998 resultados para electromagnetic scattering


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Die elektromagnetischen Nukleon-Formfaktoren sind fundamentale Größen, welche eng mit der elektromagnetischen Struktur der Nukleonen zusammenhängen. Der Verlauf der elektrischen und magnetischen Sachs-Formfaktoren G_E und G_M gegen Q^2, das negative Quadrat des Viererimpulsübertrags im elektromagnetischen Streuprozess, steht über die Fouriertransformation in direkter Beziehung zu der räumlichen Ladungs- und Strom-Verteilung in den Nukleonen. Präzise Messungen der Formfaktoren über einen weiten Q^2-Bereich werden daher für ein quantitatives Verständnis der Nukleonstruktur benötigt.rnrnDa es keine freien Neutrontargets gibt, gestaltet sich die Messung der Neutron-Formfaktoren schwierig im Vergleich zu der Messung am Proton. Konsequenz daraus ist, dass die Genauigkeit der vorhandenen Daten von Neutron-Formfaktoren deutlich geringer ist als die von Formfaktoren des Protons; auch der vermessene Q^2-Bereich ist kleiner. Insbesondere der elektrische Sachs-Formfaktor des Neutrons G_E^n ist schwierig zu messen, da er aufgrund der verschwindenden Nettoladung des Neutrons im Verhältnis zu den übrigen Nukleon-Formfaktoren sehr klein ist. G_E^n charakterisiert die Ladungsverteilung des elektrisch neutralen Neutrons und ist damit besonders sensitiv auf die innere Struktur des Neutrons.rnrnIn der hier vorgestellten Arbeit wurde G_E^n aus Strahlhelizitätsasymmetrien in der quasielastischen Streuung vec{3He}(vec{e}, e'n)pp bei einem Impulsübertrag von Q^2 = 1.58 (GeV/c)^2 bestimmt. Die Messung fand in Mainz an der Elektronbeschleunigeranlage Mainzer Mikrotron innerhalb der A1-Kollaboration im Sommer 2008 statt. rnrnLongitudinal polarisierte Elektronen mit einer Energie von 1.508 GeV wurden an einem polarisierten ^3He-Gastarget, das als effektives, polarisiertes Neutrontarget diente, gestreut. Die gestreuten Elektronen wurden in Koinzidenz mit den herausgeschlagenen Neutronen detektiert; die Elektronen wurden in einem magnetischen Spektrometer nachgewiesen, durch den Nachweis der Neutronen in einer Matrix aus Plastikszintillatoren wurde der Beitrag der quasielastischen Streuung am Proton unterdrückt.rnrnAsymmetrien des Wirkungsquerschnitts bezüglich der Elektronhelizität sind bei Orientierung der Targetpolarisation in der Streuebene und senkrecht zum Impulsübertrag sensitiv auf G_E^n / G_M^n; mittels deren Messung kann G_E^n bestimmt werden, da der magnetische Formfaktor G_M^n mit vergleichsweise hoher Präzision bekannt ist. Zusätzliche Messungen der Asymmetrie bei einer Polarisationsorientierung parallel zum Impulsübertrag wurden genutzt, um systematische Fehler zu reduzieren.rnrnFür die Messung inklusive statistischem (stat) und systematischem (sys) Fehler ergab sich G_E^n = 0.0244 +/- 0.0057_stat +/- 0.0016_sys.


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In the present thesis we address the problem of detecting and localizing a small spherical target with characteristic electrical properties inside a volume of cylindrical shape, representing female breast, with MWI. One of the main works of this project is to properly extend the existing linear inversion algorithm from planar slice to volume reconstruction; results obtained, under the same conditions and experimental setup are reported for the two different approaches. Preliminar comparison and performance analysis of the reconstruction algorithms is performed via numerical simulations in a software-created environment: a single dipole antenna is used for illuminating the virtual breast phantom from different positions and, for each position, the corresponding scattered field value is registered. Collected data are then exploited in order to reconstruct the investigation domain, along with the scatterer position, in the form of image called pseudospectrum. During this process the tumor is modeled as a dielectric sphere of small radius and, for electromagnetic scattering purposes, it's treated as a point-like source. To improve the performance of reconstruction technique, we repeat the acquisition for a number of frequencies in a given range: the different pseudospectra, reconstructed from single frequency data, are incoherently combined with MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) method which returns an overall enhanced image. We exploit multi-frequency approach to test the performance of 3D linear inversion reconstruction algorithm while varying the source position inside the phantom and the height of antenna plane. Analysis results and reconstructed images are then reported. Finally, we perform 3D reconstruction from experimental data gathered with the acquisition system in the microwave laboratory at DIFA, University of Bologna for a recently developed breast-phantom prototype; obtained pseudospectrum and performance analysis for the real model are reported.


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Radio-frequency ( RF) coils are designed such that they induce homogeneous magnetic fields within some region of interest within a magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) scanner. Loading the scanner with a patient disrupts the homogeneity of these fields and can lead to a considerable degradation of the quality of the acquired image. In this paper, an inverse method is presented for designing RF coils, in which the presence of a load ( patient) within the MRI scanner is accounted for in the model. To approximate the finite length of the coil, a Fourier series expansion is considered for the coil current density and for the induced fields. Regularization is used to solve this ill-conditioned inverse problem for the unknown Fourier coefficients. That is, the error between the induced and homogeneous target fields is minimized along with an additional constraint, chosen in this paper to represent the curvature of the coil windings. Smooth winding patterns are obtained for both unloaded and loaded coils. RF fields with a high level of homogeneity are obtained in the unloaded case and a limit to the level of homogeneity attainable is observed in the loaded case.


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We have obtained total and differential cross sections for the strangeness changing charged current weak reaction ν L + p → Λ(Σ0) + L+ using standard dipole form factors, where L stands for an electron, muon, or tau lepton, and L + stands for an positron, anti-muon or anti-tau lepton. We calculated these reactions from near threshold few hundred MeV to 8 GeV of incoming neutrino energy and obtained the contributions of the various form factors to the total and differential cross sections. We did this in support of possible experiments which might be carried out by the MINERνA collaboration at Fermilab. The calculation is phenomenologically based and makes use of SU(3) relations to obtain the standard vector current form factors and data from Λ beta decay to obtain the axial current form factor. We also made estimates for the contributions of the pseudoscalar form factor and for the F E and FS form factors to the total and differential cross sections. We discuss our results and consider under what circumstances we might extract the various form factors. In particular we wish to test the SU(3) assumptions made in determining all the form factors over a range of q2 values. Recently new form factors were obtained from recoil proton measurements in electron-proton electromagnetic scattering at Jefferson Lab. We thus calculated the contributions of the individual form factors to the total and differential cross sections for this new set of form factors. We found that the differential and total cross sections for Λ production change only slightly between the two sets of form factors but that the differential and total cross sections change substantially for Σ 0 production. We discuss the possibility of distinguishing between the two cases for the experiments planned by the MINERνA Collaboration. We also undertook the calculation for the inverse reaction e − + p → Λ + νe for a polarized outgoing Λ which might be performed at Jefferson Lab, and provided additional analysis of the contributions of the individual form factors to the differential cross sections for this case. ^


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Electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering in a sphere composed of an inhomogeneous medium having random variations in its permittivity are studied by utilizing the Born approximation in solving the vector wave equation. The variations in the permittivity are taken to be isotropic and homogeneous, and are spatially characterized by a Gaussian correlation function. Temporal variations in the medium are not considered.

Two particular problems are considered: i) finding the far-zone electric field when an electric or magnetic dipole is situated at the center of the sphere, and ii) finding the electric field at the sphere's center when a linearly polarized plane wave is incident upon it. Expressions are obtained for the mean-square magnitudes of the scattered field components; it is found that the mean of the product of any two transverse components vanishes. The cases where the wavelength is much shorter than correlation distance of the medium and where it is much longer than it are both considered.


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Fredholm integral equations of the first kind are the mathematical model common to several electromagnetic, optical and acoustical inverse scattering problems. In most of these problems the solution must be positive in order to satisfy physical plausibility. We consider ill-posed deconvolution problems and investigate several linear regularization algorithms which provide positive approximate solutions at least in the absence of errors on the data.


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We consider a two-dimensional problem of scattering of a time-harmonic electromagnetic plane wave by an infinite inhomogeneous conducting or dielectric layer at the interface between semi-infinite homogeneous dielectric half-spaces. The magnetic permeability is assumed to be a fixed positive constant. The material properties of the media are characterized completely by an index of refraction, which is a bounded measurable function in the layer and takes positive constant values above and below the layer, corresponding to the homogeneous dielectric media. In this paper, we examine only the transverse magnetic (TM) polarization case. A radiation condition appropriate for scattering by infinite rough surfaces is introduced, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings. With the help of the radiation condition the problem is reformulated as an equivalent mixed system of boundary and domain integral equations, consisting of second-kind integral equations over the layer and interfaces within the layer. Assumptions on the variation of the index of refraction in the layer are then imposed which prove to be sufficient, together with the radiation condition, to prove uniqueness of solution and nonexistence of guided wave modes. Recent, general results on the solvability of systems of second kind integral equations on unbounded domains establish existence of solution and continuous dependence in a weighted norm of the solution on the given data. The results obtained apply to the case of scattering by a rough interface between two dielectric media and to many other practical configurations.


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A UTD solution is developed for describing the scattering by a circular cylinder with an impedance boundary condition (IBC), when it is illuminated by an obliquely incident electromagnetic (EM) plane wave. The solution to this canonical problem will be crucial for the construction of a more general UTD solution valid for an arbitrary smooth convex surface with an IBC, when it is illuminated by an arbitrary EM ray optical field. The canonical solution is uniformly valid across the surface shadow boundary that is tangent to the surface at grazing incidence. This canonical solution contains cross polarized terms in the scattered fields, which arise from a coupling of the TEz and TMz waves at the impedance boundary on the cylinder. Here, z is the cylinder axis. Numerical results show very good accuracy for the simpler and efficient UTD solution, when compared to exact but very slowly convergent eigenfunction solution.