977 resultados para document technologique
Primary Dental Care Strategy Consultation Document December 2005
This good practice guide has been produced by the Equity Commission for Northern Ireland in partnership with the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPSNI).
Report of the Working Group on Teenage Pregnancy & Parenthood
Report of the Working Group on Teenage Pregnancy & Parenthood
National Disability Strategy Towards 2016 Strategic Document Click here to download PDF 31kb
Gender-based Violence: a resource document for services and organisations working with and for minority ethnic women Click here to download PDF 492kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació que realitzi de forma automatitzada lainserció de referències bibliogràfiques en un document OpenOffice. Aquestes referències formaran part d¿un document extern que serà validat per una DTD, per tant, de forma implícita s¿estudiarà el format XML per a l¿elaboració estructuradad¿informació i el format DTD per la seva validació.
This paper describes the data and methods used in the London health inequalities forecast: A briefing on inequalities in life expectancy and deaths from cancers, heart disease and stroke in London. Links to relevant data sources and further information are also provided where possible.
This document describes the technical detail behind the Spearhead Health Inequalities Intervention Tool.
This paper describes the data and methods used in the Health inequalities intervention tool to calculate the effect of four interventions on life expectancy.
Aquest Projecte de Final de Carrera consisteix en estudiar el format dels fitxers OpenOffice i extreure'n certa informació continguda en els documents per satisfer una necessitat plantejada per la recentment constituïda Agencia Catalana de Seguretat, mitjançant una eina de software creada per a tal fi.
This Project Initiation Document outlines the purpose and plan of Phase One of the Review of AHP Support for Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs in Special Schools and Mainstream Education.
This Project Initiation Document outlines the purpose and plan of Phase Two of the Review of AHP Support for Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs in Special Schools and Mainstream Education.