991 resultados para endemic disease


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Autoimmune bullous dermatoses are diseases in which blisters and vesicles are the primary and fundamental types of skin lesion. Their classification is based on the location of the blister: intraepidermal and subepidermal. Patients produce autoantibodies against self-specific structures of the skin detectable by immunofluorescence techniques, immunoblotting and ELISA. Recent advances in molecular and cellular biology have brought to knowledge these self-antigens, against which patients are sensitized, and which are found in epidermis or in the dermo-epidermal junction. These are low incidence, but high morbidity diseases that may be fatal. The aim of this article is to review and describe the progress of four autoimmune vesiculobullous disorders: endemic pemphigus foliaceous (wild fire), pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid and dermatitis herpetiformis. ©2009 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a dimorphic fungus, prevalent in tropical and subtropical America. It is rare in the United States of America, Canada, Asia and Europe and in these countries it is related to immigrants from endemic areas. Paracoccidioidomycosis associated with immunosuppression runs a course with rapid progression and dissemination of the disease, with many cutaneous lesions. The mortality rate is up to 35% when associated with HIV infection or AIDS. The diagnosis depends on visualization of the agent through direct examination, histopathology, or culture. First choice treatment is done with Amphotericin B deoxycholate. Itraconazole is an option for long term treatment. Sporotrichosis is caused by Sporothrix schenckii, the species of reference. Other species have been considered such as: Sporothrix brasiliensis, S.globosa and S.mexicana and the S.schenckii var. lurei. It is a ubiquitous disease although more prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas. Currently, it has been reported as a zoonotic disease of cats and dogs, with transmission to their owners in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Sporotrichosis associated to immunosuppression is uncommon or underreported. There were 34 cases in association with HIV infection or AIDS reported so far. Presenting with disseminated disease and non cutaneous lesions including joints, lungs and central nervous system. Amphotericin B deoxycholate is the first choice for treatment and itraconazol considered an alternative.


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Background: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease endemic in some undeveloped areas, and still represents a public health problem in Brazil. Therefore, the control of this endemic disease depends necessarily on the institution of correct treatment and containment of treatment dropout. This study aims to conduct a systematic review of published studies on treatment dropout of leprosy. Methods. We conducted a systematic review of articles on treatment dropout of leprosy, published between january 2005 and april 2013, on MEDLINE and SciELO databases. The search was performed using the MeSH terms: leprosy; patients dropouts and the keywords: leprosy, treatment and noncompliance, leprosy in association, beside the equivalents in Portuguese. Results: There were originally 196 references. After analyzing the titles and abstracts of articles, 20 articles were obtained and included in the final sample. Discussion. Leprosy is a notifiable disease known as its disfiguring capability and the high rate of non-compliance to treatment. The low adhesion is responsible for the remaining potential sources of infection, irreversible complications, incomplete cure and, additionally, may lead to resistance to multiple drugs. Many factors are responsible for the interruption or dropout treatment: socioeconomic factors, education level, knowledge about the disease, lack of efficiency of health services, demographics, side effects of drugs, alcoholism, among others. Conclusion: The recent scientific literature about the subject diverge regarding the factors that most affect the dropout problem in treating leprosy patients. However, better integration between professionals and users, and greater commitment of the patient, are common points among the authors of the studies. © 2013 Girão et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A criptococose em residentes no estado do Pará apresenta-se como endemia grave, ocorrendo nas diferentes mesorregiões do estado e na área metropolitana de Belém. Ocorre causando neurocriptococose, com letalidade acima de 40%. Para tentar elucidar o comportamento clínico e epidemiológico da criptococose em pacientes HIV positivos, realizamos um estudo retrospectivo, analítico de série de casos, com revisão de prontuários dos últimos 05 anos (2006 –2010), com pacientes HIV positivos em um hospital de referência em Belém – Pará. A doença ainda é uma das causas mais freqüentes de óbitos em pacientes HIV positivos na região norte e deve-se ao C. neoformans o maior número de casos, contribuindo com 57 (60,6%) de um total de 94 casos. No que diz respeito à forma clínica, da criptococose, desenvolvida pelos pacientes HIV positivos, observou-se que o acometimento do sistema nervoso está presente em 46,8% dos pacientes e a disseminação da doença em 27,7% dos casos. A relação entre a causa do óbito e a presença do Cryptococcus, ocorre por um conjunto complexo de fatores que devem ser esclarecidos e correlacionados com o óbito dos pacientes e o mais importante, estabelecerem o quão forte é essa relação uma vez detectada.


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Hanseníase é um problema de saúde pública no estado do Pará e um desafio para os Programas de Controle que almejam o estabelecimento de estratégias para minimização do agravo da doença. O entendimento do mecanismo genético e imunológico para explicar a manutenção da endemia pode ser uma das alternativas para melhoria da abordagem do problema na nossa região. O gene humano de resistência natural associada à proteína macrofágica – NRAMP1 é expresso em macrógfagos e parece estar envolvido com a influência no padrão de resposta imune à infecção com Mycobcaterium leprae. Nós avaliamos associação do polimorfismo deste gene, já descrito por BUU et al, 1995 com a hanseníase “per se” e com os tipos da doença, segundo os níveis de anticorpos anti-PGL-1 na população estudada. Um total de 122 pacientes com hanseníase e 110 não doentes procedentes de municípios endêmicos do estado do Pará, foram genotipados para o polimorfismo deste gene e analisados segundo os níveis de anticorpos anti-PGL-1 desta micobactéria. Observou-se associação com a hanseníase “per se” (p=0.0087), e o polimorfismo da região 3ۥ não traduzida do gene NRAMP1 com inserção/deleção de 4 pares de bases foi fortemente associado com a forma multibacilar (p= 0.025) comparado aos contatos não cosanguíneos. Heterozigotos e portadores do alelo com a deleção (159pb) foram mais freqüentes entre os casos multibacilares do que nos paucibacilares. Os haplótipos do gene NRAMP1 parecem exercer influência importante na apresentação clínica da hanseníase, revelada também pela positividade ao antígeno PGL-1 do mycobacterium leprae.


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A Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana no estado do Amapá ainda está restrita às áreas rurais. Para estratificar o Amapá em áreas de risco para LTA, e conhecer seu perfil epidemiológico, foram coletados casos registrados no Sistema de Informação Nacional de Agravos de Notificação e classificados os municípios quanto ao risco, de acordo com as médias dos coeficientes de prevalência de 2002 a 2006 de cada município. Foram registrados 2.664 casos autóctones de LTA: 2002 (353 casos); 2003 (481); 2004 (968), 2005 (422) e 2006 (440). Desses, 653 (24,5%) com origem da infecção no município de Porto Grande. A média do coeficiente de prevalência do estado nos 5 anos estudados foi de 95,51/100.000hab. Os municípios foram agrupados em áreas quanto ao grau de risco: de baixo risco para LTA (Macapá, Cutias, Santana e Amapá); médio risco (Itaubal, Pracuúba, V. do Jari e Ferreira Gomes); alto risco (L. do Jari, Mazagão, Tartarugalzinho e Oiapoque) e muito alto risco (Calçoene, P. Grande, P. B. do Amapari e S. do Navio). O Amapá apresentou 72% dos casos no 1ºsemestre, com 16,6% dos casos no mês de abril; 38,8% em pacientes com idade entre 20 a 34 anos; 79,7% de ocorrência no sexo masculino, variando na área de médio risco 83% e baixo risco 72%; 29% em pacientes com escolaridade de 4 a 7 anos de estudo. Com 96,2% com confirmação laboratorial na área de muito alto risco; 98,9% casos de leishmaniose cutânea e apenas 42,9% com cura confirmada, na área de alto risco ocorreram 65,3% de cura. A LTA apresenta 100% de autoctonia no estado do Amapá, com um importante surto em 2004 e o município de P. Grande é o que mais contribui para a manutenção desta endemia.


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Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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In Brazil, the importance of leishmaniosis it is seen in its high incidence and huge distribution, as well as the possibility of became a lethal disease. It´s a zoonosis of canids, felines, rodents e marsupials, that is transmitted to men through vector bugs. Visceral leishmaniosis, the most serious and prevalent form, strongly became as an emergent and endemic disease, seeing in many Brazilian states, also bringing a lot of problems to public health. Because of this, it´s notable that the increase of urbanization in the last 20 years put in quest all the control strategies existent, the measures implanted until today were incapable to eliminate the transmission as to impede the occurrence of new epidemics. The prevention of dogs through imunoprophylaxis appear as an alternative, however to have a safe use it´s needed other studies, that can bring real results. The research below shows the increase of visceral leishmaniosis during the years, associated mainly to human cases, besides of dismember the tries used or that will be used with objective of dicrease the spread of leishmaniosis


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is an endemic disease in Switzerland, with about 110-120 reported human cases each year. Endemic areas are found throughout the country. However, the viruses circulating in Switzerland have not been characterized so far. In this study, the complete envelope (E) protein sequences and phylogenetic classification of 72 TBE viruses found in Ixodes ricinus ticks sampled at 39 foci throughout Switzerland were analyzed. All isolates belonged to the European subtype and were highly related (mean pairwise sequence identity of 97.8% at the nucleotide and 99.6% at the amino acid level of the E protein). Sixty-four isolates were characterized in vitro with respect to their plaque phenotype. More than half (57.8%) of isolates produced a mixture of plaques of different sizes, reflecting a heterogeneous population of virus variants. Isolates consistently forming plaques of small size were associated with recently detected endemic foci with no or only sporadic reports of clinical cases. All of six virus isolates investigated in an in vivo mouse model were highly neurovirulent (100% mortality) but exhibited a relatively low level of neuroinvasiveness, with mouse survival rates ranging from 50% to 100%. Therefore, TBE viruses circulating in Switzerland belong to the European subtype and are closely related. In vitro and in vivo surrogates suggest a high proportion of isolates with a relatively low level of virulence, which is in agreement with a hypothesized high proportion of subclinical or mild TBE infections.