991 resultados para family interaction
Thesis submitted to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Computer Science
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131 (23), pp 7990–7998 DOI: 10.1021/ja809448r
L'objectif principal de ce travail était d'explorer les relations parent-enfant et les processus d'apprentissage familiaux associés aux troubles anxieux. A cet effet, des familles ayant un membre anxieux (la mère ou l'enfant) ont été comparées avec des familles n'ayant aucun membre anxieux. Dans une première étude, l'observation de l'interaction mère-enfant, pendant une situation standardisée de jeu, a révélé que les mères présentant un trouble panique étaient plus susceptibles de se montrer verbalement contrôlantes, critiques et moins sensibles aux besoins de l'enfant, que les mères qui ne présentaient pas de trouble panique. Une deuxième étude a examiné les perceptions des différents membres de la famille quant aux relations au sein de la famille et a indiqué que, par comparaison aux adolescents non-anxieux, les adolescents anxieux étaient plus enclins à éprouver un sentiment d'autonomie individuelle diminué par rapport à leurs parents. Finalement, une troisième étude s'est intéressée à déterminer l'impact d'expériences d'apprentissage moins directes dans l'étiologie de l'anxiété. Les résultats ont indiqué que les mères présentant un trouble panique étaient plus enclines à s'engager dans des comportements qui maintiennent la panique et à impliquer leurs enfants dans ces comportements, que les mères ne présentant pas de trouble panique. En se basant sur des recherches antérieures qui ont établi une relation entre le contrôle parental, la perception de contrôle chez l'enfant et les troubles anxieux, le présent travail non seulement confirme ce lien mais propose également un modèle pour résumer l'état actuel des connaissances concernant les processus familiaux et le développement des troubles anxieux. Deux routes ont été suggérées par lesquelles l'anxiété pourrait être transmise de manière intergénérationnelle. Chacune de ces routes attribue un rôle important à la perception de contrôle chez l'enfant. L'idée est que lorsque les enfants présentent une prédisposition à interpréter le comportement de leurs parents comme hors de leur contrôle, ils seraient plus enclins à développer de l'anxiété. A ce titre, la perception du contrôle représenterait un tampon entre le comportement de contrôle/surprotection des parents et le trouble anxieux chez l'enfant. - The principal objective of the present work was to explore parent-child relationships and family learning processes associated with anxiety disorders. To this purpose, families with and without an anxious family member (mother or child) were compared. In a first study, observation of mother-child interaction, during a standard play situation, revealed that mothers with panic disorder were more likely to display verbal control and criticism, and less likely to display sensitivity toward their children than mothers without panic disorder. A second study examined family members' perceptions of family relationships and indicated that compared to non-anxious adolescents, anxious adolescents were more prone to experience a diminished sense of individual autonomy in relation to their parents. Finally a third study was interested in determining the effect of less direct learning experiences in the aetiology of anxiety. Results indicated that mothers with panic disorder were more likely to engage in panic-maintaining behaviour and to involve their children in this behaviour than mothers without panic disorder. Based on previous research showing a relationship between parental control, children's perception of control, and anxiety disorders, the present work not only further adds evidence to support this link but also proposes a model summarizing the current knowledge concerning family processes and the development of anxiety disorders. Two pathways have been suggested through which anxiety may be intergenerationally transmitted. Both pathways assign an important role to children's perception of control. The idea is that whenever children have a predisposition towards interpreting their parents' behaviour as beyond of their control, they may be more prone to develop anxiety. As such, perceived control may represent a buffer between parental overcontrolling/overprotective behaviours and childhood anxiety disorder.
Several members of the FXYD protein family are tissue-specific regulators of Na,K-ATPase that produce distinct effects on its apparent K(+) and Na(+) affinity. Little is known about the interaction sites between the Na,K-ATPase alpha subunit and FXYD proteins that mediate the efficient association and/or the functional effects of FXYD proteins. In this study, we have analyzed the role of the transmembrane segment TM9 of the Na,K-ATPase alpha subunit in the structural and functional interaction with FXYD2, FXYD4, and FXYD7. Mutational analysis combined with expression in Xenopus oocytes reveals that Phe(956), Glu(960), Leu(964), and Phe(967) in TM9 of the Na,K-ATPase alpha subunit represent one face interacting with the three FXYD proteins. Leu(964) and Phe(967) contribute to the efficient association of FXYD proteins with the Na,K-ATPase alpha subunit, whereas Phe(956) and Glu(960) are essential for the transmission of the functional effect of FXYD proteins on the apparent K(+) affinity of Na,K-ATPase. The relative contribution of Phe(956) and Glu(960) to the K(+) effect differs for different FXYD proteins, probably reflecting the intrinsic differences of FXYD proteins on the apparent K(+) affinity of Na,K-ATPase. In contrast to the effect on the apparent K(+) affinity, Phe(956) and Glu(960) are not involved in the effect of FXYD2 and FXYD4 on the apparent Na(+) affinity of Na,K-ATPase. The mutational analysis is in good agreement with a docking model of the Na,K-ATPase/FXYD7 complex, which also predicts the importance of Phe(956), Glu(960), Leu(964), and Phe(967) in subunit interaction. In conclusion, by using mutational analysis and modeling, we show that TM9 of the Na,K-ATPase alpha subunit exposes one face of the helix that interacts with FXYD proteins and contributes to the stable interaction with FXYD proteins, as well as mediating the effect of FXYD proteins on the apparent K(+) affinity of Na,K-ATPase.
The existing literature shows that social interactions in individuals' networks affect their reproductive attitudes and behaviors through three mechanisms: social influence, social learning, and social support. In this paper, we discuss to what extent the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), an individual based theorization of intentions and behavior used to model fertility, takes these social mechanisms into account. We argue that the TPB already integrates social influence and that it could easily accommodate the two other social network mechanisms. By doing so, the theory would be enriched in two respects. First, it will explain more completely how macro level changes eventually ends in micro level changes in behavioral intentions. Indeed, mechanisms of social influence may explain why changes in representations of parenthood and ideal family size can be slower than changes in socio-economic conditions and institutions. Social learning mechanisms should also be considered, since they are crucial to distinguish who adopts new behavioral beliefs and practices, when change at the macro level finally sinks in. Secondly, relationships are a capital of services that can complement institutional offering (informal child care) as well as a capital of knowledge which help individuals navigate in a complex institutional reality, providing a crucial element to explain heterogeneity in the successful realization of fertility intentions across individuals. We develop specific hypotheses concerning the effect of social interactions on fertility intentions and their realization to conclude with a critical review of the existing surveys suitable to test them and their limits.
This article presents a new theory that separates the levels of communication and relates them circularly, namely, by separating time from space/meaning variables. Documenting this proposition requires sequential microdescriptions--a far-out project in the field of family therapy. In an extensive study of clinical and nonclinical families, starting with available microanalytic data on nonverbal parent-infant dialogue, distinct time organizations have been found to modify the degree of circularity between the levels of interaction according to the observed types of engagement, that is, consensual, conflictual, and paradoxical. The double description of the dyad as a totality versus the dyad as a framing/developing organization imparts crucial information on how development proceeds in dyadic, co-evolutive systems, and presumably in larger ones too. In this perspective, a model is elaborated and then applied to a case description in our therapeutic consultation.
Members of the leucine-rich repeat protein family are involved in diverse functions including protein phosphatase 2-inhibition, cell cycle regulation, gene regulation and signalling pathways. A novel Schistosoma mansoni gene, called SmLANP, presenting homology to various genes coding for proteins that belong to the super family of leucine-rich repeat proteins, was characterized here. SmLANP was 1184bp in length as determined from cDNA and genomic sequences and encoded a 296 amino acid open reading frame that spanning from 6 to 894bp. The predicted amino acid sequence had a calculated molecular weight of 32kDa. Analysis of the predicted sequence indicated the presence of 3 leucine-rich domains (LRR) located in the N-terminal region and an aspartic acid rich region in the C-terminal end. SmLANP transcript is expressed in all stages of the S. mansoni life cycle analyzed, exhibiting the highest expression level in males. The SmLANP protein was expressed in a GST expression system and antibodies raised in mice against the recombinant protein. By immunolocalization assay, using adult worms, it was shown that the protein is mainly present in the cell nucleus through the whole body and strongly expressed along the tegument cell body nuclei of adult worms. As members of this family are usually involved in protein-protein interaction, a yeast two hybrid assay was conducted to identify putative binding partners for SmLANP. Thirty-six possible partners were identified, and a protein ATP synthase subunit alpha was confirmed by pull down assays, as a binding partner of the SmLANP protein.
Résumé au large public Notre corps est constitué de différents types de cellules. La condition minimale ou primordiale pour la survie des cellules est d'avoir de l'énergie. Cette tâche est assumée en partie par une protéine qui se situe dans la membrane de chaque cellule. Nommé Na, K¬ATPase ou pompe à sodium, c'est une protéine pressente dans toutes les cellules chez les mammifères est composée de deux sous-unités, α et β. En transportant 3 ions de sodium hors de la cellule et 2 ions de potassium à l'intérieur de la cellule, elle transforme l'énergie chimique sous forme de l'ATP en énergie motrice, qui permet aux cellules par la suite d'échanger des matériaux entre l'espace intracellulaire et extracellulaire ainsi que d'ingérer des nutriments provenant de son environnement. Le manque de cette protéine chez la souris entraîne la mort de l'embryon. Des défauts fonctionnels de cette protéine sont responsables de plusieurs maladies humaines comme par exemple, un type de migraine. En dehors de sa fonction vitale, cette protéine est également engagée dans diverses activités physiologiques comme la contractilité musculaire, l'activité nerveuse et la régulation du volume sanguin. Vue l'importance de cette protéine, sa découverte par Jens C. Skou en 1957 a été honorée d'un Prix Noble de chimie quarante ans plus tard. Depuis lors, nous connaissons de mieux en mieux les mécanismes de fonctionnement de la Na, K-ATPase. Entre autre, sa régulation par une famille de protéines appelées protéines FXYD. Cette famille contient 7 membres (FXYD 1-7). L'un d'entre eux nommé FXYD 2 est lié à une maladie héréditaire connue sous le nom de hypomagnesemia. Nous disposons actuellement d'informations concernant les conséquences de la régulation par les protéines FXYD sur activité de la Na, K-ATPase, mais nous savons très peu sur le mode d'interaction entre les protéines FXYD et la Na, K-ATPase. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons réussi à localiser des zones d'interaction dans la sous- unité a de la Na, K-ATPase et dans FXYD 7. En même temps, nous avons déterminé un 3ème site de liaison spécifique au sodium de la Na, K-ATPase. Une partie de ce site se situe à l'intérieur d'un domaine protéique qui interagit avec les protéines FXYD. De plus, ce site a été démontré comme responsable d'un mécanisme de transport de la Na, K-ATPase caractérisé par un influx ionique. En conclusion, les résultats de ce travail de thèse fournissent de nouvelles preuves sur les régions d'interaction entre la Na, K-ATPase et les protéines FXYD. La détermination d'un 3ème site spécifique au sodium et sa relation avec un influx ionique offrent la possibilité 1) d'explorer les mécanismes avec lesquels les protéines FXYD régulent l'activité de la Na, ATPase et 2) de localiser un site à sodium qui est essentielle pour mieux comprendre l'organisation et le fonctionnement de la Na, K-ATPase. Résumé Les gradients de concentration de Na+ et de K+ à travers la membrane plasmatique des cellules animales sont cruciaux pour la survie et l'homéostasie de cellules. De plus, des fonctions cellulaires spécifiques telles que la reabsorption de Na dans le rein et le côlon, la contraction musculaire et l'excitabilité nerveuse dépendent de ces gradients. La Na, K¬ATPase ou pompe à sodium est une protéine membranaire ubiquitaire. Elle crée et maintient ces gradients en utilisant l'énergie obtenu par l'hydrolyse de l'adénosine triphosphate. L'unité fonctionnelle minimale de cette protéine se compose d'une sous-unité catalytique α et d'une sous-unité régulatrice β. Récemment, il a été montré que des membres de la famille FXYD, sont des régulateurs tissu-spécifiques de la Na, K-ATPase qui influencent ses propriétés de transport. Cependant, on connaît peu de chose au sujet de la nature moléculaire de l'interaction entre les protéines FXYD et la Na, K-ATPase. Dans cette étude, nous fournissons, pour la première fois, l'évidence directe que des résidus du domaine transmembranaire (TM) 9 de la sous-unité α de la Na, K-ATPase sont impliqués dans l'interaction fonctionnelle et structurale avec les protéines FXYD. De plus nous avons identifié des régions dans le domaine transmembranaire de FXYD 7 qui sont importantes pour l'association stable avec la Na, K-ATPase et une série de résidus responsables des régulations fonctionnelles. Nous avons aussi montré les contributions fonctionnelles du TM 9 de la Na, K-ATPase à la translocation de Na + en déterminant un 3ème site spécifique au Na+. Ce site se situe probablement dans un espace entre TM 9, TM 6 et TM 5 de la sous-unité α de la pompe à sodium. De plus, nous avons constaté que le 3ème site de Na + est fonctionnellement lié à un courant entrant de la pompe sensible à l'ouabaïne et activé par le pH acide. En conclusion, ce travail donne de nouvelles perspectives de l'interaction structurale et fonctionnelle entre les protéines FXYD et la Na, K-ATPase. En outre, les contributions fonctionnelles de TM 9 offrent de nouvelles possibilités pour explorer le mécanisme par lequel les protéines FXYD régulent les propriétés fonctionnelles de la Na, K-ATPase. La détermination du 3ème site au Na + fournit une compréhension avancée du site spécifique au Na + de la Na, K-ATPase et du mécanisme de transport de la Na, K-ATPase. Summary The Na+ and K+ gradients across the plasma membrane of animal cells are crucial for cell survival and homeostasis. Moreover, specific tissue functions such as Na+ reabsorption in kidney and colon, muscle contraction and nerve excitability depend on the maintenance of these gradients. Na, K-ATPase or sodium pump, an ubiquitous membrane protein, creates and maintains these gradients by using the energy from the hydrolysis of ATP. The minimal functional unit of this protein is composed of a catalytic α subunit and a regulatory β subunit. Recently, members of the FXYD family, have been reported to be tissue-specific regulators of Na, K-ATPase by influencing its transport properties. However, little is known about the molecular nature of the interaction between FXYD proteins and Na, K-ATPase. In this study, we provide, for the first time, direct evidence that residues from the transmembrane (TM) domain 9 of the α subunit of Na, K-ATPase are implicated in the functional and structural interaction with FXYD proteins. Moreover, we have identified regions in the TM domain of FXYD 7 important for the stable association with Na, K-ATPase and a stretch of residues responsible for the functional regulations. We have further revealed the functional contributions of TM 9 of the Na, K-ATPase α subunit to the Na+ translocation by determining a 3rd Na+-specific cation binding site. This site is likely in a space between TM 9, TM 6 and TM 5 of the a subunit of the sodium pump. Moreover, we have found that the 3rd Na+ binding site is functionally linked to an acidic pH- activated ouabain-sensitive inward pump current. In conclusion, this work gives new insights into the structural and functional interaction between FXYD proteins and Na, K-ATPase. Functional contributions of TM 9 offer new possibilities to explore the mechanism by which FXYD proteins regulate functional properties of Na, K-ATPase. The determination of the 3rd Na+ binding site provides an advanced understanding concerning the Na+ -specific binding site of Na, K-ATPase and the 3rd Na+ site related transport mechanism.
Abstract: The genesis of the cardiac action potential, which accounts for the cardiac contraction, is due to the sodium current INa mediated by the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.5. Several cardiac arrhythmias such as the Brugada syndrome are known te be caused by mutations in SCN5A, the gene encoding Nav1.5. Studies of these mutations allowed a better understanding of biophysical and functional properties of Nav1.5. However, only few investigations have been performed in order to understand the regulation of Nav1.5. During my thesis, I investigated different mechanisms of regulation of Nav1.5 using a heterologous expression system, HEK293 cells, coupled with a technique of sodium current recording: the patch clamp in whole cell configuration. In previous studies it has been shown that an enzyme of the Nedd4 family (Nedd4-2) regulates an epithelial sodium channel via the interaction with PY-motifs present in the latter. Interestingly, Nav1.5 contains a similar PY-motif, which motivated us to study the role of Nedd4-2 expressed in heart for the regulation of Nav1.5. In a second study, we investigated the implication of two Nav1.5 mutants, which were either less functional or net functional (Nav1.5 R535X and Nav1.5 L325R respectively) implied in the genesis of the Brugada syndrome by fever. Our results established two mechanisms implied in Nav1.5 regulation. The first one implies that following the interaction between the PY-motif of Nav1.5 and Nedd4- 2 Nav1.5 is ubiquitinated by Nedd4-2. This ubiquitination leads to the internalization of Nav1 .5. The second mechanism is a phenomenon called the "dominant negative" effect of Nav1.5 L325R on Nay1.5 where the decrease of 'Na is potentially due to the retention of Nav1.5 by Nav1.5 L325R in an undefined intracellular compartment. These studies defined two mechanisms of Nav1.5 regulation, which could play an important role for the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias where molecular processes are still poorly understood. Résumé La genèse du potentiel d'action cardiaque, permettant la contraction cardiaque, est due au courant sodique INa issu des canaux sodiques cardiaques dépendants du voltage Nav1.5. Nombreuses arythmies cardiaques telles que le syndrome de Brugada sont connues pour être liées à des mutations du gène SCN5A, codant pour Nav1.5. L'étude de ces mutations a permis une meilleure compréhension des propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles de Nav1.5 et leurs implications dans la genèse de ces pathologies. Néanmoins peu d'études ont été menées afin de comprendre les mécanismes de régulation de Nav1.5. Mon travail de thèse a consisté à étudier des mécanismes de régulation de Nav1.5 en utilisant un système d'expression hétérologue, les cellules HEK293, couplé à une technique d'enregistrement des courants sodiques, le "patch clamp" en configuration cellule entière. La présence sur Nav1.5 d'un motif-PY similaire à ceux nécessaires pour la régulation d'un canal épithélial sodique par une enzyme de la famille de Nedd4, nous a amenée à étudier le rôle de ces ubiquitine-ligases, en particulier Nedd4-2, dans la régulation de Nav1.5. La seconde étude s'est intéressée aux conséquences de deux mutations de SCN5A codant pour deux mutants peu ou pas fonctionnels (Nav1.5 L325R et Nav1.5 R535X respectivement) retrouvées chez des patients présentant un syndrome de Brugada exacerbé par un état fébrile. Nos résultats ont permis d'établir deux mécanismes de régulation de Nav1.5 L'un par Nedd4-2 qui implique rubiquitination de Nav1.5 par cette ligase suite à l'interaction entre le motif-PY de Nav1.5 et Nedd4-2. Cette modification déclenche l'internalisation du canal impliquée dans la diminution d'INa. Le second mécanisme quant à lui est un effet "dominant négatif" de Nav1.5 L325R sur Nav1.5 aboutissant à une diminution d'INa suite à la séquestration intracellulaire potentielle de Nav1.5 par Nav1.5 L325R. Ces études ont mis en évidence deux mécanismes de régulation de Nav1.5 pouvant jouer un rôle majeur dans la genèse et/ou l'accentuation des arythmies cardiaques dont les processus moléculaires au sein des cardiomyocytes, impliquant des modifications du courant sodiques, sont encore mal compris. Résumé destiné à un large public La dépolarisation électrique de la membrane des cellules cardiaques permet la contraction du coeur. La génèse de cette activité électrique est due au courant sodique issu d'un type de canal à sodium situé dans la membrane des cellules cardiaques. De nombreuses pathologies provoquant des troubles du rythme cardiaque sont issues de mutations du gène qui code pour ce canal à sodium. Ces canaux mutants, entrainant diverses pathologies cardiaques telles que le syndrome de Brugada, ont été largement étudiées. Néanmoins, peu de travaux ont été réalisés sur les mécanismes de régulation de ce canal à sodium non muté. Mon travail de thèse a consisté à étudier certains des mécanismes de régulation de ce canal à sodium en utilisant une technique permettant l'enregistrement des courants sodiques issus de l'expression de ces canaux à sodium à la membrane de cellules mammifères. La présence sur ce canal à sodium d'une structure spécifique, similaire à celle nécessaire pour la régulation d'un canal épithélial à sodium par une enzyme appelée Nedd4-2, nous a amenée à étudier le rôle de cette enzyme dans la régulation de ce canal à sodium. La seconde étude s'est intéressée aux rôles de deux mutations du gène codant pour ce canal à sodium retrouvées chez des patients présentant un syndrome de Brugada exacerbé par la fièvre. Nos résultats nous ont permis d'établir deux mécanismes de régulation de ce canal à sodium diminuant le courant sodique l'un par l'action de l'enzyme Nedd4-2, suite à son interaction avec ce canal, qui modifie ce canal à sodium (ubiquitination) diminuant de ce fait la densité membranaire du canal. L'autre par un mécanisme suggérant un effet négatif de l'un des canaux mutants sur l'expression à la membrane du canal à sodium non muté. Ces études ont mis en évidence deux mécanismes de régulation de ce canal à sodium pouvant jouer un rôle majeur dans la genèse et/ou l'accentuation des troubles du rythme cardiaques dont les mécanismes cellulaires sont encore incompris.
Leukocyte Elastase Inhibitor (LEI, also called serpin B1) is a protein involved in apoptosis among other physiological processes. We have previously shown that upon cleavage by its cognate protease, LEI is transformed into L-DNase II, a protein with a pro-apoptotic activity. The caspase independent apoptotic pathway, in which L-DNase II is the final effector, interacts with other pro-apoptotic molecules like Poly-ADP-Ribose polymerase (PARP) or Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF). The screening of LEI/L-DNase II interactions showed a possible interaction with several members of the BCL-2 family of proteins which are known to have a central role in the regulation of caspase dependent cell death. In this study, we investigated the regulation of LEI/L-DNase II pathway by two members of this family of proteins: BAX and BCL-2, which have opposite effects on cell survival. We show that, in both BHK and HeLa cells, LEI/L-DNase II can interact with BCL-2 and BAX in apoptotic and non-apoptotic conditions. These proteins which are usually thought to be anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic respectively, both inhibit the L-DNase II pro-apoptotic activity. These results give further insight in the regulation of caspase-independent pathways and highlight the involvement of the intracellular environment of a given protein in the determinism of its function. They also add a link between caspase-dependent and independent pathways of apoptosis.
Recently, White (2007) analysed the international inequalities in Ecological Footprints per capita (EF hereafter) based on a two-factor decomposition of an index from the Atkinson family (Atkinson (1970)). Specifically, this paper evaluated the separate role of environment intensity (EF/GDP) and average income as explanatory factors for these global inequalities. However, in addition to other comments on their appeal, this decomposition suffers from the serious limitation of the omission of the role exerted by probable factorial correlation (York et al. (2005)). This paper proposes, by way of an alternative, a decomposition of a conceptually similar index like Theil’s (Theil, 1967) which, in effect, permits clear decomposition in terms of the role of both factors plus an inter-factor correlation, in line with Duro and Padilla (2006). This decomposition might, in turn, be extended to group inequality components (Shorrocks, 1980), an analysis that cannot be conducted in the case of the Atkinson indices. The proposed methodology is implemented empirically with the aim of analysing the international inequalities in EF per capita for the 1980-2007 period and, amongst other results, we find that, indeed, the interactive component explains, to a significant extent, the apparent pattern of stability observed in overall international inequalities.
Recently, White (2007) analysed the international inequalities in Ecological Footprints per capita (EF hereafter) based on a two-factor decomposition of an index from the Atkinson family (Atkinson (1970)). Specifically, this paper evaluated the separate role of environment intensity (EF/GDP) and average income as explanatory factors for these global inequalities. However, in addition to other comments on their appeal, this decomposition suffers from the serious limitation of the omission of the role exerted by probable factorial correlation (York et al. (2005)). This paper proposes, by way of an alternative, a decomposition of a conceptually similar index like Theil’s (Theil, 1967) which, in effect, permits clear decomposition in terms of the role of both factors plus an inter-factor correlation, in line with Duro and Padilla (2006). This decomposition might, in turn, be extended to group inequality components (Shorrocks, 1980), an analysis that cannot be conducted in the case of the Atkinson indices. The proposed methodology is implemented empirically with the aim of analysing the international inequalities in EF per capita for the 1980-2007 period and, amongst other results, we find that, indeed, the interactive component explains, to a significant extent, the apparent pattern of stability observed in overall international inequalities. Key words: ecological footprint; international environmental distribution; inequality decomposition
BACKGROUND Understanding of the genetic basis of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has progressed rapidly, but the interactions between common genetic variants and lifestyle risk factors have not been systematically investigated in studies with adequate statistical power. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the combined effects of genetic and lifestyle factors on risk of T2D in order to inform strategies for prevention. METHODS AND FINDINGS The InterAct study includes 12,403 incident T2D cases and a representative sub-cohort of 16,154 individuals from a cohort of 340,234 European participants with 3.99 million person-years of follow-up. We studied the combined effects of an additive genetic T2D risk score and modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors using Prentice-weighted Cox regression and random effects meta-analysis methods. The effect of the genetic score was significantly greater in younger individuals (p for interaction = 1.20×10-4). Relative genetic risk (per standard deviation [4.4 risk alleles]) was also larger in participants who were leaner, both in terms of body mass index (p for interaction = 1.50×10-3) and waist circumference (p for interaction = 7.49×10-9). Examination of absolute risks by strata showed the importance of obesity for T2D risk. The 10-y cumulative incidence of T2D rose from 0.25% to 0.89% across extreme quartiles of the genetic score in normal weight individuals, compared to 4.22% to 7.99% in obese individuals. We detected no significant interactions between the genetic score and sex, diabetes family history, physical activity, or dietary habits assessed by a Mediterranean diet score. CONCLUSIONS The relative effect of a T2D genetic risk score is greater in younger and leaner participants. However, this sub-group is at low absolute risk and would not be a logical target for preventive interventions. The high absolute risk associated with obesity at any level of genetic risk highlights the importance of universal rather than targeted approaches to lifestyle intervention.
Contextual effects on child health have been investigated extensively in previous research. However, few studies have considered the interplay between community characteristics and individual-level variables. This study examines the influence of community education and family socioeconomic characteristics on child health (as measured by height and weight-for-age Z-scores), as well as their interactions. We adapted the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) framework to the context of child health. Using data from the 2010 Colombian Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), weighted multilevel models are fitted since the data are not self-weighting. The results show a positive impact of the level of education of other women in the community on child health, even after controlling for individual and family socioeconomic characteristics. Different pathways through which community education can substitute for the effect of family characteristics on child nutrition are found. The interaction terms highlight the importance of community education as a moderator of the impact of the mother’s own education and autonomy, on child health. In addition, the results reveal differences between height and weight-for-age indicators in their responsiveness to individual and contextual factors. Our findings suggest that community intervention programmes may have differential effects on child health. Therefore, their identification can contribute to a better targeting of child care policies.
Concentration gradients regulate many cell biological and developmental processes. In rod-shaped fission yeast cells, polar cortical gradients of the DYRK family kinase Pom1 couple cell length with mitotic commitment by inhibiting a mitotic inducer positioned at midcell. However, how Pom1 gradients are established is unknown. Here, we show that Tea4, which is normally deposited at cell tips by microtubules, is both necessary and, upon ectopic cortical localization, sufficient to recruit Pom1 to the cell cortex. Pom1 then moves laterally at the plasma membrane, which it binds through a basic region exhibiting direct lipid interaction. Pom1 autophosphorylates in this region to lower lipid affinity and promote membrane release. Tea4 triggers Pom1 plasma membrane association by promoting its dephosphorylation through the protein phosphatase 1 Dis2. We propose that local dephosphorylation induces Pom1 membrane association and nucleates a gradient shaped by the opposing actions of lateral diffusion and autophosphorylation-dependent membrane detachment.