38 resultados para extractivism


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El trabajo analiza la expansión del monocultivo extractivista en Costa Rica y la Argentina en detrimento del capital natural y las poblaciones campesinas. La metodología incluyó entrevistas realizadas a campo en ambos países y consultas a fuentes documentales, periodísticas y bibliográficas. Se concluye que los conflictos ecosociales son provocados por la ausencia de un ordenamiento territorial, la escasa fiscalización estatal en materia ambiental y la alianza de los gobiernos con el capital concentrado. En este contexto, también se evidencian estrategias de resistencia de los campesinos que luchan por la justicia ambiental y la concreción de una institucionalidad socioambiental acorde con sus intereses


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La Patagonia es desde fines del siglo XIX espacio de provisión de recursos de la naturaleza. Las políticas nacionales y provinciales para la región llevaron a significativos procesos de desarrollo geográfico desigual, con espacios en general muy poco poblados. Actualmente pervive y se acentúa el modelo primario-exportador de la mano del neoextractivismo, con el Estado buscando participar en el reparto de la renta por la explotación del subsuelo, suelo y litoral marítimo. En el articulo se analiza el lugar de la Patagonia en el actual escenario de fin del ciclo de los commodities, de crisis de hegemonía y de emergencia de un mundo multipolar a la par de la convergencia de las pautas de consumo material, que estarían llevando en su conjunto a una produndización de la crisis socio-ecológica y a la aceleración de la disputa por la naturaleza y el sentido del territorio


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El trabajo analiza la expansión del monocultivo extractivista en Costa Rica y la Argentina en detrimento del capital natural y las poblaciones campesinas. La metodología incluyó entrevistas realizadas a campo en ambos países y consultas a fuentes documentales, periodísticas y bibliográficas. Se concluye que los conflictos ecosociales son provocados por la ausencia de un ordenamiento territorial, la escasa fiscalización estatal en materia ambiental y la alianza de los gobiernos con el capital concentrado. En este contexto, también se evidencian estrategias de resistencia de los campesinos que luchan por la justicia ambiental y la concreción de una institucionalidad socioambiental acorde con sus intereses


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Com um quinto da água doce do planeta, o sistema fluvial da Amazônia apresenta um enorme potencial para piscicultura. De acordo com a FAO, em função das suas condições geográficas, o Brasil é um dos poucos países que tem condições de atender à crescente demanda mundial, podendo tornar-se um dos maiores produtores de peixes do mundo. A observação desse potencial amazônico motivou o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa que se debruça sobre a questão da competitividade da cadeia produtiva de Arapaima gigas, o pirarucu da Amazônia brasileira. As pesquisas de campo levaram ao mapeamento de duas cadeias: a cadeia extrativista e a piscicultura. A abordagem sistêmica permitiu a verificação das características dos atores e as bases sob as quais as transações se estabelecem. À luz da teoria das restrições foram identificados os gargalos que impedem a competitividade do sistema, inclusive alertando para os recursos com restrição de capacidade. Comprovou-se que a falta de uma cadeia produtiva devidamente organizada pode provocar graves prejuízos a determinados elos, enquanto outros membros aproveitam-se de ações oportunistas para ampliar suas margens de lucro. Da mesma forma, a ausência de uma cadeia produtiva completa impede a fixação do valor gerado na região de origem das matérias-primas. No entanto, também foi possível comprovar que há possibilidade de desenvolver o extrativismo atribuindo valor econômico aos recursos naturais e gerando renda para a comunidade local. Além de apresentar o panorama do setor na região delimitada, este estudo culminou em reflexões capazes de orientar políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento de cadeias produtivas completas na região da Amazônia brasileira.


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The umbu tree (Spondias tuberosa Arruda) is a fruit native to the northeast of Brazil with great economic, social and ecological importance for the northeastern semi-arid region. Despite its role, the umbu tree has suffered negative pressure thanks to cluttered extractivism and to negative selection of its fruits, which as the deforestation and the dormancy of seeds contribute to the decrease of its production year after year, making necessary studies that contribute to the improvement of this specie and its conservation. Given the risks to the conservation of the specie and its usefulness to the population, the association between plant biotechnology, for being a tool that can be used to increase its production. and the perception of gathering communities, by valuing the point of view and the knowledge of the population, can facilitate its conservation. This work aimed to develop methods of propagation for umbu tree as well as contribute to its conservation by using biotechnology, with specific objectives to contribute to the conservation of this species; determine concentrations of BAP and ANA in the formation of buds; testing the efficiency of different substrates and concentrations of gibberellic acid on germination in vitro and ex vitro, as well as capture the perception of families in communities that engage in the gathering of umbu. To study the germination, the seeds were inoculated in different substrates (vermiculite, vermiculite + clay, clay, clay + manure and manure + vermiculite) and in different concentrations of gibberellic acid (0 mg, 250 g and 500 mg). For the formation of buds BAP to 0.1 mg-1 was associated with different concentrations of ANA (0.2; 0.4; 0.8mg.L-1). The study of perception was conducted by applying semi-structured questionnaire with Malhada Vermelha community. The experiments resulted in vermiculite and concentration of 500 mg gibberellic acid as the best for germination. The association of 0.1 mg.L-1 of BAP to 0.2 mg.L-1 of ANA provided better formation of buds. As to the application of questionnaires, they revealed that the population understands the decreased amount of umbu plants and umbu fruit in the region, as well as shows concern for its conservation.


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In the mega-diverse country Peru, a resource intensive development model collides with the interest of conserving biodiversity. Peruvian biodiversity experts have developed different lines of argumentation as to how to integrate conservation into the sustainable development of their country. Applying grounded theory, I define five groups of conservation narratives based on the analysis of 72 qualitative interviews with experts working in areas of biodiversity conservation. I have labeled them: biodiversity protectionists, biodiversity traditionalists, biodiversity localists, biodiversity pragmatists, and biodiversity capitalists. These groups are each discussed in connection with what they have to say about biodiversity in relation to human life, valuation and knowledge systems, participation and leadership, substitutability of natural capital, and its predominant political strategy. In a second step, a comparative analysis of the dominant and diverging political perspectives is made. I argue that by deconstructing underlying premises and ideologies, common ground and possible opportunities for collaboration can be identified. Moreover, although the presented results can serve as a discussion scaffold to organize conservation debates in Peru, this example demonstrates how the terms biodiversity and sustainability are operationalized in conservation narratives.


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This chapter reflects on several forthcoming key topics on environmental social conflits in historical perspective, namely, the relationship between the expansion of extractivism and the reactive and preemptive conflicts, the role of scientists and scientific discourses on social mobilization, the environmental movements and the empowerment of the poor, the strategic response behavior of large mining corporations. The conclusive analysis looks for continuities and contrasts between contemporary environmental conflicts and the conflicts of the past, often identified as 'peasant conflicts' over industrial polution.


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Extractivism mineral is considered an activity highly degrading, due to the large volume of material that he moves in the form of ore and residues. The vast majority of mining companies do not show any technology or economically viable application that will allow the recycling of mineral residue, these being launched in areas receiving located the "open skies" degrade the environment. In Rio Grande do Norte to the production of ceramic red restricts their activities to the production of products such as: solid bricks, ceramic blocks, tiles, among others. Seeking to unite experiences and technical information that favor sustainable development, with important benefits to the construction sector and civil society in general, the present work studies the incorporation of the residue of scheelite in ceramic matrix kaolinitic, coming from the municipality of Boa Saúde - RN, in percentage of 5 %, 10 %, 20 %, 30% 40% and 50 %, by evaluating its microstructure, physical properties and formulation. The raw materials were characterized through the trials of X ray fluorescence, Diffraction of X rays, Differential Thermal Analysis and Termogravimetric Analysis. The samples were formed and fired at temperatures of 850o, 900o, 1000o, 1050o, 1100o, 1150o and 1200 oC, with isotherm of 1 hour and heating rate of 10 oC/min. Assays were performed technological of loss to fire, Water Absorption, Apparent Porosity, Apparent Density, Mass Loss in Fire and Bending Resistance; in addition to the Scanning Electron Microscopy, analyzing their physical and mechanical properties. The use of residue of scheelite in ceramic mass kaolinitic provided a final product with technological properties that meet the technical standards for the production of bricks and roofing tiles, with the percentage of 20% of waste that showed the best results