208 resultados para entrapped


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Positive nitrogenase activities ranging from 0.18 to 0.78 nmol of C2H4 cm−2 h−1 were detected on the leaf surfaces of different varieties of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. and G. herbaceum L.) plants. Beijerinckia sp. was observed to be the predominant nitrogen-fixing microorganism in the phyllosphere of these varieties. A higher level of phyllosphere nitrogen-fixing activity was recorded in the variety Varalaxmi despite a low C/N ratio in the leaf leachates. Leaf surfaces of the above variety possessed the largest number of hairy outgrowths (trichomes) which entrapped a majority of microbes. Immersion of plant roots in nutrient medium containing 32Pi led to the accumulation of label in the trichome-borne microorganisms, thereby indicating a possible transfer of nutrients from leaf to microbes via trichomes. Extrapolation of acetylene reduction values suggested that 1.6 to 3.2 kg of N ha−1 might be contributed by diazotrophs in the phyllosphere of the variety Varalaxmi during the entire growth period.


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One of the most important factors determining the development of atherosclerosis is the amount of LDL particles in the circulation. In general, LDL particles are clinically regarded as “bad cholesterol” since these particles get entrapped within the vascular wall, leading to atherosclerosis. Circulating HDL particles are conversely regarded as “good cholesterol” because of their ability to transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver for secretion as bile salts. Once inside the artery wall LDL particles are engulfed by macrophages, resulting in macrophage foam cells. If the macrophage foam cells are not able to efflux the cholesterol back into the bloodstream, the excessive cholesterol ultimately leads to cell death, and the deposition of cellular debris within the atherosclerotic lesion. The cells ability to secrete cholesterol is mainly dependent on the ABCA1 transporter (ATP-binding cassette transporter A1) which transfers cellular cholesterol to extracellular apoA-I (apolipoprotein A-I) particles, leading to the generation of nascent HDL particles. The process of atherosclerotic plaque development is therefore to a large extent a cellular one, in which the capacity of the macrophages in handling the excessive cholesterol load determines the progression of lesion development. In this work we have studied the cellular mechanisms that regulate the trafficking of LDL-derived cholesterol from endosomal compartments to other parts of the cell. As a basis for the study we have utilized cells from patients with Niemann-Pick type C disease, a genetic disorder resulting from mutations in the NPC1 and NPC2 genes. In these cells, cholesterol is entrapped within the endosomal compartment, and is not available for efflux. By identifying proteins that bypass the cholesterol trafficking defect, we were able to identify the small GTPase Rab8 as an important protein involved in ABCA1 dependent cholesterol efflux. In the study, we show that Rab8 regulates cholesterol efflux in human macrophages by facilitating intracellular cholesterol transport, as well as by regulating the plasma membrane availability of ABCA1. Collectively, these results give new insight in to atherosclerotic lesion development and intracellular cholesterol processing.


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A rough hydrophobic surface when immersed in water can result in a ``Cassie'' state of wetting in which the water is in contact with both the solid surface and the entrapped air. The sustainability of the entrapped air on such surfaces is important for underwater applications such as reduction of flow resistance in microchannels and drag reduction of submerged bodies such as hydrofoils. We utilize an optical technique based oil total internal reflection of light at the water-air interface to quantify the spatial distribution of trapped air oil such a surface and its variation with immersion time. With this technique, we evaluate the sustainability of the Cassie state on hydrophobic surfaces with four different kinds of textures. The textures studied are regular arrays of pillars, ridges, and holes that were created in silicon by a wet etching technique, and also a texture of random craters that was obtained through electrodischarge machining of aluminum. These surfaces were rendered hydrophobic with a self-assembled layer Of fluorooctyl trichlorosilane. Depending on the texture, the size and shape of the trapped air pockets were found to vary. However, irrespective of the texture, both the size and the number of air pockets were found to decrease with time gradually and eventually disappear, suggesting that the sustainability of the ``Cassie'' state is finite for all the microstructures Studied. This is possibly due to diffusion of air from the trapped air pockets into the water. The time scale for disappearance of air pockets was found to depend on the kind of microstructure and the hydrostatic pressure at the water-air interface. For the surface with a regular array of pillars, the air pockets were found to be in the form of a thin layer perched on top of the pillars with a large lateral extent compared to the spacing between pillars. For other surfaces studied, the air pockets are smaller and are of the same order as the characteristic length scale of the texture. Measurements for the surface with holes indicate that the time for air-pocket disappearance reduces as the hydrostatic pressure is increased.


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Reciprocating ball-on-flat dry sliding friction and wear experiments have been conducted on singlephase γ-Y2Si2O7 ceramic flats in contact with AISI 52100 bearing steel and Si3N4 ceramic balls at 5-15N normal loads in an ambient environment. The kinetic friction coefficients of γ-Y2Si2O7 varied in the range over 0.53-0.63 against AISI 52100 steel and between 0.51-0.56 against Si3N4 ceramic. We found thatwear occurred predominantly during the running-in period and it almost ceased at the steady friction stage. The wear rates of γ-Y2Si2O7 were in the order of 10-4mm3/(N m). Besides, wear debris strongly influenced the friction and wear processes. The strong chemical affinity between γ-Y2Si2O7 and AISI 52100 balls led to a thick transfer layer formed on both contact surfaces of the flat and counterpart ball, which changed the direct sliding between the ball and the flat into a shearing within the transfer layer. For the γ-Y2Si2O7/Si3N4 pair, a thin silica hydrate lubricant tribofilm presented above the compressed debris entrapped in the worn track and contact ball surface. This transfer layer and the tribofilm separated the sliding couple from direct contact and contributed to the low friction coefficient and wear rate.


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Raffinose oligosaccharides (RO) are the major factors responsible for flatulence following ingestion of soybean-derived products. Removal of RO from seeds or soymilk would then have a positive impact on the acceptance of soy-based foods. In this study, alpha-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae was entrapped in gelatin using formaldehyde as the hardener. The immobilization yield was 64.3% under the optimum conditions of immobilization. The immobilized alpha-galactosidase showed a shift in optimum pH from 4.8 to 5.4 in acetate buffer. The optimum temperature also shifted from 50 degrees C to 57 degrees C compared with soluble enzyme. Immobilized alpha-galactosidase was used in batch, repeated batch and continuous mode to degrade RO present in soymilk. In the repeated batch, 45% reduction of RO was obtained in the fourth cycle. The performance of immobilized alpha-galactosidase was tested in a fluidized bed reactor at different flow rates and 86% reduction of RO in soymilk was obtained at 25 ml h(-1) flow rate. The study revealed that immobilized alpha-galactosidase in continuous mode is efficient in reduction of RO present in soymilk.


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Peptide nanotubes with filled and empty pores and close-packed structures are formed in closely related pentapeptides. Enantiomorphic sequences, Boc-(D)Pro-Aib-Xxx-Aib-Val-OMe (Xxx = Leu, 1; Val, 2; Ala, 3; Phe, 4) and Boc-Pro-Aib-(D)Xxx-Aib-(D)Val-OMe ((XXX)-X-D = (D)Leu, 5; (D)Val, 6; (D)Ala, 7; (D)Phe, 8), yield molecular structures with a very similar backbone conformation but varied packing patterns in crystals. Peptides 1, 2, 5, and 6 show tubular structures with the molecules self-assembling along the crystallographic six-fold axis (c-axis) and revealing a honeycomb arrangement laterally (ab plane). Two forms of entrapped water wires have been characterized in 2: 2a with d(O center dot center dot center dot O) = 2.6 angstrom and 2b with d(O center dot center dot center dot O) = 3.5 angstrom. The latter is observed in 6 (6a) also. A polymorphic form of 6 (6b), grown from a solution of methanol-water, was observed to crystallize in a monoclinic system as a close-packed structure. Single-file water wire arrangements encapsulated inside hydrophobic channels formed by peptide nanotubes could be established by modeling the published structures in the cases of a cyclic peptide and a dipeptide. In all the entrapped water wires, each water molecule is involved in a hydrogen bond with a previous and succeeding water molecule. The O-H group of the water not involved in any hydrogen bond does not seem to be involved in an energetically significant interaction with the nanotube interior, a general feature of the one-dimensional water wires encapsulated in hydrophobic environements. Water wires in hydrophobic channels are contrasted with the single-file arrangements in amphipathic channels formed by aquaporins.


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Emulsiokalvolla tarkoitetaan kalvoa, joka on valmistettu haihduttamalla ylimääräinen vesi pois emulsiosta. Polysakkaridipohjainen emulsiokalvo koostuu kalvonmuodostuspolysakkaridista, rasvasta, emulgointiaineesta ja pehmittimestä. Kirjallisuusosassa selvitettiin, mitä raaka-aineita polysakkaridipohjaisissa emulsiokalvoissa käytetään ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat emulsiokalvojen vesihöyrynläpäisevyyteen ja mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Tutkimuksen kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten konjac-glukomannaani (KGM) ja kuusen galaktoglukomannaani (GGM) soveltuvat emulsiokalvon raaka-aineiksi. Lisäksi selvitettiin, miten rasvan tyyppi ja rasvapitoisuus vaikuttavat GGM-KGM-pohjaisten emulsiokalvojen mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin ja vesihöyrynläpäisevyyteen. Mehiläisvahasta, mäntyöljystä ja rypsiöljystä valmistettiin emulsiokalvot, joissa oli 30 %:n (paino-% GGM:sta) rasvapitoisuudet. Lisäksi mehiläisvahasta valmistettiin emulsiokalvot, joissa oli 10 ja 50 % mehiläisvahaa. Emulsiokalvoja verrattiin vertailukalvoon, jossa ei ollut rasvaa. Kalvoissa käytetty KGM:n ja GGM:n suhde oli 1:1. Kalvoista mitattiin vesihöyrynläpäisevyys ja -läpäisynopeus, vetolujuus, Youngin moduuli ja murtovenymä. Näiden lisäksi kalvojen poikkileikkaus kuvattiin pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla. GGM ja KGM soveltuvat emulsiokalvon raaka-aineiksi. Huoneenlämpötilassa kuivatuista kalvoista saatiin tasaisemman näköisiä kuin lämpökaapissa kuivatuista. Pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppikuvissa vahapisarat olivat öljypisaroita pienempiä, mikä mahdollisesti vaikutti siihen, että vahapisarat pysyivät paremmin kiinnittyneenä kalvomatriisissa. Öljypisaroiden koko oli kalvoissa noin 10 ?m ja vahapisaroiden 2–6 ?m. Vesihöyrynläpäisynopeus oli pienin 50 %:n mehiläisvahakalvolla (p < 0,05). Vesihöyrynläpäisevyys laski lineaarisesti mehiläisvahapitoisuuden suurentuessa. Öljykalvot ja 10 %:n mehiläisvahakalvo eivät eronneet tilastollisesti merkitsevästi vesihöyrynläpäisevyyden suhteen vertailukalvosta. Pienin vetolujuus ja Youngin moduuli oli 50 %:n mehiläisvahakalvolla. Vertailukalvo oli kestävin ja jäykin. Murtovenymän suhteen kalvot eivät eronneet toisistaan tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Tutkimuksessa onnistuttiin valmistamaan GGM-KGM-pohjaisia emulsiokalvoja, jotka pidättivät vesihöyryä vertailukalvoa paremmin ja silti säilyttivät mekaaniset ominaisuutensa kohtuullisen hyvin.


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Pyranine entrapped soylipid liposomes have been used as a model system to study the proton transport across membrane in the presence of A23187, a carboxylic ionophore specific for electroneutral exchange of divalent cations. An apparent rate constant (k(app)) for transport of protons has been determined from the rate of change of fluorescence intensity of pyranine by stopped flow rapid kinetics in the presence of proton gradient. The variation of k(app) has been studied as a function of ionophore concentration and the results have been compared with gramicidin-a well known channel former under the similar experimental conditions. The rates thus obtained showed that A23187 is not only a simple carrier but also shows channel behaviour at high concentration of ionophore.


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Six disaccharide amphiphiles were synthesized and their hydrogel-forming behavior was extensively studied. These amphiphiles were based on maltose and lactose. Since the gels formed from some of these systems showed the ability to "trap" water molecules upon gelation, these gels were described as "hydrogels". When these gels were heated to similar to 70 degrees C, the samples turned into clear, isotropic fluids, and upon gradual cooling, the hydrogels could be reproduced. Thus these systems were also "thermoreversible". The low molecular mass (MW 565) of the gelators compared to that of a typical polymeric gelator forming substance implies pronounced aggregation of the disaccharide amphiphiles into larger microstructures during gelation. To discern the aggregate textures and morphologies, the specimen hydrogel samples were examined by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A possible reason for the exceptionally high water gelating capacities (>6000 molecules of water per gelator molecule) exhibited by these N-alkyl disaccharide amphiphiles is the presence of large interlamellar spaces into which the water molecules get entrapped due to surface tension. In contrast to their single-chain counterparts, the double-chain lactosyl and maltosylamine amphiphiles upon solubilization in EtOH-H2O afforded hydrogels with reduced mechanical strengths. Interestingly, the corresponding microstructures were found to be quite different from the corresponding hydrogels of their single-chain counterparts. Rheological studies provided further insights into the behavior of these hydrogels. Varying the chain length of the alcohol cosolvent could modulate the gelation capacities, melting temperatures, and the mechanical properties of these hydrogels. To explain the possible reasons of gelation, the results of molecular modeling and energy minimization studies were also included.


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In this paper, we report the results of a transmission electron microscopy investigation on WC–6 wt% ZrO2nanocomposite, spark plasma sintered at 1300 °C, for varying times of up to 20 min. The primary aim of this work was to understand the evolution of microstructure during such a sintering process. The investigation revealed the presence of nanocrystalline ZrO2particles (30–50 nm) entrapped within submicron WC grains. In addition, relatively coarser ZrO2(60–100 nm) particles were observed to be either attached to WC grain boundaries or located at WC triple grain junctions. The evidence of the presence of a small amount of W2C, supposed to have been formed due to sintering reaction between WC and ZrO2, is presented here. Detailed structural investigation indicated that ZrO2in the spark plasma sintered nanocomposite adopted an orthorhombic crystal structure, and the possible reasons for o-ZrO2formation are explained. The increase in kinetics of densification due to the addition of ZrO2is believed to be caused by the enhanced diffusion kinetics in the presence of nonstoichiometric nanocrystalline ZrO2.


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The single-crystal X-ray structure of a cation-templated manganese-oxalate coordination polymer [NH(C2H5)(3)][Mn-2(ox)(3)]center dot(5H(2)O)] (1) is reported. In 1, triethylammonium cation is entrapped between the cavities of 2-D honeycomb layers constructed by oxalate and water. The acyclic tetrameric water clusters and discrete water assemble the parallel 2-D honeycomb oxalate layers via an intricate array of hydrogen bonds into an overall 3-D network. The magnetic susceptibility, with and without the water cluster, are reported with infrared and EPR studies.


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Conducting polymer microstructures for enzymatic biosensors are developed by a facile electrochemical route. Horseradish peroxide (HRP)-entrapped polypyrrole (PPy) films with bowl-shaped microstructures are developed on stainless steel (SS 304) substrates by a single-step process. Potentiodynamic scanning/cyclic voltammetry is used for generation of PPy microstructures using electrogenerated oxygen bubbles stabilized by zwitterionic surfactant/buffer N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine N-2-ethanesulfonic acid as soft templates. Scanning electron microscopic images reveal the bowl-shaped structures surrounded by cauliflower-like fractal PPy films and globular nanostructures. Raman spectroscopy reveals the oxidized nature of the film. Sensing properties of PPy-HRP films for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are demonstrated. Electrochemical characterization of the sensor films is done by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and amperometry. LSV results indicated the reduction of H2O2 and linearity in response of the sensing film. The amperometric biosensor has a performance comparable to those in the literature with advantages of hard-template free synthesis procedure and a satisfactory sensitivity value of 12.8 mu A/(cm(2) . mM) in the range of 1-10 mM H2O2.


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Air can be trapped on the crevices of specially textured hydrophobic surfaces immersed in water. This heterogenous state of wetting in which the water is in contact with both the solid surface and the entrapped air is not stable. Diffusion of air into the surrounding water leads to gradual reduction in the size and numbers of the air bubbles. The sustainability of the entrapped air on such surfaces is important for many underwater applications in which the surfaces have to remain submersed for longer time periods. In this paper we explore the suitability of different classes of surface textures towards the drag reduction application by evaluating the time required for the disappearance of the air bubbles under hydrostatic conditions. Different repetitive textures consisting of holes, pillars and ridges of different sizes have been generated in silicon, aluminium and brass by isotropic etching, wire EDM and chemical etching respectively. These surfaces were rendered hydrophobic with self-assembled layer of fluorooctyl trichlorosilane for silicon and aluminium surfaces and 1-dodecanethiol for brass surfaces. Using total internal reflection the air bubbles are visualized with the help of a microscope and time lapse photography. Irrespective of the texture, both the size and the number of air pockets were found to decrease with time gradually and eventually disappear. In an attempt to reverse the diffusion we explore the possibility of using electrolysis to generate gases at the textured surfaces. The gas bubbles are nucleated everywhere on the surface and as they grow they coalesce with each other and get pinned at the texture edges.


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Novel composite cyclodextrin (CD)-CaCO3 spherical porous microparticles have been synthesized through Ca2+-CD complex formation, which influences the crystal growth of CaCO3. The CDs are entrapped and distributed uniformly in the matrix of CaCO3 microparticles during crystallization. The hydrophobic fluorescent molecules coumarin and Nile red (NR) are efficiently encapsulated into these composite CD-CaCO3 porous particles through supramolecular inclusion complexation between entrapped CDs and hydrophobic molecules. Thermogravimetric (TGA) and infrared spectroscopy (IR) analysis of composite CD-CaCO3 particles reveals the presence of large CDs and their strong interaction with calcium carbonate nanoparticles. The resulting composite CD-CaCO3 microparticles are utilized as sacrificial templates for preparation of CD-modified layer-by-layer (LbL) capsules. After dissolution of the carbonate core, CDs are retained in the interior of the capsules in a network fashion and assist in the encapsulation of hydrophobic molecules. The efficient encapsulation of the hydrophobic fluorescent dye, coumarin, was successfully demonstrated using CD-modified capsules. In vitro release of the encapsulated coumarin from the CD-CaCO3 and CD-modified capsules has been demonstrated.


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The fabrication of a mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN)-protamine hybrid system (MSN-PRM) is reported that selectively releases drugs in the presence of specific enzyme triggers present in the proximity of cancer cells. The enzyme trigger involved is a protease called trypsin, which is overexpressed in certain specific pathological conditions, such as inflammation and cancer. Overexpression of trypsin is known to be associated with invasion, metastasis, and growth in several cancers, such as leukemia, colon cancer, and colorectal cancer. The current system (MSN-PRM) consists of an MSN support in which mesopores are capped with an FDA-approved peptide drug protamine, which effectively blocks the outward diffusion of the drug molecules from the mesopores of the MSNs. On exposure to the enzyme trigger, the protamine cap disintegrates, opening up the molecular gates and releasing the entrapped drug molecules. The system exhibits minimal premature release in the absence of the trigger and selectively releases the encapsulated drugs in the presence of the proteases secreted by colorectal cancer cells. The ability of the MSN-PRM particles to deliver anticancer drugs to colorectal cancer cells has also been demonstrated. The hydrophobic drug is released into cancer cells subsequent to disintegration of the protamine cap, resulting in cell death. Drug-induced cell death in colorectal cancer cells is significantly enhanced when the hydrophobic drug that is known to degrade in aqueous environments is encapsulated in the MSN-PRM system in comparison to the free drug (P < 0.05). The system, which shows good biocompatibility and selective drug release, is a promising platform for cancer specific drug delivery.