897 resultados para fault correction
We conduct a theoretical analysis to investigate the convective instability of 3-D fluid-saturated geological fault zones when they are heated uniformly from below. In particular, we have derived exact analytical solutions for the critical Rayleigh numbers of different convective flow structures. Using these critical Rayleigh numbers, three interesting convective flow structures have been identified in a geological fault zone system. It has been recognized that the critical Rayleigh numbers of the system have a minimum value only for the fault zone of infinite length, in which the corresponding convective flow structure is a 2-D slender-circle flow. However, if the length of the fault zone is finite, the convective flow in the system must be 3-D. Even if the length of the fault zone is infinite, since the minimum critical Rayleigh number for the 2-D slender-circle flow structure is so close to that for the 3-D convective flow structure, the system may have almost the same chance to pick up the 3-D convective flow structures. Also, because the convection modes are so close for the 3-D convective flow structures, the convective flow may evolve into the 3-D finger-like structures, especially for the case of the fault thickness to height ratio approaching zero. This understanding demonstrates the beautiful aspects of the present analytical solution for the convective instability of 3-D geological fault zones, because the present analytical solution is valid for any value of the ratio of the fault height to thickness. Using the present analytical solution, the conditions, under which different convective flow structures may take place, can be easily determined.
This paper presents a method for estimating the posterior probability density of the cointegrating rank of a multivariate error correction model. A second contribution is the careful elicitation of the prior for the cointegrating vectors derived from a prior on the cointegrating space. This prior obtains naturally from treating the cointegrating space as the parameter of interest in inference and overcomes problems previously encountered in Bayesian cointegration analysis. Using this new prior and Laplace approximation, an estimator for the posterior probability of the rank is given. The approach performs well compared with information criteria in Monte Carlo experiments. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Most previous investigations on tide-induced watertable fluctuations in coastal aquifers have been based on one-dimensional models that describe the processes in the cross-shore direction alone, assuming negligible along-shore variability. A recent study proposed a two-dimensional approximation for tide-induced watertable fluctuations that took into account coastline variations. Here, we further develop this approximation in two ways, by extending the approximation to second order and by taking into account capillary effects. Our results demonstrate that both effects can markedly influence watertable fluctuations. In particular, with the first-order approximation, the local damping rate of the tidal signal could be subject to sizable errors.
We conduct a theoretical analysis to investigate the double diffusion-driven convective instability of three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zones when they are heated uniformly from below. The fault zone is assumed to be more permeable than its surrounding rocks. In particular, we have derived exact analytical solutions to the total critical Rayleigh numbers of the double diffusion-driven convective flow. Using the corresponding total critical Rayleigh numbers, the double diffusion-driven convective instability of a fluid-saturated three-dimensional geological fault zone system has been investigated. The related theoretical analysis demonstrates that: (1) The relative higher concentration of the chemical species at the top of the three-dimensional geological fault zone system can destabilize the convective flow of the system, while the relative lower concentration of the chemical species at the top of the three-dimensional geological fault zone system can stabilize the convective flow of the system. (2) The double diffusion-driven convective flow modes of the three-dimensional geological fault zone system are very close each other and therefore, the system may have the similar chance to pick up different double diffusion-driven convective flow modes, especially in the case of the fault thickness to height ratio approaching 0. (3) The significant influence of the chemical species diffusion on the convective instability of the three-dimensional geological fault zone system implies that the seawater intrusion into the surface of the Earth is a potential mechanism to trigger the convective flow in the shallow three-dimensional geological fault zone system.
In this work a new approach for designing planar gradient coils is outlined for the use in an existing MRI apparatus. A technique that allows for gradient field corrections inside the diameter-sensitive volume is deliberated. These corrections are brought about by making changes to the wire paths that constitute the coil windings, and hence, is called the path correction method. The existing well-known target held method is used to gauge the performance of a typical gradient coil. The gradient coil design methodology is demonstrated for planar openable gradient coils that can be inserted into an existing MRI apparatus. The path corrected gradient coil is compared to the coil obtained using the target field method. It is shown that using a wire path correction with optimized variables, winding patterns that can deliver high magnetic gradient field strengths and large imaging regions can be obtained.
Numerical methods are used to simulate the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow and rock alteration in three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zones. The double diffusion is caused by a combination of both the positive upward temperature gradient and the positive downward salinity concentration gradient within a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone, which is assumed to be more permeable than its surrounding rocks. In order to ensure the physical meaningfulness of the obtained numerical solutions, the numerical method used in this study is validated by a benchmark problem, for which the analytical solution to the critical Rayleigh number of the system is available. The theoretical value of the critical Rayleigh number of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system can be used to judge whether or not the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow can take place within the system. After the possibility of triggering the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow is theoretically validated for the numerical model of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system, the corresponding numerical solutions for the convective flow and temperature are directly coupled with a geochemical system. Through the numerical simulation of the coupled system between the convective fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transport and chemical reactions, we have investigated the effect of the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow on the rock alteration, which is the direct consequence of mineral redistribution due to its dissolution, transportation and precipitation, within the three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Eyebrow positions differ in many ways. They vary in shape, thickness, length, and distance between the eyebrows, making the face more or less harmonious. When a large distance exists between the eyebrows and the medial brow is slanting downward, the glabellar area is larger, giving the face an awkward appearance. To correct this deformity, the authors propose using two Z-plasties to allow transposition of flaps in the region of the medial brow. The Z-shaped flap is outlined at the medial third of the brow, in the glabellar region, with the eyebrow centered in the lower portion of the ""Z"" and the hairless skin in the upper portion. The flaps then are transposed and sutured. Transposition of the flaps, lifting the brow flap to the glabellar region, results in horizontal positioning of the medial and central third of the eyebrow. The proposed transpositioning of ""Z"" flaps in this region corrects this type of deformity of the medial and central portions of the eyebrows, with an aesthetically satisfactory result.
Background: Treatment of excessive gingival display usually involves procedures such as Le Fort impaction or maxillary gingivectomies. The authors propose an alternative technique that reduces the muscular function of the elevator of the upper lip muscle and repositioning of the upper lip. Methods: Fourteen female patients with excessive gingival exposure were operated on between February of 2008 and March of 2009. They were filmed before and at least 6 months after the procedure. They were asked to perform their fullest smile, and the maximum gingival exposures were measured and analyzed using ImageJ software. Patients were operated on under local anesthesia. Their gingival mucosa was freed from the maxilla using a periosteum elevator. Skin and subcutaneous tissue were dissected bluntly from the underlying musculature of the upper lip. A frenuloplasty was performed to lengthen the upper lip. Both levator labii superioris muscles were dissected and divided. Results: The postoperative course was uneventful in all of the patients. The mean gingival exposure before surgery was 5.22 +/- 1.48 mm; 6 months after surgery, it was 1.91 +/- 1.50 mm. The mean gingival exposure reduction was 3.31 +/- 1.05 mm (p < 0.001), ranging from 1.59 to 4.83 mm. Conclusion: This study shows that the proposed technique was efficient in reducing the amount of exposed gum during smile in all patients in this series. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 126: 1014, 2010.)
The no. 0-14 cleft involves the midline of the face and cranium. It may include both a true and a false median cleft lip, with or without associated hypotelorism or hypertelorism. The no. 0 cleft is the most common of the craniofacial clefts. The objective of this study was to review the functional outcome and aesthetic results of the different techniques applied for each case. We have conducted a retrospective analysis of our series consisting of 32 cases of Tessier no. 0 cleft, in the period between 1997 and 2007. The patients were divided into 2 groups: those with the true median cleft and those with the false median cleft. The clinical findings, lip malformation, alveolar cleft, nasal appearance, septal involvement, associated deformities, and surgical procedures, were all reviewed. Holoprosencephaly was present in 9 cases, with a false median cleft upper lip and an absence of the premaxilla, septum, and columella (only 1 patient underwent lip and columella reconstruction at 2 years of age). Nine patients had an incomplete median cleft lip. Seven of these cases had associated median alveolar cleft, and 1 had an intranasal tumor, associated with lipoma of corpus callosum, characteristic of the Pai syndrome. Six cases of a bifid nose were seen, 2 of which were associated with an alveolar median cleft and hypertelorism. An isolated median alveolar cleft was present in 7 cases, 2 of them associated with a no. 30 cleft. This article presents a large series of Tessier no. 0 cleft, describing the differences between the false and the true median cleft. The surgical procedures may vary in relation to the type of involvement.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Functional brain variability has been scarcely investigated in cognitively healthy elderly subjects, and it is currently debated whether previous findings of regional metabolic variability are artifacts associated with brain atrophy. The primary purpose of this study was to test whether there is regional cerebral age-related hypometabolism specifically in later stages of life. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MR imaging and FDG-PET data were acquired from 55 cognitively healthy elderly subjects, and voxel-based linear correlations between age and GM volume or regional cerebral metabolism were conducted by using SPM5 in images with and without correction for PVE. To investigate sex-specific differences in the pattern of brain aging, we repeated the above voxelwise calculations after dividing our sample by sex. RESULTS: Our analysis revealed 2 large clusters of age-related metabolic decrease in the overall sample, 1 in the left orbitofrontal cortex and the other in the right temporolimbic region, encompassing the hippocampus, the parahippocampal gyrus, and the amygdala. The division of our sample by sex revealed significant sex-specific age-related metabolic decrease in the left temporolimbic region of men and in the left dorsolateral frontal cortex of women. When we applied atrophy correction to our PET data, none of the above-mentioned correlations remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that age-related functional brain variability in cognitively healthy elderly individuals is largely secondary to the degree of regional brain atrophy, and the findings provide support to the notion that appropriate PVE correction is a key tool in neuroimaging investigations.
Background: Most cases of congenital clubfoot treated with the Ponseti technique require percutaneous Achilles tenotomy to correct the residual equinus. Clinical evidence suggests that complete healing occurs between the cut tendon stumps, but there have not yet been any detailed studies investigating this reparative process. This study was performed to assess Achilles tendon repair after percutaneous section to correct the residual equinus of clubfoot treated with the Ponseti method. Method: A prospective study analyzed 37 tenotomies in 26 patients with congenital clubfoot treated with the Ponseti technique, with a minimum follow-up of 1 year after the section. The tenotomy was performed percutaneously with a large-bore needle bevel with patient sedation and local anesthesia. Ultrasonographic scanning was performed after section to ascertain that the tenotomy had been completed and to measure the stump separation. In the follow-up period, the reparative process was followed ultrasonographically and assessed at 3 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year posttenotomy. Results: The ultrasonography performed immediately after the procedure showed that in some cases, residual strands between the tendon ends persisted, and these were completely sectioned under ultrasound control. A mean retraction of 5.65 mm +/- 2.26 mm (range, 2.3 to 11.0 mm) between tendon stumps after section was observed. Unusual bleeding occurred in one case and was controlled by digital pressure, with no interference with the final treatment. After 3 weeks, ultrasonography showed tendon repair with the tendon gap filled with irregular hypoechoic tissue, and also with transmission of muscle motion to the heel. Six months after tenotomy, there was structural filling with a fibrillar aspect, mild or moderate hypoechogenicity, and tendon scar thickening when compared with a normal tendon. One year after tenotomy, ultrasound showed a fibrillar structure and echogenicity at the repair site that was similar to a normal tendon, but with persistent tendon scarring thickness. Conclusions: There is a fast reparative process after Achilles tendon percutaneous section that reestablishes continuity between stumps. The reparative tissue evolved to tendon tissue with a normal ultrasonographic appearance except for mild thickening, suggesting a predominantly intrinsic repair mechanism.
Masticatory muscle function three years after surgical correction of class III dentofacial deformity
Individuals with dentofacial deformities have masticatory muscle changes. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of interdisciplinary treatment in patients with dentofacial deformities regarding electromyographic activity (EMG) of masticatory muscles three years after surgical correction. Thirteen patients with class III dentofacial deformities were studied, considered as group PI (before surgery) and group P3 (3 years to 3 years and 8 months after surgery). Fifteen individuals with no changes in facial morphology or dental occlusion were studied as controls. The participants underwent EMG examination of the temporal and masseter muscles during mastication and biting. Evaluation of the amplitude interval of EMG activity revealed a difference between P1 and P3 and no difference between P3 and the control group. In contrast, evaluation of root mean square revealed that, in general, P3 values were higher only when compared with PI and differed from the control group. There was an improvement in the EMG activity of the masticatory muscles, mainly observed in the masseter muscle, with values close to those of the control group in one of the analyses.
Objective: To analyse the effect of integrated orthodontic treatment, orthognathic surgery and orofacial myofunctional therapy on masseter muscle thickness in patients with class III dentofacial deformity three years after orthognathic surgery. Design: A longitudinal study was conducted on 13 patients with class III dentofacial deformities, denoted here as group P1 (before surgery) and group P3 (same patients 3 years to 3 years and 8 months after surgery). Fifteen individuals with no changes in facial morphology or dental occlusion were assigned to the control group (CG). Masseter muscle ultrasonography was performed in the resting and biting situations in the three groups. Data were analysed statistically by a mixed-effects linear model considering a level of significance of P < 0.05. Results: Significantly higher values (P < 0.01) of masseter muscle thickness (cm) were detected in group P3 (right rest: 0.82 +/- 0.16, left rest: 0.87 +/- 0.21, right bite: 1 +/- 0.22, left bite: 1.04 +/- 0.28) compared to group P1 (right rest: 0.63 +/- 0.19, left rest: 0.64 +/- 0.15, right bite: 0.87 +/- 0.16, left bite: 0.88 +/- 0.14). Between P3 and CG (right rest: 1.02 +/- 0.19, left rest: 1 +/- 0.19, right bite: 1.18 +/- 0.22, left bite: 1.16 +/- 0.22) there was a significant difference on the right side of the muscle (P < 0.05) in both situations and on the left side at rest. Conclusion: The proposed treatment resulted in improved masseter muscle thickness in patients with class III dentofacial deformity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term stability of open-bite surgical-orthodontic correction. Methods: Thirty-nine patients at an initial mean age of 20.83 years were evaluated cephalometrically at pretreatment (T1), immediately after treatment (T2), and at the last recall (T3), with a mean follow-up time of 8.22 years. The surgical protocol included single-jaw or double-jaw surgery. Because the patients had different anteroposterior malocclusions, the sample was divided into a Class I and Class II (I-II) subgroup (3 Class I, 20 Class II malocclusion patients) and a Class III subgroup (16 patients). The dentoskeletal characteristics of the total sample and the subgroups were compared at T1, T2, and T3 with dependent analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Overbite relapse in the posttreatment period was statistically significant in the whole sample and the Class I-II subgroup. Fourteen patients of the whole sample (35.9%) had clinically significant open-bite relapse (negative overbite). Conclusions: There was a statistically significant open-bite relapse in the overall sample and in the Class I-II subgroup. The clinically significant values of long-term open-bite correction stability were 64.11%, 47.82%, and 87.50% in the overall sample, the Class I-II subgroup, and the Class III subgroup, respectively. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138:254.e1-254.e10)
Variable aspect ratio porphyroblasts deformed in non-coaxial flow. and internally containing rotated relicts of an external foliation, can be used to characterise plane strain flow regimes. The distribution obtained by plotting the orientation of the long axis of such grains, classified by aspect ratio, against the orientation of the internal foliation is potentially a sensitive gauge of both the bulk shear strain (as previously suggested) and kinematic vorticity number. We illustrate the method using rotated biotite porphyroblasts in the Alpine Schist: a sequence of mid-crustal rocks that have been ramped to the surface along the Alpine Fault. a major transpressional plate boundary. Results indicate that, at distances greater than or equal to similar to1 km from the fault, the rocks have undergone a combination of irrotational fattening and dextral-oblique, normal-sense shear, with a bulk shear strain of similar to0.6 and kinematic vorticity number of similar to0.2. The vorticity analysis is compatible with estimates of strongly oblate bulk strain of similar to 75% maximum shortening. Dextral-reverse transpressional flow characterises higher strain S-tectonite mylonite within similar to1 km of the Alpine Fault. These relationships provide insight into the kinematics of flow and distribution of strain in the hangingwall of the Alpine Fault and place constraints on numerical mechanical models for the exhumation of these mid-crustal rocks. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.