256 resultados para diopside
Based on the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) theory, we propose two new models to describe the crystallisation kinetics of glass particles and use them to determine the density of nucleation sites, N(s), on glass powders. We tested these models with sintered compacts of diopside glass particles using sinter-crystallisation treatments at 825 degrees C (T(g)similar to 727 degrees C), that covered from null to almost 100% crystallised volume time fraction. We measured and compared the evolution of the crystallised volume fractions by optical microscopy and x-ray diffraction. Then we fit our expressions to experimental data using Ns and R (the average particle radius) as adjustable parameters. For comparison, we also fit to our data existing expressions that describe the crystallised volume fraction in glass powders. We demonstrate that all the methods allow one to estimate N(s) with reasonable accuracy. For our ground and water washed diopside glass powder, N(s) is between 10(10)-10(11) sites.m(-2). The reasonable agreement between experimental and adjusted R confirms the consistency of all five models tested. However, one of our equations does not require taking into account the change of crystallisation mode from 3-dimensional to 1-dimensional, and this is advantageous.
The Archean (3.45-2.70Ga) rocks of the São José do Campestre Massif (SJCM) in the Borborema Province (NE Brazil) make up a small area (~6000km2) and are composed of granitoids and metasupracrustal rocks that define a complex magmatic and deformational history. The massif provides the opportunity to study mantle- and crustal-derived magmas generated since the Palaeoarchean. The orthogneisses of the SJCM are composed of: (1) tonalite to granodiorite with diorite enclaves (Bom Jesus gneiss, 3412±8Ma; TDM Nd model ages from 4.1 to 3.5Ga and negative epsilon Nd values); (2) biotite and ferroan-diopside monzogranite (Presidente Juscelino complex, 3356±21Ma and 3251±44Ma; TDM model ages range from 4.1 to 3.4Ga and epsilon Nd values that are slightly positive to negative); (3) hornblende tonalite to granodiorite (Brejinho complex, 3333±77Ma and 3187±8Ma; dominantly positive epsilon Nd values and TDM ages from 3.6 to 3.2Ga); (4) biotite monzogranite (São Pedro do Potengi gneiss, 3120±22Ma; TDM =3.5Ga; negative epsilon Nd value); (5) ferroan-diopside-grossular anorthosite and metagabbro (Senador Elói de Souza complex, 3033±3Ma); and (6) quartz diorite to syenogranite (São José do Campestre complex; 2685±9Ma and 2655±4Ma; negative epsilon Nd values and TDM ages from 3.9 to 3.3Ga). The orthogneisses are subalkaline to faintly alkaline, magnesian to ferroan, M- and I-type granitoids that follow either the K-enrichment or the trondhjemite trends. Each group has a subset with REE characteristics similar to Archean TTG and another that is analogous to Phanerozoic granitoids. They have negative Ta-Nb and Ti anomalies and have trace element contents of granitoids from subduction zones. Geochemical and Nd isotope data suggest that subducted oceanic crust and a depleted and metasomatised mantle wedge both acted as the magma sources. We propose a convergent tectonic model in which hybridisation of the upper mantle occurs through interactions with adakitic or trondhjemitic melts and recycling of earlier crust. The results imply that both the subducted oceanic crust and the mantle wedge played major roles in continent formation throughout successive episodes of arc accretion in Palaeo- and Mesoarchean times. The Archean rocks of the SJCM shares some similarities with the Pilbara, Kaapvaal, West African, and São Francisco cratons. However, the most reliable comparisons with the SJCM are with the neighbouring basement of the Nigeria and Cameroon shields. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de discos abrasivos e de corte confeccionados com Al2O3 e pó de vidro reciclado para aplicação em ferramenta de corte. Os discos são utilizados para micromizar termoplásticos pós-consumo rígidos e levá-los a diversos tipos de processamento, como por exemplo, a rotomoldagem. Este disco abrasivo utiliza pó de vidro como um aditivo ligante e fundente, e pó de poli(tereftalato de etileno) pós-consumo como plastificante, facilitando um melhor preenchimento do molde. As proporções de pó de vidro reciclado foram analisadas a partir de estudos anteriores com outros minerais, como o diopsídio e o feldspato, já que os estudos com o pó de vidro reciclado substituindo os minerais naturais são recentes. O desenvolvimento dos discos acontece em duas etapas. A primeira é de homogeneização dos componentes com os percentuais calculados. Posteriormente é prensado e levado a mufla até uma temperatura de 900 oC para obter a percolação da resina e a consequente degradação do poli (tereftalato de etileno), pré-sinterização e amolecimento dos silicatos . Após a obtenção destes compostos verdes acontece a segunda e última etapa, que consiste na sinterização dos corpos de prova para a diminuição da porosidade e consequente aumento da resistência mecânica, seguida de acabamento superficial e testes de corte.
As proeminentes edificações da cidade de Belém foram revestidas durante o século 19 com azulejos produzidos em Portugal e Alemanha que já apresentam distintos graus de degradação. O Palacete Pinho é uma das mais importantes destas edificações e foi selecionado para se investigar a ação do clima tropical amazônico sobre a degradação destes azulejos. Para atingir estes objetivos mapearam-se os azulejos desta edificação visando identificar as modificações de origem orgânica e inorgânica e coletas de amostras para análises. Os minerais foram determinados por DRX, a composição química por métodos clássicos úmidos e MEV/SED e os micro-organismos por microscopia. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os azulejos Portugueses e Alemães são distintos entre si. Enquanto o biscoito é composto de SiO2 e Al2O3, CaO foi encontrado apenas nos Portugueses. Os baixos conteúdos de Na2O e K2O indicam adição de materiais para redução da temperatura de fusão. SiO2 e PbO compõem o vidrado, já CoO e FeO foram adicionados como pigmentos. O biscoito dos azulejos Alemães é constituído de quartzo, mullita e cristobalita, ao contrário do Português com quartzo, gehlenita, diopsídio, calcita e feldspatos. Os vidrados são amorfos ao DRX. As diferenças químicas e mineralógicas entre os azulejos Portugueses e Alemães indicam que foram produzidos por matéria prima distinta, bem como processo termal. As alterações relacionadas com o intemperismo são as finas camadas de detritos (nos Alemães), manchas de oxidação, manchas escuras, descolamento do azulejo (no Português); perda de vidrado e biscoito tornando-se pulverulento como consequência do estabelecimento de Cyanophyta e bacillariophyta (Português). As distintas feições de degradação dos azulejos refletem as suas diferenças mineralógicas e químicas expostas ao clima tropical Amazônico.
O presente artigo trata da caracterização da composição mineralógica de azulejos antigos pertencentes aos séculos XVI, XVII e XIX, coletados em Salvador e Belém, visando à identificação da sua provável matéria-prima e a possível temperatura de queima. Quartzo foi identificado em todas as amostras. As demais fases cristalinas encontradas foram: mullita, cristobalita, calcita, anortita, hematita, gehlenita, diopsídio e wollastonita. Foi possível dividir as amostras em três grupos, em função da possível matéria-prima e temperatura de queima: grupo 1 - caulinita e quartzo, T entre 1200º e 1728º C; grupo 2 - quartzo, caulinita, calcita e/ou dolomita e óxido ou hidróxido de ferro, T entre 900º e 1200ºC; grupo 3 - quartzo, argilominerais (provavelmente caulinita), calcita e/ou dolomita e hidróxido ou óxido de ferro, T entre 1200º e 1565º C.
As formações Sobreiro e Santa Rosa são resultado de intensas atividades vulcânicas paleoproterozoicas na região de São Félix do Xingu (PA), SE do Cráton Amazônico. A Formação Sobreiro é composta por rochas de fácies de fluxo de lava andesítica, com dacito e riodacito subordinados, além de rochas que compõem a fácies vulcanoclástica, caracterizadas por tufo, lapilli-tufo e brecha polimítica maciça. Essas rochas exibem fenocristais de clinopiroxênio, anfibólio e plagioclásio em uma matriz microlítica ou traquítica. O clinopiroxênio é classificado predominantemente como augita, com diopsídio subordinado, e apresenta caracterísiticas geoquímicas de minerais gerados em rochas de arco magmático. O anfibólio, representado pela magnesiohastingsita, foi formado sob condições oxidantes e apresenta texturas de desequilíbrio, como bordas de oxidação vinculadas à degaseificação por alívio de pressão. As rochas da Formação Santa Rosa foram extravasadas em grandes fissuras crustais de direção NE-SW, têm características de evolução polifásica e compõem uma fácies de fluxo de lava riolítica e riodacítica e uma fácies vulcanoclástica de ignimbritos, lapilli-tufos, tufos de cristais félsicos e brechas polimíticas maciças. Diques métricos e stocks de pórfiros graníticos e granitoides equigranulares completam essa suíte. Fenocristais de feldspato potássico, plagioclásio e quartzo dispersos em matriz de quartzo e feldspato potássico intercrescidos ocorrem nessas rochas. Por meio de análises químicas pontuais dos fenocristais em microssonda eletrônica, foram estimadas as condições de pressão e temperatura de sua formação, sendo que o clinopiroxênio das rochas intermediárias da Formação Sobreiro indica profundidade de formação variável entre 58 e 17,5 km (17,5 - 4,5 kbar), a temperaturas entre 1.294 e 1.082 ºC, enquanto o anfibólio cristalizou-se entre 28 e 15 km (7,8 - 4,1 kbar), o que sugere uma evolução polibárica. Assim, propõe-se um modelo de geração de magma basáltico hidratado com base na fusão parcial de cunha mantélica e no acúmulo na crosta inferior em uma zona quente, a partir da qual os magmas andesíticos e dacíticos são formados pela assimilação de crosta continental e cristalização fracionada.
The towns of Castro Alves and Rafael Jambeiro, central-east of Bahia state, are located in the east of São Francisco Craton, in granulite terrains of Salvador-Curaçá Belt, formed in Paleoproterozoic. The region of study contains ortognaisses of Caraíba Complex, metamafic and metaultramafic rocks of São José do Jacuípe Suite, metasedimentary rocks of Tanque Novo-Ipirá Complex, granitoids, pegmatites and alkaline rocks. The study carried out regional and detailed geological mapping in addition to petrographical and geochemical characterization of six areas in the search for targets of feldspar and white diopside, minerals used in ceramic industry. The areas consist of granitic ortognaisses interspersed with lenses of mafic granulite rocks, calc-silicate rock, banded iron formations, paragnaisses, quartzites, and bodies of quartz-feldspar or feldspar pegmatites and alkaline rocks that fill discontinuities. The region of study contains four deformations phases, with a predominance of ductile structures. The foliation Sn has N30E to N70W direction, high angle of dip and is characterized by compositional banding of granoblastic and felsic bands interspersed with nematoblastic or lepidoblastic mafic bands. A mineral or stretching lineation Ln is associated with Sn and has trend of S55E to S72E. The rocks have been suffered a regional metamorphism with granulite facies peak and partial retrogression to greenschist facies. Geochemical studies indicate that the green coloring calc-silicate rocks have lower SiO2, MgO and higher Fe2O3 content compared with white calcssilicate rocks. The alkaline rocks of the studied area have higher Na2O, SiO2 and lower K2O, Fe2O3 content compared with others Paleoproterozoic alkaline rocks of Bahia state. The targets of diopside are associated with white calc-silicate rocks, while the targets of feldspar are associated with paragnaisses, pegmatites and alkaline rocks
Major and trace-element microanalyses of the main minerals from the 610 Ma Pedra Branca Syenite, southeast Brazil, allow inferences on intensive parameters of magmatic crystallization and on the partition of trace-elements among these minerals, with important implications for the petrogenetic evolution of the pluton. Two main syenite types make up the pluton, a quartz-free syenite with tabular alkali feldspar (laminated silica-saturated syenite, LSS, with Na-rich augite + phlogopite + hematite + magnetite + titanite + apatite) and a quartz-bearing syenite (laminated silica-oversaturated syenite, LSO, with scarce corroded plagioclase plus diopside + biotite +/- hornblende + ilmenite magnetite +/- titanite + apatite). Both types share a remarkable enrichment in incompatible elements as K, Ba, Sr, P and LREE. Apatite saturation temperatures of similar to 1060-1090 degrees C are the best estimates of liquidus, whereas the pressure of emplacement, based on Al-in-hornblende barometry, is estimated as 3.3 to 4.8 khan Although both units crystallized under oxidizing conditions, oxygen fugacity was probably higher in LSS, as shown by higher mg# of the mafic minerals and higher hematite contents in Hem-Ilm(ss). In contrast with the Ca-bearing alkali-feldspar from LSO, which hosts most of the whole-rock Sr and Pb, virtually Ca-free alkali-feldspar from LSS hosts similar to 50% of whole-rock Sr and similar to 80% of Pb, the remainder of these elements being shared by apatite, pyroxene and titanite. This contrast reflects a strong crystal-chemical control, whereby a higher proportion of an element with similar ratio and charge (Ca2+) enhances the residence of Sr and Pb in the M-site of alkali feldspar. The more alkaline character of the LSS magma is inferred to have inhibited zircon saturation; Zr + Hf remained in solution until late in the crystallization, and were mostly accommodated in the structure of Ca-Na pyroxene and titanite, which are one order of magnitude richer in these elements compared to the same minerals in LSO, where most of Zr and Hf are inferred to reside in zircon. The REE, Th and U reside mostly in titanite and apatite; D(REE)Tit/Ap raises steadily from 1 to 6 from La to Tb then remains constant up to Lu in the LSO sample; these values are about half as much in the LSS sample, where lower contents of incompatible elements in titanite are attributed to its greater modal abundance and earlier crystallization. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Cretaceous Banhado alkaline complex in southeastern Brazil presents two potassic SiO2-undersaturated series. The high-Ca magmatic series consist of initially fractionated olivine (Fo(92-91)) + diopside (Wo(48-43)En(49-35)Ae(0-7)), as evidenced by the presence of xenocrysts and xenoliths. In that sequence, diopside (Wo(47-38)En(46-37)Ae(0-8)) + phlogopite + apatite + perovskite (Prv(> 92)) crystallized to form the phlogopite melteigite and led to the Ca enrichment of the magma. Diopside (Wo(47-41)En(32-24) Ae(3-14)) continued to crystallize as an early mafic mineral, followed by nepheline (Ne(74.8-70.1)Ks(26.3-21.2)Qz(7.6-0.9)) and leucite (Lc(65-56)) and subsequently by melanite and potassic feldspar (Or(85-99)Ab(1-7)) to form melanite ijolites, wollastonite-melanite urtites and melanite-nepheline syenites. Melanite-pseudoleucite-nepheline syenites are interpreted to be a leucite accumulation. Melanite nephelinite dykes are believed to represent some of the magmatic differentiation steps. The low-Ca magmatic series is representative of a typical fractionation of aegirine-augite (Wo(36-29)En(25-4)Ae(39-18)) + alkali feldspar (Or(57-96)Ab(3-43)) + nepheline (Ne(76.5-69.0)Ks(19.9-14.4)Qz(15.1-7.7)) + titanite from phonolite magma. The evolution of this series from potassic nepheline syenites to sodic sodalite syenites and sodalitolites is attributed to an extensive fractionation of potassic feldspar, which led to an increase of the NaCl activity in the melt during the final stages forming sodalite-rich rocks. Phonolite dykes followed a similar evolutionary process and also registered some crustal assimilation. The mesocratic nepheline syenites showed interactions with phlogopite melteigites, such as compatible trace element enrichments and the presence of diopside xenocrysts, which were interpreted to be due to a mixing/mingling process of phonolite and nephelinite magmas. The geochemical data show higher TiO2 and P2O5 contents and lower SiO2 contents for the high-Ca series and different LILE evolution trends and REE chondrite-normalized patterns as compared to the low-Ca series. The Sr-87/Sr-86, Nd-143/Nd-144, Pb-206/Pb-204 and Pb-208/Pb-204 initial ratios for the high-Ca series (0.70407-0.70526, 0.51242-0.51251, 17.782-19.266 and 38.051-39.521, respectively) were slightly different from those of the low-Ca series (0.70542-0.70583, 0.51232-0.51240, 17.758-17.772 and 38.021-38.061, respectively). For both series, a CO2-rich potassic metasomatized lithospheric mantle enriched the source with rutile-bearing phlogopite clinopyroxenite veins. Kamafugite-like parental magma is attributed to the high-Ca series with major contributions from the melting of the veins. Potassic nephelinite-like parental magma is assigned to the low-Ca series, where the metasomatized wall-rock played a more significant role in the melting process.
Gameleira lamprophyres are dykes and mafic microgranular enclaves associated with the shoshonitic Gameleira monzonite. This association belongs to the Paleoproterozoic alkaline magmatism from Serrinha nucleus, northeast Brazil. The liquidus paragenesis is diopside, pargasite, apatite and mica. Reverse zoning was identified in the groundmass alkali feldspar and was related to the undercooling of lamprophyric magma during the emplacement, with high growth rate of pargasite/edenite inducing disequilibrium between feldspars and liquid. Chemical data indicate that the lamprophyres are basic rocks (SiO2 < 48 wt%), with alkaline character (Na2O + K2O > 3 wt%) and potassic signature (K2O/Na2O ≈ 2). High contents of MgO and Cr are consistent with a signature of a primary liquid, and such concentrations, as well as Al, K, P, Ba, Ni- and light rare earth elements, are consistent with an olivine-free metasomatic mantle source enriched in amphibole, clinopyroxene and apatite. By contrast, the ultrapotassic lamprophyres from Morro do Afonso, contemporaneous alkaline ultrapotassic magmatism in Serrinha nucleus, were probably produced by melting of a clinopyroxene-phlogopite-apatite enriched-source. The identification of different mineral paragenesis in the source of potassic and ultrapotassic lamprophyres from Serrinha nucleus can contribute to the understanding of the mantle heterogeneities and tectonic evolution of this region.
Diamant ist das härteste Mineral – und dazu ein Edelstein -, das unter höchstem Druck und hohen Temperaturen in tiefen kontinentalen Regionen der Erde kristallisiert. Die Mineraleinschlüsse in Diamanten werden durch die physikalische Stabilität und chemische Beständigkeit der umgebenden – eigentlich metastabilen -Diamant-Phase geschützt. Aufgrund der koexistierenden Phasenkombination ermöglichen sie, die Mineral-Entwicklung zu studieren, während deren der Einschlüssen und die Diamanten kristallisierten. rnDie Phasenkombinationen von Diamant und Chrom-Pyrop, Chrom-Diopsid, Chromit, Olivin, Graphit und Enstatit nebeneinander (teilweise in Berührungsexistenz) mit Chrom-Pyrop Einschlüssen wurden von neunundzwanzig Diamant-Proben von sechs Standorten in Südafrika (Premier, Koffiefontein, De Beers Pool, Finsch, Venetia und Koingnaas Minen) und Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland) identifiziert und charakterisiert. Die Mineraleinschlüsse weisen z.T. kubo-oktaedrische Form auf, die unabhängig von ihren eigenen Kristallsystemen ausgebildet werden können. Das bedeutet, dass sie syngenetische Einschlüsse sind, die durch die sehr hohe Formenergie des umgebenden Diamanten morphologisch unter Zwang stehen. Aus zweidiemnsionalen Messungen der ersten Ordnung von charakteristischen Raman-Banden lassen sich relative Restdrucke in Diamanten zwischen Diamant und Einschlussmineral gewinnen; sie haben charakteristische Werte von ca. 0,4 bis 0,9 GPa um Chrom-Pyrop-Einschlüsse, 0,6 bis 2,0 GPa um Chrom-Diopsid-Einschlüsse, 0,3 bis 1,2 GPa um Olivin-Einschlüsse, 0,2 bis 1,0 GPa um Chromit-Einschlüsse, beziehungsweise 0,5 GPa um Graphit Einschlüsse.rnDie kristallstrukturellen Beziehung von Diamanten und ihren monomineralischen Einschlüssen wurden mit Hilfe der Quantifizierung der Winkelkorrelationen zwischen der [111] Richtung von Diamanten und spezifisch ausgewählten Richtungen ihrer mineralischen Einschlüsse untersucht. Die Winkelkorrelationen zwischen Diamant [111] und Chrom-Pyrop [111] oder Chromit [111] zeigen die kleinsten Verzerrungen von 2,2 bis zu 3,4. Die Chrom-Diopsid- und Olivin-Einschlüsse zeigen die Missorientierungswerte mit Diamant [111] bis zu 10,2 und 12,9 von Chrom-Diopsid [010] beziehungsweise Olivin [100].rnDie chemische Zusammensetzung von neun herausgearbeiteten (orientiertes Anschleifen) Einschlüssen (drei Chrom-Pyrop-Einschlüsse von Koffiefontein-, Finsch- und Venetia-Mine (zwei von drei koexistieren nebeneinander mit Enstatit), ein Chromit von Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland), drei Chrom-Diopside von Koffiefontein, Koingnaas und Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland) und zwei Olivin Einschlüsse von De Beers Pool und Koingnaas) wurden mit Hilfe EPMA und LA-ICP-MS analysiert. Auf der Grundlage der chemischen Zusammensetzung können die Mineraleinschlüsse in Diamanten in dieser Arbeit der peridotitischen Suite zugeordnet werden.rnDie Geothermobarometrie-Untersuchungen waren aufgrund der berührenden Koexistenz von Chrom-Pyrop- und Enstatit in einzelnen Diamanten möglich. Durchschnittliche Temperaturen und Drücke der Bildung sind mit ca. 1087 (± 15) C, 5,2 (± 0,1) GPa für Diamant DHK6.2 von der Koffiefontein Mine beziehungsweise ca. 1041 (± 5) C, 5,0 (± 0,1) GPa für Diamant DHF10.2 von der Finsch Mine zu interpretieren.rn
Development of glass-ceramics from combination of industrial wastes together with boron mining waste
The utilization of borate mineral wastes with glass-ceramic technology was first time studied and primarily not investigated combinations of wastes were incorporated into the research. These wastes consist of; soda lime silica glass, meat bone and meal ash and fly ash. In order to investigate possible and relevant application areas in ceramics, kaolin clay, an essential raw material for ceramic industry was also employed in some studied compositions. As a result, three different glass-ceramic articles obtained by using powder sintering method via individual sintering processes. Light weight micro porous glass-ceramic from borate mining waste, meat bone and meal ash and kaolin clay was developed. In some compositions in related study, soda lime silica glass waste was used as an additive providing lightweight structure with a density below 0.45 g/cm3 and a crushing strength of 1.8±0.1 MPa. In another study within the research, compositions respecting the B2O3–P2O5–SiO2 glass-ceramic ternary system were prepared from; borate wastes, meat bone and meal ash and soda lime silica glass waste and sintered up to 950ºC. Low porous, highly crystallized glass-ceramic structures with density ranging between 1.8 ± 0,7 to 2.0 ± 0,3 g/cm3 and tensile strength ranging between 8,0 ± 2 to 15,0 ± 0,5 MPa were achieved. Lastly, diopside - wollastonite (SiO2-Al2O3-CaO )glass-ceramics from borate wastes, fly ash and soda lime silica glass waste were successfully obtained with controlled rapid sintering between 950 and 1050ºC. The wollastonite and diopside crystal sizes were improved by adopting varied combinations of formulations and heating rates. The properties of the obtained materials show; the articles with a uniform pore structure could be useful for thermal and acoustic insulations and can be embedded in lightweight concrete where low porous glass-ceramics can be employed as building blocks or additive in cement and ceramic industries.
Pyroxenes constitute an important component in mafic igneous and metamorphic rocks. They often possess a prismatic habit, and their long axis, the crystallographic c axis, helps define a lineation in a textured rock. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) serves as a fabric indicator in igneous and metamorphic rocks. If a rock’s AMS is carried by pyroxenes, it can be related to their crystallographic preferred orientation and degree of alignment. This requires knowing the intrinsic AMS of pyroxene single crystals. This study provides a comprehensive low-field and high-field AMS investigation of chemically diverse orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene crystals in relation to crystal structure, chemical composition, oxidation state of Fe, and the possible presence of ferromagnetic inclusions. The paramagnetic anisotropy, extracted from high-field data, shows clear relationships to crystallographic directions and Fe concentration both in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. In the diopside-augite series, the intermediate susceptibility is parallel to b, and the maximum is at 45° to the c axis. In aegirine, the intermediate axis remains parallel to b, while the maximum susceptibility is parallel to c. The AMS of spodumene depends on Fe concentration. In enstatite, the maximum susceptibility aligns with c and the minimum with b, and in the case of hypersthene, the maximum susceptibility is normal to the exsolution lamellae. Magnetite inclusions within augite possess a ferromagnetic anisotropy with consistent orientation of the principal susceptibilities, which dominates the low-field anisotropy. These results provide better understanding of magnetic anisotropy in pyroxenes and form a solid basis for interpretation of magnetic fabrics in pyroxene-bearing rocks.