995 resultados para digital holographic interferometry


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We present experimental validation of a new reconstruction method for off-axis digital holographic microscopy (DHM). This method effectively suppresses the object autocorrelation,namely, the zero-order term,from holographic data,thereby improving the reconstruction bandwidth of complex wavefronts. The algorithm is based on nonlinear filtering and can be applied to standard DHM setups with realistic recording conditions.We study the robustness of the technique under different experimental configurations,and quantitatively demonstrate its enhancement capabilities on phase signals.


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This paper describes the application of lensless in-line digital holographic microscopy (DHM) to carry out thermo-mechanical characterization of microheaters fabricated through PolyMUMPs three-layer polysilicon surface micromachining process and subjected to a high thermal load. The mechanical deformation of the microheaters on the electrothermal excitation due to thermal stress is analyzed. The numerically reconstructed holographic images of the microheaters clearly indicate the regions under high stress. A double-exposure method has been used to obtain the quantitative measurements of the deformations, from the phase analysis of the hologram fringes. The measured deformations correlate well with the theoretical values predicted by a thermo-mechanical analytical model. The results show that lensless in-line DHM with Fourier analysis is an effective method for evaluating the thermo-mechanical characteristics of MEMS components.


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Subtraction of one complex spatial function from another can be accomplished holographically by shifting the phase of the reference beam by pi between the two exposures. A simple and reliable system for this purpose, which makes use of the fact that the beam from a gas laser is usually plane-polarized, is described, and its application to obtain the equivalent of a dark field with the frozen-fringe technique in holographic interferometry is demonstrated.


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We present experimental investigation of a new reconstruction method for off-axis digital holographic microscopy (DHM). This method effectively suppresses the object auto-correlation, commonly called the zero-order term, from holographic measurements, thereby suppressing the artifacts generated by the intensities of the two beams employed for interference from complex wavefield reconstruction. The algorithm is based on non-linear filtering, and can be applied to standard DHM setups, with realistic recording conditions. We study the applicability of the technique under different experimental configurations, such as topographic images of microscopic specimens or speckle holograms.


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The high-density holographic recording parameters of a novel two dyes-sensitized photopolymer under different exposure wavelengths are studied. The results show that the maximum diffraction efficiency, exposure sensitivity, maximum refraction index modulation, dynamic range, and the exposure time constant increases with the increase of the exposure wavelength. The analysis indicates that the scattering has an important role in the forming of the holographic grating. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A novel wideband sensitive dry holographic photopolymer sensitized by rose bengal (RB) and methylene blue (MB) is fabricated, the holographic storage characteristics of which are investigated under different exposure wavelengths. The result shows that the sensitive spectral band exceeds 200 nm in visible light range, the maximum diffraction efficiency under different exposure wavelengths is more than 40% and decreases with the decrease of exposure wavelength, the exposure sensitivity is not change with the exposure wavelength. This photopolymer is appropriate for wavelength multiplexing or multi-wavelength recording in digital holographic storage.


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The intent of this paper is to present an analysis of optical holography. Both the physical theory behind holography and the experimental techniques used in making holograms will be presented. To accomplish this goal, the paper is divided into two independent sections: the theoretical section followed by the experimental section. Each section is intended to be a complete unit. The Theoretical Section is an exposure to the theory behind holography. This consists of a review of the concepts of interference and diffraction. followed by a brief review of partial coherence. The remaining part of the Theoretical Section is devoted to the mathematical analysis of optical holography. The Experimental Section begins with an introduction to the equipment and facilities currently available for optical holography at Colby College. Holographic procedures is dominated by the description of transmission holography (v.s. reflection. or white-light. holography). After these general holographic procedures a few variations on the basic transmission hologram are presented. The experimental section will end with an introduction to holographic interferometry, a major application of holographic techniques.


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A method for improving the accuracy of surface shape measurement by multiwavelength holography is presented. In our holographic setup, a Bi12TiO20 photorefractive crystal was the holographic recording medium, and a multimode diode laser emitting in the red region was the light source in a two-wave mixing scheme. on employing such lasers the resulting holographic image appears covered with interference fringes corresponding to the object relief, and the interferogram spatial frequency is proportional to the diode laser's free spectral range (FSR). Our method consists in increasing the effective free spectral range of the laser by positioning a Fabry-Perot etalon at the laser output for mode selection. As larger effective values of the laser FSR were achieved, higher-spatial-frequency interferograms were obtained and therefore more sensitive and accurate measurements were performed. The quantitative evaluation of the interferograms was made through the phase-stepping technique, and the phase map unwrapping was carried out through the cellular-automata method. For a given surface, shape measurements with different interferogram spatial frequencies were performed and compared with respect to measurement noise and visual inspection. (c) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The application of multi-wavelength holography for surface shape measurement is presented. In our holographic setup a Bi12TiO 20 (BTO) photorefractive crystal was the holographic recording medium and a multimode diode laser emitting in the red region was the light source in a two-wave mixing scheme. The holographic imaging with multimode lasers results in multiple holograms in the BTO. By employing such lasers the resulting holographic image appears covered of interference fringes corresponding to the object relief and the interferogram spatial frequency is proportional to the diode laser free spectral range (FSR). We used a Fabry-Perot étalon at the laser output for laser mode selection. Thus, larger effective values of the laser FSR were achieved, leading to higher-spatial frequency interferograms and therefore to more sensitive and accurate measurements. The quantitative evaluation of the interferograms was performed through the phase stepping technique (PST) and the phase map unwrapping was carried out through the Cellular-Automata method. For a given surface, shape measurements with different interferogram spatial frequencies were performed and compared, concerning measurement noise and visual inspection.


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The development of a new set of frost property measurement techniques to be used in the control of frost growth and defrosting processes in refrigeration systems was investigated. Holographic interferometry and infrared thermometry were used to measure the temperature of the frost-air interface, while a beam element load sensor was used to obtain the weight of a deposited frost layer. The proposed measurement techniques were tested for the cases of natural and forced convection, and the characteristic charts were obtained for a set of operational conditions. ^ An improvement of existing frost growth mathematical models was also investigated. The early stage of frost nucleation was commonly not considered in these models and instead an initial value of layer thickness and porosity was regularly assumed. A nucleation model to obtain the droplet diameter and surface porosity at the end of the early frosting period was developed. The drop-wise early condensation in a cold flat plate under natural convection to a hot (room temperature) and humid air was modeled. A nucleation rate was found, and the relation of heat to mass transfer (Lewis number) was obtained. It was found that the Lewis number was much smaller than unity, which is the standard value usually assumed for most frosting numerical models. The nucleation model was validated against available experimental data for the early nucleation and full growth stages of the frosting process. ^ The combination of frost top temperature and weight variation signals can now be used to control the defrosting timing and the developed early nucleation model can now be used to simulate the entire process of frost growth in any surface material. ^


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Quantization formats of four digital holographic codes (Lohmann,Lee, Burckhardt and Hsueh-Sawchuk) are evaluated. A quantitative assessment is made from errors in both the Fourier transform and image domains. In general, small errors in the Fourier amplitude or phase alone do not guarantee high image fidelity. From quantization considerations, the Lee hologram is shown to be the best choice for randomly phase coded objects. When phase coding is not feasible, the Lohmann hologram is preferable as it is easier to plot.


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We propose a Riesz transform approach to the demodulation of digital holograms. The Riesz transform is a higher-dimensional extension of the Hilbert transform and is steerable to a desired orientation. Accurate demodulation of the hologram requires a reliable methodology by which quadrature-phase functions (or simply, quadratures) can be constructed. The Riesz transform, by itself, does not yield quadratures. However, one can start with the Riesz transform and construct the so-called vortex operator by employing the notion of quasi-eigenfunctions, and this approach results in accurate quadratures. The key advantage of using the vortex operator is that it effectively handles nonplanar fringes (interference patterns) and has the ability to compensate for the local orientation. Therefore, this method results in aberration-free holographic imaging even in the case when the wavefronts are not planar. We calibrate the method by estimating the orientation from a reference hologram, measured with an empty field of view. Demodulation results on synthesized planar as well as nonplanar fringe patterns show that the accuracy of demodulation is high. We also perform validation on real experimental measurements of Caenorhabditis elegans acquired with a digital holographic microscope. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America


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An Nd:glass laser pulse (18 ns, 1.38 J) is focused in a tiny area of about 100-mum diam under ambient conditions to produce micro-shock waves. The laser is focused above a planar surface with a typical standoff distance of about 4 mm, The laser energy is focused inside a supersonic circular jet of carbon dioxide gas produced by a nozzle with internal diameter of 2.9 mm and external diameter of 8 mm, Nominal value of the Mach number of the jet is around 2 with the corresponding pressure ratio of 7.5 (stagnation pressure/static pressure at the exit of the nozzle), The interaction process of the micro-shock wave generated inside the supersonic jet with the plane wall is investigated using double-pulse holographic interferometry. A strong surface vortex field with subsequent generation of a side jet propagating outward along the plane wail is observed. The interaction of the micro-shock wave with the cellular structure of the supersonic jet does not seem to influence the near surface features of the flowfield. The development of the coherent structures near the nozzle exit due to the upstream propagation of pressure waves seems to be affected by the outward propagating micro-shock wave. Mach reflection is observed when the micro-shock wave interacts with the plane wall at a standoff distance of 4 mm, The Mach stem is slightly deflected, indicating strong boundary-layer and viscous effects near the wall. The interaction process is also simulated numerically using an axisymmetric transient laminar Navier-Stokes solver. Qualitative agreement between experimental and numerical results is good.


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