42 resultados para dialogia


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Overall, in Brazilian schools, the concept of reading does not take into account its possibilities and its meaning for life. But read is assigning meaning to something , make sense, interact with the text read. Thus, the present study addresses the mechanical reading, that without contextualization, performed on a technique by joining letters and syllables loose and also reading social use, consisting of statements, dialogism , polyphony and heteroglossy. It is known that the mechanical reading brings undesirable consequences, including learning problems, such as lack of attention, concentration, memory, imagination. When the reading is taught in a systematic way, with only the goal of the code decoding of written language, destroys social perspectives and intellectual development. It is common, when you offer the children a book, there the difficult disinterest of textual interpretation, because there is no attribute meaning to the content, and even the ability to interact with the text. With the interest in studying the dialogic reading this and the statements and genres, the present study was based on several authors: Bakhtin (1988, 2000), Schneuwly and Dolz (2000), Faraco (2009) and Ponzio (2009) Jolibert (1994), Bajard (2002; 2007) Foucambert (1997) Martins ( 1985) and Smith ( 1999). Aim for this study the following research question: what are the contributions of Mikhail Bakhtin's theory to the teaching of reading from kindergarten through the first grade of elementary school? Our hypothesis is that if they are guaranteed to pre -school and elementary school beginners diversified materials and new approaches in teaching reading and encouragement to her, will be developed in children a taste for the act of reading, so that they can assign meaning and significance, making reading part of their lives...


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When someone teaches Philosophy, he or she must be conscious that in the texts there is a compound of three kinds of experience: reading, thinking and writing. These three types of experience blend form and content of the text when one thinks, writes and reads. Then these experiences have an face as shape and another face including thinking, writing and reading in a continuous tension because it is related to a practice that is in this same context, that of philosophy.


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The purpose of this work and to provide education professionals regarding the way a reflection of how the body has been seen and treated at school. In view of embodiment and sexuality education body and movement performed by him has received a new treatment in our time, overcoming the dichotomy inherited from the mechanistic paradigm and structured by Newton and Descartes and predominant in recent centuries. We know that these changes are consequences of the emergence of AIDS and the advancement of the incidence of unwanted pregnancies among young people of school age. Therefore, this discussion reinforces the need for training of teachers in promoting discussions about sexuality and corporeality with broader focus, dialogues, be traced paths to address the biopsychosocial aspects from a sociohistorical context of gender equity, respect for sexual diversity, the reduction of prejudice and violence against the so-called “minorities” sex.


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This text’s objective is to present an analysis of Aída, adapted by Han Mi-Ho (2012) and illustrated by Lucia Sforza, from the classic eponymous opera by Giuseppe Verdi. This book is part of the collection Classical music on the scene, published by FTD, which aims to introduce stories of important librettos regarded as classics in the music field to young audiences. More specifically, we intend to verify in this text, with Bakhtinian principles, how the dialogue between Verdi’s work and HanMi-Ho’s is actualized. To achieve these objectives, we will present a reflection of what provides the pleasure in reading. In this text we built the hypothesis that Han-Mi-Ho’s strategy to rescue a classic opera and adapt it in the form of an illustrated narrative for the young reader provides the contact with an attractive and playful text that leads to critical reflection and expands his knowledge through the rescue of the cultural memory. The appropriation of a classic cultural production adapted to the narrative language and targeted to a young audience can act as an appraisal factor in the identity of the reader. Through it, he is able to raise his self-esteem, because he perceives that he is considered as a production receiver, while at the same time he is recognized as the heir of a traditional cultural heritage.


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In this work we make a study of the dissertations of Master of Education, at the State University of Londrina, in the period 1995 to 2006. It aims to provide support to other researchers who may be interested in the topic and find material available for further studies, examining the organization of the program to detect their social involvement with the city of Londrina and its regional environment, specifically north of Paraná. His character is descriptive census. The mapping these productions show significant contributions to the construction of educational policies at the local level, but mainly in education and training of teachers for higher education in the region and also meet the teacher network municipal and state. It also provides a critique of their training students to act in society and in the production and transmission of knowledge but also for the collective construction of the university.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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This thesis, part of the research line "Work, Society and Education" analyzes, in a dialectical perspective, in the light of Tragtenberg´s studies, the conception of subject of schoolwork, considering the organization and the complexity of this context and inviting the investigative gaze. Our hypothesis is that the workers of education have, in the schoolwork, a fragile politicization field and overcoming the installed model, accepting themselves as executers with self-organizing difficulties, distanced from the effective participation, autonomy and self-management. We consider studies on the logic of the work, believing that the understanding of schoolwork is constitute into the current societal model, in whom its bureaucratic and hierarchical matrix, linked to articulated / articulators of the dominant socio-economic class interests. Scholars such as Braverman, Frigotto and Tragtenberg, among others, are important contributions to this reflection. We have analyzed the logic of the work also in dialogue with pedagogies differentiated, among them, the Libertarian defended by Tragtenberg, aiming to understand the conceptions and practices of the subjects involved. We accomplished a bibliographical critical analysis, in a dialectical character, focusing on the categories: work, schoolwork, control, autonomy and self-management, in order to understand the complexity of the praxis in study, dialoguing with the pillars categories historicity, contradiction and totality, which transversalize the developed analysis. The consideration of these concepts allows us to uncover the dominant bureaucratic structure and its possible overcoming fields. We believe contribute to problematizing and proposers studies, reflections and discussions, strengthening debates, deconstructing naturalizations and contributing to the political process of the subjects.


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Tämä tutkielma käsittelee hallinto-oikeudellista yhdenvertaisuusperiaatetta korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden perusteluissa. Tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää, miten KHO perustelee yhdenvertaisuusperiaatetta koskevat ratkaisunsa. Kysymys kiinnittyy toisaalta oikeudellisen perustelemisen teoriaan ja toisaalta oikeussäännöistä ja oikeusperiaatteista käytyyn keskusteluun. Tutkimusaineiston muodostavat vuosina 2003–2015 Finlex-tietokannassa julkaistut suomenkieliset vuosikirjaratkaisut (n=28). Aineisto valikoitui päätösten asiasanojen perusteella. Tutkimusaineisto on luokiteltu perustelujen laadun mukaan neljään kategoriaan. Yhdensuuntaisen punninnan kategoriaan kuuluvat ne korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden päätökset, joissa on tuotu esiin seikkoja, joiden perusteella erilaisten tosiasioiden vallitessa asiassa olisi voitu päätyä toisenlaiseen lopputulokseen. Kyse ei ole kuitenkaan varsinaisista punnintaperusteluista siinä mielessä, että päätöksissä olisi esitetty aitoja contra-argumentteja tai dialogia perustelujen ja vastaperustelujen välillä. Kumulatiivisten perustelujen kategoriaan kuuluvat päätökset, joissa KHO perustelee ratkaisuaan kumulatiivisesti useilla eri argumenteilla. Yhden argumentin kategoriaan kuuluvat ne tuomioistuimen päätökset, joista löytyy yksi yhdenvertaisuusratkaisua perusteleva pro-argumentti. Mekaanisten perustelujen kategoriassa korkein hallinto-oikeus ottaa kantaa yhdenvertaisuusperiaatteeseen ainoastaan muodollisesti perustelematta ratkaisuaan sisällöllisesti. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan, ettei periaateratkaisujen perusteleminen ole aina punnintaa. Valtaosa tutkimusaineiston päätöksistä sijoittuu mekaanisten perustelujen kategoriaan. Monissa tapauksissa yhdenvertaisuusperiaatetta koskeva ratkaisu on tuomioistuimelle selvä, eikä vastakkaista lopputulosta perustelevia näkökulmia ole ollut esitettävissä. Toisinaan korkein hallinto-oikeus kuitenkin esittää perustelut mekaanisesti myös kiperissä tulkintatilanteissa, joissa olisi perusteltua odottaa avoimia ja dialogisia perusteluja. Tämä herättää kysymyksen perustelujen uskottavuudesta. Puutteellisesti perustellut päätökset eivät myöskään ole omiaan ohjaamaan toivotulla tavalla alempien viranomaisten toimintaa.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, 2016.