988 resultados para familiar actions


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From a gender perspective, protection and advertising political actions about work-family should promote sharing responsibilities between sexes. Next to political action and specific measures, the project of equal opportunities needs a long-term strategy based on the education on equality. This article proposes the methodologic exposition of a study based on these premises. It facilitates and explains the protocol used for the analysis of the audio-visual advertising campaigns on conciliation emitted by the Woman’s Institute. The evaluation of the actions is focused on the effectiveness from the point of view of mass media. It provides some data that illustrates the proposed study. Finally, it considers the difficulties of the available sources of information.


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A família é o primeiro grupo social ao qual o individuo pertence e exerce importante função no desenvolvimento dos seres humanos. Levando-se em consideração o fato da adolescência ser considerada um período do desenvolvimento, marcada por diversas transformações, tanto do individuo quanto do meio familiar, assim como a importância que a família exerce na constituição desses adolescentes, faz-se necessário pensar na qualidade das relações que são estabelecidas. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar possíveis relações entre a percepção de suporte familiar e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de adolescentes e seus responsáveis. Para tanto, buscou-se identificar a percepção dos adolescentes sobre sua qualidade de vida e suporte familiar, bem como a percepção de seus responsáveis sobre os mesmos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo e de delineamento transversal. Participaram desse estudo 348 sujeitos, sendo 174 adolescentes e 174 responsáveis, escolhidos por conveniência. Dentre os resultados pode-se salientar que os adolescentes possuem percepção de melhor qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde do que seus responsáveis, porém ambos revelam que possuem visão positiva acerca da adolescência. No que se refere à percepção de suporte familiar os dados revelaram que os homens (independente de serem responsáveis ou adolescentes) apresentam melhor percepção acerca da expressão afetiva entre os membros da família e os responsáveis possuem melhor percepção acerca do fator autonomia do que os adolescentes. Conclui se que os objetivos do presente estudo foram atingidos na medida em que foram identificadas inúmeras correlações entre os fatores de percepção de suporte familiar e as dimensões de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a necessidade de ações que favoreçam o dialogo entre responsáveis e adolescentes favorecendo a aproximação e, consequentemente favorecendo a promoção da saúde.


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Este estudo investigou, a partir do referencial psicanalítico, a percepção de crianças indígenas Guarani Mbya sobre a psicodinâmica de suas relações familiares; mais especificamente, descreveu aspectos da dinâmica familiar, na percepção dessas crianças indígenas, bem como aspectos intra-psíquicos e da introjeção das figuras parentais por essas crianças. O estudo foi realizado numa aldeia indígena da etnia Guarani Mbya, situada na periferia da cidade de São Paulo. Participaram deste estudo quatro crianças, na faixa etária de 07 a 10 anos, sendo três meninas e um menino. Como instrumentos, foram utilizados Oficinas Lúdicas e o Procedimento de Desenhos de Família com Estórias. Os dados foram coletados concomitantemente à realização das oficinas que ocorreram na escola da própria aldeia durante o ano de 2007. O material clínico, analisado de forma qualitativa, foi agrupado e descrito a partir do conteúdo extraído dos Desenhos de Família com Estórias, dos comportamentos apresentados e das relações que se estabeleceram nas oficinas. Os resultados, além de mostraram a importância das Oficinas Lúdicas como elemento fundamental para a coleta do material, dado a configuração do setting por elas proporcionado, permitiram a identificação de conflitos no que se refere à introjeção de figuras parentais, especialmente a paterna; conflitos na formação da identidade da criança e que pareciam relacionados à influência das relações entre cultura indígena e cultura não indígena. Observou-se ainda que, na percepção das crianças, a casa de reza representa apoio, proteção e segurança, que entendemos como tendo uma função egóica. Concluiu-se que há conflitos no desenvolvimento dessas crianças e na dinâmica das relações familiares. Ressalta-se a necessidade de mais pesquisas de natureza psicológica sobre esses povos, a fim de compreendê-los melhor, dado as especificidades desses grupos étnicos, para que assim se possam planejar ações preventivas e de promoção de saúde, que visem, principalmente, à proteção e preservação da identidade dessas crianças.(AU)


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Crianças dependentes do uso de tecnologias para viver necessitam de cuidados diferenciados, tanto dos profissionais da saúde como de sua família. Para o enfermeiro atuar junto à família da criança dependente do uso de tecnologias é necessário que compreenda quais são os recursos importantes para o enfrentamento de situações estressantes que envolvem, necessariamente, o conviver com a doença e o cuidado. Ao vivenciar a relação com essa família, o enfermeiro estuda e desenvolve sua prática de aprendizado e de ensino sobre o cuidado humano, criando o fazer profissional e, nesse processo de aprender/ensinar/criar, ele concebe, organiza e expressa ações de cuidado. A compreensão da experiência da família no processo de cuidar da criança em seu cotidiano pode subsidiar as intervenções da enfermagem nessas situações. Assim, objetivou-se conhecer as vivências de famílias no cuidado às crianças dependentes de tecnologias. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória no primeiro semestre de 2014. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com treze familiares cuidadores de crianças dependentes de tecnologias atendidas em uma Unidade de Pediatria de um hospital universitário do sul do país e submetidos à análise temática. Encontraram-se como categorias: caracterização da população do estudo; identificação da percepção do familiar cuidador a cerca do cuidado à criança dependente de tecnologia; recepção do diagnóstico da criança; mudanças do cotidiano familiar em função do cuidado à criança; profissionais de saúde e a enfermagem: contribuições para a instrumentalização do familiar cuidador; facilidades e dificuldades encontradas pelo familiar cuidador durante o cuidado à criança dependente de tecnologia; recebimento de ajuda da rede de apoio social para o cuidado à criança. Acredita-se que este estudo possibilitou a compreensão da experiência de famílias no processo de cuidar da criança dependente de tecnologias em seu cotidiano, subsidiando as intervenções da enfermagem nessas situações.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA- Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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This investigation has the purpose of identifying how to prevent through educational processes, and then eradicate, the sexual abuse against children and adolescents in rural communities from Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The premise is that sexual abuse cannot be approached in an isolated way; it requires integral and committed actions of the institutions in charge of children and adolescents’ integral protection and development. This implies considering: the legal framework, the response offered by government and private organizations towards the prevention and attention of rights as well as their actions to penalize and restore the violated rights; the role of families as main responsible of the well being of their children and the role of children and adolescents.


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Principal topic: Is habitual entrepreneurship different? Answering this is important to the field, however there is little systematic evidence, thus far. We addresses this by examining the role experience plays at three possible points of difference: motivations, actions and expectations; and by comparing those currently in the process of starting a business with those who have recent success in business creation. Firstly, we assess the balance of opportunity versus necessity motivation, internally versus externally stimulated decision processes and future growth aspirations. Literature suggests novices are more likely motivated to nascency out of necessity, and favour a manageable business size, while habitual entrepreneurs are more likely motivated by internally stimulated or idea driven processes. Secondly, we examine actions undertaken by successful experienced founders during gestation, contrasting ‘information collection’ and ‘opportunity definition’. Drawing on prior research we expect novices more likely to have enacted ‘information search’ while habitual entrepreneurs enact ‘opportunity definition’. Thirdly, we examine perceptions of venture success, where findings on overconfidence suggest that habitual entrepreneurs expect a higher chance of success for their ventures, while inexperience leads novices to underestimate the difficulty of entrepreneurial survival. Method: Empirical evidence to test these conjectures was drawn from a screened random sample of over 1100 Australian nascent and newly started business ventures. This information was collected during 2007/8 using a telephone survey. Results and Implications: Why do habitual entrepreneurs keep coming back? Findings suggest that while the pursuit of opportunity is shared by novice and experienced entrepreneur alike, consideration of repeat entrepreneurship may be motivated by a desire for growth. While idea driven motivations might not delineate a distinction during nascency, it does seem to be a factor contributing to the success of young firms. This warrants further research. How do habitual entrepreneurs behave differently? It seems they act to clearly define market opportunities as a matter of priority during venture gestation. What effect does entrepreneurial experience have on future expectations? Clearly a sense of realism is drawn over the difficulties that might be faced, and accords more circumspect judgements of venture survival. This finding informs practitioners considering entrepreneurship for the first time.


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This paper describes a work-in-progress on developing design environments that combine wireless and mobile technologies with augmented reality to facilitate bringing context from the physical environment to the virtual models for design work. One of the challenges for designers in a variety of end-user-oriented design disciplines such as architecture and industrial design has been capturing and replaying the contextual information of the intended domain of the artifact being designed. Either the technology is decidedly low-tech, such as charcoal drawings in a sketchbook, out-of-reach, such as immersive virtual reality CAVEs, or a “make-do” with existing technologies, such as a collage of digital photos. This paper describes a novel combination of “off-the-shelf” technologies that may allow designers more capability to create models using standard computer-aided design applications and augmented reality to combine the current, physical context with the projected, digital context. We demonstrate this approach in the building design domain to address a common problem in building construction, construction defect resolution.


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Automatic detection of suspicious activities in CCTV camera feeds is crucial to the success of video surveillance systems. Such a capability can help transform the dumb CCTV cameras into smart surveillance tools for fighting crime and terror. Learning and classification of basic human actions is a precursor to detecting suspicious activities. Most of the current approaches rely on a non-realistic assumption that a complete dataset of normal human actions is available. This paper presents a different approach to deal with the problem of understanding human actions in video when no prior information is available. This is achieved by working with an incomplete dataset of basic actions which are continuously updated. Initially, all video segments are represented by Bags-Of-Words (BOW) method using only Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) features. Then, a data-stream clustering algorithm is applied for updating the system's knowledge from the incoming video feeds. Finally, all the actions are classified into different sets. Experiments and comparisons are conducted on the well known Weizmann and KTH datasets to show the efficacy of the proposed approach.


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The identification of attractors is one of the key tasks in studies of neurobiological coordination from a dynamical systems perspective, with a considerable body of literature resulting from this task. However, with regards to typical movement models investigated, the overwhelming majority of actions studied previously belong to the class of continuous, rhythmical movements. In contrast, very few studies have investigated coordination of discrete movements, particularly multi-articular discrete movements. In the present study, we investigated phase transition behavior in a basketball throwing task where participants were instructed to shoot at the basket from different distances. Adopting the ubiquitous scaling paradigm, throwing distance was manipulated as a candidate control parameter. Using a cluster analysis approach, clear phase transitions between different movement patterns were observed in performance of only two of eight participants. The remaining participants used a single movement pattern and varied it according to throwing distance, thereby exhibiting hysteresis effects. Results suggested that, in movement models involving many biomechanical degrees of freedom in degenerate systems, greater movement variation across individuals is available for exploitation. This observation stands in contrast to movement variation typically observed in studies using more constrained bi-manual movement models. This degenerate system behavior provides new insights and poses fresh challenges to the dynamical systems theoretical approach, requiring further research beyond conventional movement models.


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This thesis inquires into possibilities for young children‘s active citizenship as provoked through a practice of social justice storytelling with one Preparatory1 class of children aged five to six years. The inquiry was practitioner-research, through a living educational theory approach cultivating an interrelational view of existing with others in evolving processes of creation. Ideas of young children‘s active citizenship were provoked and explored through storytelling, by a storytelling teacher-researcher, a Prep class of children and their teacher. The three major foci of the study were practice, narrative and action. A series of storytelling workshops with a Prep class was the practice that was investigated. Each workshop began with a story that made issues of social justice visible, followed by critical discussion of the story, and small group activities to further explore the story. The focus on narrative was based on the idea of story as a way knowing. Stories were used to explore social justice issues with young children. Metanarratives of children and citizenship were seen to influence possibilities for young children‘s active citizenship. Stories were purposefully shared to provoke and promote young children‘s active citizenship through social actions. It was these actions that were the third focus of the study. Through action research, a social justice storytelling practice and the children‘s responses to the stories were reflected on both in action and after. These reflections informed and shaped storytelling practice. Learning in a practice of social justice storytelling is explained through living theories of social justice storytelling as pedagogy. Data of the children‘s participation in the study were analysed to identify influences and possibilities for young children‘s active citizenship creating a living theory of possibilities for young children‘s active citizenship.


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THEATRE: Grimm Tales. By Carol Ann Duffy and Tim Supple. Queensland Theatre Company, Brisbane. November 16. QUEENSLAND Theatre Company concludes its season with Grimm Tales, Carol Ann Duffy and Tim Supple's adaptation of classic cautionary tales as set down by the Brothers Grimm in the 19th century. This programming decision is clearly designed to present fun family entertainment as Christmas approaches. In Grimm Tales, well-known stories such as Hansel and Gretel, Snow White and Rumpelstiltskin pack a little more punch than in your standard picture book. Duffy and Supple's play is by no means the sort of poetic, postmodern or politicised adaptation of the fairytale we see from writers such as Angela Carter, and it is not intended to be subversive or to question the social and gender assumptions that underpin the tales. Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar. End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar. Rather, a return to the grislier original incarnations of the tales - the wicked stepsisters who lop off parts of their feet to fit the slipper and win the prince, or the hare so confused by the hedgehog's stratagem to make him think he is losing the race, he runs himself to death - has a comic effect. In this production, directed by Michael Futcher, heightened performances from some of Brisbane's best comic and physical actors, live music and an open, acknowledged relationship with the audience establish the atmosphere for the piece. While the production is a little sombre and slow to start with the first tale, Hansel and Gretel, the knowingness and almost slapstick quality with which the cast plays out the gruesome, scatological or silly moments in the other tales are well pitched to carry the comedy. The action is supported by a fantastic set by Greg Clarke of wooden planked walls, stairs and walkways which, with the help of David Walter's lighting design, is transformed into forests, ballrooms and castles as the cast moves up, over and under it. The overall highlight is probably the cast Futcher has brought together. Established QTC actors Eugene Gilfedder, Lucas Stibbard and Scott Witt, and emerging QTC actor Melanie Zanetti, join Liz Buchanan, Dan Crestani and Emma Pursey, all well known for their independent work in Brisbane but making their mainstage debut for the QTC. Every one of them metamorphoses with ease from character to character, human to animal, and central player to support. There is nothing particularly new in Grimm Tales, and it doesn't try to do anything more (or, indeed, less) than entertain, but skilful direction and a strong cast ensure it succeeds on those terms.


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The present paper proposes a technical analysis method for extracting information about movement patterning in studies of motor control, based on a cluster analysis of movement kinematics. In a tutorial fashion, data from three different experiments are presented to exemplify and validate the technical method. When applied to three different basketball-shooting techniques, the method clearly distinguished between the different patterns. When applied to a cyclical wrist supination-pronation task, the cluster analysis provided the same results as an analysis using the conventional discrete relative phase measure. Finally, when analyzing throwing performance constrained by distance to target, the method grouped movement patterns together according to throwing distance. In conclusion, the proposed technical method provides a valuable tool to improve understanding of coordination and control in different movement models, including multiarticular actions.