986 resultados para dimethyl sulfoxide


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The free radical polymerization of acrylonitrile (AN) initiated by Cu(II) 4-anilino 2-one [Cu(II) ANIPO] Cu(II), 4-p-toluedeno 3-pentene 2-one [Cu(II) TPO], and Cu(II) 4-p-nitroanilino 3-pentene 2-one [Cu(II) NAPO] was studied in benzene at 50 and 60°C and in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and methanol (MeOH) at 60°C. Although the polymerization proceeded in a heterogeneous phase, it followed the kinetics of a homogeneous process. The monomer exponents were 2 at two different temperatures and in different solvents. The square-root dependence of Rp on initiator concentration and higher monomer exponents accounted for a 1:2 complex formation between the chelate and monomer. The complex formation was shown by ultraviolet (UV) study. The activation energies, kinetics, and chain transfer constants were also evaluated.


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Simple and convenient methods for introducing deuterium label at C-3 and C-6 position of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine and D-galactose, respectively, are described. For the synthesis of 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-3-[2H] galactopyranose, benzyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-4,6-O-benzylidene-agr-D-galactopyranoside was oxidized with dimethyl sulfoxide- acetic anhydride and the product was reduced with sodium borodeuteride to introduce the deuterium at C-3. After benzylidene reduction, the mixture was subjected to hydrogenolysis and purified by column chromatography. 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-agr-D-galactopyranoside was oxidized followed by reduction with sodium borodeuteride and deprotection to yield D-6-[2H] galactose.


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Mycobacterial spheroplasts were prepared by treatment of the glycinesensitized cells with a combination of lipase and lysozyme. They were stable for several hours at room temperature but were lysed on treatment with 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. The spheroplasts could be regenerated on a suitable medium. Fusion and regeneration of the spheroplasts were attempted using drug resistant mutant strains ofM. smegmalis. Recombinants were obtained from spheroplast fusion mediated by polyethylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide. Simultaneous expression of rccombinant properties was observed only after an initial lag in the isolated clones. This has been explained as due to “chromosome inactivation” in the fused product.


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Thirteen host guest compounds of 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) have been structurally characterized. Water molecules occupy the peripheries of a hexagonal void, created with DHBA molecules, and act as ``hooks'' to connect the guest molecules with the host-framework via hydrogen bonding. The ``water hook'' is an OH group acting as a donor. Consequently, the guest molecules were chosen so that they contain good hydrogen bond acceptor functionalities. A number of multicomponent hydrates were isolated with stoichiometries (DHBA)(x)(H2O). (guest),. Of these, compounds with the following as guests were obtained as crystals that were good enough for single crystal work: ethyl acetate (EtOAc), diethyl oxalate, dimethyl oxalate, di(n-propyl) oxalate, diethyl malonate, diethyl succinate, chloroacetonitrile, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 1-propanol, and 2-butanol. From 2-butanol, a hemihydrate, (DHBA)(2)(H2O), was also obtained concomitantly. Further to guest stabilization, water acts as a good mediator of effective crystal packing and also determines the topology of the host framework. En the present series of compounds, the role of water is wide ranging, and it is not easy to classify it specifically as a host or as a guest.


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Two cyclic peptide disulfides Boc-Cys-Pro-X-Cys-NHMe (X = L-Tyr or L-Phe) have been synthesized as models for the 14-membered redox-active disulfide loop of glutaredoxin. 'H NMR studies at 270 MHz in chloroform solutions establish a type I 0-turn conformation for the Pro-X segment in both peptides, stabilized by a 4-1 hydrogen bond between the Cys(1) CO and Cys(4) NH groups. Nuclear Overhauser effects establish that the aromatic ring in the X = Phe peptide is oriented over the central peptide unit. In dimethyl sulfoxide solutions two conformational species are observed in slow exchange on the NMR time scale, for both peptides. These are assigned to type I and type I1 p-turn structures with -Pro-Tyr(Phe)-as the corner residues. The structural assignments are based on correlation of NMR parameters with model 14-membered cyclic cystine peptides with Pro-X spacers. Circular dichroism studies based on the -S-Sn- u* transition suggest a structural change in the disulfide bridge with changing solvent polarity, establishing conformational coupling between the peptide backbone and the disulfide linkage in these systems.


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This thesis is primarily concerned with the enzyme- catalysed synthesis of sulfoxides using reductase and dioxygenase enzymes. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the topic of redox chemistry with particular emphasis on the application of reductase and dioxygenase enzymes in organosulfur chemistry. Earlier literature methods for the production of enantiopure sulfoxides are reviewed. A brief discussion of the methods used for the determination of enantiomeric excess and absolute configuration is provided. Chapter 2 contains results obtained using a range of whole-cell bacteria each using a dimethyl sulfoxide reductase enzyme. The synthesis of a series of racemic sulfoxides and the development of appropriate CSPHPLC analytical methods is discussed. Kinetic resolutions of a series of sulfoxides have been achieved. Chapter 3 contains a presentation of results using dioxygenase enzymes as biocatalysts for the asymmetric sulfoxidation of dialkyl sulfoxides including thioacetal sulfoxides. A new range of monosulfoxides, cis-dihydrodiols and cis- dihydrodiol sulfoxides have been isolated in enantiopure form. Chapter 4 is focussed on the application of chiral sulfoxides in synthesis. A new chemoenzymatic route to diol sulfoxide enantiomers and the derived enantiopure phenols and catechols is discussed. The application of chemically synthesised sulfoxide enantiomers in the production of hydroxy sulfoxides is reported. Chapter 5 provides a full experimental section where the synthesis of sulfides and racemic sulfoxides is included. The methods used in the isolation and characterisation of bioproducts from the biotransformation are discussed and full experimental details given.


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The silk gland of Bombyx mori, an endomitotically replicative tissue shows high levels of DNA polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon activities. The ratio of polymerase alpha to that of delta plus epsilon is maintained at 1.1 to 1.3 in both the posterior and middle silk glands for the entire duration of late larval development. The three activities copurify in the initial stages of fractionation through phosphocellulose and DE52 but polymerase alpha gets resolved from the others on hydroxylapatite column. Separation between polymerase delta and epsilon is achieved by chromatography on QAE-Sephadex. DNA polymerase epsilon is a heterodimer comprising of 215- and 42-kDa subunits. The activity is maximum at pH 6.5 and the Km values for dNTPs vary between 3-9 microM. The enzyme possesses an intrinsically associated exonuclease activity which functions in the mismatch repair during DNA synthesis. Both polymerase and 3'-->5' exonuclease activities are associated with the 215-kDa subunit. By itself, DNA polymerase epsilon is processive and the catalytic activity is not enhanced by externally added bPCNA (Bombyx-proliferating cell nuclear antigen, an auxiliary protein for DNA polymerase delta). The enzyme resembles polymerase delta in having the exonuclease activity and in its response to aphidicolin or substrate analogs, but could be distinguished from the latter by its lack of response to the bPCNA and sensitivity to dimethyl sulfoxide. The two enzymes show partial immunological cross-reactivity with each other but no immunological relatedness to polymerase alpha. The absence of the repair enzyme DNA polymerase beta and the presence of substantial levels of polymerase epsilon in the silk glands suggest a possible role for the latter in DNA repair in that tissue.


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Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) studies of poly2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) with varying conjugation, and polyethylene dioxythiophene complexed with polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT-PSS) in different solvents have shown the importance of the role of pi-electron conjugation and solvent-chain interactions in controlling the chain conformation and assembly. In MEH-PPV, by increasing the extent of conjugation from 30 to 100%, the persistence length (l(p)) increases from 20 to 66 angstrom. Moreover, a pronounced second peak in the pair distribution function has been observed in the fully conjugated chain, at larger length scales. This feature indicates that the chain segments tend to self-assemble as the conjugation along the chain increases. In the case of PEDOT-PSS, the chains undergo solvent induced expansion and enhanced chain organization. The clusters formed by chains are better correlated in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution than water, as observed in the scattered intensity profiles. The values of radius of gyration and the exponent (water: 2.6, DMSO: 2.31) of power-law decay, obtained from the unified scattering function (Beaucage) analysis, give evidence for chain expansion from compact (in water) to an extended coil in DMSO solutions, which is consistent with the Kratky plot analysis. The mechanism of this transition and the increase in dc conductivity of PEDOT-PSS in DMSO solution are discussed. The onset frequency for the increase in ac conduction, as well as its temperature dependence, probes the extent of the connectivity in the PEDOT-PSS system. The enhanced charge transport in PEDOT-PSS in DMSO is attributed to the extended chain conformation, as observed in the SAXS results.


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Multidimensional NMR studies of o-vanillin salicyloylhydrazone at various temperatures have been undertaken in deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide and its cryoprotective mixture in H2O and D2O, acetone and acetonitrile. The molecule is found to exist in two conformers in dimethyl sulfoxide and the cryoprotective mixture. The exchange between the two conformers has been detected from the two-dimensional experiments - information which is not easily obtainable from the normal one-dimensional spectra. Results in the different solvents are interpreted in terms of solvent-solute interactions.


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Ultrafast solvation dynamics in three nonassociated polar solvents, namely, acetonitrile, dimethyl sulfoxide, and acetone, have been studied by using the molecular hydrodynamic theory. For solvation in acetonitrile, the solvent memory function required for this study has been obtained from recent dielectric relaxation measurements of Venabales and Schuttenmaer; earlier theoretical studies used only the Kerr relaxation data. As the latter provides only an indirect information regarding the polar dynamical response of the dipolar liquid, it fails to provide a fully quantitative description of the solvation time correlation function, S(t). The present study with full dielectric data, on the other hand, gives excellent agreement with the experimental results. The theory shows that the ultrafast part of the solvation dynamics originates almost entirely from the high-frequency component of dielectric relaxation (with time constant 0.177 ps), although the latter represents only a small part of the latter. For DMSO and acetone, however, the present theory predicts a decay slower than the experimental observation. It is proposed that for these two solvents specific chromophore-solvent interactions might be responsible for the-large discrepancy. On the basis of the theory, two experimental studies have also been proposed.


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The gamma-phase poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) films are usually prepared using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solvent, regardless of preparation temperature. Here we report the crystallization of both alpha and gamma-phase PVDF films by varying preparation temperature using DMSO solvent. The gamma-phase PVDF films were annealed at 70, 90, 110, 130 and 160 degrees C for five hours. The changes in the phase contents in the PVDF at different annealing conditions have been described. When thin films were annealed at 90 degrees C for 5 h, maximum percentage of beta-phase appears in PVDF thin films. The gamma-phase PVDF films completely converted to alpha-phase when they were annealed at 160 degrees C for 5 h. From X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Raman studies, it is confirmed that the PVDF thin films, cast from solution and annealed at 90 degrees C for 5 h, have maximum percentage of beta-phase. The beta-phase PVDF shows a remnant polarization of 4.9 mu C/cm(2) at 1400 kV/cm at 1 Hz.


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The optical properties and electrical conductivity of highly conducting poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) doped with poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS) are reported as a function of the processing additive conditions. The addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) increases the conductivity and modifies the dielectric response as observed from the ellipsometric studies. Also the surface roughness and morphology change with the composition of PEDOT: PSS: DMSO and film deposition conditions. The real part of the dielectric function becomes negative in highly conducting samples, indicating the presence of delocalized charge carriers. The real and imaginary parts of the refractive index were determined as a function of wavelength. The results are consistent with the increase in conductivity upon the addition of DMSO.


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Iron(III) complexes FeL(B)] (1-4) of a tetradentate phenolate-based ligand (H3L) and biotin-conjugated dipyridophenazine bases (B), viz. 7-aminodipyrido 3,2-a: 2',3'-c]-phenazine (dppza in 1), (N-dipyrido3,2-a: 2',3'-c]-phenazino) amidobiotin (dppzNB in 2), dipyrido 3,2-a: 2',3'-c]-phenazine-11-carboxylic acid (dppzc in 3) and 2-((2-biotinamido) ethyl) amidodipyrido 3,2-a: 2',3'-c]-phenazine (dppzCB in 4) are prepared, characterized and their interaction with streptavidin and DNA and their photocytotoxicity and cellular uptake in various cells studied. The high-spin iron(III) complexes display Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple near -0.7V versus saturated calomel electrode in dimethyl sulfoxide-0.1M tetrabutylammonium perchlorate. The complexes show non-specific interaction with DNA as determined from the binding studies. Complexes with appended biotin moiety show similar binding to streptavidin as that of free biotin, suggesting biotin conjugation to dppz does not cause any loss in its binding affinity to streptavidin. The photocytotoxicity of the complexes is tested in HepG2, HeLa and HEK293 cell lines. Complex 2 shows higher photocytotoxicity in HepG2 cells than in HeLa or HEK293, forming reactive oxygen species. This effect is attributed to the presence of overexpressed sodium-dependent multi-vitamin transporters in HepG2 cells. Microscopic studies in HepG2 cells show internalization of the biotin complexes 2 and 4 essentially occurring by receptor-mediated endocytosis, which is similar to that of native biotin and biotin fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugate.


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Reaction of 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) with dinuclear complexesRuCl(dfppe)(mu-Cl)(3)Ru(dmso-S)(3)](dfppe = 1,2-bis(dipentafluorophenyl phosphino)ethane (C6F5)(2)PCH2CH2P(C6F5)(2); dmso = dimethyl sulfoxide) (1) or RuCl(dfppe)(mu-Cl)(3)RuCl(dfppe)] (2) affords the mononuclear species trans-RuCl2(bpy)(dfppe)] (3). Using this precursor complex (3), a series of new cationic Ru(II) electrophilic complexes RuCl(L)(bpy)(dfppe)]Z] (L = P(OMe)(3) (5), PMe3 (6), CH3CN (7), CO (8), H2O (9); Z = OTf (5, 6, 7, 8), BAr4F (9) have been synthesized via abstraction of chloride by AgOTf or NaBAr4F in the presence of L. Complexes 5 and 6 were converted into the corresponding isomeric hydride derivatives RuH(PMe3)(bpy)(dfppe)]OTf] (10a, 10b) and RuH(P(OMe)(3))(bpy)(dfppe)]OTf] (11a, 11b) respectively, when treated with NaBH4. Protonation of the cationic monohydride complex (11a) with HOTf at low temperatures resulted in H-2 evolution accompanied by the formation of either solvent or triflate bound six coordinated species Ru(S)(P(OMe)(3))(bpy)(dfppe)]OTf](n) (S = solvent (n = 2), triflate (n = 1)] (13a/13b); these species have not been isolated and could not be established with certainty. They (13a/13b) were not isolated, instead the six-coordinated isomeric aqua complexes cis-(Ru(bpy)(dfppe)(OH2)(P(OMe)(3))]OTf](2) (14a/14b) were isolated. Reaction of the aqua complexes (14a/14b) with 1 atm of H-2 at room temperature in acetone-d(6) solvent resulted in heterolytic cleavage of the H-H bond. Results of the studies on H-2 lability and heterolytic activation using these complexes are discussed. The complexes 3, 5, 11a, and 14a have been structurally characterized.


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Experimental studies (circular dichroism and ultra-violet (UV) absorption spectra) and large scale atomistic molecular dynamics simulations (accompanied by order parameter analyses) are combined to establish a number of remarkable (and unforeseen) structural transformations of protein myoglobin in aqueous ethanol mixture at various ethanol concentrations. The following results are particularly striking. (1) Two well-defined structural regimes, one at x(EtOH) similar to 0.05 and the other at x(EtOH) similar to 0.25, characterized by formation of distinct partially folded conformations and separated by a unique partially unfolded intermediate state at x(EtOH) similar to 0.15, are identified. (2) Existence of non-monotonic composition dependence of (i) radius of gyration, (ii) long range contact order, (iii) residue specific solvent accessible surface area of tryptophan, and (iv) circular dichroism spectra and UV-absorption peaks are observed. Interestingly at x(EtOH) similar to 0.15, time averaged value of the contact order parameter of the protein reaches a minimum, implying that this conformational state can be identified as a molten globule state. Multiple structural transformations well known in water-ethanol binary mixture appear to have considerably stronger effects on conformation and dynamics of the protein. We compare the present results with studies in water-dimethyl sulfoxide mixture where also distinct structural transformations are observed along with variation of co-solvent composition. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.