971 resultados para experimental modal analysis
Lukuisissa teollisuussovelluksissa materiaalien, kuten paperin ja teräslevyjen, muokkaamiseen käytettävät pyörivät nippitelat kärsivät aina erilaisten herätteiden synnyttämistä mekaanisista värähtelyistä, jotka voivat aiheuttaa virheitä valmistettaviin tuotteisiin. Tässä työssä tutkittiin viskoelastisia polymeerejä ja polymeeripinnoitteen nipilliseen telasysteemiin synnyttämiä haitallisia itseherätteisiä värähtelyjä. Työn polymeerejä käsittelevässä kirjallisuusosassa luotiin katsaus amorfisten polymeerien fysikaalisiin ominaisuuksiin. Kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin tarkemmin kahden amorfisen telapinnoitepolymeerin termoreologisia ja mekaanisia ominaisuuksia suoritettujen DMTA-mittausten perusteella. Sovittamalla toisen polymeerin master-käyrään yleistetty lineaarisen standardiaineen malli saatiin selville polymeerin mekaaniset parametrit ja approksimaatio sen relaksaatiospektrille. Telapinnoitteen nipilliseen systeemiin synnyttämiä itseherätteisiä värähtelyjä ja niiden seurauksia tarkasteltiin kahdelle telalle ja polymeeripinnoitteelle kehitetyn analyyttisen mallin ja numeeristen laskujen avulla. Pinnoite mallinnettiin lineaarisen standardiaineen mukaisesti. Telasysteemin parametrit määritettiin DMTA-mittaustuloksista ja systeemiä vastaavasta koelaitteesta kokeellisella moodianalyysillä ja elementtimenetelmällä. Numeerisesta stabiilisuusanalyysistä ja liikeyhtälöiden integroinneista saadut tulokset kertovat telapinnoitteen aaltomaisista deformaatiomuodoista ja niiden synnyttämistä taajuusalueittain esiintyvistä epästabiileista värähtelyistä. Telasysteemi on epästabiili pinnoitedeformaatiokuvion systeemiin aiheuttaman herätevoiman taajuuden ollessa lähellä systeemin korkeampaa ominaistaajuutta. Numeerisista tuloksista voitiin ennustaa nopean ja hitaan barringin olemassaolo.
Diplomityö tehtiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston konetekniikan laitokselle. Diplomityö on osa teknillisen yliopiston biomekaanista tutkimusta, jonka tarkoituksena on mallintaa ihmisen tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön toimintaa. Työssä pyrittiin selvittämään, voitaisiinko sääriluuhun kohdistetun mekaanisen herätteen aiheuttamaa värähtelyvastetta analysoimalla saada tietoa luun ominaistaajuuksista ja lujuudesta. Tietoa voitaisiin käyttää esimerkiksi ostoporoosiriskin arvioinnissa sekä ihmiskehon osien toimintaa kuvaavien simulointimallien verifioinnissa. Mittauslaitteistona käytettiin Brüel & Kjær-moodianalyysilaitteistoa. Laitteistokokonaisuuteen kuuluivat herätevasara, elektromagneettinen täristin, voima-anturi, kaksi kiihtyvyysmitta-anturia sekä PulseLab 2.0 –ohjelmistolla varustettu PC-laitteisto. Tulosten jatkoanalyysi suoritettiin MathWorks yhtiön MatLab v 4.0 -ohjelmistolla. Työssä esitellyn mittaustavan ja -laitteiston todettiin soveltuvan sääriluun värähtelyvasteen mittaamiseen. Mittaustulokset eri mittauskertojen välillä samalla henkilöllä ovat yhtenevät. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella ei voida osoittaa luun värähtelyvasteen ja lujuuden välistä suoraa korrelaatiota.
Kokeellinen moodianalyysi on kokeellinen menetelmä, jolla voidaan selvittää rakenteille ominaista värähtelyä. Työssä oli kolme tavoitetta, jotka pyrittiin saavuttamaan. Ensimmäinen tavoite oli ohjeistuksen luominen rakenteiden ominaismuotojen visuaaliseksi tarkastelemiseksi Lappeenrannan teknillisellä yliopistolla käytettävissä olevilla laitteistoilla ja ohjelmilla. Ohjeistuksen perustana on ajatus siitä, että kokeellinen moodianalyysi saataisiin tehokkaampaan käyttöön koneensuunnittelun opetuksessa. Ohjeistus tehtiin pääasiassa kuvien ja kuvia tukevien selitysten avulla. Työn toisena tavoitteena oli verrata rakenteen ominaisvärähtelyä, kun se oli tuettu vapaasti ja kun se oli tuettu kiinteästi sen luonnolliseen ympäristöön. Taajuuksia verrattaessa huomattiin, että eri tavoin tuetut rakenteet käyttäytyvät eri tavalla, mikä on otettava huomioon, kun tutkitaan kriittisiä värähtelyjä. Ominaisvärähtelyjä voidaan selvittää myös matemaattisesti esimerkiksi äärellisten elementtien menetelmällä. Työn kolmantena tavoitteena oli verrata elementtimenetelmällä ja kokeellisesti saatuja ominaisvärähtelyn arvoja. Elementtimallia pyrittiin tarkentamaan eri parametrejä muuttamalla niin, että ominaistaajuuksien arvot vastaavat mahdollisimman hyvin toisiaan. Tavoite saavutettiin.
Appearance of the vibration is the very important problem in long tool turning and milling. Current solutions of minimizing vibrations provided by different tool suppliers are very expensive. This Master’s Thesis is presenting the new type of vibration free machining tools produced by Konepaja ASTEX Gear Oy that have cheaper production costs compare to competitors’ products. Vibration problems in machining and their today’s solutions are analyzed in this work. The new vibration damping invention is presented and described. Moreover, the production, laboratory experimental modal analysis and practical testing of the new vibration free prototypes are observed and analyzed on the pages of this Thesis. Based on the testing results the new invention is acknowledged to be successful and approved for further studies and developments.
One of the targets of the climate and energy package of the European Union is to increase the energy efficiency in order to achieve a 20 percent reduction in primary energy use compared with the projected level by 2020. The energy efficiency can be improved for example by increasing the rotational speed of large electrical drives, because this enables the elimination of gearboxes leading to a compact design with lower losses. The rotational speeds of traditional bearings, such as roller bearings, are limited by mechanical friction. Active magnetic bearings (AMBs), on the other hand, allow very high rotational speeds. Consequently, their use in large medium- and high-speed machines has rapidly increased. An active magnetic bearing rotor system is an inherently unstable, nonlinear multiple-input, multiple-output system. Model-based controller design of AMBs requires an accurate system model. Finite element modeling (FEM) together with the experimental modal analysis provides a very accurate model for the rotor, and a linearized model of the magneticactuators has proven to work well in normal conditions. However, the overall system may suffer from unmodeled dynamics, such as dynamics of foundation or shrink fits. This dynamics can be modeled by system identification. System identification can also be used for on-line diagnostics. In this study, broadband excitation signals are adopted to the identification of an active magnetic bearing rotor system. The broadband excitation enables faster frequency response function measurements when compared with the widely used stepped sine and swept sine excitations. Different broadband excitations are reviewed, and the random phase multisine excitation is chosen for further study. The measurement times using the multisine excitation and the stepped sine excitation are compared. An excitation signal design with an analysis of the harmonics produced by the nonlinear system is presented. The suitability of different frequency response function estimators for an AMB rotor system are also compared. Additionally, analytical modeling of an AMB rotor system, obtaining a parametric model from the nonparametric frequency response functions, and model updating are discussed in brief, as they are key elements in the modeling for a control design. Theoretical methods are tested with a laboratory test rig. The results conclude that an appropriately designed random phase multisine excitation is suitable for the identification of AMB rotor systems.
Merikonttien käyttöön rahtiliikenteessä liittyy niiden fyysisen kunnon säännöllinen tarkastaminen. Konttien tarkastaminen nykyisillä tavoilla on koettu vievän liikaa aikaa ja rahaa. Ratkaisuna tähän konttien tarkastaminen pyritään mekanisoimaan kehittämällä testilaitteisto, jolla kontin voi tarkastaa nopeasti ja edullisesti. Tässä diplomityössä perehdytään kyseiseltä laitteistolta vaadittaviin mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin ja laitteiston suunnitteluun. Työn alussa selvitetään laitteistolta vaadittavat mekaaniset ominaisuudet. Tämän jälkeen siirrytään ideoimaan mahdollisia ratkaisuja vaadittavien ominaisuuksien toteuttamiseksi. Valittujen ideoiden pohjalta suunnitellaan testilaitteisto ja tehdään siitä valmistuspiirustukset. Työssä suoritetaan myös koemittaukset jo olemassa oleville testilaitteistojen prototyypeille ja arvioidaan näiden suorituskykyä.
The objective of this study is to describe the design and the implementation of an experimental set-up used to study the dynamics, the experimental identification, and the active vibration control of a flexible structure mounted manipulator system. The system consists of a three-degree-of-freedom cylindrical manipulator system with a flexible link on its tip. A two-degree-of-freedom polar rigid manipulator is mounted on the flexible macromanipulator. The dynamic modelling and experimental modal analysis identification in the frequency domain are being applied to design active digital control strategies for the micro-manipulator system to damp the mechanical vibrations of the flexible structure on the tip of the macro-manipulator system.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Rock-pocket and honeycomb defects impair overall stiffness, accelerate aging, reduce service life, and cause structural problems in hardened concrete members. Traditional methods for detecting such deficient volumes involve visual observations or localized nondestructive methods, which are labor-intensive, time-consuming, highly sensitive to test conditions, and require knowledge of and accessibility to defect locations. The authors propose a vibration response-based nondestructive technique that combines experimental and numerical methodologies for use in identifying the location and severity of internal defects of concrete members. The experimental component entails collecting mode shape curvatures from laboratory beam specimens with size-controlled rock pocket and honeycomb defects, and the numerical component entails simulating beam vibration response through a finite element (FE) model parameterized with three defect-identifying variables indicating location (x, coordinate along the beam length) and severity of damage (alpha, stiffness reduction and beta, mass reduction). Defects are detected by comparing the FE model predictions to experimental measurements and inferring the low number of defect-identifying variables. This method is particularly well-suited for rapid and cost-effective quality assurance for precast concrete members and for inspecting concrete members with simple geometric forms.
One of the challenges for structural engineers during design is considering how the structure will respond to crowd-induced dynamic loading. It has been shown that human occupants of a structure do not simply add mass to the system when considering the overall dynamic response of the system, but interact with it and may induce changes of the dynamic properties from those of the empty structure. This study presents an investigation into the human-structure interaction based on several crowd characteristics and their effect on the dynamic properties of an empty structure. The dynamic properties including frequency, damping, and mode shapes were estimated for a single test structure by means of experimental modal analysis techniques. The same techniques were utilized to estimate the dynamic properties when the test structure was occupied by a crowd with different combinations of size, posture, and distribution. The goal of this study is to isolate the occupant characteristics in order to determine the significance of each to be considered when designing new structures to avoid crowd serviceability issues. The results are presented and summarized based on the level of influence of each characteristic. The posture that produces the most significant effects based on the scope of this research is standing with bent knees with a maximum decrease in frequency of the first mode of the empty structure by 32 percent atthe highest mass ratio. The associated damping also increased 36 times the damping of the empty structure. In addition to the analysis of the experimental data, finite element models and a two degree-of-freedom model were created. These models were used to gain an understanding of the test structure, model a crowd as an equivalent mass, and also to develop a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model to best represent a crowd of occupants based on the experimental results. The SDOF models created had an averagefrequency of 5.0 Hz, within the range presented in existing biomechanics research, and combined SDOF systems of the test structure and crowd were able to reproduce the frequency and damping ratios associated with experimental tests. Results of this study confirmed the existence of human-structure interaction andthe inability to simply model a crowd as only additional mass. The two degree-offreedom model determined was able to predict the change in natural frequency and damping ratio for a structure occupied by multiple group sizes in a single posture. These results and model are the preliminary steps in the development of an appropriate methodfor modeling a crowd in combination with a more complex FE model of the empty structure.
There is a tremendous amount of mystery that surrounds the instruments of Antonio Stradivari. There have been many studies done in the past, but no one completely understands exactly how he made his instruments, or why they are still considered the best in the world. This project is designed to develop an engineering model of one of Stradivari's violins that will accurately simulate the structural and acoustic behavior of the instrument. It also hopes to shine some light on what makes the instruments of Stradivari unique when compared to other violins. It will focus on geometry and material properties, utilizing several modern engineering tools, including CT scanning, experimental modal analysis, finite element analysis, correlation techniques, and acoustic synthesis.
System identification deals with the problem of building mathematical models of dynamical systems based on observed data from the system" [1]. In the context of civil engineering, the system refers to a large scale structure such as a building, bridge, or an offshore structure, and identification mostly involves the determination of modal parameters (the natural frequencies, damping ratios, and mode shapes). This paper presents some modal identification results obtained using a state-of-the-art time domain system identification method (data-driven stochastic subspace algorithms [2]) applied to the output-only data measured in a steel arch bridge. First, a three dimensional finite element model was developed for the numerical analysis of the structure using ANSYS. Modal analysis was carried out and modal parameters were extracted in the frequency range of interest, 0-10 Hz. The results obtained from the finite element modal analysis were used to determine the location of the sensors. After that, ambient vibration tests were conducted during April 23-24, 2009. The response of the structure was measured using eight accelerometers. Two stations of three sensors were formed (triaxial stations). These sensors were held stationary for reference during the test. The two remaining sensors were placed at the different measurement points along the bridge deck, in which only vertical and transversal measurements were conducted (biaxial stations). Point estimate and interval estimate have been carried out in the state space model using these ambient vibration measurements. In the case of parametric models (like state space), the dynamic behaviour of a system is described using mathematical models. Then, mathematical relationships can be established between modal parameters and estimated point parameters (thus, it is common to use experimental modal analysis as a synonym for system identification). Stable modal parameters are found using a stabilization diagram. Furthermore, this paper proposes a method for assessing the precision of estimates of the parameters of state-space models (confidence interval). This approach employs the nonparametric bootstrap procedure [3] and is applied to subspace parameter estimation algorithm. Using bootstrap results, a plot similar to a stabilization diagram is developed. These graphics differentiate system modes from spurious noise modes for a given order system. Additionally, using the modal assurance criterion, the experimental modes obtained have been compared with those evaluated from a finite element analysis. A quite good agreement between numerical and experimental results is observed.
El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster pretende llevar a cabo el análisis del comportamiento vibratorio de resonadores de membrana, consistentes en un panel delgado y ligero montado a cierta distancia de un elemento constructivo rígido y pesado. Este tipo de sistemas resonantes son empleados habitualmente como absorbentes de media-baja frecuencia en aplicaciones de acondicionamiento acústico de salas. El análisis hará especial hincapié en la influencia del acoplamiento mecánico-acústico entre la placa vibrante (estructura) y el colchón de aire (fluido) encerrado entre la misma y la pared rígida. En primer lugar, realizaremos el análisis modal experimental del resonador objeto de ensayo a partir de las mediciones de su respuesta vibratoria, con el fin de caracterizar su comportamiento en base a sus primeros modos propios acoplados de flexión. El análisis de las señales vibratorias en el dominio de la frecuencia para la identificación de dicho modos se realizará en el entorno de programación MATLAB, haciendo uso de una herramienta propia que implementa los métodos de cálculo y los algoritmos necesarios para tal fin. Asimismo, simularemos el comportamiento del resonador mediante el método de elementos finitos (FEM), utilizando las aplicaciones ANSYS y SYSNOISE, considerando diferentes condiciones frontera en el modelo generado. Los resultados aquí obtenidos serán de utilidad para complementar aquellos obtenidos de forma experimental a la hora de extraer conclusiones prácticas del análisis realizado. SUMMARY. This Master's Thesis intends to carry out the analysis of the vibratory behaviour of resonance absorbers, consisting of a thin and lightweight panel mounted at a distance from a rigid wall. Such systems are commonly used as sound absorption systems for mid-low frequency in room acoustics applications. The analysis will emphasize the influence of mechanical-acoustic coupling between the vibrating plate (structure) and the air cushion (acoustic element) enclosed behind it. First of all, we are performing the experimental modal analysis of the resonance absorber under test from the vibrational response measurements, in order to characterize its behaviour based on its first bending coupled-modes. The analysis of vibration signals in the frequency domain for the identification of such modes will be made in MATLAB programming environment, using a proprietary tool that implements the calculation methods and algorithms needed for this purpose. Furthermore, we are simulating the behaviour of the resonance absorber applying the Finite Element Method (FEM) – using ANSYS and SYSNOISE applications - considering different boundary conditions in the model created. The results from the simulation will be useful to complement those obtained experimentally when drawing practical conclusions from this analysis.