872 resultados para family-school interaction
The aim was to assess whether physical activity decreases during adolescence, whether this decrease depends on the gender, whether physical activity is related to personal, family, and school factors, and whether it is associated to healthy behaviors in a sample of adolescents. Data were drawn from a survey carried out in 2001 among in-school Catalan adolescents aged 14-19 years. Subjects were divided in two groups: physical activity (N=4,185, 43.5% females) and no-physical activity (N=2,743; 68.9% females). Personal, family, school and lifestyles' variables were compared. Chi-square and Odds Ratio were used to compare qualitative variables and Student's t to compare quantitative variables. For the multivariate analysis, all statistically significant variables in the univariate analysis in each of the four groups of variables (plus age) were introduced in a non-conditioned multiple regression. Analysis was performed separately by gender. Physical activity was significantly more frequent among males and decreased with age. Globally, physically active youth perceived themselves as healthier and happier with their body image, they showed a better relationship with their parents, were better connected to school, and exhibited healthier lifestyles. As physical activity has important benefits on health, health professionals dealing with adolescents should encourage adolescents to keep practicing. This message must be specially directed to females.
L’èxit escolar i personal dels nens i nenes escolaritzats en les primeres etapes de l’ensenyament obligatori passa per l’entesa de les seves famílies amb el professorat de les escoles a les que van i pel suport que els ofereixi l’entorn social en que estan immersos. Per entendre’s uns i altres els cal establir vies de comunicació eficients que permetin arribar al coneixement i al treball mutu. El projecte ACOFES (Anàlisi de la Comunicació Família-Escola-Serveis socio-educatius) ha buscat respostes a aquesta qüestió al voltant de cinc eixos: 1.Com es comuniquen els tres agents educatius que intervenen en l’èxit escolar: famílies, professorat i serveis socioeducatius municipals; 2.Quines són les vies de comunicació que fan servir i quina la seva eficàcia; 3.Què pensen les famílies, què necessiten a què es poden o volen comprometre’s respecte a l’escola i a l’educació dels seus fills i filles; 4.Què pensa el professorat de la comunicació amb les famílies, què necessiten com a professionals i a què pot o vol comprometre’s; 5.Quins són aquells factors que poden influir de forma més rellevant en la millora de les possibilitats d’èxit de tot l’alumnat fent, en darrer lloc, noves propostes d’intervenció en particular per ajudar a solventar les necessitats específiques de l’alumnat procedent d’altres cultures que s’escolaritzen a Catalunya.
Purpose Data indicate that 19% of male adolescents living in Switzerland carried a weapon in the last 12 months. The main objective of this research is to compare the characteristics of male adolescents carrying a weapon and having used it in a fight from those who have carried but not used it in the previous 12 months. Methods Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health (SMASH02) data base, a survey including 7,548[3,710 males] in-school adolescents aged 16-20 years in Switzerland. Only males declaring having carried a weapon (N = 711; 19.2% of the sample) were included in the analysis. Three groups were created: those not having used a weapon (WO; N = 538 subjects), those having used a weapon in a fight once or twice (W12; N = 127), and those having used a weapon in a fight 3 or more times (W3+; N = 46). Multinomial logistic regression was performed to compare the 3 groups on individual, family, school, and social factors using WO as the reference category. Analyses were performed with STATA9. Results are presented as relative risk ratios (RRR). Results W12 males were significantly more likely to perceive their puberty as advanced compared to their peers (RRR: 2.1), to be foreign born (RRR: 2.6), to live in an urban environment (RRR: 1.9), to be in vocational school (RRR: 4.7), to have a poor school connectedness (RRR: 1.8), to skip classes (RRR: 2.1) and to quarrel while intoxicated (RRR: 5.3). W3+ males were significantly more likely to be foreign born (RRR: 3.6) and to live in an urban environment (RRR: 2.4), to be current users of illegal drugs other than cannabis (RRR: 3.8) and to quarrel while intoxicated (RRR: 4.1). No differences were found between groups for tobacco, alcohol, or cannabis use. Conclusions Within a national sample of Swiss youth aged 16-20 years, almost one fifth of male adolescents have carried a weapon in the previous 12 months. Nevertheless, most of them (75.7%) have never used a weapon in a fight. Whether they carry a weapon for defense purposes or as a manly behavior remains to be elucidated. However, urban foreign-born adolescents who quarrel while intoxicated are the most at risk of using a weapon in a fight, and therefore culturally-sensitive prevention approaches need to be developed to decrease violence in this specific population of youth. Having school problems or using illegal drugs other than cannabis seem to differentiate between those who use it in a fight occasionally (once or twice) and those who do it more often.
In September and October of 2008, the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) collaborated with schools in Iowa to conduct the 2008 Iowa Youth Survey (IYS). The 2008 IYS is the twelfth in a series of surveys that have been completed every three years since 1975. The survey is conducted with students in grades 6, 8, and 11 attending Iowa public and private schools. The IYS includes questions about students’ behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, as well as their perceptions of peer, family, school, neighborhood, and community environments.
PURPOSE: To determine the characteristics specific to boys with disordered eating behaviors (DEB) and the general context in which these DEB occur. METHOD: Data were drawn from the SMASH02 database, a survey carried out among post-mandatory school students in Switzerland aged 16-20 years in 2002. Only males (N=3890) were included, and were classified into into one of four groups based on their level of concern about weight/food and on their eating behaviors, as follows: group 1: one concern without behavior (N=862); group 2: more than one concern without behavior (N=361); group 3: at least one behavior (N=798); and a control group (N=1869), according to previously validated items. Groups were compared for personal, family, school, experience of violence, and health-compromising behaviors variables on the bivariate level. All significant variables were included in a multinomial logistic regression using Stata 9 software. RESULTS: About one-half of the boys reported either a concern or unhealthy eating behavior. Compared with the control group, boys from the three groups were more likely to be students and to report a history of sexual abuse, delinquency, depression, and feeling fat. In addition, boys from group 3 were more likely to report a history of dieting, early puberty, peer teasing, having experienced violence, frequent inebriation, and being overweight. CONCLUSION: DEB concern adolescent males more frequently than thought and seem to be integrated in a general dysfunctional context, in which violence is predominant. Adolescent males also need to be screened for DEB. Moreover, prevention programs should target the increasing social and media pressure regarding boys ideal body shape and raise public consciousness about this phenomenon.
A l’escola bressol el vincle entre equip educatiu i família és de gran importància i, en la societat canviant en la que vivim, és important cercar noves vies de comunicació. Aquesta recerca és un estudi de casos de l’ús de les TIC com a mitjà de comunicació entre escola i família a tres escoles bressol. Amb l’objectiu de descriure i analitzar aquestes eines s’utilitzen entrevistes, qüestionaris i anàlisi de documents com a instruments de recollida de dades. Els resultats mostren que les eines més utilitzades són el blog i el correu electrònic amb la funció d’informar a les famílies. Aquestes dades permeten identificar l’ús, la funció i els destinataris com a criteris necessaris per a escollir l’eina TIC més adient per a la relació família-escola d’un centre, i per elaborar una guia per a l’elecció d’eines TIC com a mitjà de relació entre els dos agents educatius.
From September 29, 2014 through November 7, 2014, the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) collaborated with schools in Iowa to conduct the 2014 Iowa Youth Survey (IYS). The 2014 IYS is the fifteenth in a series of surveys that have been completed every two or three years since 1975. The survey is conducted with students in grades 6, 8, and 11 attending Iowa public and private schools. The IYS includes questions about students’ behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, as well as their perceptions of peer, family, school, neighborhood, and community environments.
The objective of this study was to characterize weapon-carrying adolescents and to assess whether weapon carriers differ from weapon users. Data were drawn from a cross-sectional school-based survey of 7548 adolescents aged 16-20 years in Switzerland. Youths carrying a weapon were compared with those who do not. Subsequently, weapon carriers were divided into those who had used it in a fight and those who had not. Individual, family, school and social factors were analyzed using bivariate and stepwise multivariate analysis. For both genders, delinquent behavior and being victim of physical violence were associated with weapon carrying. For males, quarreling while intoxicated, being an apprentice, being sensation seekers, having a tattoo, having a poor relationship with parents and practicing unsafe sex were also related to weapon carrying. Compared with weapon carriers, female weapon users were more likely to be regular smokers. Male weapon users were foreign born, urban and apprentices; had poor school connectedness; practiced unsafe sex and quarreled while intoxicated. Carrying a weapon is a relatively frequent behavior among youths in Switzerland and a sizeable proportion of weapon carriers have used it in a fight. Weapon carrying should be part of the clinical assessment and preventive counseling of adolescents. Preventive programs specific for at-risk youth groups need to be developed.
The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) collaborated with schools in Iowa to conduct the 2014 Iowa Youth Survey (IYS). In a series of surveys that have been completed every two or three years since 1975. The survey is conducted with students in grades 6, 8, and 11 attending Iowa public and private schools. The IYS includes questions about students’ behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, as well as their perceptions of peer, family, school, neighborhood, and community environments.
The death receptor Fas is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family; upon interaction with its ligand it efficiently activates caspases and induces apoptosis. Despite abundant Fas surface expression, however, Fas death-signals are frequently interrupted. Many viruses express antiapoptotic proteins, including caspase inhibitors, Bcl-2 homologues and death-effector-domain-containing proteins that are termed FLIPs (FLICE [Fas-associated death-domain-like IL-1beta-converting enzyme]-inhibitory proteins). Cellular homologues of these inhibitors have been identified. Cellular FLIPs structurally resemble caspase-8 except that they lack proteolytic activity. FLIPs are highly expressed in tumor cells, T lymphocytes and healthy, but not injured, myocytes; this suggests a critical role of FLIPs as endogenous modulators of apoptosis.
La relación familia-escuela se debe analizar teniendo en cuenta que no siempre se ha creído necesaria y que se trata de dos instituciones que han mantenido un desequilibrio de poder. En este marco las familias de origen inmigrado, menos conocedoras del sistema educativo, del funcionamiento de los centros y de las formas adecuadas de relación aparecen a menudo como poco implicadas e interesadas. El texto analiza, enmarcado en algunas consideraciones generales, a partir de tres trabajos empíricos propios, las relaciones que mantienen las familias de origen inmigrado y cómo lo perciben los docentes y los representantes de asociaciones de madres y padres de alumnos. Sintetizando, ponemos de manifiesto el modo como la dinámica existente en los centros educativos, más el conocimiento que van adquiriendo las familias, entre otros factores, influyen en la mayor implicación. Por el contrario, el desconocimiento y las dinámicas negativas crean barreras en ocasiones difícilmente salvables.
Tutkimus lasten ja nuorten luvattomasta tulen käsittelystä perustuu näkemykseen siitä, että ilmiöön voidaan puuttua tehokkaasti interventioin, jos toiminta havaitaan ajoissa. Ilmiötä sävyttää teon salailu ja neutralisaatio eli vähättely. Tulella tehtyjen tuhotöiden lisääntymistä ja muuttumista aggressiivisemmaksi voidaan ennalta ehkäistä ongelman tunnistamisella ja reagoimalla lasten häiriökäytökseen. Lasten ja nuorten luvatonta tulen käyttöä ei ole tutkittu Suomessa aiemmin. Työn ensimmäisessä osiossa tarkastellaan luvattomaan tulen käsittelyyn liittyviä teorioita (esim. Fineman 1980, 1995), kansainvälisiä näkökohtia, teonpiirteitä ja yksilön sisäisiä prosesseja. Lisäksi tarkastellaan perheen, koulun ja ystäväpiirin osuutta ilmiöön, niin sanotun Oregonin mallin mukaisesti (Oregon Treatment Strategies Task Force 1996, 16 – 47). Työn empiirisessä osiossa ilmiötä ja sen ilmenemistä lasten ja nuorten keskuudessa kuvataan oppilaiden, vanhempien ja opettajien näkökulmasta. Tutkimukseen osallistui 661 oppilasta perusasteen toiselta, viidenneltä ja kahdeksannelta luokalta, 341 vanhempaa ja 22 koulun työntekijää. Oppilaiden ja vanhempien aineisto kerättiin survey-tutkimuksella ja opettajat tutkittiin haastattelumenetelmällä. Lasten luvaton tulen käyttö on yleisempää kuin aiemmin on luultu. Vielä viidenteen luokkaan mennessä luvaton tulen käsittely oli yleisempää pojille kuin tytöille, mutta murrosikään tultaessa sukupuolierot vähenivät. Pojista 37 % ja tytöistä 25 % raportoi käsitelleensä tulta luvattomasti. Kaikkiaan kolmasosa oppilaista raportoi leikkineensä tulella. Yleisin tulen sytyttelypaikka oli oma koti tai kodin lähiympäristö, josta tulentekovälineet yleisimmin hankittiin pyytämällä tai ottamalla. Luvattomasti tulta käsitelleet oppilaat olivat häirinneet oppitunteja. Tilastollisesti merkitsevimmin runsasta luvatonta tulen käsittelyä ennusti omien tulentekovälineiden omistaminen ja häiriökäyttäytyminen koulussa. Vanhemmat eivät pitäneet lastensa tulen käyttöä merkittävänä vaarana. Aikuisten suhtautumista lasten luvattomaan tulen käyttöön sävytti tekojen vähättely eli neutralisaatio; vähättelyilmiö oli yhteinen sekä lapsille itselleen, vanhemmille että viranomaisille. Kasvattajilla ei ollut käytössään tehokkaita interventiomenetelmiä ongelman ratkaisemiseen. Viranomaisyhteistyöstä raportoitiin vain vähän. Pelastusviranomaisia ei juurikaan käytetty lasten luvattoman tulen käsittelyn interventiossa. Interventiota sävytti aikuisten käsitysten mukaan tapauskohtaisuus ja sattumanvaraisuus.
This thesis seeks to answer the question: how do the participation experiences of young girl immigrant contribute to citizenship learning? Citizenship learning in youth comes from different contexts(family, school, friends and leisure and ambiguous) –where participation experiences take place–, combined with interpersonal relationships and personal dispositions (BiestaLawy& Kelly, 2009). So that, I want to know which are the young girl immigrants’ contextsand relationships and which kind of learning comes from each one. In addition, being young, girl and immigrant, are categories to take into account to understand their learnings.
University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Physical Activity and Health, Paavo Nurmi Centre, Doctoral Programme of Clinical Investigation, University of Turku, Turku, Finland. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Medica – Odontologica, Turku, Finland, 2014. Background: Atherosclerosis progression spans an entire lifetime and has a wide pool of risk factors. Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) is a crucial element in the progression of atherosclerosis. As a rather new member in the atherosclerosis risk factor family, its interaction with the traditional pro-atherogenic contributors that occur at different ages is poorly known. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate oxLDL and its relation to major contributing risk factors in estimating atherosclerosis risk in data consisting mostly of adult men. The study subjects of this study consisted of four different sets of data, one of which contained also women. The age range of participants was 18-100 years and totaled 2337 participants (of whom 69% were men). Data on anthropometric and hormonal parameters, laboratory measures and medical records were assessed during 1998-2009. Results: Obesity was paralleled with high concentrations of oxLDL, which consequentially was reduced by weight reduction. Importantly, successful weight maintenance preserveed this benefit. A shift from insulin sensitivity to insulin resistance increased oxLDL. Smokers had more oxLDL than non-smokers. A combination of obesity and smoking, or smoking and low serum total testosterone,resulted in even higher levels of oxLDL than any of the three conditions alone. Proportioning oxLDL to HDL-c or apoA1 stood out as a risk factor of all-cause mortality in the elderly. Conclusions: OxLDL was associated with aging, androgens, smoking, obesity, insulin metabolism, weight balance and other circulating lipid classes. Through this variety of metabolic environments containing both constant conditions (aging and gender) as well as lifestyle issues, these findings supported an essential and multidimensional role that oxLDL plays in atherosclerosis pathogenesis.
This study explored the experiences of mothers of multiracial/cultural children within the context of family, school, and community. Three categories of mothers of multiracial/cultural children were interviewed privately and then invited to meet as a group to explore some of their reflections and experiences. The categories consisted of 4 mothers with multiracial/cultural children presently attending elementary school, 2 mothers of multiracial/cultural children who are now adults and 3 mothers from my own multiracial/cultural family. The study explored the researcher's personal quest for a multiracial/cultural identity and combined interviews with her daughter, her sister, and her mother to reveal the multiracial/cultural experience from a personal perspective. Content analysis of the narratives revealed that multiracial/cultural children produce their own culture and establish new and personally relevant priorities as they develop their self-identities. Findings further indicated that present-day, mainstream mothers from the dominant majority group of Canadians, tell a different story than similar mothers of previous cohorts, and that although sociopolitical and economic changes have influenced the experiences ofthese women, their stories remain remarkably similar across racial and cultural lines. The findings from this study may promote the development of multicultural programs in Canada as they offer both prospects and challenges to multiracial/cultural children and multicultural educators. It is hoped that this study will provide a better understanding of multiculturalism and encourage educators to heighten their racial and cultural awareness as they strive to critically examine their own cultural stories and realign their praxis within the evolving Canadian mosaic.