831 resultados para education study


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Lobjectiu principal del Projecte Edubosc s apropar el bosc a laula per donar a conixer a lalumnat deducaci primria dentre 8 i 10 anys, la gesti forestal sostenible i la seva importncia per als nostres boscos i el seu futur. Per tal daconseguir aquest objectiu, el Projecte Edubosc proposa dotze activitats de sensibilitzaci forestal que tracten temes com la multifuncionalitat del bosc, la relaci del bosc amb laigua, els principals productes del bosc, els oficis vinculats al bosc, la prevenci del risc dincendis i la titularitat dels boscos. Sn temes que els llibres de text no tracten. Aquest treball fa una observaci sobre com funcionen les activitats a diverses escoles, a partir dels resultats denquestes al professorat i als alumnes. Aquests resultats serviran per proposar alternatives i incorporar noves modificacions al projecte


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La professi deducador/a social exigeix un bon domini de les competncies comunicatives, especialment la comunicaci interpersonal, que constitueix la base de lestabliment de les relacions educatives. Essent una de les dimensions bsiques del treball educatiu, el repte des de la formaci est en com tractar-lo ja des del primer curs, tenint en compte que els estudiants no fan prctiques externes fins al tercer curs. Lexperincia que presentem se situa en el treball de la dimensi relacional-social durant el primer curs de Grau dEducaci social de al UdG, mitjanant lacci tutorial. Els estudis de Grau dEducaci social tenen assignats a primer curs dues competncies vinculades a la dimensi relacional: comunicar-se oralment i per escrit amb destresa i fludesa en la llengua de lentorn professional, establir i mantenir relacions interpersonals, centrem la presentaci daquesta experincia en el treball daquestes dues competncies.


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Lobjectiu daquest projecte, a banda de plantejar un aprenentatge directament relacionat amb lentorn de lalumne, tracta daconseguir que les assignatures i les disciplines autnomes perdin parcialment el seu carcter i passin a formar part duna unitat ms global (Mallart, 1998). Per aconseguir aix, els alumnes han de transformar un programa de cuina de lArguiano en un programa de radio, amb la peculiaritat que en el programa de radio cal explicar quin son els secrets cientfics que samaguen quan lArguiano est cuinant en el programa. Aquest secrets cientfics estaran relacionats amb les diferents disciplines dels membres la xarxa i saplicar el mtode daprenentatge basat en projectes (APP).


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La Xarxa dInnovaci Docent dAvaluaci est formada per un grup de vuit professores i professors de diferents estudis i departaments de la UdG. s una xarxa formada el curs 2009/10 i t com a objectiu fonamental implementar innovacions a lavaluaci de les assignatures dels membres per tal de millorar-les. Els objectius de la present comunicaci es poden resumir en: - Presentar els canvis en els sistema davaluaci de 3 assignatures de membres de la Xarxa i lanlisi dels resultats obtinguts. - Plantejar els principals impactes en la docncia fruit de la participaci a la Xarxa dInnovaci Docent dAvaluaci dels diferents membres. - Plantejar la proposta de treball de la XID dAvaluaci pel curs 2011-2012.


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Es presenten les lnies mestres del treball de la Xarxa dInnovaci Docent sobre Aprenentatge Cooperatiu (XIDAC) de la UdG durant el curs 2010-2011.


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Article que reflexiona sobre la importncia del pati escolar, i com aquests poden contribuir a leducaci ambiental dels infants


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A disseminao da informao e o uso de novas tecnologias tm delineado uma transformao nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Uma parte significativa desta transformao est relacionada ao uso da educao a distncia como forma de atingir novos pblicos e desenvolver novas metodologias de ensino. Estas transformaes tambm esto afetando cada vez mais as corporaes, que tem economizado milhes de dlares todos os anos, usando a educao a distncia (EAD) para treinar seus empregados de modo mais eficiente e eficaz do que com os mtodos tradicionais. Mas, apesar da macia presena da EAD na Web, o assunto educao ou treinamento a distncia ainda pouco conhecido e, at certo ponto, incompreendido. A interface entre o ensino/treinamento via Web e as universidades tradicionais ou abertas est ainda pouco explorado. O objetivo deste trabalho fazer um levantamento comparativo entre os cursos universitrios que utilizam a educao a distncia e os cursos ou treinamentos a distncia utilizados pelas empresas. Buscamos identificar na amostra formas de interao e suporte aos alunos semelhantes entre as universidades e as empresas, a fim de reuni-las formando grupos ou segmentos com caractersticas similares. Nesta anlise identificamos trs grandes grupos que melhor caracterizam as metodologias adotadas.


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O estudo dos diversos modelos pedaggicos dos cursos a distncia utilizados nas principais Instituies de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras pode estimular a anlise dos profissionais envolvidos com a Educao a Distncia (EAD) e, que estejam enfrentado um processo de escolha de uma metodologia para melhor servir aos estudantes que no podem ou optam por no vir para o campus da IES. Um dos principais desafios para as universidades que esto se lanando na EAD buscar uma linguagem pedaggica apropriada aprendizagem mediada pelas diversas mdias disponveis. A ao da tutoria um elemento essencial, sendo uma das determinantes do sucesso do curso. Neste novo modelo de educao os tutores desempenham mais o papel de facilitadores do que de especialistas, pois os cursos so menos estruturados e mais personalizados, cabendo aos prprios alunos cuidar de sua instruo. O controle sobre o andamento do curso, assim como o acompanhamento permanente do trabalho de professores, dos tutores, dos estagirios de atendimento e da secretaria, so igualmente cruciais, pois a interao com o aluno pode se dar de inmeras formas e todas elas so essenciais ao sucesso da aprendizagem. A estruturao de uma equipe especializada, composta de pessoas que entendam de tecnologia e de pedagogia e, que trabalhem de forma coesa, podem garantir uma melhor performance da aprendizagem do aluno. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa , num primeiro momento, fazer o levantamento das diversas metodologias e tcnicas adotadas nos cursos a distncia oferecidos por instituies de ensino superior (IES) no Brasil para, com base nos dados da pesquisa, efetuar uma anlise comparativa a fim de identificar formas de interao e suporte aos alunos semelhantes entre as universidades, ou seja, grupos que possuam caractersticas similares tanto relacionados aos projetos pedaggicos de seus cursos, quanto aos materiais utilizados, a estruturao dos cursos, formas de interao aluno/professor, suporte ao aluno, pblico alvo, tecnologias utilizadas e sistemas de avaliao adotados.


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This study addresses issues related to the mathematical knowledge and practices of the workers of carcinoculture (shrimp farming), associating such knowledge and practices to the conceptual aspects and the academic mathematical language. Our central aim was to investigate and discuss such knowledge and practices in order to contribute towards having the members of this group reflect upon their own working practices. The investigation took as reference the ethnographic research approach during observations and interviews, as well as the analysis and interpretation of the existing cultural aspects on the use of Mathematics in the shrimp farmers daily activities, thus composing the four chapters of this dissertation. Initially, the local-regional context was set in the area where the workers of the shrimp farm reside, also describing our methodological options. After that, the kind of work that was carried out is explained through a brief history of the shrimp-farming activity, including a short discussion on the environmental impacts that result as a consequence of shrimp-farming. We then discuss some theoretical and practical aspects of the Ethnomathematics while field of study and research. At that moment, we make a reflection upon the different kinds of Mathematics, especially stressing the kind of Mathematics being taught in Schools and that being put to practice by identifiable cultural groups. With that in mind, we show the investigated knowledge and practices e some possible systematizations accomplished during the study. In the end, we point out some conclusive propositions based on the implications of our study towards the development of an educational process within the local communities, considering a possible use of the results and conclusions of this study in the classroom activities


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR


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Over the years, society changes, renews and creates conditions for the use of new technological devices. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to expand in our society and are used also in teaching and learning, making it necessary that the teacher knows them. This study was first to analyze the curriculum of teacher training at the campus of UNESP, specifically in relation to courses Full Degree in Education in order to understand how these courses are structured in relation to the subjects they deal with ICT. For this, we searched the literature on the main issues involving technology and teacher education, curriculum and document analysis of Pedagogy of UNESP. It was noted that only the Faculty of Education offers the campus of Bauru disciplines working technology issues centrally. From this result, the second objective of this research was to understand, through a questionnaire, the views of students of Bauru, enrolled in these disciplines, on the Distance Education. With the results of the questionnaires it was concluded that students rated as important the knowledge of technological tools, made possible by specific disciplines during their training was noted the positive contribution of a comprehensive curriculum with respect to knowledge of ICT for reflection and formation of critical thinking in teachers training


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This study aimed to analyze the use of technological resources by teachers during their daily practice, especially the computer, in public and private elementary schools in Botucatu - SP. We know that today's society, called the Information Society and Knowledge, changes the context of education, since students have access to various information a short time. For this purpose, we use literature as a methodology and data collection through the application of a questionnaire answered by 49 students in public schools, state and private network cited. The choice of the students took place because of the diversity of schools in which they live. Our intention was not to make generalizations, but knowing more about the use of technology in these contexts from the perspective of students. The choice of subject had reason for their timeliness and necessity of knowledge, thus contributing to a comprehensive education and quality. Through data analysis, was explicit the difference between public and private schools, however, student interest was unanimous by the technologies and equitably


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Several aspects interfere when it comes to choose a career. Some of which are family and cultural influence; and even lack of opportunities. Such aspects were greatly taken into consideration for defining the subject of this research which is to analyze the reasoning Pedagogy students from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista University of So Paulo State) used when choosing their academic career, and to assess the students profile who were taking this course in 2011 as well as the influence of students socioeconomic conditions. An empiric approach with a qualitative survey was chosen to develop this research which was conducted with a questionnaire appliance and with a semi-structured interview with randomly selected students. A theoretical study about the specifics of the academic career and a fully comprehension of the legal / regulatory aspects of this profession in Brazil were also conducted. The survey results showed that most students were women, supporting the fact that this career has become a female profession. Characteristics such as vocation and mission, presented on literatures as the specifics of this profession were clearly seen in the survey results. Several students went to public schools and are labeled into the classes C and D in social economical status; furthermore almost 50% had not chosen Pedagogy as a first choice for a major. However, most of the students do not think that their social economical status had influence in their choice. Nevertheless some students claimed that their options were not their first wish and their choice was made by the easier possibility of entering and concluding the course besides the prompt need of these professionals after graduating in the job market. The students education background were also discussed in the research... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)