984 resultados para eukaryotic cell


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Reconhecida como agente de doença humana em 1982, E.coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) pode causar diarréia sanguinolenta, colite hemorrágica e síndrome hemolítica urêmica (SHU). EHEC constitui um subgrupo especialmente virulento das E.coli produtoras de toxina de Shiga (Stx). O fator crítico da sua virulência é a toxina Shiga, capaz de interromper a síntese proteica da célula eucariótica. São conhecidos dois subgrupos de Stx, Stx1 e Stx2. Stx1 possui duas variantes Stx1c e Stx1d. Stx2 possui muitas variantes. Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem que cepas com os perfis toxigênicos Stx2 ou Stx2/Stx2c seriam mais frequentemente associadas a pacientes com SHU. Além da expressão de Stx, EHEC do sorotipo O157:H7 colonizam a mucosa intestinal induzindo a formação de lesões denominadas attaching/effacing (A/E). Para a produção da lesão A/E, é necessária a presença de uma ilha de patogenicidade cromossômica denominada LEE, composta por cinco operons, LEE 1 a LEE5. Em LEE 5 são codificadas a adesina intimina e o seu receptor Tir, o qual é translocado por um sistema de secreção tipo III (SSTT) e em LEE 4 são codificadas as proteínas secretadas EspA,B e D. Em EHEC O157:H7 são descritos muitos fatores de virulência, codificados em ilhas de patogenicidade, no cromossomo e no megaplasmídio pO157. Bovinos são o principal reservatório deste patógeno e alimentos de origem bovina e produtos contaminados com fezes de bovinos são causadores de surtos epidêmicos. Em nosso país EHEC O157:H7 é isolada do reservatório animal mas é muito rara a sua ocorrência em doença humana. Notamos que nas cepas bovinas predomina Stx2c, enquanto nas cepas humanas predomina o perfil toxigenico Stx2/Stx2c. Quanto a interação com enterocitos humanos cultivados in vitro (linhagem Caco-2), verificamos que tanto cepas bovinas quanto humanas mostram idêntica capacidade de invadir e persistir no compartimento intracelular das células Caco-2. No entanto, em comparação com as cepas humanas, as cepas bovinas mostram uma reduzida capacidade de produzir lesões A/E. Empregamos qPCR para aferir a transcrição de três diferentes locus (eae, espA e tir) situados nos operons LEE4 e LEE5 de cepas bovinas e humanas, durante a infecção de células Caco-2. Verificamos diferenças na expressão dos genes, especialmente espA, entre cepas bovinas e humanas com maior expressão para estas ultimas, em linha com os achados dos testes FAS. Através de clonagem e expressão de proteínas recombinantes, purificamos as proteínas Eae, EspA e Tir e obtivemos anticorpos específicos, empregados para acompanhar a sua expressão ao longo da infecção de células Caco-2, por imunofluorescencia. Verificamos que as três proteínas são detectadas tanto em cepas bovinas quanto humanas, mas nestas ultimas, a marcação é precoce e torna-se mais intensa com o avanço da infecção. Nossos resultados indicam que cepas EHEC O157:H7 isoladas do reservatório bovino em nosso país apresentam diferenças importantes em relação ao perfil toxigenico e a capacidade de indução de lesões A/E, características apontadas na literatura como relevantes para a virulência do micro-organismo. Por outro lado, nossos achados quanto a capacidade de invadir e multiplicar-se no interior de enterócitos pode explicar a persistência do patógeno no reservatório animal e a sua capacidade de transmissão horizontal.


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Accumulating evidence suggests that unicellular Archezoa are the most primitive eukaryotes and their nuclei are of significance to the study of evolution of the eukaryotic nucleus. Nuclear matrix is an ubiquitous important structure of eukaryotic nucleus; its evolution is certainly one of the most important parts of the evolution of nucleus. To study the evolution of nuclear matrix, nuclear matrices of Archezoa are investigated. Giardia lamblia cells are extracted sequentially. Both embedment-free section EM and whole mount cell EM of the extracted cells show that, like higher eukaryotes, this species has a residual nuclear matrix in its nucleus and rich intermediate filaments in its cytoplasm, and the two networks connect with each other to form a united network. But its nuclear matrix does not have nucleolar matrix and its lamina is not as typical as that of higher eukaryotes; Western blotting shows that lamina of Giardia and two other Archezoa Entamoeba invadens and Trichomonas vaginali all contain only one polypeptide each which reacts with a mammalia anti-lamin polyclonal serum and is similar to lamin B (67 ku) of mammlia in molecular weight. According to the results and references, it is suggested that nuclear matrix is an early acquisition of the eukaryotic nucleus, and it and the "eukaryotic chromatin" as a whole must have originated very early in the process of evolution of eukaryotic cell, and their origin should be an important prerequisite of the origin of eukaryotic nucleus; in the iamin (gene) family, B-type lamins (gene) should be the ancestral type and that A-type lamins (gene) might derive therefrom.


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Meiosis is a specialized eukaryotic cell division that generates haploid gametes required for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair and undergo reciprocal genetic exchange, termed crossover (CO). Meiotic CO frequency varies along the physical length of chromosomes and is determined by hierarchical mechanisms, including epigenetic organization, for example methylation of the DNA and histones. Here we investigate the role of DNA methylation in determining patterns of CO frequency along Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes. In A. thaliana the pericentromeric regions are repetitive, densely DNA methylated, and suppressed for both RNA polymerase-II transcription and CO frequency. DNA hypomethylated methyltransferase1 (met1) mutants show transcriptional reactivation of repetitive sequences in the pericentromeres, which we demonstrate is coupled to extensive remodeling of CO frequency. We observe elevated centromere-proximal COs in met1, coincident with pericentromeric decreases and distal increases. Importantly, total numbers of CO events are similar between wild type and met1, suggesting a role for interference and homeostasis in CO remodeling. To understand recombination distributions at a finer scale we generated CO frequency maps close to the telomere of chromosome 3 in wild type and demonstrate an elevated recombination topology in met1. Using a pollen-typing strategy we have identified an intergenic nucleosome-free CO hotspot 3a, and we demonstrate that it undergoes increased recombination activity in met1. We hypothesize that modulation of 3a activity is caused by CO remodeling driven by elevated centromeric COs. These data demonstrate how regional epigenetic organization can pattern recombination frequency along eukaryotic chromosomes.


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Dense core granules (DCGs) in Tetrahymena thermophila contain two protein classes. Proteins in the first class, called granule lattice (Grl), coassemble to form a crystalline lattice within the granule lumen. Lattice expansion acts as a propulsive mechanism during DCG release, and Grl proteins are essential for efficient exocytosis. The second protein class, defined by a C-terminal beta/gamma-crystallin domain, is poorly understood. Here, we have analyzed the function and sorting of Grt1p (granule tip), which was previously identified as an abundant protein in this family. Cells lacking all copies of GRT1, together with the closely related GRT2, accumulate wild-type levels of docked DCGs. Unlike cells disrupted in any of the major GRL genes, Delta GRT1 Delta GRT2 cells show no defect in secretion, indicating that neither exocytic fusion nor core expansion depends on GRT1. These results suggest that Grl protein sorting to DCGs is independent of Grt proteins. Consistent with this, the granule core lattice in Delta GRT1 Delta GRT2 cells appears identical to that in wild-type cells by electron microscopy, and the only biochemical component visibly absent is Grt1p itself. Moreover, gel filtration showed that Grl and Grt proteins in cell homogenates exist in nonoverlapping complexes, and affinity-isolated Grt1p complexes do not contain Grl proteins. These data demonstrate that two major classes of proteins in Tetrahymena DCGs are likely to be independently transported during DCG biosynthesis and play distinct roles in granule function. The role of Grt1p may primarily be postexocytic; consistent with this idea, DCG contents from Delta GRT1 Delta GRT2 cells appear less adhesive than those from the wild type.


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研究背景与目的:近二十年来,抗生素的广泛使用以及一些不当应用导致临床上出现大量的耐药性病原菌,所以不易产生耐药性的抗菌肽就成为目前研究的热点。本课题组此前的研究表明无指盘臭蛙(Odorrana grahami)皮肤抗菌肽具有广谱抗菌活性,但对真核细胞没有毒性,因此有成为新型药物的潜力。本研究采用毕赤酵母真核表达系统来生物合成抗菌肽Odorgrin A和Odorgrin C,为大量获取抗菌肽资源提供技术支撑。 方法:依照Odorgrin A和C的氨基酸序列、采用酵母偏爱密码子分别设计并化学合成了相应的目的基因序列。目的片段从合成质粒上用Xho Ι和EcoR Ι双酶切下后,与经同样限制酶完全酶切pPIC9K载体所获得的两个大片段直接连接,并转化至大肠杆菌DH5α。用PCR扩增、酶切及测序检测,鉴定正确的重组质粒。提取大量表达载体pPIC9K - Odo A和C并使之线性化后经电击法分别转化毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)GS115宿主菌,用营养缺陷型筛选、遗传霉素抗性筛选、PCR扩增和测序检测,鉴定并筛选出对G418具高抗性的Odorgrin A和C重组酵母菌。用甲醇对之进行诱导表达,SDS - PAGE电泳及反相层析检测表达产物,并做抑菌活性检测。 成果:PCR扩增、酶切及测序等结果表明表达载体pPIC9K - Odo A和C构建成功。营养缺陷型筛选、遗传霉素抗性筛选、PCR扩增和测序等证实pPIC9K - Odo A和C已整合入酵母基因组中。SDS - PAGE电泳及反相层析结果表明抗菌肽Odorgrin A和C成功地获得了分泌表达。而抑菌活性实验则检测到部分阳性克隆菌诱导分泌表达的抗菌肽Odorgrin A和C都对测试菌的生长具有较高(>94%)的抑制率。 结论:无指盘臭蛙皮肤抗菌肽Odorgrin A和Odorgrin C基因的表达载体都构建成功,并且都在毕赤酵母系统中获得了成功表达。 Background & Objective: In the recent twenty years, a lot of pathogenic bacteria have come forth in clinic with durable trait derived from making use of and abusing the traditional antibiotics. Therefore, studying antimicrobial peptides, not be easy to be invalidated by durable bacteria, are becomimg popular and important. The skin antimicrobial peptides of Odorrana grahami with broad spectrum antibacterial activity and no toxicity to eukaryotic cell, discovered by previous research work of our workgroup, are looked forward to being potential medication. Pichia pastoris expressional system was used for biosynthesis antimicrobial peptides Odorgrin A and Odorgrin C in this study, for producing abundant antimicrobial peptides. Methods: The foreign fragments which included Odorgrin A or Odorgrin C gene according to their amino acid sequence respectively were synthesized based on the biased codon usage of yeast. The DNA fragments, obtained from the plasmids containing them by digested with Xho Ι and EcoR Ι, were directly ligated with the two bigger fragments obtained from the vector pPIC9K by digested with the same restriction enzymes. And then they were transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α to be selected and amplified positive colonies. The recombinants were testified by using PCR amplification, enzymes digestion and sequencing of the foreign fragment. After the expressional vector pPIC9K - Odo A and pPIC9K - Odo C were linearized, they were transformed into Pichia pastoris GS115 strain by the electroporation. Then the positive colonies which were of the highest geneticin resistant were selected through auxotrophic screening, genetic resistant screening, PCR amplification and sequencing of the inserted fragment. Methanol was used to induce the recombinant yeasts to express the foreign gene. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, reversed phase chromatography and antibacterial activity experiment were used to testify the expressional products. Results: The evidences of PCR, enzymes digestion and sequence analysis confirmed that the expressional vector pPIC9K - Odo A and pPIC9K - Odo C have been constructed correctly. The results of auxotrophic screening, of genetic resistant screening, of PCR and sequencing of the foreign fragment showed that Odorgrin A and Odorgrin C gene have been homologous integrated with the Pichia pastoris genome. And it was also testified that antimicrobial peptides Odorgrin A and Odorgrin C have been expressed successfully by using SDS - PAGE electrophoresis, reversed phase chromatography and antibacterial activity experiment. Conclusion: The expressional vector of the skin antimicrobial peptides Odorgrin A and Odorgrin C gene of Odorrana grahami have been constructed correctly and both of the genes have been expressed successfully in Pichia pastoris system in this study.


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The 67LR (67 kDa laminin receptor) is a cell-surface receptor with high affinity for its primary ligand. Its role as a laminin receptor makes it an important molecule both in cell adhesion to the basement membrane and in signalling transduction following this binding event. The protein also plays critical roles in the metastasis of tumour cells. Isolation of the protein from either normal or cancerous cells results in a product with an approx. molecular mass of 67 kDa. This protein is believed to be derived from a smaller precursor, the 37LRP (37 kDa laminin receptor precursor). However, the precise mechanism by which cytoplasmic 37LRP becomes cell-membrane-embedded 67LR is unclear. The process may involve post-translational fatty acylation of the protein combined with either homo- or hetero-dimerization, possibly with a galectin-3-epitope-containing partner. Furthermore, it has become clear that acting as a receptor for laminin is not the only function of this protein. 67LR also acts as a receptor for viruses, such as Sindbis virus and dengue virus, and is involved with internalization of the prion protein. Interestingly, unmodified 37LRP is a ribosomal component and homologues of this protein are found in all five kingdoms. In addition, it appears to be strongly associated with histones in the eukaryotic cell nucleus, although the precise role of these interactions is not clear. Here we review the current understanding of the structure and function of this molecule, as well as highlighting areas requiring further research.


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Microbial adhesion to silicone elastomer biomaterials is a major problem often resulting in infection and medical device failure. Several strategies have been employed to modulate eukaryotic cell adhesion and to hamper bacterial adherence to polymeric biomaterials. Chemical modification of the surface by grafting of polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains or the incorporation of non-antibiotic antimicrobial agents such as triclosan into the biomaterial matrix may reduce bacterial adhesion. Here, such strategies are simultaneously applied to the preparation of both condensation-cure and addition-cure silicone elastomer systems, seeking a sustained release antimicrobial device biomaterial. The influence of triclosan incorporation and degree of pegylation on antimicrobial release, surface microbial adherence and persistence (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis) were evaluated in vitro. Non-pegylated silicone elastomers provided an increased percentage release of triclosan extending over a relatively short duration (99% release by day 64) compared with their pegylated (4% w/w) counterparts (65% and 72% release by day 64, for condensation and addition-cure systems respectively). Viable E. coli adherence to a non-pegylated silicone elastomer containing 1% w/w triclosan was reduced by over 99% after 24 h compared to the non-pegylated silicone elastomer containing no triclosan. No viable S. epidermidis adhered to any of the triclosan-loaded (>0.1% w/w) formulations other than the control. Persistence of the antimicrobial activity of the triclosan-loaded pegylated silicone elastomers continued for at least 70 days compared to the triclosan-loaded non-pegylated elastomers (at least 49 days). Understanding how PEG affects the release of triclosan from silicone elastomers may prove useful in the development of a biomaterial providing prolonged, effective antimicrobial activity.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is a multidrug-resistant opportunistic pathogen that infects the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and can survive intracellularly in macrophages and epithelial cells. The gentamicin protection assay, which relies on the poor ability of gentamicin or other aminoglycosides to permeate eukaryotic cell membranes, is traditionally employed to quantify intracellular bacteria. However, the high resistance of these bacteria to aminoglycosides hampers the use of the gentamicin protection assay to investigate intracellular infection by B. cenocepacia. Here, we report the construction of gentamicin-sensitive strains of B. cenocepacia carrying a deletion of the BCAL1674, BCAL1675, and BCAL1676 genes that form an operon encoding an AmrAB-OprA-like efflux pump. We show that bacteria carrying this deletion are hypersensitive to gentamicin and also delay phagolysosomal fusion upon infection of RAW 264.7 murine macrophages, as previously demonstrated for the parental strain. We also demonstrate for the first time that low concentrations of gentamicin can be used to effectively kill extracellular bacteria and reliably quantify the intracellular infection by B. cenocepacia, which can replicate in RAW 264.7 macrophages.


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Ran is a small ras-related GTPase that controls the nucleocytoplasmic exchange of macromolecules across the nuclear envelope. It binds to chromatin early during nuclear formation and has important roles during the eukaryotic cell cycle, where it regulates mitotic spindle assembly, nuclear envelope formation and cell cycle checkpoint control. Like other GTPases, Ran relies on the cycling between GTP-bound and GDP-bound conformations to interact with effector proteins and regulate these processes. In nucleocytoplasmic transport, Ran shuttles across the nuclear envelope through nuclear pores. It is concentrated in the nucleus by an active import mechanism where it generates a high concentration of RanGTP by nucleotide exchange. It controls the assembly and disassembly of a range of complexes that are formed between Ran-binding proteins and cellular cargo to maintain rapid nuclear transport. Ran also has been identified as an essential protein in nuclear envelope formation in eukaryotes. This mechanism is dependent on importin-β, which regulates the assembly of further complexes important in this process, such as Nup107–Nup160. A strong body of evidence is emerging implicating Ran as a key protein in the metastatic progression of cancer. Ran is overexpressed in a range of tumors, such as breast and renal, and these perturbed levels are associated with local invasion, metastasis and reduced patient survival. Furthermore, tumors with oncogenic KRAS or PIK3CA mutations are addicted to Ran expression, which yields exciting future therapeutic opportunities


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The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis is a human pathogen of major public health significance. Strains can be classified into 15 main serovars (A to L3) that preferentially cause ocular infections (A-C), genital infections (D-K) or lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) (L1-L3), but the molecular basis behind their distinct tropism, ecological success and pathogenicity is not welldefined. Most chlamydial research demands culture in eukaryotic cell lines, but it is not known if stains become laboratory adapted. By essentially using genomics and transcriptomics, we aimed to investigate the evolutionary patterns underlying the adaptation of C. trachomatis to the different human tissues, given emphasis to the identification of molecular patterns of genes encoding hypothetical proteins, and to understand the adaptive process behind the C. trachomatis in vivo to in vitro transition. Our results highlight a positive selection-driven evolution of C. trachomatis towards nichespecific adaptation, essentially targeting host-interacting proteins, namely effectors and inclusion membrane proteins, where some of them also displayed niche-specific expression patterns. We also identified potential "ocular-specific" pseudogenes, and pointed out the major gene targets of adaptive mutations associated with LGV infections. We further observed that the in vivo-derived genetic makeup of C. trachomatis is not significantly compromised by its long-term laboratory propagation. In opposition, its introduction in vitro has the potential to affect the phenotype, likely yielding virulence attenuation. In fact, we observed a "genital-specific" rampant inactivation of the virulence gene CT135, which may impact the interpretation of data derived from studies requiring culture. Globally, the findings presented in this Ph.D. thesis contribute for the understanding of C.trachomatis adaptive evolution and provides new insights into the biological role of C. trachomatishypothetical proteins. They also launch research questions for future functional studies aiming toclarify the determinants of tissue tropism, virulence or pathogenic dissimilarities among C. trachomatisstrains.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, TBF1, an essential gene, influences telomere function but also has other roles in the global regulation of transcription. We have identified a new member of the tbf1 gene family in the mammalian pathogen Pneumocystis carinii. We demonstrate by transspecies complementation that its ectopic expression can provide the essential functions of Schizosaccharomyces pombe tbf1 but that there is no rescue between fission and budding yeast orthologues. Our findings indicate that an essential function of this family of proteins has diverged in the budding and fission yeasts and suggest that effects on telomere length or structure are not the primary cause of inviability in S. pombe tbf1 null strains.


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Le rôle important joué par la mitochondrie dans la cellule eucaryote est admis depuis longtemps. Cependant, la composition exacte des mitochondries, ainsi que les processus biologiques qui sy déroulent restent encore largement inconnus. Deux facteurs principaux permettent dexpliquer pourquoi létude des mitochondries progresse si lentement : le manque defficacité des méthodes didentification des protéines mitochondriales et le manque de précision dans lannotation de ces protéines. En conséquence, nous avons développé un nouvel outil informatique, YimLoc, qui permet de prédire avec succès les protéines mitochondriales à partir des séquences génomiques. Cet outil intègre plusieurs indicateurs existants, et sa performance est supérieure à celle des indicateurs considérés individuellement. Nous avons analysé environ 60 génomes fongiques avec YimLoc afin de lever la controverse concernant la localisation de la bêta-oxydation dans ces organismes. Contrairement à ce qui était généralement admis, nos résultats montrent que la plupart des groupes de Fungi possèdent une bêta-oxydation mitochondriale. Ce travail met également en évidence la diversité des processus de bêta-oxydation chez les champignons, en corrélation avec leur utilisation des acides gras comme source dénergie et de carbone. De plus, nous avons étudié le composant clef de la voie de bêta-oxydation mitochondriale, lacyl-CoA déshydrogénase (ACAD), dans 250 espèces, couvrant les 3 domaines de la vie, en combinant la prédiction de la localisation subcellulaire avec la classification en sous-familles et linférence phylogénétique. Notre étude suggère que les gènes ACAD font partie dune ancienne famille qui a adopté des stratégies évolutionnaires innovatrices afin de générer un large ensemble denzymes susceptibles dutiliser la plupart des acides gras et des acides aminés. Finalement, afin de permettre la prédiction de protéines mitochondriales à partir de données autres que les séquences génomiques, nous avons développé le logiciel TESTLoc qui utilise comme données des Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs). La performance de TESTLoc est significativement supérieure à celle de tout autre outil de prédiction connu. En plus de fournir deux nouveaux outils de prédiction de la localisation subcellulaire utilisant différents types de données, nos travaux démontrent comment lassociation de la prédiction de la localisation subcellulaire à dautres méthodes danalyse in silico permet daméliorer la connaissance des protéines mitochondriales. De plus, ces travaux proposent des hypothèses claires et faciles à vérifier par des expériences, ce qui présente un grand potentiel pour faire progresser nos connaissances des métabolismes mitochondriaux.


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Les histones sont des protéines nucléaires hautement conservées chez les cellules des eucaryotes. Elles permettent d’organiser et de compacter l’ADN sous la forme de nucléosomes, ceux-ci representant les sous unités de base de la chromatine. Les histones peuvent être modifiées par de nombreuses modifications post-traductionnelles (PTMs) telles que l’acétylation, la méthylation et la phosphorylation. Ces modifications jouent un rôle essentiel dans la réplication de l’ADN, la transcription et l’assemblage de la chromatine. L’abondance de ces modifications peut varier de facon significative lors du developpement des maladies incluant plusieurs types de cancer. Par exemple, la perte totale de la triméthylation sur H4K20 ainsi que l’acétylation sur H4K16 sont des marqueurs tumoraux spécifiques a certains types de cancer chez l’humain. Par conséquent, l’étude de ces modifications et des événements determinant la dynamique des leurs changements d’abondance sont des atouts importants pour mieux comprendre les fonctions cellulaires et moléculaires lors du développement de la maladie. De manière générale, les modifications des histones sont étudiées par des approches biochimiques telles que les immuno-buvardage de type Western ou les méthodes d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine (ChIP). Cependant, ces approches présentent plusieurs inconvénients telles que le manque de spécificité ou la disponibilité des anticorps, leur coût ou encore la difficulté de les produire et de les valider. Au cours des dernières décennies, la spectrométrie de masse (MS) s’est avérée être une méthode performante pour la caractérisation et la quantification des modifications d’histones. La MS offre de nombreux avantages par rapport aux techniques traditionnelles. Entre autre, elle permet d’effectuer des analyses reproductibles, spécifiques et facilite l’etude d’un large spectre de PTMs en une seule analyse. Dans cette thèse, nous présenterons le développement et l’application de nouveaux outils analytiques pour l’identification et à la quantification des PTMs modifiant les histones. Dans un premier temps, une méthode a été développée pour mesurer les changements d’acétylation spécifiques à certains sites des histones. Cette méthode combine l’analyse des histones intactes et les méthodes de séquençage peptidique afin de déterminer les changements d’acétylation suite à la réaction in vitro par l’histone acétyltransférase (HAT) de levure Rtt109 en présence de ses chaperonnes (Asf1 ou Vps75). Dans un second temps, nous avons développé une méthode d’analyse des peptides isomériques des histones. Cette méthode combine la LC-MS/MS à haute résolution et un nouvel outil informatique appelé Iso-PeptidAce qui permet de déconvoluer les spectres mixtes de peptides isomériques. Nous avons évalué Iso-PeptidAce avec un mélange de peptides synthétiques isomériques. Nous avons également validé les performances de cette approche avec des histones isolées de cellules humaines érythroleucémiques (K562) traitées avec des inhibiteurs d’histones désacétylases (HDACi) utilisés en clinique, et des histones de Saccharomyces cerevisiae liées au facteur d’assemblage de la chromatine (CAF-1) purifiées par chromatographie d’affinité. Enfin, en utilisant la méthode présentée précédemment, nous avons fait une analyse approfondie de la spécificité de plusieurs HATs et HDACs chez Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nous avons donc déterminé les niveaux d’acétylation d’histones purifiées à partir de cellules contrôles ou de souches mutantes auxquelles il manque une HAT ou HDAC. Notre analyse nous a permis de valider plusieurs cibles connues des HATs et HDACs et d’en identifier de nouvelles. Nos données ont également permis de définir le rôle des différentes HATs et HDACs dans le maintien de l’équilibre d’acétylation des histones. Dans l’ensemble, nous anticipons que les méthodes décrites dans cette thèse permettront de résoudre certains défis rencontrés dans l’étude de la chromatine. De plus, ces données apportent de nouvelles connaissances pour l’élaboration d’études génétiques et biochimiques utilisant S. pombe.


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Unlike nuclear localization signals, there is no obvious consensus sequence for the targeting of proteins to the nucleolus. The nucleolus is a dynamic subnuclear structure which is crucial to the normal operation of the eukaryotic cell. Studying nucleolar trafficking signals is problematic as many nucleolar retention signals (NoRSs) are part of classical nuclear localization signals (NLSs). In addition, there is no known consensus signal with which to inform a study. The avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), coronavirus nucleocapsid (N) protein, localizes to the cytoplasm and the nucleolus. Mutagenesis was used to delineate a novel eight amino acid motif that was necessary and sufficient for nucleolar retention of N protein and colocalize with nucleolin and fibrillarin. Additionally, a classical nuclear export signal (NES) functioned to direct N protein to the cytoplasm. Comparison of the coronavirus NoRSs with known cellular and other viral NoRSs revealed that these motifs have conserved arginine residues. Molecular modelling, using the solution structure of severe acute respiratory (SARS) coronavirus N-protein, revealed that this motif is available for interaction with cellular factors which may mediate nucleolar localization. We hypothesise that the N-protein uses these signals to traffic to and from the nucleolus and the cytoplasm.


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In unicellular eukaryotes, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and in multicellular organisms, the replication origin is recognized by the heterohexamer origin recognition complex (ORC) containing six proteins, Orc1 to Orc6, while in members of the domain Archaea, the replication origin is recognized by just one protein, Orc1/Cdc6; the sequence of Orc1/Cdc6 is highly related to those of Orc1 and Cdc6. Similar to Archaea, trypanosomatid genomes contain only one gene encoding a protein named Orc1. Since trypanosome Orc1 is also homologous to Cdc6, in this study we named the Orc1 protein from trypanosomes Orc1/Cdc6. Here we show that the recombinant Orc1/Cdc6 from Trypanosoma cruzi (TcOrc1/Cdc6) and from Trypanosoma brucei (TbOrc1/Cdc6) present ATPase activity, typical of prereplication machinery components. Also, TcOrc1/Cdc6 and TbOrc1/Cdc6 replaced yeast Cdc6 but not Orc1 in a phenotypic complementation assay. The induction of Orc1/Cdc6 silencing by RNA interference in T. brucei resulted in enucleated cells, strongly suggesting the involvement of Orc1/Cdc6 in DNA replication. Orc1/Cdc6 is expressed during the entire cell cycle in the nuclei of trypanosomes, remaining associated with chromatin in all stages of the cell cycle. These results allowed us to conclude that Orc1/Cdc6 is indeed a member of the trypanosome prereplication machinery and point out that trypanosomes carry a prereplication machinery that is less complex than other eukaryotes and closer to archaea.