995 resultados para ergosterol-5,8-peroxide


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This article describes a practical demonstration of a complete full-duplex “amplitude shift keying (ASK)” retrodirective radio frequency identification (RFID) transceiver array.The interrogator incorporates a “retrodirective array (RDA)” with a dual-conversion phase conjugating architecture in order to achieve better performance than is possible with conventional RFID solutions. Here mixers phase conjugate the incoming signal and a carrier recovery circuit recovers incoming angle of arrival phase information of an encoded amplitude shift keyed signal. The resulting interrogator provides a receiver sensitivity level of -109 dBm. A four element square patch RDA gives a 3 dB automatic beam steering angle of acceptance of ±45°. When compared to an RFID system operating by conventional (non-retrodirective) means retrodirective action leads to improved range extension of up to 16 times at ±45°. Operator pointing accuracy requirements are also reduced due to automatic retrodirective self-pointing. These features significantly enhance deployment opportunities requiring long range low equivalent isotropic radiation power (EIRP) and/or RFID tagging of moving platforms. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 55:160–164, 2013; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.27258


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In this paper we investigate the first order characteristics of the radio channel between a moving vehicle and a stationary person positioned by the side of a road at 5.8 GHz. The experiments considered a transmitter positioned at different locations on both the body and receivers positioned on the vehicle. The transmitter was alternated between positions on the central chest region, back and the wrist (facing the roadside) of the body, with the receivers placed on the outside roof, the outside rear window and the inside dashboard of the vehicle. The Rice fading model was applied to the measurement data to assess its suitability for characterizing this emerging type of wireless channel. The Ricean K factors calculated from the data suggest that a significant dominant component existed in the majority of the channels considered in this study.


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In recent years, the embracement of smart devices carried or worn by people have transformed how society interact with one another. This trend has also been observed in the advancement of vehicular networks. Here, developments in wireless technologies for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications are leading to a new generation of vehicular networks. A natural extension of both types of networks will be their eventual wireless integration. Both people and vehicles will undoubtedly form integral parts of future mobile networks of people and things. Central to this will be the person-to-vehicle (P2V) communications channel. As the P2V channel will be subject to different signal propagation characteristics than either type of communication system considered in isolation, it is imperative the characteristics of the wireless channel must first be fully understood. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is a topic which has not yet been addressed in the open literature. In this paper we will present our most recent research on the statistical characterization of the 5.8 GHz person-to-vehicle channel in an urban environment.


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In this paper we investigate the first and second order characteristics of the received signal at the output ofhypothetical selection, equal gain and maximal ratio combiners which utilize spatially separated antennas at the basestation. Considering a range of human body movements, we model the model the small-scale fading characteristics ofthe signal using diversity specific analytical equations which take into account the number of available signal branchesat the receiver. It is shown that these equations provide an excellent fit to the measured channel data. Furthermore, formany hypothetical diversity receiver configurations, the Nakagami-m parameter was found to be close to 1.


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In this paper we investigate the received signal characteristics of a mobile chest-worn transmitter at 5.8 GHz within a high multipath indoor environment. The off-body channel measurements considered both the co- and cross-polarized received signal for both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) conditions. A straightforward channel model based upon the estimated path loss, a lognormal slow fading component and Ricean small-scale fading contribution is developed and used to perform simulations which allow the generation of first order received signal power characteristics.


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This paper investigates the characteristics of the shadowed fading observed in off-body communications channels at 5.8 GHz using the κ-μ / gamma composite fading model. Realistic measurements have been conducted considering four individual scenarios namely line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) walking, rotation and random movements within an indoor laboratory environment. It is shown that the κ-μ / gamma composite fading model provides a better fit to the fading observed in off-body communications channels compared to the conventional Nakagami-m and Rician fading models.


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Tendo em conta a popularidade que as comunicações Wi-Fi têm na atualidade em vários dispositivos como computadores portáteis, telemóveis ou tablets, sendo estes utilizados praticamente por qualquer pessoa, surgiu a ideia de utilizar esta tecnologia de baixo custo e isenta de licenciamento num cenário de comunicações marítimas. Neste contexto, esta permite fornecer o acesso à Internet em banda larga a grupos de embarcações, que atualmente recorrem a tecnologias de elevado custo (satélite) e/ou de banda estreita (rádios VHF). Com o acesso em banda larga, os proprietários poderão utilizar aplicações informáticas de interesse à atividade de negócio ou de lazer, até então só disponíveis junto à costa onde existe cobertura celular. Nesta tese pretende-se fazer um estudo teórico e prático sobre o alcance e respetivo desempenho de comunicações de banda larga em ambiente marítimo, utilizando parte da gama de frequências dos 5,8 GHz, isenta de licença, e a norma IEEE 802.11n. Para se utilizar equipamento produzido em massa a operar nessa gama, existem duas normas disponíveis, a IEEE 802.11a e a IEEE 802.11n. Optou-se pelo IEEE 802.11n pois os esquemas de codificação ao nível físico permitem débitos mais elevados e MIMO. Para a realização dos testes experimentais, foi necessário elaborar um protótipo de comunicação ponto a ponto, constituído por dois nós de comunicação. Um deles foi instalado numa embarcação de pesca em colaboração com a Associação Propeixe e o outro no Edifício Transparente, no Porto, em colaboração com a entidade gestora do edifício e a Associação Porto Digital. Tanto quanto se conhece é o primeiro teste de comunicações Wi-Fi realizado nestas condições a nível mundial. Os objetivos do trabalho foram atingidos. Foi possível estabelecer comunicações Wi-Fi na banda dos 5,8 GHz até cerca de 7 km com débito médio mínimo de 1 Mbit/s. O ambiente de testes desenvolvido e os resultados obtidos servirão de base para futuros trabalhos de investigação na área das comunicações marítimas.


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A compact single –feed multiband planar antenna configuration Suitable for GPS, DCS. 2.4/5.8 GHz WLAN applications are presented. The antenna has dimensions 38 x 3 x 1.6 mm and offers good radiation and reflection characteristics in the above frequency bands. The antenna has a simple geometry and can be easily fed using a 50 coaxial probe


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A compact single - feed muttiband planar antenna configuration suitable for GPS, DCS. 2.4/5.8 GHz WLAN applications is presented. The antenna has dimensions 38 x 3 x 1.6 mm and offers good radiation and reflection characteristics in the above frequency bands. The antenna has a simple geometry and can be easily fed using a 50 coaxial probe.


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Guía de revisión para la etapa clave tres (Key Stage 3) de matemáticas. Abarca el plan de estudios para estudiantes de once a catorce años (niveles 5-8). Contiene explicaciones detalladas de diferentes temas y términos técnicos. También incluye diagramas, así como un resumen de preguntas para poner a prueba lo que los niños han aprendido en cada sección.


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Estos tests preparan a los alumnos para la evaluación de la fase clave tres (Key Stage 3). Hay tres juegos completos de documentos para resolver,con calculadora, sin calculadora y tres pruebas de cálculo mental. También hay un folleto con las respuestas y consejos prácticos para dar a los estudiantes la oportunidad de identificar las áreas en las que tienen los conocimientos más bajos y poder revisar estos temas.


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Los materiales de esta carpeta se caracterizan por:preparar a los alumnos con el nivel adecuado para su paso a la etapa clave tres (Key Stage 3); promover en los alumnos la autonomía en el trabajo escolar y consolidar el aprendizaje de los conocimientos fundamentales que debe tener el alumno para acceder a esta etapa. Contiene tres conjuntos diferentes de pruebas, además de un folleto con las respuestas y consejos prácticos para dar a los estudiantes la oportunidad de identificar las áreas en las que tienen los conocimientos más bajos y poder revisar éstos.