914 resultados para ecological response models
Over the last two decades, there has been an increasing awareness of, and interest in, the use of spatial moment techniques to provide insight into a range of biological and ecological processes. Models that incorporate spatial moments can be viewed as extensions of mean-field models. These mean-field models often consist of systems of classical ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, whose derivation, at some point, hinges on the simplifying assumption that individuals in the underlying stochastic process encounter each other at a rate that is proportional to the average abundance of individuals. This assumption has several implications, the most striking of which is that mean-field models essentially neglect any impact of the spatial structure of individuals in the system. Moment dynamics models extend traditional mean-field descriptions by accounting for the dynamics of pairs, triples and higher n-tuples of individuals. This means that moment dynamics models can, to some extent, account for how the spatial structure affects the dynamics of the system in question.
This thesis consists of four studies. The first study examines wage differentials between women and men in the Finnish manufacturing sector. A matched employer-employee data set is used to decompose the overall gender wage gap into the contributions of sex differences in human capital, labour market segregation, and residual within-job wage differentials. The topic of the second study is the relationship between the extended unemployment benefits and labour market transitions of older workers. The analysis exploits a quasi-experimental setting caused by a change in the law that raised the eligibility age of workers benefiting from extended benefits. Roughly half of the unemployed workers with extended benefits are estimated to be effectively withdrawn from labour market search. The risk of unemployment declined and the re-employment probability increased among the age groups directly affected by the reform. The third study provides an empirical analysis of a structural equilibrium search model. Estimation results from various model specifications are compared and discussed. The last study is a methodological study where the difficulties of interpreting the results of competing risks hazard models are discussed and a solution for a particular class of models is proposed. It is argued that a common practice of reporting the results of qualitative response models in terms of marginal effects is also useful in the context of competing risks duration models.
Os fatores que explicam a distribuição observada em plantas e animais é uma pergunta que intriga naturalistas, biogeógrafos e ecólogos há mais de um século. Ainda nos primórdios da disciplina de ecologia, as tolerâncias ambientais já haviam sido apontadas como as grandes responsáveis pelo padrão observado da distribuição dos seres vivos, o que mais tarde levou à concepção de nicho ecológico das espécies. Nos últimos anos, o estudo das distribuições dos organismos ganhou grande impulso e destaque na literatura. O motivo foi a maior disponibilidade de catálogos de presença de espécies, o desenvolvimento de bancos de variáveis ambientais de todo o planeta e de ferramentas computacionais capazes de projetar mapas de distribuição potencial de um dado organismo. Estes instrumentos, coletivamente chamados de Modelos de Distribuição de Espécies (MDEs) têm sido desde então amplamente utilizados em estudos de diferentes escopos. Um deles é a avaliação de potenciais áreas suscetíveis à invasão de organismos exóticos. Este estudo tem, portanto, o objetivo de compreender, através de MDEs, os fatores subjacentes à distribuição de duas espécies de corais escleractíneos invasores nativos do Oceano Pacífico e ambas invasoras bem sucedidas de diversas partes do Oceano Atlântico, destacadamente o litoral fluminense. Os resultados mostraram que os modelos preditivos da espécie Tubastraea coccinea (LESSON, 1829), cosmopolita amplamente difundida na sua região nativa pelo Indo- Pacífico demonstraram de maneira satisfatória suas áreas de distribuição nas áreas invadidas do Atlântico. Sua distribuição está basicamente associada a regiões com alta disponibilidade de calcita e baixa produtividade fitoplanctônica. Por outro lado, a aplicação de MDEs foi incapaz de predizer a distribuição de T. tagusensis (WELLS,1982) no Atlântico. Essta espécie, ao contrário de sua congênere, tem distribuição bastante restrita em sua região nativa, o arquipélago de Galápagos. Através de análises posteriores foi possível constatar a mudança no nicho observado durante o processo de invasão. Finalmente, o sucesso preditivo para T. coccinea e o fracasso dos modelos para T. tagusensis levantam importantes questões sobre quais os aspectos ecológicos das espécies são mais favoráveis à aplicação de MDEs. Adicionalmente, lança importantes ressalvas na utilização recentemente tão difundida destas ferramentas como forma de previsão de invasões biológicas e em estudos de efeitos de alterações climáticas sobre a distribuição das espécies.
Northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra) is a commercially important flatfish in Alaska and was recently classified as a distinct species from southern rock sole (L. bilineata). Taxonomic and vital rate data for northern rock sole are still not fully described, notably at early egg and larval stages. In this study, we provide new taxonomic descriptions of late-stage eggs and newly hatched larvae, as well as temperature-response models of hatching (timing, duration, success), and larval size-at-hatch and posthatch survival at four temperatures (2°, 5°, 9°, and 12°C). Time-to-first-hatch, hatch cycle duration, and overall hatching success showed a negative relationship with temperature. Early hatching larvae within each temperature treatment were smaller and had larger yolk sacs, but larvae incubated at higher temperatures (9° and 12°C) had the largest yolk reserves overall. Despite having smaller yolks, size-at-hatch and the maximum size achieved during the hatching cycle was highest for larvae reared at cold temperatures (2° and 5°C), indicating that endogenous reserves are more efficiently used for growth at these temperatures. In addition, larvae reared at high temperatures died more rapidly in the absence of food despite having more yolk reserves than cold-incubated larvae. Overall, northern rock sole eggs and larvae display early life history traits consistent with coldwater adaptation for winter spawning in the North Pacific.
Land-based pollution is commonly identified as a major contributor to the observed deterioration of shallow-water coral reef ecosystem health. Human activity on the coastal landscape often induces nutrient enrichment, hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, toxic contamination and other stressors that have degraded the quality of coastal waters. Coral reef ecosystems throughout Puerto Rico, including Jobos Bay, are under threat from coastal land uses such as urban development, industry and agriculture. The objectives of this report were two-fold: 1. To identify potentially harmful land use activities to the benthic habitats of Jobos Bay, and 2. To describe a monitoring plan for Jobos Bay designed to assess the impacts of conservation practices implemented on the watershed. This characterization is a component of the partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established by the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) in Jobos Bay. CEAP is a multi-agency effort to quantify the environmental benefits of conservation practices used by private landowners participating in USDA programs. The Jobos Bay watershed, located in southeastern Puerto Rico, was selected as the first tropical CEAP Special Emphasis Watershed (SEW). Both USDA and NOAA use their respective expertise in terrestrial and marine environments to model and monitor Jobos Bay resources. This report documents NOAA activities conducted in the first year of the three-year CEAP effort in Jobos Bay. Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the project and background information on Jobos Bay and its watershed. Chapter 2 implements NOAA’s Summit to Sea approach to summarize the existing resource conditions on the watershed and in the estuary. Summit to Sea uses a GIS-based procedure that links patterns of land use in coastal watersheds to sediment and pollutant loading predictions at the interface between terrestrial and marine environments. The outcome of Summit to Sea analysis is an inventory of coastal land use and predicted pollution threats, consisting of spatial data and descriptive statistics, which allows for better management of coral reef ecosystems. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the monitoring plan to assess the ecological response to conservation practices established by USDA on the watershed. Jobos Bay is the second largest estuary in Puerto Rico, but has more than three times the shoreline of any other estuarine area on the island. It is a natural harbor protected from offshore wind and waves by a series of mangrove islands and the Punta Pozuelo peninsula. The Jobos Bay marine ecosystem includes 48 km² of mangrove, seagrass, coral reef and other habitat types that span both intertidal and subtidal areas. Mapping of Jobos Bay revealed 10 different benthic habitats of varying prevalence, and a large area of unknown bottom type covering 38% of the entire bay. Of the known benthic habitats, submerged aquatic vegetation, primarily seagrass, is the most common bottom type, covering slightly less than 30% of the bay. Mangroves are the dominant shoreline feature, while coral reefs comprise only 4% of the total benthic habitat. However, coral reefs are some of the most productive habitats found in Jobos Bay, and provide important habitat and nursery grounds for fish and invertebrates of commercial and recreational value.
利用模拟土柱研究了不同水分和氮素营养条件下春小麦根系的生理生态反应。结果表明 ,适量施氮 (尿素 60 0kg/hm2 )增加了总根重和深层土壤中的根重 ,改善了根系的水分关系 ,提高了细胞膜的稳定性 ,因而有助于提高小麦的抗旱性 ;过量施氮 (尿素 150 0kg/hm2 )增加上层根重对抗旱性的意义并不大。严重水分胁迫下 ,过量施氮导致根细胞膜伤害率明显增加 ,根系水分关系恶化 ,根系保水能力下降 ,使小麦抗旱性降低
CLIGEN是目前较全面产生降水要素(降水量、历时、达到最大降水强度的时间与降水总历时的比率、最大降水强度与平均降水强度的比率)的天气发生器,其生成降水要素的质量直接影响水文和农业响应模型的输出结果。利用黄土高原长武1957—2001年的日气象观测数据、王东沟流域1988—2001年的降水要素数据和CLIGEN生成的100年日气象数据,对CLIGEN模型产生日、月、年降水量的均值和方差、概率分布、降水极端值和降水历时、强度进行评估。结果表明:CLIGEN对日、月和年降水量均值的模拟效果较好,相对误差都不大于1.0%;对标准差的模拟结果偏低,相对误差的绝对值小于6.6%;没有模拟出日降水量的概率分布,但是较好地模拟出了月和年降水量的概率分布;对日、月和年最大降水量的模拟误差较大,表明CLIGEN对极值的模拟精度有待提高。CLIGEN很好地模拟出连续降水的频率,但是连续干旱天数在20 d以内的累积频率的平均相对误差为8.9%;CLIGEN产生的最大降水强度与平均降水强度的比率高于实测数据;相对于实测数据,CLIGEN模拟的降水历时和降水量具有相同的趋势,对小降水量或短历时的模拟结果偏高,对大降水量或长历时的模拟结...
Spatial and temporal distribution of vegetation net primary production (NPP) in China was studied using three light-use efficiency models (CASA, GLOPEM and GEOLUE) and two mechanistic ecological process models (CEVSA, GEOPRO). Based on spatial and temporal analysis (e.g. monthly, seasonally and annually) of simulated results from ecological process mechanism models of CASA, GLOPEM and CEVSA, the following conclusions could be made: (1) during the last 20 years, NPP change in China followed closely the seasonal change of climate affected by monsoon with an overall trend of increasing; (2) simulated average seasonal NPP was: 0.571 +/- 0.2 GtC in spring, 1.573 +/- 0.4 GtC in summer, 0.6 +/- 0.2 GtC in autumn, and 0.12 +/- 0.1 GtC in winter. Average annual NPP in China was 2.864 +/- 1 GtC. All the five models were able to simulate seasonal and spatial features of biomass for different ecological types in China. This paper provides a baseline for China's total biomass production. It also offers a means of estimating the NPP change due to afforestation, reforestation, conservation and other human activities and could aid people in using for-mentioned carbon sinks to fulfill China's commitment of reducing greenhouse gases.
Slurries with high penetrability for production of Self-consolidating Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON) were investigated in this study. Factorial experimental design was adopted in this investigation to assess the combined effects of five independent variables on mini-slump test, plate cohesion meter, induced bleeding test, J-fiber penetration test and compressive strength at 7 and 28 days. The independent variables investigated were the proportions of limestone powder (LSP) and sand, the dosages of superplasticiser (SP) and viscosity agent (VA), and water-to-binder ratio (w/b). A two-level fractional factorial statistical method was used to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the behaviour of fresh cement slurry and compressive strength. The models are valid for mixes with 10 to 50% LSP as replacement of cement, 0.02 to 0.06% VA by mass of cement, 0.6 to 1.2% SP and 50 to 150% sand (% mass of binder) and 0.42 to 0.48 w/b. The influences of LSP, SP, VA, sand and W/B were characterised and analysed using polynomial regression which identifies the primary factors and their interactions on the measured properties. Mathematical polynomials were developed for mini-slump, plate cohesion meter, J-fiber penetration test, induced bleeding and compressive strength as functions of LSP, SP, VA, sand and w/b. The estimated results of mini-slump, induced bleeding test and compressive strength from the derived models are compared with results obtained from previously proposed models that were developed for cement paste. The proposed response models of the self-consolidating SIFCON offer useful information regarding the mix optimization to secure a highly penetration of slurry with low compressive strength
Os avanços tecnológicos e científicos, na área da saúde, têm vindo a aliar áreas como a Medicina e a Matemática, cabendo à ciência adequar de forma mais eficaz os meios de investigação, diagnóstico, monitorização e terapêutica. Os métodos desenvolvidos e os estudos apresentados nesta dissertação resultam da necessidade de encontrar respostas e soluções para os diferentes desafios identificados na área da anestesia. A índole destes problemas conduz, necessariamente, à aplicação, adaptação e conjugação de diferentes métodos e modelos das diversas áreas da matemática. A capacidade para induzir a anestesia em pacientes, de forma segura e confiável, conduz a uma enorme variedade de situações que devem ser levadas em conta, exigindo, por isso, intensivos estudos. Assim, métodos e modelos de previsão, que permitam uma melhor personalização da dosagem a administrar ao paciente e por monitorizar, o efeito induzido pela administração de cada fármaco, com sinais mais fiáveis, são fundamentais para a investigação e progresso neste campo. Neste contexto, com o objetivo de clarificar a utilização em estudos na área da anestesia de um ajustado tratamento estatístico, proponho-me abordar diferentes análises estatísticas para desenvolver um modelo de previsão sobre a resposta cerebral a dois fármacos durante sedação. Dados obtidos de voluntários serão utilizados para estudar a interação farmacodinâmica entre dois fármacos anestésicos. Numa primeira fase são explorados modelos de regressão lineares que permitam modelar o efeito dos fármacos no sinal cerebral BIS (índice bispectral do EEG – indicador da profundidade de anestesia); ou seja estimar o efeito que as concentrações de fármacos têm na depressão do eletroencefalograma (avaliada pelo BIS). Na segunda fase deste trabalho, pretende-se a identificação de diferentes interações com Análise de Clusters bem como a validação do respetivo modelo com Análise Discriminante, identificando grupos homogéneos na amostra obtida através das técnicas de agrupamento. O número de grupos existentes na amostra foi, numa fase exploratória, obtido pelas técnicas de agrupamento hierárquicas, e a caracterização dos grupos identificados foi obtida pelas técnicas de agrupamento k-means. A reprodutibilidade dos modelos de agrupamento obtidos foi testada através da análise discriminante. As principais conclusões apontam que o teste de significância da equação de Regressão Linear indicou que o modelo é altamente significativo. As variáveis propofol e remifentanil influenciam significativamente o BIS e o modelo melhora com a inclusão do remifentanil. Este trabalho demonstra ainda ser possível construir um modelo que permite agrupar as concentrações dos fármacos, com base no efeito no sinal cerebral BIS, com o apoio de técnicas de agrupamento e discriminantes. Os resultados desmontram claramente a interacção farmacodinâmica dos dois fármacos, quando analisamos o Cluster 1 e o Cluster 3. Para concentrações semelhantes de propofol o efeito no BIS é claramente diferente dependendo da grandeza da concentração de remifentanil. Em suma, o estudo demostra claramente, que quando o remifentanil é administrado com o propofol (um hipnótico) o efeito deste último é potenciado, levando o sinal BIS a valores bastante baixos.
Demand response programs and models have been developed and implemented for an improved performance of electricity markets, taking full advantage of smart grids. Studying and addressing the consumers’ flexibility and network operation scenarios makes possible to design improved demand response models and programs. The methodology proposed in the present paper aims to address the definition of demand response programs that consider the demand shifting between periods, regarding the occurrence of multi-period demand response events. The optimization model focuses on minimizing the network and resources operation costs for a Virtual Power Player. Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization has been used in order to obtain the solutions for the optimization model that is applied to a large set of operation scenarios. The implemented case study illustrates the use of the proposed methodology to support the decisions of the Virtual Power Player in what concerns the duration of each demand response event.
This thesis explores the debate and issues regarding the status of visual ;,iferellces in the optical writings of Rene Descartes, George Berkeley and James 1. Gibson. It gathers arguments from across their works and synthesizes an account of visual depthperception that accurately reflects the larger, metaphysical implications of their philosophical theories. Chapters 1 and 2 address the Cartesian and Berkelean theories of depth-perception, respectively. For Descartes and Berkeley the debate can be put in the following way: How is it possible that we experience objects as appearing outside of us, at various distances, if objects appear inside of us, in the representations of the individual's mind? Thus, the Descartes-Berkeley component of the debate takes place exclusively within a representationalist setting. Representational theories of depthperception are rooted in the scientific discovery that objects project a merely twodimensional patchwork of forms on the retina. I call this the "flat image" problem. This poses the problem of depth in terms of a difference between two- and three-dimensional orders (i.e., a gap to be bridged by one inferential procedure or another). Chapter 3 addresses Gibson's ecological response to the debate. Gibson argues that the perceiver cannot be flattened out into a passive, two-dimensional sensory surface. Perception is possible precisely because the body and the environment already have depth. Accordingly, the problem cannot be reduced to a gap between two- and threedimensional givens, a gap crossed with a projective geometry. The crucial difference is not one of a dimensional degree. Chapter 3 explores this theme and attempts to excavate the empirical and philosophical suppositions that lead Descartes and Berkeley to their respective theories of indirect perception. Gibson argues that the notion of visual inference, which is necessary to substantiate representational theories of indirect perception, is highly problematic. To elucidate this point, the thesis steps into the representationalist tradition, in order to show that problems that arise within it demand a tum toward Gibson's information-based doctrine of ecological specificity (which is to say, the theory of direct perception). Chapter 3 concludes with a careful examination of Gibsonian affordallces as the sole objects of direct perceptual experience. The final section provides an account of affordances that locates the moving, perceiving body at the heart of the experience of depth; an experience which emerges in the dynamical structures that cross the body and the world.
The country has witnessed tremendous increase in the vehicle population and increased axle loading pattern during the last decade, leaving its road network overstressed and leading to premature failure. The type of deterioration present in the pavement should be considered for determining whether it has a functional or structural deficiency, so that appropriate overlay type and design can be developed. Structural failure arises from the conditions that adversely affect the load carrying capability of the pavement structure. Inadequate thickness, cracking, distortion and disintegration cause structural deficiency. Functional deficiency arises when the pavement does not provide a smooth riding surface and comfort to the user. This can be due to poor surface friction and texture, hydro planning and splash from wheel path, rutting and excess surface distortion such as potholes, corrugation, faulting, blow up, settlement, heaves etc. Functional condition determines the level of service provided by the facility to its users at a particular time and also the Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC), thus influencing the national economy. Prediction of the pavement deterioration is helpful to assess the remaining effective service life (RSL) of the pavement structure on the basis of reduction in performance levels, and apply various alternative designs and rehabilitation strategies with a long range funding requirement for pavement preservation. In addition, they can predict the impact of treatment on the condition of the sections. The infrastructure prediction models can thus be classified into four groups, namely primary response models, structural performance models, functional performance models and damage models. The factors affecting the deterioration of the roads are very complex in nature and vary from place to place. Hence there is need to have a thorough study of the deterioration mechanism under varied climatic zones and soil conditions before arriving at a definite strategy of road improvement. Realizing the need for a detailed study involving all types of roads in the state with varying traffic and soil conditions, the present study has been attempted. This study attempts to identify the parameters that affect the performance of roads and to develop performance models suitable to Kerala conditions. A critical review of the various factors that contribute to the pavement performance has been presented based on the data collected from selected road stretches and also from five corporations of Kerala. These roads represent the urban conditions as well as National Highways, State Highways and Major District Roads in the sub urban and rural conditions. This research work is a pursuit towards a study of the road condition of Kerala with respect to varying soil, traffic and climatic conditions, periodic performance evaluation of selected roads of representative types and development of distress prediction models for roads of Kerala. In order to achieve this aim, the study is focused into 2 parts. The first part deals with the study of the pavement condition and subgrade soil properties of urban roads distributed in 5 Corporations of Kerala; namely Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kochi, Thrissur and Kozhikode. From selected 44 roads, 68 homogeneous sections were studied. The data collected on the functional and structural condition of the surface include pavement distress in terms of cracks, potholes, rutting, raveling and pothole patching. The structural strength of the pavement was measured as rebound deflection using Benkelman Beam deflection studies. In order to collect the details of the pavement layers and find out the subgrade soil properties, trial pits were dug and the in-situ field density was found using the Sand Replacement Method. Laboratory investigations were carried out to find out the subgrade soil properties, soil classification, Atterberg limits, Optimum Moisture Content, Field Moisture Content and 4 days soaked CBR. The relative compaction in the field was also determined. The traffic details were also collected by conducting traffic volume count survey and axle load survey. From the data thus collected, the strength of the pavement was calculated which is a function of the layer coefficient and thickness and is represented as Structural Number (SN). This was further related to the CBR value of the soil and the Modified Structural Number (MSN) was found out. The condition of the pavement was represented in terms of the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) which is a function of the distress of the surface at the time of the investigation and calculated in the present study using deduct value method developed by U S Army Corps of Engineers. The influence of subgrade soil type and pavement condition on the relationship between MSN and rebound deflection was studied using appropriate plots for predominant types of soil and for classified value of Pavement Condition Index. The relationship will be helpful for practicing engineers to design the overlay thickness required for the pavement, without conducting the BBD test. Regression analysis using SPSS was done with various trials to find out the best fit relationship between the rebound deflection and CBR, and other soil properties for Gravel, Sand, Silt & Clay fractions. The second part of the study deals with periodic performance evaluation of selected road stretches representing National Highway (NH), State Highway (SH) and Major District Road (MDR), located in different geographical conditions and with varying traffic. 8 road sections divided into 15 homogeneous sections were selected for the study and 6 sets of continuous periodic data were collected. The periodic data collected include the functional and structural condition in terms of distress (pothole, pothole patch, cracks, rutting and raveling), skid resistance using a portable skid resistance pendulum, surface unevenness using Bump Integrator, texture depth using sand patch method and rebound deflection using Benkelman Beam. Baseline data of the study stretches were collected as one time data. Pavement history was obtained as secondary data. Pavement drainage characteristics were collected in terms of camber or cross slope using camber board (slope meter) for the carriage way and shoulders, availability of longitudinal side drain, presence of valley, terrain condition, soil moisture content, water table data, High Flood Level, rainfall data, land use and cross slope of the adjoining land. These data were used for finding out the drainage condition of the study stretches. Traffic studies were conducted, including classified volume count and axle load studies. From the field data thus collected, the progression of each parameter was plotted for all the study roads; and validated for their accuracy. Structural Number (SN) and Modified Structural Number (MSN) were calculated for the study stretches. Progression of the deflection, distress, unevenness, skid resistance and macro texture of the study roads were evaluated. Since the deterioration of the pavement is a complex phenomena contributed by all the above factors, pavement deterioration models were developed as non linear regression models, using SPSS with the periodic data collected for all the above road stretches. General models were developed for cracking progression, raveling progression, pothole progression and roughness progression using SPSS. A model for construction quality was also developed. Calibration of HDM–4 pavement deterioration models for local conditions was done using the data for Cracking, Raveling, Pothole and Roughness. Validation was done using the data collected in 2013. The application of HDM-4 to compare different maintenance and rehabilitation options were studied considering the deterioration parameters like cracking, pothole and raveling. The alternatives considered for analysis were base alternative with crack sealing and patching, overlay with 40 mm BC using ordinary bitumen, overlay with 40 mm BC using Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen and an overlay of Ultra Thin White Topping. Economic analysis of these options was done considering the Life Cycle Cost (LCC). The average speed that can be obtained by applying these options were also compared. The results were in favour of Ultra Thin White Topping over flexible pavements. Hence, Design Charts were also plotted for estimation of maximum wheel load stresses for different slab thickness under different soil conditions. The design charts showed the maximum stress for a particular slab thickness and different soil conditions incorporating different k values. These charts can be handy for a design engineer. Fuzzy rule based models developed for site specific conditions were compared with regression models developed using SPSS. The Riding Comfort Index (RCI) was calculated and correlated with unevenness to develop a relationship. Relationships were developed between Skid Number and Macro Texture of the pavement. The effort made through this research work will be helpful to highway engineers in understanding the behaviour of flexible pavements in Kerala conditions and for arriving at suitable maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. Key Words: Flexible Pavements – Performance Evaluation – Urban Roads – NH – SH and other roads – Performance Models – Deflection – Riding Comfort Index – Skid Resistance – Texture Depth – Unevenness – Ultra Thin White Topping
Procesos hidrodinámicos determinan, en un alto grado la calidad del agua en embalse, sin embargo dichos procesos han sido tradicionalmente olvidados en la gestión de embalse. En esta tesis se presentan evidencias de los principales procesos hidrodinámicos que ocurren en un embalse Mediterráneo a escala de cuenca a través de campañas experimentales y modelización numérica; y su influencia en la dinámica de poblaciones de fitoplancton. Dichos procesos son principalmente la generación de ondas internas o secas y la intrusión del río. La presencia de viento periódico genera secas forzadas, amplificando los modos cercanos al periodo del viento, de manera que modos verticales altos, considerados como raros en la naturaleza, tienden a dominar en el sistema.