906 resultados para extrinsic motivation


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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This paper deals with psychological aspects involving bodybuilders nowadays, through their interests, motivations, factors that favor them to practice physical activity, frequent body image disorders, and major benefits that can be acquired when weight training the right way, whether physical or psychological. During the work is addressed to the Theory of Self-Determination and its characteristics, and behavioral aspects of the individual. We explore the types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and their regulatory mechanisms. Did the relationship with weight training and the environment that surrounds it as the interaction between those involved in practice between the student and teacher performance and results and the effects that this interference can have on motivation and individual behavior. Also we relate body image factors, the perception of bodybuilders in relation to his own body, and the possible disorders that can promote. Describe the Vigorexia and their characteristics, we made a list of body image and self-esteem, approach standards set by society, the aesthetic influence and media disclosure. Finally, we explore the key benefits that well-directed physical activity can provide its practitioners. Physical, mental and social beneficial, improved self-esteem and in one's relationship skills. We address the growing strength in recent years, and their improvements in the various age groups and the population's quality of life


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„Wer studierte was wann und warum?“ Diese Formulierung impliziert die Fragestellung und die Themenbereiche der Arbeit, die einen Beitrag zur Diskussion von Bildungsentscheidungen auf gesellschaftlicher, organisationaler und individueller Ebene leistet. Ausgangspunkt der Analyse ist eine ausführliche theoretische Einbettung des Themas anhand verschiedener Konzepte und der Aufarbeitung des Forschungsstandes. Dabei werden sozialstrukturelle Merkmale, die Bedeutung von Lebensorientierungen und der Komplex der individuellen Motivationslagen diskutiert und u.a. in Bezug zur handlungstheoretischen Unterscheidung der Um-zu- und Weil-Motive von Alfred Schütz gesetzt. Dieses Konzept und die daraus resultierenden Hypothesen werden in einer quantitativ-empirischen Analyse untersucht. Datengrundlage ist das Studierendensurvey der AG Hochschulforschung der Uni Konstanz. Anhand von binären logistischen Regressionsanalysen werden bestimmte Einflussstrukturen und fachspezifische Profile ermittelt. Insbesondere die Konzeption der intrinsischen und extrinsischen Motivationen zeichnet dabei deutliche Unterscheidungen zwischen den Fächern. Auch in der Betrachtung des Zeitraumes 1985-2007 werden Veränderungen der Einflussstrukturen der Studienfachwahl deutlich, wie z.B. die schwindende Bedeutung der sozialen Herkunft für die Studienfachwahl zeigt. Abschließend wird der Zusammenhang der Einflussstrukturen der Studienfachwahl mit der Studienzufriedenheit analysiert. Auch für die Zufriedenheit von Studierenden und damit den Studienerfolg sind bestimmte Strukturen der Studienfachwahl von Bedeutung.


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El estudio de la motivación humana es un constructo altamente complejo y con una gran variabilidad de enfoques. La teoría de la autodeterminación (TAD) ha demostrado una relativa efectividad y consistencia en muchos aspectos relacionados con la salud, como por ejemplo el ejercicio físico, la alimentación, el sueño, el bienestar psicológico o el consumo de tabaco. Las investigaciones muestran que la motivación autodeterminada se corresponde con la motivación intrínseca y en cambio la motivación extrínseca y sus formas de regulación pueden corresponderse con comportamiento no autodeterminados, pudiendo llegar hasta la desmotivación. En este trabajo se formula una construcción teórica sobre este modelo, introduciendo la percepción de riesgo (PR) y la vulnerabilidad percibida (VP) como elementos que pueden variar el sentido final de la motivación e incluso mejorar alguna de sus regulaciones extrínsecas y la desmotivación. Una de las posibilidades teóricas que sugerimos para intentar neutralizar los tipos no autodeterminados es procurar aumentar la PR y la VP de la persona, ya que estando estas dos variables altas, la probabilidad de que la desmotivación aparezca se reduce significativamente, y las acciones forzadas de la regulación externa y la regulación introyectada pueden amortiguarse y aumentar la internalización lo que podría favorecer los comportamientos de salud.


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This thesis is concerned with an empirical investigation of the factors that predict a successful salesperson, using a cross-cultural comparison of two countries: the UK and Malaysia. Besides collecting quantitative data, qualitative data on organisational, environmental and cultural factors were also collected through interviews, personal and case observations. The quantitative data consist of sixteen independent factors and three dependent factors. The independent variables include self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, self-monitoring, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, experience, training perception, role ambiguity, role conflict, role inaccuracy, gender, age, education, race and religion. The dependent variables are performance target achieved, performance earnings and performance ratings. Questionnaires were distributed to about 500 salespersons in each country, from three insurance companies in the UK and two insurance companies in Malaysia. Response rates were 75 and 50 percent from the UK and Malaysia respectively. The survey results indicated that a salesperson's performance in the UK is predicted by self-efficacy, internal locus of control, self-esteem, extrinsic motivation, experience, training perceptions, role conflict and gender. In Malaysia, a salesperson's performance is predicted by self-efficacy, self-monitoring, experience, role conflict, role ambiguity, education, gender, race and religion. Self-efficacy, experience, role conflict and gender are common predictors of salespersons' performance in both cultures. The likely explanation for these results is culture differences, i.e. UK has a homogeneous culture, while Malaysia has a heterogeneous one. Results from the case observations, such as organisational and environmental factors, give supporting evidence in explaining the empirical results. Implications from the findings are discussed from two aspects: (1) theoretical implications for divergence/convergence theory, Hofstede's model, Churchill's model, and (2) managerial implications for selection, training, motivation and appraisal.


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Human Resource (HR) systems and practices generally referred to as High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs), (Huselid, 1995) (sometimes termed High Commitment Work Practices or High Involvement Work Practices) have attracted much research attention in past decades. Although many conceptualizations of the construct have been proposed, there is general agreement that HPWPs encompass a bundle or set of HR practices including sophisticated staffing, intensive training and development, incentive-based compensation, performance management, initiatives aimed at increasing employee participation and involvement, job safety and security, and work design (e.g. Pfeffer, 1998). It is argued that these practices either directly and indirectly influence the extent to which employees’ knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics are utilized in the organization. Research spanning nearly 20 years has provided considerable empirical evidence for relationships between HPWPs and various measures of performance including increased productivity, improved customer service, and reduced turnover (e.g. Guthrie, 2001; Belt & Giles, 2009). With the exception of a few papers (e.g., Laursen &Foss, 2003), this literature appears to lack focus on how HPWPs influence or foster more innovative-related attitudes and behaviours, extra role behaviors, and performance. This situation exists despite the vast evidence demonstrating the importance of innovation, proactivity, and creativity in its various forms to individual, group, and organizational performance outcomes. Several pertinent issues arise when considering HPWPs and their relationship to innovation and performance outcomes. At a broad level is the issue of which HPWPs are related to which innovation-related variables. Another issue not well identified in research relates to employees’ perceptions of HPWPs: does an employee actually perceive the HPWP –outcomes relationship? No matter how well HPWPs are designed, if they are not perceived and experienced by employees to be effective or worthwhile then their likely success in achieving positive outcomes is limited. At another level, research needs to consider the mechanisms through which HPWPs influence –innovation and performance. The research question here relates to what possible mediating variables are important to the success or failure of HPWPs in impacting innovative behaviours and attitudes and what are the potential process considerations? These questions call for theory refinement and the development of more comprehensive models of the HPWP-innovation/performance relationship that include intermediate linkages and boundary conditions (Ferris, Hochwarter, Buckley, Harrell-Cook, & Frink, 1999). While there are many calls for this type of research to be made a high priority, to date, researchers have made few inroads into answering these questions. This symposium brings together researchers from Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa to examine these various questions relating to the HPWP-innovation-performance relationship. Each paper discusses a HPWP and potential variables that can facilitate or hinder the effects of these practices on innovation- and performance- related outcomes. The first paper by Johnston and Becker explores the HPWPs in relation to work design in a disaster response organization that shifts quickly from business as usual to rapid response. The researchers examine how the enactment of the organizational response is devolved to groups and individuals. Moreover, they assess motivational characteristics that exist in dual work designs (normal operations and periods of disaster activation) and the implications for innovation. The second paper by Jørgensen reports the results of an investigation into training and development practices and innovative work behaviors (IWBs) in Danish organizations. Research on how to design and implement training and development initiatives to support IWBs and innovation in general is surprisingly scant and often vague. This research investigates the mechanisms by which training and development initiatives influence employee behaviors associated with innovation, and provides insights into how training and development can be used effectively by firms to attract and retain valuable human capital in knowledge-intensive firms. The next two papers in this symposium consider the role of employee perceptions of HPWPs and their relationships to innovation-related variables and performance. First, Bish and Newton examine perceptions of the characteristics and awareness of occupational health and safety (OHS) practices and their relationship to individual level adaptability and proactivity in an Australian public service organization. The authors explore the role of perceived supportive and visionary leadership and its impact on the OHS policy-adaptability/proactivity relationship. The study highlights the positive main effects of awareness and characteristics of OHS polices, and supportive and visionary leadership on individual adaptability and proactivity. It also highlights the important moderating effects of leadership in the OHS policy-adaptability/proactivity relationship. Okhawere and Davis present a conceptual model developed for a Nigerian study in the safety-critical oil and gas industry that takes a multi-level approach to the HPWP-safety relationship. Adopting a social exchange perspective, they propose that at the organizational level, organizational climate for safety mediates the relationship between enacted HPWS’s and organizational safety performance (prescribed and extra role performance). At the individual level, the experience of HPWP impacts on individual behaviors and attitudes in organizations, here operationalized as safety knowledge, skills and motivation, and these influence individual safety performance. However these latter relationships are moderated by organizational climate for safety. A positive organizational climate for safety strengthens the relationship between individual safety behaviors and attitudes and individual-level safety performance, therefore suggesting a cross-level boundary condition. The model includes both safety performance (behaviors) and organizational level safety outcomes, operationalized as accidents, injuries, and fatalities. The final paper of this symposium by Zhang and Liu explores leader development and relationship between transformational leadership and employee creativity and innovation in China. The authors further develop a model that incorporates the effects of extrinsic motivation (pay for performance: PFP) and employee collectivism in the leader-employee creativity relationship. The papers’ contributions include the incorporation of a PFP effect on creativity as moderator, rather than predictor in most studies; the exploration of the PFP effect from both fairness and strength perspectives; the advancement of knowledge on the impact of collectivism on the leader- employee creativity link. Last, this is the first study to examine three-way interactional effects among leader-member exchange (LMX), PFP and collectivism, thus, enriches our understanding of promoting employee creativity. In conclusion, this symposium draws upon the findings of four empirical studies and one conceptual study to provide an insight into understanding how different variables facilitate or potentially hinder the influence various HPWPs on innovation and performance. We will propose a number of questions for further consideration and discussion. The symposium will address the Conference Theme of ‘Capitalism in Question' by highlighting how HPWPs can promote financial health and performance of organizations while maintaining a high level of regard and respect for employees and organizational stakeholders. Furthermore, the focus on different countries and cultures explores the overall research question in relation to different modes or stages of development of capitalism.


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O presente estudo teve como objectivo analisar a existência de uma possível relação entre motivação (intrínseca ou extrínseca) e o desempenho escolar em alunos do 1º ciclo que frequentam o 4º ano. A amostra foi constituída por 62 alunos, com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e 10 anos, 15 que frequentavam a Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo de Brancas e 47 a Escola Básica da Batalha (24 alunos da Turma A e 23 da Turma B). Considerando a possível existência de variáveis sociodemográficas associadas ao desempenho, no processo de recolha de dados foi aplicado um questionário sóciodemográfico, que pela sua potencial natureza descritiva, interpretativa e reflexiva, constituiu uma importante ferramenta na análise e avaliação dos resultados obtidos. Com o objectivo de avaliar a motivação (intrínseca e extrínseca) foi administrada uma escala de motivação escolar, aferida para a população portuguesa contendo 18 questões. Cada uma destas questões contém 4 possibilidades de resposta (duas referentes à motivação intrínseca e outras duas referentes à motivação extrínseca). Quanto ao desempenho escolar, este foi avaliado através das notas que os alunos obtiveram no final do ano lectivo e que foram facultadas pelas professoras dos mesmos. A análise dos resultados evidenciou que existe uma relação entre a motivação e o desempenho escolar, concluindo-se que os alunos intrinsecamente motivados apresentam melhor desempenho do que os alunos extrinsecamente motivados. Consideramos deste modo, que a implementação de estratégias na sala de aula que promovam a motivação intrÍnseca será mais benéfico para o sucesso escolar dos alunos. / The objective of this study, is to analyze the possible relation between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the educational achievement in students in the fourth grade of grade school. The sample was composed by 62 students, with a ages between 9 and 10 years of age. 15 students of this sample attended the grade school of Brancas, 47 attended the grade school of Batalha ( 24 of the students are from class A and 23 are from class B). Considering a possible existence of sociodemographic variables related to achievement, in the process of data collecting, a sociodemographic questionnaire was used, considering its great potential to describe, interpret analyze and evaluate the results obtained. To evaluate intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, a scale of school motivation adapted for Portuguese population with eighteen questions was applied. Each of these questions has 4 possibilities of response (two referring to intrinsic motivation and two referring to extrinsic motivation). In what concerns to school achievement, this was evaluated trough school grades obtained at the end of the school year given by the teachers. The analyses of the results demonstrated that there are differences between motivation and school achievement, concluding that the students with intrinsic motivation present better achievement then the students with extrinsic motivation. The implementation of strategies in the classroom, will promote intrinsic motivation and bring more success to students.


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Estudos anteriores concluíram que as Recompensas Não Financeiras (RNF) têm impacto na Motivação, bem como no desempenho individual e organizacional. Este estudo procurou analisar a influência das RNF Intrínsecas e Extrínsecas na Motivação Intrínseca e Extrínseca, no contexto dos trabalhadores civis das Força Aérea, integrados nas carreiras gerais, bem como a identificação das RNF com impacto na Motivação. Para o efeito, foi distribuído um questionário individual a 767 trabalhadores civis, tendo sido recebidos 412 (53,7%) questionários válidos. Os resultados estatísticos demonstraram a existência de unidimensionalidade dos conceitos RNF e da Motivação e sugeriram que as RNF, como prática de gestão de recursos humanos, têm influência positiva e significativa na Motivação dos trabalhadores civis da Força Aérea, explicando 67,6% da variância da Motivação. Das RNF com impacto na Motivação, verificou-se que é a “satisfação no trabalho” a que mais se destaca, seguida da “possibilidade de equilíbrio entre vida pessoal e trabalho”, “possibilidade de exercer as suas competências”, “trabalho desafiador”, “bom espírito de equipa” e “existência de um plano de formação e desenvolvimento profissional”. Verificou-se ainda que as variáveis demográficas (género, idade, antiguidade e carreira) não moderam a relação entre as RNF e a Motivação. Abstract: Previous studies have concluded that Non Financial Rewards (NFR) have an impact in Motivation, and get reflected in the individual and organizational performance. This study has analyzed the influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic NFR in the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, in the context of Air Force civilian employees, integrated in the general careers, as well as identifying the NFR with impact in Motivation. For this purpose, we have distributed an individual questionnaire to 767 civilian employees, having received 412 (53,7%) valid questionnaires. The statistic results have shown that the NFR and Motivation concepts are one dimensional and suggested that the NFR, as a practice of managing human resources, have positive influence in the Motivation of Air Force civilian workers, accounting for 67,6% of the variation in Motivation. From the NFR with impact in Motivation, we have verified that the “satisfaction with work” is the one that distinguishes itself the most, followed by “the possibility of balancing personnel life and work”, “possibility of exercising abilities”, “challenging work”, “good team spirit” and “the existence of a training and professional development plan”. We have further verified that the demographic variables (gender, age, seniority and career) do not moderate the relationship between the NFR and Motivation.


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The presence of rewards has been found to undermine intrinsic motivation (Deci & Ryan, 1999). This conclusion is primarily based on research conducted in non-sporting environments. The purpose of this study was to examine perceived motivational changes resulting from the hypothetical manipulation of a reward (i.e., athletic scholarships). Differences in "present" motivation between scholarship and non-scholarship athletes were also assessed. Gender, life roles, and sport experience were also examined in relation to scholarship status. Basketball players from four Ontario (n = 70) and seven U.S. Division I universities (n = 46) were examined. All athletes completed a set of demographic questions, as well as questions from the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS; Pelletier, Fortier, Vallerand, Tuson, Briere, & Blais, 1995) which assessed their "present" motivation. Athletes also completed the SMS to evaluate their "perceived future" motivation based on a hypothetical manipulation of the scholarship status. For Ontario non-scholarship athletes, extrinsic regulation (an extrinsic motive) increased with the introduction of a scholarship and the intrinsic motive to experience stimulation decreased. For U.S. scholarship athletes, the intrinsic motive to accomplish things decreased when scholarships were removed. When the two scholarship status groups were compared across "present" levels of motivation, U.S. scholarship males reported significantly higher levels of introjected regulation compared to Ontario non-scholarship males. Ontario non-scholarship females reported significantly higher levels of introjected regulation compared to U.S. scholarship females. U.S. scholarship athletes reported significantly higher levels of external regulation compared to Ontario non-scholarship athletes. Results offer partial support for self-determination theory. Implications for future research are discussed.


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In this thesis I assess the individual and joint predictive associations and effects between multiple motivation and well-being concepts. In particular, three pairs of motivation concepts (intrinsic/extrinsic, approach/avoidance, and eudaimonic/hedonic) are assessed simultaneously at two levels of analysis (disposition and goal) and examined in relation to two types of well-being (eudaimonic and hedonic) in two studies, one correlational and the other experimental. Study 1: Using a correlational design, participants (N = 325, M age = 19.10, 87% female) completed self-report measures assessing six motivation and two well-being concepts. Exploratory factor analyses were used to assess patterns of associations among the motivational constructs. Results indicated that constructs displaying conceptual and empirical similarities co-occur, particularly, intrinsic, approach and eudaimonic motivation. Regression models were used to assess predictive relations between the motivational constructs and well-being. Both types of well-being were predicted by approach and avoidance dispositions, and hedonic goals. Additionally, eudaimonic well-being was uniquely predicted by eudaimonic dispositions and goals, and intrinsic dispositions; and hedonic well-being was uniquely predicted by extrinsic dispositions and approach goals. The patterns of associations among motivational constructs, and similarities and differences in the ways they predict each type of well-being, are discussed. Study 2: Using an experimental design, participants (N = 447, M age = 19.30, 88% female) were randomly assigned to one of eight experimental conditions, each involving a manipulation aimed at priming combinations of the three pairs of motivational constructs at the goal level. Participants then completed measures of both types of well-being. ANOVAs were used to assess the main effects and interactions of experimental condition for each of the three pairs of motivational constructs on well-being. Main effects of experimental conditions were non-significant. However, results indicated that focus on each of the three pairs of motivational constructs predicted well-being and that the manipulation impacted well-being indirectly, through experimentally-shifted motivational focus. Few interactions emerged. Implications for future experimental research and the conceptual integration of motivation and well-being constructs are discussed. In conclusion, Studies 1 and 2 inform the motivation and well-being fields in novel ways and provide preliminary steps towards studying these fields from an integrated and comprehensive motivational framework.


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The present study sets out to examine motivation to learn English by Chinese research students in an informal setting. Data were collected, using semi-structured interviews, from four research students at two points in time during their first year in the UK. The main findings are: they believed that learning English was important; their main goal orientations were instrumental and extrinsic; they set learning goals and persisted to attain them; they valued their current learning environment in general and saw it as supportive of their goals; they held both positive and negative attitudes towards the British, which had differential effects on their motivation; their self-perceived support seemed to have a positive impact on their motivation and the development of self-confidence; they tended to attribute their success to stable causes such as the environment and failure to unstable but controllable causes such as effort. It is concluded that qualitative data of this kind may complement insights from quantitative research. Implications for target country institutions in the provision of support are discussed.


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Contrary to the widespread belief that people are positively motivated by reward incentives, some studies have shown that performance-based extrinsic reward can actually undermine a person's intrinsic motivation to engage in a task. This “undermining effect” has timely practical implications, given the burgeoning of performance-based incentive systems in contemporary society. It also presents a theoretical challenge for economic and reinforcement learning theories, which tend to assume that monetary incentives monotonically increase motivation. Despite the practical and theoretical importance of this provocative phenomenon, however, little is known about its neural basis. Herein we induced the behavioral undermining effect using a newly developed task, and we tracked its neural correlates using functional MRI. Our results show that performance-based monetary reward indeed undermines intrinsic motivation, as assessed by the number of voluntary engagements in the task. We found that activity in the anterior striatum and the prefrontal areas decreased along with this behavioral undermining effect. These findings suggest that the corticobasal ganglia valuation system underlies the undermining effect through the integration of extrinsic reward value and intrinsic task value.


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Recent research suggests that extrinsic rewards promote memory consolidation through dopaminergic modulation processes. However, no conclusive behavioral evidence exists given that the influence of extrinsic reward on attention and motivation during encoding and consolidation processes are inherently confounded. The present study provides behavioral evidence that extrinsic rewards (i.e., monetary incentives) enhance human memory consolidation independently of attention and motivation. Participants saw neutral pictures, followed by a reward or control cue in an unrelated context. Our results (and a direct replication study) demonstrated that the reward cue predicted a retrograde enhancement of memory for the preceding neutral pictures. This retrograde effect was observed only after a delay, not immediately upon testing. An additional experiment showed that emotional arousal or unconscious resource mobilization cannot explain the retrograde enhancement effect. These results provide support for the notion that the dopaminergic memory consolidation effect can result from extrinsic reward. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)(journal abstract)


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The study reported in this paper explores issues of motivation and learners’ identity in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing classroom in Vietnam from the perspectives of the learners. It was conducted with thirty English-major students at a university in central Vietnam. While relevant literature appears to place much emphasis on students’ extrinsic motivations related to institutional needs, their linguistic needs, and social needs in learning EFL writing, students are not only concerned with these but more significantly, with their intrinsic motivations such as their interest, passion and inspiration, which are linked to their personal and cultural needs in writing. Students in this study show their potential to write independently, creatively and passionately if they are really motivated. This reflects an image of students who are able and ready to write with a sense of authorship in a foreign language, which is different from how they appear to be in the routine described with writing as imitating the model and developing some preconceived ideas. The research also suggests that decisions about appropriate methods and materials for teaching writing in the study context need to be based on a comprehensive interpretation of not only the visible signs or visible needs mainly shaped by institutional requirements and social expectations but also what is deep inside students’ act of writing in a foreign language involving their own cognitive and affective process embedded in their unrecognised needs.


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While most previous research has considered public service motivation (PSM) as the only motivational factor predicting (public) job choice, the authors present a novel, rational choice-based model which includes three motivational dimensions: extrinsic, enjoyment-based intrinsic and prosocial intrinsic. Besides providing more accurate person-job fit predictions, this new approach fills a significant research gap and facilitates future theory building.