544 resultados para eletro-fenton
From the environmental point of view, the textile sector is outstanding for the generation of large amounts of biorecalcitrant effluents. In this paper the textile effluent biodegradability, both before and after its treatment with Fenton's Reagent, were compared by means of biologic tests. These tests showed that the Fenton treatment lowered the biodegradabilty of practically all tested effluents, except one specific effluent from a scouring bath of polyester fibers, which achieved a 93% COD removal. This removal was due to a significant phase separation (oil/water).
In this work the treatment of textile dyeing baths by a sequential reductive-oxidative process was evaluated, aiming its utilization in new dyeing process. The results demonstrated that reactive dyes can be easily degraded by reductive processes mediated by zero-valent iron, a fact that induces decolorizations of about 80%. Sequential photo-Fenton processes permit almost total removal of the residual color with elimination of 90% of the COD content. The reuse of treated residues permits the achievement of materials that attend practically all textile specifications, with exception of the color difference parameter (ΔE), which is unsatisfactory toward the importation standards, but adequate for the national market.
In this work the preparation and characterization of a supported catalyst intended for degradation of reactive dyes by Fenton-like processes is described. The photocatalyst was prepared by immobilization of Fe3+ into the molecular sieve (4A type) surface and characterized by x-ray diffractometry and infrared, Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopy. The solid containing 0.94% (w/w) of ferric ions was used in degradation studies of aqueous reactive-dyes samples with really promissory results. Generally, Vis-assisted photochemical processes leads to almost total decolorization of all tested dyes at reaction times lower than 30 min. It was also observed that the iron-molecular sieve matrix can be reused.
The present manuscript shows the synthesis of nickel hydroxide supported in carbon (Ni(OH)2/C) as a alternative material for catalytic alcohol oxidation in alkaline medium. The Ni(OH)2/C was synthesized in different percentage using a sonic bath. No current densities variation during successive cyclic voltammetry experiments was observed. The Ni(OH)2/C electrodes exhibit a potent and persistent electrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of different alcohols. In addition, alcohols electooxidation occurs in less positive potential compared with noble metal catalyst.
An alternative for landfill leachate treatment are advanced oxidation processes by Fenton's reagent (AOP/Fenton). In this context, the aim of this paper was to evaluate, in a bench scale, the treatability of leachate pós-AOP/Fenton characterizing the supernatant and the sludge generated separately. Observed in optimal conditions, high removal efficiency of COD (76.7%), real color (76.4%) and humic substances (50%). Organic compounds were detected in the sludge (2.465 mg COD L-1) and high concentration of iron (1.757 mg L-1) as was expected. Finally, the sludge generated showed low settling hindering their separation by sedimentation (SVI = 321 mL g-1).
A continuous photochemical treatment system was developed for aiming the treatment of aqueous solutions containing relevant micro-pollutants (microcystin-LR, sulfamethoxazole and 17-b estradiol). The continuous photo-Fenton process provided high degradation efficiency. However, contact time between samples and the irradiated region is short relative to total treatment time, indicating that observed changes are predominantly due to the Fenton process. Higher degradation efficiency was observed in systems operated using two treatment cycles, the first involving a batch Fenton process and the second a continuous photo-Fenton treatment.
Zn-EDTA degradabilty by catechol-driven Fenton reaction was studied. Response surface methodology central composite design was employed to maximize this complex degradation. Theoretical speciation calculations were in good agreement with the experimental results. Fenton and Fenton type treatments are typically thought to be applicable only in the highly acidic range, representing a major operational constraint. Interestingly, at optimized concentrations, this CAT-driven Fenton reaction at pH 5.5 achieved 100% Zn-EDTA degradation; 60% COD and 17% TOC removals, using tiny amounts of CAT (50 µM), Fe(III) (445 µM) and H2O2 (20 mM) with no evident ferric sludge.
Shadow masks are used in manufacturing processes for electro-optic devices to transfer patterns with different shapes and dimensions. For fabrication of organic based devices, shadow masks should be made of materials stable against organic solvents, high temperature, and robust, remaining unchanged after multiple cycles of use and fixation. Thus, stainless steel is suitable for shadow masks. A simple, cheap and quick method of obtaining shadow masks by electrochemical corrosion of stainless steel is reported. The shadow mask was used to evaporate cathode material to obtain an organic light emitting diode with active area of 9 mm². This device exhibited a turn-on voltage of 5 V and luminance of 14 cd/m².
The synthesis and characterization of different platinum nanoparticle/carbon nanotube nanocomposite samples are described along with the application of these nanocomposites as electrocatalysts for alcohol oxidation. Samples were prepared by a biphasic system in which platinum nanoparticles (Pt-NPs) are synthesized in situ in contact with a carbon nanotube (CNT) dispersion. Variables including platinum precursor/CNT ratio, previous chemical treatment of carbon nanotubes, and presence or absence of a capping agent were evaluated and correlated with the characteristic of the synthesized materials. Samples were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Glassy carbon electrodes were modified by the nanocomposite samples and evaluated as electrocatalysts for alcohol oxidation. Current densities of 56.1 and 79.8/104.7 mA cm-2 were determined for the oxidation of methanol and ethanol, respectively.
A influência de parâmetros operacionais como a agitação da solução durante irradiação solar e a vazão de alimentação de um fotorreator com irradiação artificial foi avaliada na fotodegradação de 2-clorofenol (2CF) e 2,4-diclorofenol (DCF) por processo foto-Fenton mediado por ferrioxalato. Após avaliação destes parâmetros, os sistemas foram aplicados na fotodegradação de fenol e de mono, (2-clorofenol e 4-clorofenol), di (2,4-diclorofenol) e tri (2,4,6-triclorofenol) clorofenóis a fim de avaliar a eficiência de fotodegradação destes compostos sob irradiação solar e artificial. Foi observada pequena diferença nas porcentagens de remoção de carbono orgânico total (COT) e de geração de íons cloreto nos experimentos de fotodegradação de 2CF sem agitação e com agitação sob irradiação solar. Sob irradiação artificial, um aumento da vazão de alimentação do sistema resultou em menor porcentagem de remoção de COT, ao passo que uma maior velocidade de remoção foi obtida devido a um menor tempo de irradiação. Foi então utilizada uma vazão intermediária de 33,4 mL min-1. Sob irradiação solar, foram necessários 15 minutos de irradiação para a completa remoção de todos os clorofenóis, entretanto para fenol, a completa remoção foi atingida em 20 minutos. Sob irradiação artificial, os clorofenóis foram removidos entre 4,5 e 6,5 minutos de irradiação. A velocidade de degradação aumenta ligeiramente com o aumento do número de cloros ligados ao anel aromático tanto sob irradiação artificial como solar.
Neste trabalho estudou-se a aplicabilidade do processo foto-Fenton utilizando irradiação solar no tratamento de dois efluentes (A e B) de uma indústria de tintas. Foi avaliada a influência da concentração inicial de peróxido de hidrogênio e ferro na remoção de carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD). Nos primeiros minutos de irradiação foi observada a descoloração e a remoção de odores. Para o efluente A, atingiu-se 75 % de remoção de COD durante 60 minutos de irradiação. Para o efluente B, adições múltiplas de peróxido de hidrogênio foram necessárias para aumentar a remoção de COD, 43 % em 60 minutos de irradiação. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o processo foto-Fenton solar pode ser aplicado ao tratamento dos efluentes gerados na indústria de tintas.
Neste trabalho foram estudados dois sistemas utilizando reações de Fenton para a remediação de um solo contaminado com p,p´ DDT. O primeiro envolveu a formação de uma lama com o solo contaminado, na qual foram adicionados os reagentes de Fenton. No segundo, não houve a formação de lama e os reagentes foram adicionados diretamente ao solo por meio de um "tubo injetor". Foram avaliados alguns parâmetros que podem influenciar a reação de Fenton, tais como minerais de ferro naturalmente presentes no solo e a irradiação solar. A principal espécie mineral de ferro encontrada no solo é a hematita (Fe2O3), que teve pouca influência na degradação do contaminante. Nos experimentos com lama sem adição de ferro solúvel a porcentagem de degradação do p,p´ DDT foi inferior a 25% após 24 horas de reação. Nos ensaios com lama na presença de ferro solúvel, a degradação do p,p´ DDT atingiu 70% em 32 horas, enquanto que nos experimentos sem lama, a porcentagem de degradação foi de 32% no mesmo intervalo de tempo. Em ambos os sistemas, a irradiação solar teve pouca influência na degradação do contaminante. Os resultados indicam que para um processo de remediação deste solo, há necessidade de adição de ferro solúvel e que o sistema em lama resulta em maior eficiência de degradação de p,p´ DDT.
Os eletrocatalisadores PtRh/C, PtSn/C e PtSnRh/C foram preparados pelo método da redução por álcool e caracterizados pelas técnicas de EDX, difração de raios X e voltametria cíclica. A eletro-oxidação direta de etanol foi estudada por voltametria cíclica utilizando a técnica do eletrodo de camada fina porosa. Na região de interesse para aplicações em células a combustível a etanol direto (0,3 a 0,4 V) os eletrocatalisadores PtSn/C e PtSnRh/C se mostraram mais ativos que os eletrocatalisadores PtRh/C.
Laboratories consume great amounts of hazardous chemicals substances and consequently generate wastewater containing them, for example formaldehyde. This substance is widely utilized to preserve biological samples generating many liters of this residue every year. The present work proposes the use of the photo-Fenton process to treat formaldehyde wastewater using sunlight irradiation. Some aspects were investigated such as the iron source, sample and hydrogen peroxide concentration and also the use of stirred systems. The use of ferrioxalate (0.5 mmol L-1) improved the efficiency of the process in relation to the use of iron nitrate, while at least 1.0 mol L-1 H2O2 is necessary to treat the sample of the 500 mg C L-1. Under these conditions, every formaldehyde detectable was degradeted and 89% of the dissolved organic carbon was removed in two hours of exposure to sunlight. These results are satisfaction considerate for São Paulo State Environmental Agency.
Electrokinetic remediation coupled with Fenton oxidation, widely called as Electrokinetic Fenton process is a potential soil remediation technique used for low permeable soil. The applicability of the process has been proved with soil contaminated with a wide range of organic compounds from phenol to the most recalcitrant ones such as PAHs and POPs. This thesis summarizes the major findings observed during an Electrokinetic Fenton Process study conducted for the remediation of low permeable soil contaminated with HCB, a typical hydrophobic organic contaminant. Model low permeable soil, kaolin, was artificially contaminated with HCB and subjected to Electrokinetic Fenton treatments in a series of laboratory scale batch experiments. The use of cyclodextrins as an enhancement agent to mobilize the sorbed contaminant through the system was investigated. Major process hindrances such as the oxidant availability and treatment duration were also addressed. The HCB degradation along with other parameters like soil pH, redox and cumulative catholyte flow were analyzed and monitored. The results of the experiments strengthen the existing knowledge on electrokinetic Fenton process as a promising technology for the treatment of soil contaminated with hydrophobic organic compounds. It has been demonstrated that HCB sorbed to kaolin can be degraded by the use of high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide during such processes. The overall system performances were observed to be influenced by the point and mode of oxidant delivery. Furthermore, the study contributes to new knowledge in shortening the treatment duration by adopting an electrode polarity reversal during the process.