964 resultados para enhanced immune protection


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Developing a vaccine against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) poses an exceptional challenge. There are no documented cases of immune-mediated clearance of HIV from an infected individual, and no known correlates of immune protection. Although nonhuman primate models of lentivirus infection have provided valuable data about HIV pathogenesis, such models do not predict HIV vaccine efficacy in humans. The combined lack of a predictive animal model and undefined biomarkers of immune protection against HIV necessitate that vaccines to this pathogen be tested directly in clinical trials. Adaptive clinical trial designs can accelerate vaccine development by rapidly screening out poor vaccines while extending the evaluation of efficacious ones, improving the characterization of promising vaccine candidates and the identification of correlates of immune protection.


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Les chimiokines et leurs récepteurs respectifs jouent un rôle important dans l’immunité innée et adaptative. Les récepteurs de chimiokines identifient des cellules T CD4+ avec potentiel de migration dans des tissus spécifiques et à fonctionnalité distincte du point de vue de la spécificité antigénique et de la production de cytokines. L’identité de la population des cellules T CD4+ susceptibles versus résistantes à l’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH) reste mal définie. Le recrutement dans les muqueuses intestinales d’un excès de cellules T effectrices (CD8+) comparé aux cellules cibles (CD4+) représente un bon pronostic de l’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience simienne (VIS), tandis que la déplétion des cellules Th17 dans les tissus lymphoïdes associés au tractus gastro-intestinal (GALT) est un marqueur de la progression de l’infection à VIH. L’effet régulateur des chimiokines sur l’activation de la réplication virale dans différentes sous-populations cellulaires T CD4+ reste peu étudié. Ce projet de maîtrise est divisé en 3 parties: (1) l’identification des récepteurs de chimiokines CCR4, CXCR3 et CCR6 comme marqueurs de surfaces des sous populations T CD4+ avec susceptibilité distincte à l’infection par le VIH; (2) la caractérisation phénotypique et fonctionnelle des cellules T CD4+ et T CD8+ spécifiques au VIH de sujets à progression lente vers le stade sida (LTNP); et (3) les effets des chimiokines ligands de CCR4, CXCR3 et CCR6 sur l’activation cellulaire et la réplication virale in vitro. Nos résultats démontrent que les cellules T CD4+ CCR4+CCR6+ (profile cytokinique Th17) et CXCR3+CCR6+ (profile cytokinique Th1/Th17) sont hautement permissives à l’infection par le VIH. Nous proposons également de nouveaux corrélats de protection immunitaire contre le VIH chez les sujets LTNP: (i) le potentiel de co-localisation dans les muqueuses intestinales des cellules T CD4+ et CD8+ spécifiques au VIH via l’intégrine β7, (ii) le ratio élevé entre les cellules T effectrices (CD8+) versus les cellules cibles (CD4+) spécifiques au VIH, (iii) le profil cytokinique Th17 et (iv) la capacité des cellules T CD4+ et CD8+ spécifiques au VIH à produire des ligands de CCR5 bloquant l’entrée virale. Finalement, nos résultats sur l’effet co-stimulateur des chimiokines sur les cellules T et leurs effets opposés sur la réplication virale démontrent l’implication du réseau des chimiokines dans la régulation de la pathogenèse de l’infection à VIH.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Introduction : Aujourd’hui, 35,3 millions de personnes vivent avec le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH)-1 dans le monde ; l’Afrique subsaharienne concentre 70% des nouvelles infections et les femmes en représentent plus de la moitié. Le mode de transmission du VIH le plus répandu est par voie mucosale génitale suite à des relations sexuelles. Le tractus génital féminin (TGF) possède un milieu immunitaire complexe qui doit contrer l’invasion par des pathogènes tout en maintenant la tolérance/contrôle de la flore normale vaginale étant sous la pression de procréation sous influence des hormones sexuelles. De plus, les mécanismes favorisant ou prévenant l’infection du TGF par le VIH ne sont pas précisément identifiés. Hypothèse : Le contexte inflammatoire mucosal génital et la résultante de dialogues intercellulaires tel qu’entre les cellules épithéliales génitales (CEG) et les cellules dendritiques myéloïdes (mDC), qui sont des premières à rencontrer le virus aux portes d’entrée mucosales, modulent l’activité des lymphocytes qui est déterminante dans le type de réponse immunitaire élaborée par l’hôte. Méthodologie : Des spécimens provenant d’une cohorte de travailleuses du sexe (TS) recrutées à Cotonou au Bénin en Afrique subsaharienne ont été analysés. Nous avons caractérisé le milieu mucosal génital féminin hautement exposé au VIH de TS séronégatives (highly exposed seronegative; HESN) en comparaison avec celui de TS séropositives. Brièvement, les liquides cervicaux-vaginaux ont été déterminés par des techniques de multiplexes/Luminex ou par ELISA et le milieu cellulaire a été décrit suite à des analyses de cytométrie en flux (phénotypage et tri cellulaire). Résultats : Nous avons observé la présence augmentée d’un facteur soluble antiviral, immunomodulateur et antiprolifératif sécrété dans le TGF des TS HESN qui est l’interféron (IFN)-α. La présence augmentée de cette cytokine suggère l’existence possible de connexions intercellulaires clés qui pourraient mener à une régulation homéostatique du compartiment immunitaire génital permettant de contrôler l’infection par le VIH-1. En étudiant l’expression de molécules impliquées dans les voies de signalisation associées à la production d’IFN-α dans les CEG et les cellules myéloïdes du TGF, nous avons pu mettre en évidence l’existence d’un microenvironnement présentant un profil «tolérogénique/régulateur» dans le TGF des TS HESN. Conclusion : Nos observations nous ont permis d’élucider certaines hypothèses sur un potentiel mécanisme d’immunité naturelle protecteur chez les TS HESN. De plus, nous sommes des premiers à décrire une population myéloïde présentant des caractéristiques de DC «tolérogéniques» de par leur expression d’interleukine (IL)-10, de human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G et de immunoglobulin-like transcript (ILT)-4 dans le TGF de TS HESN. Cette étude aura des implications majeures dans le développement de stratégies d’interventions préventives afin de moduler des conditions inflammatoires préexistantes ainsi établissant une défense mucosale rapide et durable contre le VIH-1.


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Poor bioavailability and poor pharmacokinetic characteristics are some of the leading causes of drug development failure. Therefore, poorly-soluble drugs, fragile proteins or nucleic acid products may benefit from their encapsulation in nanosized vehicles, providing enhanced solubilisation, protection against degradation, and increased access to pathological compartments. A key element for the success of drug-loaded nanocarriers (NC) is their ability to either cross biological barriers themselves or allow loaded drugs to traverse them to achieve optimal pharmacological action at pathological sites. Depending on the mode of administration, NC may have to cross different physiological barriers in their journey towards their target. In this review, the crossing of biological barriers by passive targeting strategies will be presented for intravenous delivery (vascular endothelial lining, particularly for tumour vasculature and blood-brain barrier targeting), oral administration (gastrointestinal lining) and upper airway administration (pulmonary epithelium). For each specific barrier, background information will be provided on the structure and biology of the tissues involved as well as available pathways for nano-objects or loaded drugs (diffusion and convection through fenestration, transcytosis, tight junction crossing, etc.). The determinants of passive targeting − size, shape, surface chemistry, surface patterning of nanovectors − will be discussed in light of current results. Perspectives on each mode of administration will be presented. The focus will be on polymeric nanoparticles and dendrimers although advances in liposome technology will be also reported as they represent the largest body in the drug delivery literature.


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It is well known that gut bacteria contribute significantly to the host homeostasis, providing a range of benefits such as immune protection and vitamin synthesis. They also supply the host with a considerable amount of nutrients, making this ecosystem an essential metabolic organ. In the context of increasing evidence of the link between the gut flora and the metabolic syndrome, understanding the metabolic interaction between the host and its gut microbiota is becoming an important challenge of modern biology.1-4 Colonization (also referred to as normalization process) designates the establishment of micro-organisms in a former germ-free animal. While it is a natural process occurring at birth, it is also used in adult germ-free animals to control the gut floral ecosystem and further determine its impact on the host metabolism. A common procedure to control the colonization process is to use the gavage method with a single or a mixture of micro-organisms. This method results in a very quick colonization and presents the disadvantage of being extremely stressful5. It is therefore useful to minimize the stress and to obtain a slower colonization process to observe gradually the impact of bacterial establishment on the host metabolism. In this manuscript, we describe a procedure to assess the modification of hepatic metabolism during a gradual colonization process using a non-destructive metabolic profiling technique. We propose to monitor gut microbial colonization by assessing the gut microbial metabolic activity reflected by the urinary excretion of microbial co-metabolites by 1H NMR-based metabolic profiling. This allows an appreciation of the stability of gut microbial activity beyond the stable establishment of the gut microbial ecosystem usually assessed by monitoring fecal bacteria by DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis).6 The colonization takes place in a conventional open environment and is initiated by a dirty litter soiled by conventional animals, which will serve as controls. Rodents being coprophagous animals, this ensures a homogenous colonization as previously described.7 Hepatic metabolic profiling is measured directly from an intact liver biopsy using 1H High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning NMR spectroscopy. This semi-quantitative technique offers a quick way to assess, without damaging the cell structure, the major metabolites such as triglycerides, glucose and glycogen in order to further estimate the complex interaction between the colonization process and the hepatic metabolism7-10. This method can also be applied to any tissue biopsy11,12.


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Evidence suggests that probiotic bacteria modulate both innate and adaptive immunity in the host, and in some situations can result in reduced severity of common illnesses, such as acute rotavirus infection and respiratory infections. Responses to vaccination are increasingly being used to provide high quality information on the immunomodulatory effects of dietary components in humans. The present review focuses on the effect of probiotic administration upon vaccination response. The majority of studies investigating the impact of probiotics on responses to vaccination have been conducted in healthy adults, and at best they show modest effects of probiotics on serum or salivary IgA titres. Studies in infants and in elderly subjects are very limited, and it is too early to draw any firm conclusions regarding the potential for probiotics to act as adjuvants in vaccination. Although some studies are comparable in terms of duration of the intervention and age and characteristics of the subjects, most differ in terms of the probiotic selected. Further well designed, randomized, placebo-controlled studies are needed to fully understand the immunomodulatory properties of probiotics, whether the effects exerted are strain-dependent and age-dependent, and their clinical relevance in enhancing immune protection following vaccination.


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Multi-tenure reserve networks have been developed as a mechanism to improve cross tenure management and protection of biodiversity, but also as a means of accounting for biodiversity assets managed for conservation outside of protected areas on public land. We evaluated the contribution of multi-tenure reserve networks to enhancing the comprehensiveness and representativeness of ecosystems in publicly protected areas, using three Australian case studies. All networks contributed to enhancing comprehensiveness and representativeness, but this contribution varied between networks and between components of those networks. Significantly, components on private land and "other public land" in all three networks greatly enhanced the protection of some ecosystems at a subregional scale. The Grassy Box Woodlands Conservation Management Network, in particular made a substantial contribution to conservation, with most components protecting remnants of an endangered and under-represented ecosystem. Multi-reserve conservation networks not only act to protect threatened and under-reserved ecosystems, but they also provide a mechanism to account for this protection. Thus, multi-tenure reserve networks have the potential to provide increased knowledge and understanding to conservation planning decision making processes.


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Maternally derived yolk antibodies provide neonates with immune protection in early life at negligible cost to mothers. However, developmental effects on the neonate's future immunity are potentially costly and thus could limit yolk antibody deposition. The benefits to neonatal immunity must be balanced against costs, which may depend on neonate vulnerability to pathogens, developmental trajectories and the immunological strategies best suited to a species' pace of life. We measured yolk antibodies and life-history features of 23 species of small Neotropical birds and assessed the evidence for each of several hypotheses for life history and ecological effects on the evolution of yolk antibody levels. Developmental period and yolk antibodies are negatively related, which possibly reflect the importance of humoral immune priming through antigen exposure, and selection to avoid autoimmunity, in species with a slower pace of life. There is also a strong relationship between body size and yolk antibody concentration, suggesting that larger species are architecturally equipped to produce and transfer higher concentrations of antibodies. These results suggest that developmental effects of maternally derived antibodies, such as imprinting effects on B-cell diversity or autoimmune effects, are important and deserve more consideration in future research.


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Pollen allergy has been found in 80–90% of childhood asthmatics and 40–50% of adult-onset asthmatics. Despite the high prevalence of atopy in asthmatics, a causal relationship between the allergic response and asthma has not been clearly established. Pollen grains are too large to penetrate the small airways where asthma occurs. Yet pollen cytoplasmic fragments are respirable and are likely correlated with the asthmatic response in allergic asthmatics. In this review, we outline the mechanism of pollen fragmentation and possible pathophysiology of pollen fragment-induced asthma. Pollen grains rupture within the male flowers and emit cytoplasmic debris when winds or other disturbances disperse the pollen. Peak levels of grass and birch pollen allergens in the atmosphere correlated with the occurrence of moist weather conditions during the flowering period. Thunderstorm asthma epidemics may be triggered by grass pollen rupture in the atmosphere and the entrainment of respirable-sized particles in the outflows of air masses at ground level. Pollen contains nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced) oxidases and bioactive lipid mediators which likely contribute to the inflammatory response. Several studies have examined synergistic effects and enhanced immune response from interaction in the atmosphere, or from co-deposition in the airways, of pollen allergens, endogenous pro-inflammatory agents, and the particulate and gaseous fraction of combustion products. Pollen and fungal fragments also contain compounds that can suppress reactive oxidants and quench free radicals. It is important to know more about how these substances interact to potentially enhance, or even ameliorate, allergic asthma.


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Lactation is a key aspect of mammalian evolution for adaptation of various reproductive strategies along different mammalian lineages. Marsupials, such as tammar wallaby, adopted a short gestation and a relatively long lactation cycle, the newborn is immature at birth and significant development occurs postnatally during lactation. Continuous changes of tammar milk composition may contribute to development and immune protection of pouch young. Here, in order to address the putative contribution of newly identified secretory milk miRNA in these processes, high throughput sequencing of miRNAs collected from tammar milk at different time points of lactation was conducted. A comparative analysis was performed to find distribution of miRNA in milk and blood serum of lactating wallaby.


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The immune response in leishmaniasis may result in a polarization of the T lymphocyte subpopulation, altering cell phenotype and resulting in immune protection or disease exacerbation. Leishmania may persist in the body either during asymptomatic infections or after treatment, which represents high risk under immunosuppression. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of infection with immunosuppression by dexamethasone associated with pentoxifylline on animal weight, spleen weight, spleen and hepatic parasitic load and immunopathology, as well as the IFN-gamma and IL-10 production in spleen cell culture of Balb/c mice infected with Leishmania chagasi. The infection did not cause body weight gain in animals, but both the weight and size of the spleen were increased. The immunosuppression using dexamethasone associated with pentoxifylline affected body weight gain and spleen weight and size in both infected and non-infected animals. The immunosuppression did not significantly alter the course of the splenic or hepatic parasite burden. Dexamethasone and pentoxifylline significantly affected cytokine production, but did not influence the Th1/Th2 ratio in infected animals.


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Includes bibliography


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A malária cerebral (MC) é uma das complicações mais graves resultante da infecção por P. falciparum e a principal causa de morte em crianças. O quadro de MC apresenta uma patogênese complexa, associado a complicações neurológicas provenientes de uma resposta imunológica exacerbada, bem como eventos hemorrágicos. Estudos descrevem uma retinopatia associada ao quadro, juntamente com um intenso processo de astrogliose nas proximidades de vasos que nutrem o tecido retiniano. O presente trabalho buscou caracterizar o processo inflamatório e as possíveis alterações neuroquímicas e eletrofisiológicas no tecido retiniano de camundongos albino suíço, quando inoculados com a cepa ANKA de Plasmodium berghei (PbA). Camundongos albino suíço foram infectados com cepa PbA. Para caracterização do quadro de malária cerebral experimental (MCE) foram avaliados diversos parâmetros, como surgimento dos sinais clínicos, curva de sobrevivência, parasitemia (%), ganho de massa corpórea, permeabilidade vascular e quantificação de citocinas (TNF-α, IL-6 e IL-10) no tecido cortical. Para avaliarmos alterações na funcionalidade do tecido retiniano, utilizamos eletrorretinograma de campo total. Para a avaliação dos sistemas de neurotransmissão foi realizado ensaio de liberação e captação de glutamato e GABA que, posteriormente foi quantificado por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência. Para análise da resposta inflamatória foi realizada a quantificação de citocinas (TNF-α, IL-6 e IL-10) no tecido retiniano. Após a caracterização do quadro de MCE nós observamos a diminuição da amplitude de onda-b de cones e bastonetes, bem como aumento do tempo implícito de bastonetes, respostas mistas em diferentes intensidades e potencial oscilatório. Observamos aumento na liberação e captação de glutamato e, ainda, a ativação de uma via antiinflamatória no tecido retiniano. Este trabalho nos permitiu validar o modelo murino de MCE e caracterizar, pela primeira vez, alterações na funcionalidade do tecido retiniano, acompanhada de alterações no sistema glutamatérgico, bem como ativação de uma via antiinflamatória no tecido retiniano.