125 resultados para entomologist


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Gynaikothrips uzeli (Zimmermann) is newly recorded from Queensland, Australia, causing leaf galls on ornamental figs. Gynaikothrips uzeli is considered a pest of Fiats benjamina (Moraceae) (Weeping fig) in southern Asia and America.


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The status of the exotic clerid beetle Opetiopalpus scutellaris Panzer has been unclear due to the ambiguous nature of the single previous Australian record. Recent pheromone trapping at grain stores in Western Australia indicate that O. scutellaris is locally naturalised within the Western Australian wheatbelt. It is considered likely that the trapped O. scutellaris specimens originated from surrounding areas rather than being directly associated with grain.


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Sceliodes cordalis (Doubleday) is an important pest of eggplant but little is known of its biology. Egg size, oviposition sites, seasonal occurrence and egg parasitism were studied from 2006 to 2008 in the coastal Burnett district of Queensland. Eggs (L:W:H:: 0.716 mm:0.445 mm:0.292 mm) were laid predominantly on the calyx of the fruit but not on flowers. Trichogramma Westwood and Trichogrammatoidea Girault wasps emerged from parasitised eggs. Pheromone traps caught moths throughout the year, with higher catches in spring and summer than in winter and in the presence of eggplant crops. © Entomological Society of Queensland.


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Two previously unrecognisable species of Australian thrips described by A.A. Girault are placed generically. Giraultithrips gen. n. is described to include G. nigricoxa (Girault), comb, n., originally placed in Bagnalliella Karny and currently included in Haplothrips Amyot & Serville, while Azaleothrips perniger (Girault), comb. n. is transferred from Glyptothrips Hood.


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Host specificity tests on Gynaikothrips ficorum (Marchal) and Gynaikothrips uzeli (Zimmerman) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) have shown that under experimental conditions, G. ficorum will induce leaf galls on both Ficus benjamina L. and Ficus microcarpa L. f. (Rosales: Moraceae), but G. uzeli will induce galls only on F. benjamina. A further interesting aspect of the results is that gall induction by G. uzeli on F. benjamina appears to have been suppressed in the presence of F. microcarpa plants in the same cage. Liothrips takahashii (Moulton) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae), an inquiline in the galls of these Gynaikothrips, is reported for the first time from Australia, mainland China, Malaysia, Costa Rica, and western USA.


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Fruit flies that belong to the genus Bactrocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) are major invasive pests of agricultural crops in Asia and Australia. Increased transboundary movement of agricultural produce has resulted in the chance introduction of many invasive species that include Bactrocera mainly as immature stages. Therefore quick and accurate species diagnosis is important at the port of entry, where morphological identification has a limited role, as it requires the presence of adult specimens and the availability of a specialist. Unfortunately when only immature stages are present, a lacunae in their taxonomy impedes accurate species diagnosis. At this juncture, molecular species diagnostics based on COX-I have become handy, because diagnosis is not limited by developmental stages. Yet another method of quick and accurate species diagnosis for Bactrocera spp. is based on the development of species-specific markers. This study evaluated the utility of COX-I for the quick and accurate species diagnosis of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults of B. zonata Saunders, B. tau Walker, and B. dorsalis Hendel. Furthermore the utility of species-specific markers in differentiating B. zonata (500bp) and B. tau (220bp) was shown. Phylogenetic relationships among five subgenera, viz., Austrodacus, Bactrocera, Daculus, Notodacus and Zeugodacus have been resolved employing the 5' region of COX-I (1490-2198); where COX-I sequences for B. dorsalis Hendel, B. tau Walker, B. correcta Bezzi and B. zonata Saunders from India were compared with other NCBI-GenBank accessions. Phylogenetic analysis employing Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Bayesian phylogenetic approach (BP) showed that the subgenus Bactrocera is monophyletic.


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Dramatic improvements in DNA sequencing technologies have led to amore than 1,000-fold reduction in sequencing costs over the past five years.Genome-wide research approaches can thus now be applied beyond medicallyrelevant questions to examine the molecular-genetic basis of behavior,development and unique life histories in almost any organism. A first step foran emerging model organism is usually establishing a reference genomesequence. I offer insight gained from the fire ant genome project. First, I detailhow the project came to be and how sequencing, assembly and annotationstrategies were chosen. Subsequently, I describe some of the issues linked toworking with data from recently sequenced genomes. Finally, I discuss anapproach undertaken in a follow-up project based on the fire ant genomesequence.


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This paper analyses acarological evidence from a 130-year-old forensic investigation. It was the first case in forensic acarology, i.e., the first case where mites provided substantial information to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI). In 1878, the mites found in the mummified body of a newborn baby girl in Paris, France, were studied by acarologist and forensic entomologist Jean Pierre M,gnin. M,gnin estimated around 2.4 million mites in the skull and identified them as Tyroglyphus longior (Gervais), a junior synonym of Tyrophagus longior. He suggested that the arrival of these mites at the corpse would have occurred by phoresy on carrier insects, roughly 5 months before the autopsy. There is no doubt about the identification of the mites, M,gnin was a highly respected acarologist. However, two main factors affecting the biology of Tyrophagus mites were not included in the original analysis. First, M,gnin stated that the mites were phoretic. However, he probably did not have access to information about the natural history of the species, because as a rule Tyrophagus mites are non-phoretic. Considering the omnipresence of Tyrophagus mites in soil, most likely the mites will have arrived almost immediately after death. Second, temperature was not taken into account during the estimations of the mite population growth rate. The new analysis is based on current knowledge of Tyrophagus biology and includes temperature, estimated following a handful of weather reports of the years 1877 and 1878. The new projections indicate that non-phoretic mites may have colonised the body just after death and the colony would have built up over 8 months, contrary to the 5 months proposed by M,gnin. This new lapse of time agrees with the PMI proposed by Brouardel: on 15 January 1878 he postulated the death of the newborn to have occurred some 8 months before the autopsy.


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The title of the work, Formica, speaks both to the work’s insect motif – formica is Latin for ant - but also to the 2-dimensional nature of the projection screen – Formica is also a kind of decorative laminate surface. This is Grennan’s second video installation work commissioned specifically for the Kingston Art Centre’s Bridge Space. Following on from the first project - which transformed a dilapidated 3rd story pedestrian corridor into a virtual swimming pool - this work continues to explore the residual meanings of the corridor as a liminal, in-between, or non-space. The new work seeks to again reply aesthetically and poetically to the site’s external setting dominated as it is by the heavy commuter traffic along the Nepean Highway. Scale is central to the work. In Formica, Grennan constructs a scaled-down Perspex replica of the walk-bridge, and with the help of Patrick Honan and Museum Victoria (where Patrick, an entomologist, is head of live exhibits), he populates the corridor with live Bull Ants. The work records these colossal ants as they negotiate the non-space of the corridor and fulfil their metaphorical roles as standardised commuters. With nowhere to go, however, the ants subvert this assigned role and exhibit far more nuanced and individuated behaviour as they investigate, probe, prevaricate, dawdle, or preen idly as though performing some insectile version of Waiting for Godot.


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Young and mature larvae of queen and workers of the thief ant, Solenopsis helena, are herein described for the first time. Specimens were treated and described by usual methods of light and scanning electron microscopy. Many of the observed characteristics confirmed traits of the thief ant larva, reinforcing the assumption that they are a distinct group from fire ants. The larva of S. helena can be recognized from other close species by details of the mouthparts, but seem extensively similar to Solenopsis molesta. These findings are useful for taxonomic studies and phylogenetic inferences.