916 resultados para emissions observation
An assessment is made of the atmospheric emissions from the life cycle of fuel ethanol coupled with the cogeneration of electricity from sugarcane in Brazil. The total exergy loss from the most quantitative relevant atmospheric emission substances produced by the life cycle of fuel ethanol is 3.26E+05 kJ/t of C(2)H(5)OH, Compared with the chemical exergy of 1 t of ethanol (calculated as 34.56E + 06 kJ). the exergy loss from the life cycle`s atmospheric emission represents 1.11% of the product`s exergy. The activity that most contributes to atmospheric emission chemical exergy losses is the harvesting of sugarcane through the methane emitted in burning. Suggestions for improved environmental quality and greater efficiency of the life cycle of fuel ethanol with cogenerated energy are: harvesting the sugarcane without burning, renewable fuels should be used in tractors, trucks and buses instead of fossil fuel and the transportation of products and input should be logistically optimized. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The search for alternatives to fossil fuels is boosting interest in biodiesel production. Among the crops used to produce biodiesel, palm trees stand out due to their high productivity and positive energy balance. This work assesses life cycle emissions and the energy balance of biodiesel production from palm oil in Brazil. The results are compared through a meta-analysis to previous published studies: Wood and Corley (1991) [Wood BJ, Corley RH. The energy balance of oil palm cultivation. In: PORIM intl. palm oil conference agriculture; 1991.], Malaysia; Yusoff and Hansen (2005) [Yusoff S. Hansen SB. Feasibility study of performing an life cycle assessment on crude palm oil production in Malaysia. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2007;12:50-8], Malaysia; Angarita et al. (2009) [Angarita EE, Lora EE, Costa RE, Torres EA. The energy balance in the palm oil-derived methyl ester (PME) life cycle for the cases in Brazil and Colombia. Renewable Energy 2009;34:2905-13], Colombia; Pleanjai and Gheewala (2009) [Pleanjai S. Gheewala SH. Full chain energy analysis of biodiesel production from palm oil in Thailand. Applied Energy 2009;86:S209-14], Thailand; and Yee et al. (2009) [Yee KF, Tan KT, Abdullah AZ, Lee la. Life cycle assessment of palm biodiesel: revealing facts and benefits for sustainability. Applied Energy 2009;86:S189-96], Malaysia. In our study, data for the agricultural phase, transport, and energy content of the products and co-products were obtained from previous assessments done in Brazil. The energy intensities and greenhouse gas emission factors were obtained from the Simapro 7.1.8. software and other authors. These factors were applied to the inputs and outputs listed in the selected studies to render them comparable. The energy balance for our study was 1:5.37. In comparison the range for the other studies is between 1:3.40 and 1:7.78. Life cycle emissions determined in our assessment resulted in 1437 kg CO(2)e/ha, while our analysis based on the information provided by other authors resulted in 2406 kg CO(2)e/ha, on average. The Angarita et al. (2009) [Angarita EE, Lora EE, Costa RE, Torres EA. The energy balance in the palm oil-derived methyl ester (PME) life cycle for the cases in Brazil and Colombia. Renewable Energy 2009:34:2905-13] study does not report emissions. When compared to diesel on a energy basis, avoided emissions due to the use of biodiesel account for 80 g CO(2)e/MJ. Thus, avoided life Cycle emissions associated with the use of biodiesel yield a net reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We also assessed the carbon balance between a palm tree plantation, including displaced emissions from diesel, and a natural ecosystem. Considering the carbon balance outcome plus life cycle emissions the payback time for a tropical forest is 39 years. The result published by Gibbs et al. (2008) [Gibbs HK, Johnston M, Foley JA, Holloway T, Monfreda C, Ramankutty N, et al., Carbon payback times for crop-based biofuel expansion in the tropics: the effects of changing yield and technology. Environmental Research Letters 2008;3:10], which ignores life cycle emissions, determined a payback range for biodiesel production between 30 and 120 years. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the procedures of the analysis Of Pollutant gases, as volatile organic compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene and p-xylene) emitted by engines, using high-resolution gas chromatography (HRGC). In a broad sense, CI engine burning diesel was compared with B10 and a drastic reduction was observed in the emissions of the aromatic compounds by using B10. Especially for benzene, the reduction of concentrations occurs on the level of about 19.5%. Although a concentration value below 1 mu g ml(-1) has been obtained, this reduction is extremely significant since benzene is a carcinogenic compound. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oxy-coal combustion is a viable technology, for new and existing coal-fired power plants, as it facilitates carbon capture and, thereby, can mitigate climate change. Pulverized coals of various ranks, biomass, and their blends were burned to assess the evolution of combustion effluent gases, such as NO(x), SO(2), and CO, under a variety of background gas compositions. The fuels were burned in an electrically heated laboratory drop-tube furnace in O(2)/N(2) and O(2)/CO(2) environments with oxygen mole fractions of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, at a furnace temperature of 1400 K. The fuel mass flow rate was kept constant in most cases, and combustion was fuel-lean. Results showed that in the case of four coals studied, NO(x) emissions in O(2)/CO(2) environments were lower than those in O(2)/N(2) environments by amounts that ranged from 19 to 43% at the same oxygen concentration. In the case of bagasse and coal/bagasse blends, the corresponding NO(x) reductions ranged from 22 to 39%. NO(x) emissions were found to increase with increasing oxygen mole fraction until similar to 50% O(2) was reached; thereafter, they monotonically decreased with increasing oxygen concentration. NO(x) emissions from the various fuels burned did not clearly reflect their nitrogen content (0.2-1.4%), except when large content differences were present. SO(2) emissions from all fuels remained largely unaffected by the replacement of the N(2) diluent gas with CO(2), whereas they typically increased with increasing sulfur content of the fuels (0.07-1.4%) and decreased with increasing calcium content of the fuels (0.28-2.7%). Under the conditions of this work, 20-50% of the fuel-nitrogen was converted to NO(x). The amount of fuel-sulfur converted to SO(2) varied widely, depending on the fuel and, in the case of the bituminous coal, also depending on the O(2) mole fraction. Blending the sub-bituminous coal with bagasse reduced its SO(2) yields, whereas blending the bituminous coal with bagasse reduced both its SO(2) and NO(x) yields. CO emissions were generally very low in all cases. The emission trends were interpreted on the basis of separate combustion observations.
An investigation was conducted on pollutants emitted from steady-state, steady-flow gasification and combustion of polyethylene (PE) in a two-stage furnace. The polymer, in pulverized form, was first pyrolyzed at 1000 degrees C, and subsequently, its gaseous pyrolyzates were burned, upon mixing with air at high temperatures (900-1100 degrees C). The motivation for this indirect type of burning PE was to attain nominally premixed combustion of the pyrolyzate gases with air, thereby achieving lower pollutant emissions than those emanating from the direct burning of the solid PE polymer. This work assessed the effluents of the two-stage furnace and examined the effects of the combustion temperature, as well as the polymer feed rate and the associated fuel/air equivalence ratio (0.3 < phi < 1.4). It was found that, whereas the yield of pyrolysis gas decreased with an increasing polymer feed rate, its composition was nearly independent of the feed rate. CO2 emissions peaked at an equivalence ratio near unity, while the CO emissions increased with an increasing equivalence ratio. The total light volatile hydrocarbon and semivolatile polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions of combustion increased with an increasing equivalence ratio. The generated particulates were mostly submicrometer in size. Overall, PAH and soot emissions from this indirect burning of PE were an order of magnitude lower than corresponding emissions from the direct burning of the solid polymer, obtained previously in this laboratory using identical sampling and analytical techniques. Because pyrolysis of this polymer requires a nominal heat input that amounts to only a diminutive fraction of the heat released during its combustion, implementation of this technique is deemed advantageous.
We consider in this paper the optimal stationary dynamic linear filtering problem for continuous-time linear systems subject to Markovian jumps in the parameters (LSMJP) and additive noise (Wiener process). It is assumed that only an output of the system is available and therefore the values of the jump parameter are not accessible. It is a well known fact that in this setting the optimal nonlinear filter is infinite dimensional, which makes the linear filtering a natural numerically, treatable choice. The goal is to design a dynamic linear filter such that the closed loop system is mean square stable and minimizes the stationary expected value of the mean square estimation error. It is shown that an explicit analytical solution to this optimal filtering problem is obtained from the stationary solution associated to a certain Riccati equation. It is also shown that the problem can be formulated using a linear matrix inequalities (LMI) approach, which can be extended to consider convex polytopic uncertainties on the parameters of the possible modes of operation of the system and on the transition rate matrix of the Markov process. As far as the authors are aware of this is the first time that this stationary filtering problem (exact and robust versions) for LSMJP with no knowledge of the Markov jump parameters is considered in the literature. Finally, we illustrate the results with an example.
Air transport has become a vital component of the global economy. However, greenhouse-gas emissions from this sector have a significant impact on global climate, being responsible for over 3.5% of all anthropogenic radiative forcing. Also, the accrued visibility of aircraft emissions greatly affects the public image of the industry. In this context, incentive-based regulations, in the form of price or quantity controls, can be envisaged as alternatives to mitigate these emissions. The use of environmental charges in air transport, and the inclusion of the sector in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), are considered under a range of scenarios. The impacts of these measures on demand are estimated, and results suggest that they are likely to be minimal-mainly due to the high willingness to pay for air transport. In particular, in the EU ETS scenario currently favoured by the EU, demand reductions are less than 2%. This may not be true in the longer run, for short trips, or if future caps become more stringent. Furthermore, given current estimates of the social Cost Of CO2 as well as typical EU ETS prices, supply-side abatement would be too costly to be encouraged by these policies in the short term. The magnitude of aviation CO2 emissions in the EU is estimated, both in physical and monetary terms; the results are consistent with Eurocontrol estimates and, for the EU-25, the total social cost of these emissions represents only 0.03% of the region`s GDP. It is concluded that the use of multisector policies, such as the EU ETS, is unsuitable for curbing emissions from air transport, and that stringent emission charges or an isolated ETS would be better instruments. However, the inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS has advantages under target-oriented post-2012 scenarios, such as policy-costs dilution, certainty in reductions, and flexibility in abatement allocation. This solution is also attractive to airlines, as it would improve their public image but require virtually no reduction of their own emissions, as they would be fully capable of passing on policy costs to their customers.
The present study examined effects of ear asymmetry, handedness, and gender on distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) obtained from schoolchildren. A total of 1003 children (528 boys and 475 girls), with a mean age of 6.2 years (SD = 0.4, range = 5.2-7.9 years), were tested in a quiet room at their schools using the GSI-60 DPOAE system. A distortion-product (DP)-gram was obtained for each ear, with f2 varying from 1.1 to 6.0 kHz and the ratio of f2/f1 at 1.21. The signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) (DPOAE amplitude minus the mean noise floor) at the tested frequencies 1.1, 1.5, 1.9, 2.4, 3.0, 3.8, 4.8, and 6.0 kHz were measured. The results revealed a small but significant difference in SNR between ears, with right ears showing a higher mean SNR than left ears at 1.9, 3.0, 3.8, and 6.0 kHz. At these frequencies, the difference in mean SNR between ears was less than 1 dB. A significant gender effect was also found. Girls exhibited a higher SNR than boys at 3.8, 4.8, and 6.0 kHz. The difference in mean SNR, as a result of the gender effect, was about 1 to 2 dB at these frequencies. There was no significant difference in mean SNR between left-handed and right-handed children for all tested frequencies.
This study examined the test performance of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) when used as a screening tool in the school setting. A total of 1003 children (mean age 6.2 years, SD = 0.4) were tested with pure-tone screening, tympanometry, and DPOAE assessment. Optimal DPOAE test performance was determined in comparison with pure-tone screening results using clinical decision analysis. The results showed hit rates of 0.86, 0.89, and 0.90, and false alarm rates of 0.52, 0.19, and 0.22 for criterion signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values of 4, 5, and 11 dB at 1.1, 1.9, and 3.8 kHz respectively. DPOAE test performance was compromised at 1.1 kHz. In view of the different test performance characteristics across the frequencies, the use of a fixed SNR as a pass criterion for all frequencies in DPOAE assessments is not recommended. When compared to pure tone plus tympanometry results, the DPOAEs showed deterioration in test performance, suggesting that the use of DPOAEs alone might miss children with subtle middle ear dysfunction. However, when the results of a test protocol, which incorporates both DPOAEs and tympanometry, were used in comparison with the gold standard of pure-tone screening plus tympanometry, test performance was enhanced. In view of its high performance, the use of a protocol that includes both DPOAEs and tympanometry holds promise as a useful tool in the hearing screening of schoolchildren, including difficult-to-test children.
We report on the experimental observation of the generalized synchronization of chaos in a real physical system. We show that under a nonlinear resonant interaction, the chaotic dynamics of a single mode laser can become functionally related to that of a chaotic driving signal and furthermore as the coupling strength is further increased, the chaotic dynamics of the laser approaches that of the driving signal.
X-Ray diffraction is reported from mesoporous silicate films grown at the air/water interface. The films were studied both as powdered films, and oriented on silicon or mica sheets. At early stages of growth we observe Bragg diffraction from a highly ordered cubic phase, with both long and short d-spacing peaks. We have assigned this as a discontinuous micellar Pm3n phase in which the silica is partly ordered. Later films retain only the known hexagonal p6m peaks and have lost any order both at short d-spacings and the longer d-spacing Bragg peaks characteristic of the cubic structure. The silica framework is considerably expanded from that in bulk amorphous silica, average Si Si distances are some 30% greater. Incorporation of glycerol or polyethylene glycol preserves the earlier cubic structure. To be consistent with earlier, in situ, X-ray and neutron reflectivity data we infer that both structures are produced after a phase transition from a less-ordered him structure late in the induction phase. The structural relations between the film Pm3n and p6m phase(s) and the known bulk SBA-1 and MCM-41 phases are briefly discussed.
Researchers have recently reported the effects of age, sex, ear asymmetry, and subject's activity status on transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs). The present study aimed to expand upon such reports by describing the characteristics of TEOAE spectra obtained from a cohort of 607 two-month-old infants in community child health clinics. Results indicated significant sex, ear and activity state effects on the signal:noise ratio, response. whole wave and band reproducibility values. These findings suggest the need for TEOAE normative data to be expressed as a function of sex, ear, and activity state of infants. These characteristics of TEOAE spectra may shape future investigations into appropriate pass-fail criteria for two-month-old infants.
Objective: A number, of studies have consistently found that a mother's mental health (particularly her level of depression) is a strong predictor of mental health problems experienced by her child(ren). However, the validity of this finding is in doubt because the majority of these studies have relied on maternal reports as indicators of children's behavior. Method: This prospective, longitudinal study examines data an the mental health of the mother from prior to the birth of her child to when the child reaches 14 years of age. Child behavior is measured at 14 years of age using reports from mother and child. Mother and child responses are compared to provide an indication of the possible magnitude of maternal observation bias in the reporting of child behavior problems. Results: Anxious and/or depressed mothers tend to report more cases of child behavior problems than do their mentally healthy counterparts or children themselves. Differences between mothers and youths In reporting behavior problems appear to be related to the mothers' mental health. Conclusions: Current maternal mental health impairment appears to have a substantial effect on the reporting of child behavior problems by the mother, thereby raising questions about the validity of reports of child behavior by persons who are currently emotionally distressed.