is typically unique to Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis. The 640-amino-acid tetracycline resistance determinant, Tet 44, belongs to a class of proteins that confers resistance to tetracycline and minocycline by ribosomal protection. The 286-amino-acid streptomycin resistance determinant, ANT(6)-Ib, belongs to a family of aminoglycoside nucleotidyltransferases. The resistance phenotypes were demonstrated by gene inactivation and expression.


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The species Campylobacter fetus is divided into the subspecies C. fetus subsp. venerealis (CFV) and C. fetus subsp. fetus (CFF). CFV is the causative agent of bovine genital campylobacteriosis, a highly contagious venereal disease that may lead to serious reproductive problems, including sterility and abortion. In contrast, CFF can be isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of a wide range of host species, is associated with abortion in sheep and cattle, and can also be isolated from local and systemic infections in humans. Despite differences in host and niche preferences, microbiological differentiation of the two subspecies of C. fetus is extremely difficult. This study describes the identification of a new insertion element, ISCfe1, which is present exclusively in CFV strains, with highly conserved specific ISCfe1 insertion sites. The results are useful for identification and differentiation of the two C. fetus subspecies and will help in understanding the evolution and pathogenesis of C. fetus.


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Recent reports identified Tritrichomonas fetus, the causative agent of bovine trichomonosis, in cats with large-bowel diarrhea in the US. Between July 2007 and August 2008, a total of 105 Swiss cats were tested for T. fetus with the InPouchTM culture system and/or PCR, whereof 27 (26%) yielded positive results. All positive cats were pedigree cats, whereof 22 (81%) were less than 1 year of age (median 5 months). 25 (93%) of these cats lived in multi-cat households, and all but one were kept indoor. The clinical picture was dominated by large bowel diarrhea with increased frequency of defecation and fresh blood and mucus. Furthermore, inflamed anus and fecal incontinence was common. 52% of the T. fetus-positive cats were tested positive for Giardia before, but the treatment with fenbendazole or metronidazole only temporarily alleviated the clinical signs. The treatment with 30 mg/kg of ronidazole q12h p.o. was successful in all but 1 cat with only minor transient adverse effects in 3 cats. In conclusion, T. fetus has to be considered an important causative agent of large bowel diarrhea in cats in Switzerland, especially in young indoor pedigree cats.


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Maternal thromboembolism and a spectrum of placenta-mediated complications including the pre-eclampsia syndromes, fetal growth restriction, fetal loss, and abruption manifest a shared etiopathogenesis and predisposing risk factors. Furthermore, these maternal and fetal complications are often linked to subsequent maternal health consequences that comprise the metabolic syndrome, namely, thromboembolism, chronic hypertension, and type II diabetes. Traditionally, several lines of evidence have linked vasoconstriction, excessive thrombosis and inflammation, and impaired trophoblast invasion at the uteroplacental interface as hallmark features of the placental complications. "Omic" technologies and biomarker development have been largely based upon advances in vascular biology, improved understanding of the molecular basis and biochemical pathways responsible for the clinically relevant diseases, and increasingly robust large cohort and/or registry based studies. Advances in understanding of innate and adaptive immunity appear to play an important role in several pregnancy complications. Strategies aimed at improving prediction of these pregnancy complications are often incorporating hemodynamic blood flow data using non-invasive imaging technologies of the utero-placental and maternal circulations early in pregnancy. Some evidence suggests that a multiple marker approach will yield the best performing prediction tools, which may then in turn offer the possibility of early intervention to prevent or ameliorate these pregnancy complications. Prediction of maternal cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular consequences following pregnancy represents an important area of future research, which may have significant public health consequences not only for cardiovascular disease, but also for a variety of other disorders, such as autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases.


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The purpose of this research is to explore the growth and formation of the head and neck from embryological development through puberty in order to understand how this knowledge is necessary for the development of dental and medical treatments and procedures. This is a necessary aspect of the medical and dental school curriculum at the University of Connecticut Health Center Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine that needs to be incorporated into the current study of embryology for first-year students. Working with Dr. Christine Niekrash, D.M.D, this paper will cover the embryology and growth of the head, face and oral cavity. The goal of this project will be to organize the information and recognize the resources needed to successfully introduce this part of human physiology to the UConn dental and medical students. One area in which this information is particularly relevant is the facial and oral deformities that can occur throughout fetal development.


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HLA-G is a nonclassical major histocompatibility complex class I molecule selectively expressed on cytotrophoblasts at the feto–maternal interface, where it may play an important role in maternal tolerance of the fetus. We provide direct evidence under physiological conditions that supports the role of HLA-G in protecting cytotrophoblasts against natural killer (NK) cytolysis in 6 semiallogenic combinations of maternal uterine NK cells and their own trophoblast counterparts, as well as in 20 allogenic combinations of maternal uterine NK cells and trophoblasts from different mothers. We show that, in all cases studied, this HLA-G-mediated protection was abolished by treatment of cytotrophoblasts with an HLA-G-specific mAb. The HLA class I-negative K562 cell line transfected with the predominant HLA-G1 isoform results in similar protection and abolition from maternal uterine NK lysis. Because maternal uterine NK cells express killer inhibitory receptors for HLA-G, we conclude that their interactions contribute to the survival of the fetal semiallograft by confering immunological tolerance to its tissues.