993 resultados para fat metabolism


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The ability of skeletal muscle to enhance lipid utilization during exercise is a form of metabolic plasticity essential for survival. Conversely, metabolic inflexibility in muscle can cause organ dysfunction and disease. Although the transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 15 (KLF15) is an important regulator of glucose and amino acid metabolism, its endogenous role in lipid homeostasis and muscle physiology is unknown. Here we demonstrate that KLF15 is essential for skeletal muscle lipid utilization and physiologic performance. KLF15 directly regulates a broad transcriptional program spanning all major segments of the lipid-flux pathway in muscle. Consequently, Klf15-deficient mice have abnormal lipid and energy flux, excessive reliance on carbohydrate fuels, exaggerated muscle fatigue, and impaired endurance exercise capacity. Elucidation of this heretofore unrecognized role for KLF15 now implicates this factor as a central component of the transcriptional circuitry that coordinates physiologic flux of all three basic cellular nutrients: glucose, amino acids, and lipids.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die vergleichende Sequenzierung und nachfolgende Analyse des syntänen chromosomalen Abschnitts auf dem kurzen Arm des humanen Chromosoms 11 in der Region 11p15.3 mit den Genen LMO1, TUB und dem orthologen Genomabschnitt der Maus auf Chromosom 7 F2. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführte Kartierung dieser beiden chromosomalen Bereiche ermöglichte die Komplettierung einer genomischen Karte auf insgesamt über eine Megabase, die im Kooperationssequenzierprojekt der Universitäts-Kinderklinik und dem Institut für Molekulargenetik in Mainz erstellt wurde. Mit Hilfe von 28 PAC- und Cosmid-Klonen konnten in dieser Arbeit 383 kb an genomischer DNA des Menschen und mit sechs BAC- und PAC-Klonen 412 kb an genomischer DNA der Maus dargestellt werden. Dies ermöglichte erstmals die exakte Festlegung der Reihenfolge der in diesem chromosomalen Abschnitt enthaltenen Gene und die genaue Kartierung von acht STS-Markern des Menschen, bzw. vier STS-Sonden der Maus. Es zeigte sich dabei, dass die chromosomale Orientierung telomer-/centromerwärts des orthologen Bereichs in der Maus im Vergleich zum Menschen in invertierter Ausrichtung vorliegt. Die Sequenzierung von drei humanen Klonen ermöglichte die Bestimmung von 319.119 bp an zusammenhängender genomischer DNA. Dadurch konnte die genaue Lokalisation und Strukturaufklärung der Gene LMO1, ein putatives Tumorsuppressorgen, das mit der Entstehung von Leukämien assoziiert ist, und TUB, ein Transkriptionsmodulator, der in die Fettstoffwechselregulation involviert ist, vorgenommen werden. Für das murine Genom wurden 412.827 bp an neuer DNA-Sequenz durch Sequenzierung von ebenfalls drei Klonen generiert. Der im Vergleich zum Menschen ca. 100 kb größere Genombereich beinhaltete zudem die neuen Gene Stk33 und Eif3. Es handelte sich dabei um zwei Gene, die erst im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entdeckt und charakterisiert wurden. Die parallele Bearbeitung beider Genombereiche ermöglichte eine umfassende komparative Analyse nach kodierenden, funktionellen und strukturgebenden Sequenzabschnitten in beiden Spezies. Es konnten dabei für beide Organismen die Exon-Intron-Strukturen der Gene LMO1/Lmo1 und TUB/Tub geklärt. Zudem konnten vier neue Exons und zwei neue speziesspezifischer Spleißvarianten für TUB/Tub beschrieben werden. Die Identifizierung dieser neuen Spleißvarianten offenbart neue Möglichkeiten für alternative Regulation und Funktion, oder für eine veränderte Proteinstruktur, die weitere Erklärungsansätze für die Entstehung der mit diesen Genen assoziierten Erkrankungen zulässt. In der sequenzierten, größeren Genomsequenz der Maus konnte in den flankierenden, nicht mit der sequenzierten Humansequenz überlappenden Bereich das neue Gen Eif3 in seiner Exon-Intron-Struktur und die beiden letzten Exons 11 und 12 des Gens Stk33 kartiert und charakterisiert werden. Die umfangreiche Sequenzanalyse beider sequenzierter Genombereiche ergab für den Abschnitt des Menschen insgesamt 229 potentielle Exonsequenzen und für den Bereich der Maus 527 mögliche Exonbereiche. Davon konnten beim Menschen explizit 21 Exons und bei der Maus 31 Exons als exprimierte Bereiche identifiziert und experimentell mittels RT-PCR, bzw. durch cDNA-Sequenzierung verifiziert werden. Diese Abschnitte beschrieben nicht nur die Exonbereiche der oben genannten vier Gene, sondern konnten auch neuen nicht weiter definierten EST-Sequenzen zugeordnet werden. Mittels des Interspeziesvergleiches war darüber hinaus auch die Analyse der nichtkodierenden Intergen-Bereiche möglich. So konnten beispielsweise im ersten Intron des LMO1/Lmo1 sieben Sequenzbereiche mit Konservierungen von ca. 90% bestimmt werden. Auch die Charakterisierung von Promotor- und putativ regulatorischen Sequenzabschnitten konnte mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher bioinformatischer Analyse-Tools durchgeführt werden. Die konservierten Sequenzbereiche der DNA zeigen im Durchschnitt eine Homologie von mehr als 65% auf. Auch die Betrachtung der Genomorganisation zeigte Gemeinsamkeiten, die sich meist nur in ihrer graduellen Ausprägung unterschieden. So weist ein knapp 80 kb großer Bereich proximal zum humanen TUB-Gen einen deutlich erhöhten AT-Gehalt auf, der ebenso im murinen Genom nur in verkürzter Version und schwächer ausgeprägt in Erscheinung tritt. Die zusätzliche Vergleichsanalyse mit einer weiteren Spezies, den orthologen Genomabschnitten von Fugu, zeigte, dass es sich bei den untersuchten Genen LMO1 und TUB um sehr konservierte und evolutiv alte Gene handelt, deren genomisches Organisationsmuster sich auch bei den paralogen Genfamilienmitglieder innerhalb derselben Spezies wiederfindet. Insgesamt konnte durch die Kartierung, Sequenzierung und Analyse eine umfassende Datenbasis für die betrachtete Genomregion und die beschriebenen Gene generiert werden, die für zukünftige Untersuchungen und Fragestellungen wertvolle Informationen bereithält.


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Metabolic stress is believed to constitute an important signal for training-induced adjustments of gene expression and oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle. We hypothesized that the effects of endurance training on expression of muscle-relevant transcripts and ultrastructure would be specifically modified by a hypoxia complement during exercise due to enhanced glycolytic strain. Endurance training of untrained male subjects in conditions of hypoxia increased subsarcolemmal mitochondrial density in the recruited vastus lateralis muscle and power output in hypoxia more than training in normoxia, i.e. 169 versus 91% and 10 versus 6%, respectively, and tended to differentially elevate sarcoplasmic volume density (42 versus 20%, P = 0.07). The hypoxia-specific ultrastructural adjustments with training corresponded to differential regulation of the muscle transcriptome by single and repeated exercise between both oxygenation conditions. Fine-tuning by exercise in hypoxia comprised gene ontologies connected to energy provision by glycolysis and fat metabolism in mitochondria, remodelling of capillaries and the extracellular matrix, and cell cycle regulation, but not fibre structure. In the untrained state, the transcriptome response during the first 24 h of recovery from a single exercise bout correlated positively with changes in arterial oxygen saturation during exercise and negatively with blood lactate. This correspondence was inverted in the trained state. The observations highlight that the expression response of myocellular energy pathways to endurance work is graded with regard to metabolic stress and the training state. The exposed mechanistic relationship implies that the altitude specificity of improvements in aerobic performance with a 'living low-training high' regime has a myocellular basis.


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Hypoxia is an important modulator of the skeletal muscle's oxidative phenotype. However, little is known regarding the molecular circuitry underlying the muscular hypoxia response and the interaction of hypoxia with other stimuli of muscle oxidative capacity. We hypothesized that exposure of mice to severe hypoxia would promote the expression of genes involved in capillary morphogenesis and glucose over fatty acid metabolism in active or disused soleus muscle of mice. Specifically, we tested whether the hypoxic response depends on oxygen sensing via the alpha-subunit of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1 alpha). Spontaneously active wildtype and HIF-1 alpha heterozygous deficient adult female C57B1/6 mice were subjected to hypoxia (PiO2 70 mmHg). In addition, animals were subjected to hypoxia after 7 days of muscle disuse provoked by hindlimb suspension. Soleus muscles were rapidly isolated and analyzed for transcript level alterations with custom-designed AtlasTM cDNA expression arrays (BD Biosciences) and cluster analysis of differentially expressed mRNAs. Multiple mRNA elevations of factors involved in dissolution and stabilization of blood vessels, glycolysis, and mitochondrial respiration were evident after 24 hours of hypoxia in soleus muscle. In parallel transcripts of fat metabolism were reduced. A comparable hypoxia-induced expression pattern involving complex alterations of the IGF-I axis was observed in reloaded muscle after disuse. This hypoxia response in spontaneously active animals was blunted in the HIF-1 alpha heterozygous deficient mice demonstrating 35% lower HIF-1 alpha mRNA levels. Our molecular observations support the concept that severe hypoxia provides HIF-1-dependent signals for remodeling of existing blood vessels, a shift towards glycolytic metabolism and altered myogenic regulation in oxidative mouse muscle and which is amplified by enhanced muscle use. These findings further imply differential mitochondrial turnover and a negative role of HIF-1 alpha for control of fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle exposed to one day of severe hypoxia.


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Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and liver may play a primary role in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and the mechanism by which insulin resistance occurs may be related to alterations in fat metabolism. Transgenic mice with muscle- and liver-specific overexpression of lipoprotein lipase were studied during a 2-h hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp to determine the effect of tissue-specific increase in fat on insulin action and signaling. Muscle–lipoprotein lipase mice had a 3-fold increase in muscle triglyceride content and were insulin resistant because of decreases in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and insulin activation of insulin receptor substrate-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. In contrast, liver–lipoprotein lipase mice had a 2-fold increase in liver triglyceride content and were insulin resistant because of impaired ability of insulin to suppress endogenous glucose production associated with defects in insulin activation of insulin receptor substrate-2-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. These defects in insulin action and signaling were associated with increases in intracellular fatty acid-derived metabolites (i.e., diacylglycerol, fatty acyl CoA, ceramides). Our findings suggest a direct and causative relationship between the accumulation of intracellular fatty acid-derived metabolites and insulin resistance mediated via alterations in the insulin signaling pathway, independent of circulating adipocyte-derived hormones.


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Full editorial: A recent study evaluating the long-term (2 yr) weight reducing efficacy of different types of diets – high or low in carbohydrates (CHOs), protein or fat - confirmed that it is calorie deficit not dietary composition that determines the loss and maintenance of body weight.1 Is there any advantage in following a specific weight loss diet? Short-term use of nutritionally complete commercially available (very) low calorie diets has benefited people with diabetes when  supported by education programmes.2 Initial weight loss has been encouraging with some fad diets eg the Atkins and the South Beach diets, but these diets are difficult to maintain and there are safety issues regarding their short- and long-term use – especially in people with diabetes.3 The types of macronutrients consumed can have a considerable impact on glycaemic control and energy metabolism. Although a low CHO diet additionally enhances initial weight loss by reducing cellular water content, if fat is not proportionally reduced the diet may not benefit the lipid profile for vascular disease risk. High fat and high protein diets – which are simultaneously low in CHOs – increase vulnerability to hypoglycaemia in people taking insulin secretagogues or on insulin therapy, and may promote excess fat metabolism and ketogenesis, particularly in people vulnerable to lack of insulin. Very low protein diets are not recommended as lean body mass tends to be reduced in diabetes. Altering the macronutrient balance has implications for the micronutrient mix: deficiencies are higher if more foods are excluded and conversely specific micronutrient excess can occur with some fad diets. The altered nutrient mix affects intestinal fauna and flora, and gut motility and glycaemic control are influenced by the quantity and type of fibre consumed. Support programmes help individuals achieve long term weight loss and there is mounting evidence that community schemes which educate and promote lifestyle changes may stem the rising tide of obesity and consequent type 2 diabetes.4 Consuming smaller portions of a balanced diet (and adjusting antidiabetic medications accordingly) will create an energy deficit to promote healthy weight loss. Increased movement/exercise will enhance this energy deficit. Knowledge (eg 1g fat has 2.25 times more energy than 1g CHO) allows sensible food choices and compensation for inclusion of small volumes of  ‘naughty but nice’ foods. Ultimately weight control requires self control. References 1. Sacks FM, Bray GA, Carey VJ et al. Comparison of weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. N Engl J Med 2009;360:859–73. 2. Bennett P. Obesity, diabetes and VLCD. Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis 2004;4:328–30. 3. Baldwin EJ. Fad diets in diabetes. Br J Diabetes Vasc DIs 2004;4:333–7. 4. Romon M, Lommoz A, Tafflet M et al. Downward trends in the prevalence of childhood overweight in the setting of 12-year school- and community-based programmes. Public Health Nutr 2008; Dec 28, 1–8 [Epub ahead of print].


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This study used supplementary feeding to test the hypothesis that fuel partitioning during the postweaning fast in grey seal pups is affected by size and composition of energy reserves at weaning, and by extra provisioning. Mass and body composition changes were measured during suckling and fasting to investigate the effect of natural differences in energy reserves at weaning on subsequent allocation of fat and protein to energy use. We fed seven pups for 5 days after weaning, to investigate the effect of increased fuel availability, and particularly protein, on fuel utilisation. After correcting for protein used during the moult, the proportional contribution of fat was 86–99% of total energy use. Pups with greater energy reserves, i.e. those that were heavier and fatter at weaning, had higher rates of fat and energy use. There was no significant relationship between adiposity at weaning and proportional contribution of fat to energy use, perhaps due to a limited sample size or range of body masses and adiposity. Supplemented individuals used energy, specifically fat, much faster and utilised proportionally less of their endogenous protein by departure than non-supplemented individuals. Fat metabolism contributed a similar percentage to daily energy use in both groups. These findings show that pups spare protein, even when energy use is dramatically increased. Pups that receive greater maternal provisioning and lay down more protein may have increased survival chances at sea. This study highlights the importance of protein reserves in first year survival of grey seal pups.


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Leptin is a multifunctional hormone, produced predominantly in adipocytes. It regulates energy balance through its impact on appetite and fat metabolism, and its concentration indicates the size of body fat reserves. Leptin also plays a vital role in stretch-induced surfactant production during alveolar development in the fetus. The structure, expression pattern, and role of leptin have not previously been explored in marine mammals. Phocid seals undergo cyclical changes in body composition as a result of prolonged fasting and intensive foraging bouts and experience rapid, dramatic, and repeated changes in lung volume during diving. Here, we report the tissue-specific expression pattern of leptin in these animals. This is the first demonstration of leptin expression in the lung tissue of a mature mammal, in addition to its expression in the blubber and bone marrow, in common with other animals. We propose a role for leptin in seal pulmonary surfactant production, in addition to its likely role in long-term energy balance. We identify substitutions in the phocine leptin sequence in regions normally highly conserved between widely distinct vertebrate groups, and, using a purified seal leptin antiserum, we confirm the presence of the leptin protein in gray seal lung and serum fractions. Finally, we report the substantial inadequacies of using heterologous antibodies to measure leptin in unextracted gray seal serum.


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Scope: Our aim was to determine the effects of chronic dietary fat manipulation on postprandial lipaemia according to apolipoprotein (APO)E genotype. Methods and results:Men (mean age 53 (SD 9) years), prospectively recruited for the APOE genotype (n = 12 E3/E3, n = 11 E3/E4), were assigned to a low fat (LF), high fat, high-saturated fat (HSF), and HSF diet with 3.45 g/day docosahexaenoic acid (HSF-DHA), each for an 8-week period in the same order. At the end of each dietary period, a postprandial assessment was performed using a test meal with a macronutrient profile representative of that dietary intervention. A variable postprandial plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) response according to APOE genotype was evident, with a greater sensitivity to the TAG-lowering effects of DHA in APOE4 carriers (p ≤ 0.005). There was a lack of an independent genotype effect on any of the lipid measures. In the groups combined, dietary fat manipulation had a significant impact on lipids in plasma and Svedberg flotation rate (Sf) 60–400 TAG-rich lipoprotein fraction, with lower responses following the HSF-DHA than HSF intervention (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Although a modest impact of APOE genotype was observed on the plasma TAG profile, dietary fat manipulation emerged as a greater modulator of the postprandial lipid response in normolipidaemic men.


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This study examined the effect of reduced plasma free fatty acid (FFA) availability on carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. Six untrained women cycled for 60 minutes at approximately 58% of maximum oxygen uptake after ingestion of a placebo (CON) or nicotinic acid (NA), 30 minutes before exercise (7.4 ± 0.5 mg·kg−1 body weight), and at 0 minutes (3.7 ± 0.3 mg·kg−1) and 30 minutes (3.7 ± 0.3 mg·kg−1) of exercise. Glucose kinetics were measured using a primed, continuous infusion of [6,6-2H] glucose. Plasma FFA (CON, 0.86 ± 0.12; NA, 0.21 ± 0.11 mmol·L−1 at 60 minutes, P < .05) and glycerol (CON, 0.34 ± 0.05; NA, 0.10 ± 0.04 mmol·L−1 at 60 minutes, P < .05) were suppressed throughout exercise. Mean respiratory exchange ratio (RER) during exercise was higher (P < .05) in NA (0.89 ± 0.02) than CON (0.83 ± 0.02). Plasma glucose and glucose production were similar between trials. Total glucose uptake during exercise was greater (P < .05) in NA (1,876 ± 161 μmol·kg−1) than in CON (1,525 ± 107 μmol·kg−1). Total fat oxidation was reduced (P < .05) by approximately 32% during exercise in NA. Total carbohydrate oxidized was approximately 42% greater (P < .05) in NA (412 ± 40 mmol) than CON (290 ± 37 mmol), of which, approximately 16% (20 ± 10 mmol) could be attributed to glucose. Plasma insulin and glucagon were similar between trials. Catecholamines were higher (P < .05) during exercise in NA. In summary, during prolonged moderate exercise in untrained women, reduced FFA availability results in a compensatory increase in carbohydrate oxidation, which appears to be due predominantly to an increase in glycogen utilization, although there was a small, but significant, increase in whole body glucose uptake.