974 resultados para diagnostic approach route
A Anemia de Fanconi (AF) é uma doença recessiva rara, com uma frequência estimada de 4 a 7 por 1 000 000 de nascimentos. Caraterizase por malformações congénitas, falência medular e hipersensibilidade a agentes clastogénicos de DNA. Devido à grande complexidade desta patologia a primeira abordagem de diagnóstico, consiste na análise da instabilidade cromossómica, após cultura celular com estimulação com agentes clastogénicos diepoxibutano (DEB) ou mitomicina C (MMC). Realizou- se um estudo retrospetivo de 34 anos (1980-2014) em 243 amostras com suspeita de AF e de 25 amostras de familiares de doentes de AF, num total de 268 amostras. Nas 243 amostras suspeitas de Anemia de Fanconi, foram identificadas 37 com AF. A idade média ao diagnóstico foi de 7 anos, existindo um ligeiro predomínio da incidência no sexo feminino (59%). Uma amostra foi classificada como AF(-/+). Nos familiares de doentes com AF foram identificados 2 casos positivos, o que perfaz 39 amostras de AF positivas. Em quatro das amostras AF negativas, observaram-se cariotipos anormais. Estes resultados não permitem estimar uma frequência de doentes de AF em Portugal, uma vez que não englobam indivíduos de todas as regiões portuguesas, mas permitem uma estimativa da frequência espectável.
The medical records of patients with AIDS admitted to a general hospital in Brazil from 1989 to 1997 were reviewed retrospectively with the aim at defining the frequency and etiology of fever of undetermined origin (FUO) in HIV-infected patients of a tropical country and to evaluate the usefulness of the main diagnostic procedures. 188 (58.4%) out of 322 patients reported fever at admission to hospital and 55 (17.1%) had FUO. Those with FUO had a mean CD4+ cell count of 98/ml. A cause of fever was identified for 45 patients (81.8%). Tuberculosis (32.7%), Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (10.9%), and Mycobacterium avium complex (9.1%) were the most frequent diagnoses. Other infectious diseases are also of note, such as cryptococcal meningitis (5.5%), sinusitis (3.6%), Salmonella-S. mansoni association (3.6%), disseminated histoplasmosis (3.6%), neurosyphilis (1.8%), and isosporiasis (1.8%). Four patients had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (7.3%). We conclude that an initial aggressive diagnostic approach should be always considered because biopsies (lymph node, liver and bone marrow) produced the highest yield in the diagnosis of FUO and the majority of the diagnosed diseases are treatable. The association of diseases is common and have contributed to delay the final diagnosis of FUO in most cases. In our study area the routine request of hemocultures for Salmonella infection and the investigation of cryptococcal antigen in the serum should be considered.
As reacções adversas a fármacos (RAF) representam um problema frequente na prática clínica. A alergia a fármacos resulta de mecanismos de hipersensibilidade imunológica e representa 6-10% do total de RAF. Clinicamente, as reacções alérgicas a fármacos podem ser classificadas como imediatas (tipo I) ou não-imediatas (com manifestações clínicas diversas e associadas sobretudo a reacções de tipo IV). Neste artigo são abordados aspectos gerais, nomeadamente os mecanismos imunopatogénicos implicados na alergia a fármacos e reactividade cruzada mas também as manifestações cutâneas mais relevantes, nomeadamente exantemas máculo-papulares, eritema fixo a fármacos (EFF), pustulose exantemática aguda generalizada (PEAG), síndrome de hipersensibilidade a fármacos (DRESS – drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms), síndrome de Stevens-Johnson/necrólise epidérmica tóxica (SSJ/NET). O papel dos testes cutâneos (epicutâneos ou intradérmicos de leitura tardia) na abordagem de reacções não-imediatas é também revisto. Os beta-lactâmicos (BL) são o grupo farmacológico mais frequentemente envolvido em reacções de hipersensibilidade imunológica e que mais dificuldades coloca na prática clínica diária, nomeadamente devido aos riscos de reactividade cruzada, pelo que é analisado em maior detalhe ao longo da revisão. A indução de tolerância a fármacos poderá ser considerada em casos selecionados, sobretudo quando na ausência de alternativas terapêuticas igualmente eficazes ou seguras.
The term “mastocytosis” denotes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterised by abnormal growth and accumulation of mast cells (MC) in one or more organ systems. Symptoms result from MC chemical mediator’s release, pathologic infiltration of neoplastic MC in tissues or both. Multiple molecular, genetic and chromosomal defects seem to contribute to an autonomous growth, but somatic c-kit D816V mutation is more frequently encountered, especially in systemic disease. We present a literature review of mastocytosis and a rare case report of an 18 month-old-girl with a bullous dermatosis, respiratory distress and anaphylaxis, as clinical manifestations of mastocytosis. The developments of accepted classification systems and novel useful markers allowed a re-evaluation and updating of the classification of mastocytosis. In paediatric age cutaneous forms of disease prevail and may regress spontaneously. SM is more frequently diagnosed in adults and is a persistent(clonal) disease of bone marrow. The clinical course in these patients is variable.Today diagnostic criteria for each disease variant are reasonably well defined. There are, however, peculiarities, namely in paediatric age, that makes the diagnostic approach difficult. Systemic disease may pose differential diagnostic problems resulting from multiple organ systems involvement. Coversly, the “unexplained” appearance of those symptoms with no skin lesions should raise the suspicion of MC disease. This case is reported in order to stress the clinical severity and difficult diagnostic approach that paediatric mastocytosis may assume.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Área de Conhecimento: Educação ambiental e para a Sustentabilidade)
A hérnia inguinal é uma das patologias mais frequentes que se coloca ao Cirurgião Geral. Muitas vezes considerada de menor importância, esta acarreta um impacto importante quer pela interferência na qualidade de vida diária do doente quer em termos sociais pelo absentismo laboral. A evolução do conhecimento anatómico e da técnica cirúrgica permitiu ao cirurgião dispor de diversas técnicas, colocando hoje em dia o problema na seleção da melhor técnica cirúrgica para cada doente. Neste artigo, os autores descrevem a anatomia da região inguinal do ponto de vista da abordagem cirúrgica, os fatores predisponentes e desencadeantes do aparecimento da hérnia inguinal, o diagnóstico desta patologia e a evolução da cirurgia; abordando alguns temas de controvérsia atual no tratamento desta patologia.
The ideal diagnostic method for schistosomiasis detection seems to be still far from available. Paucity of egg output in low prevalence situations, low levels of circulating antigens in individuals with low intensity of infection and inadequate specificity of antibody detection systems outline pieces of a puzzle that challenges scientific efforts. Estimated prevalence, financial resources and operational reality must be taken into account when deciding the diagnostic method to be used. A combination of a screening step, using a fast strip test for antibody detection with a parasitological ratification step such as Kato-Katz repeated stool examination may serve as a diagnostic approach for a previously untreated low level endemic area. However, when eradication is the aim, and high financial investment is available, re-treatment may be based on the association between multiple stool examination and circulating antigen detection. Ethical aspects as well as cost-benefit rates between treatment and diagnosis approaches lead to the conclusion that in spite of the recent advances in simple administered and relatively safe drugs, treatment should only be performed when supported by appropriated diagnosis
Twenty nine patients with localized cutaneous leishmaniasis had lymph node and skin ulcer aspirations for culture of Leishmania with the modified Marzochi´s vacuum aspiratory technique. Sensitivity of lymph node aspiration was 58.6% and 34.5% for skin ulcer aspiration (P=0.06). Combined sensitivity of the two methods was 79.3%. There was no agreement between methods (Kappa Index = -0.084; CI95% -0,45; 0,28) showing the potential complementary roles in diagnostic approach.
A molecular paleoparasitological diagnostic approach was developed for Enterobius vermicularis. Ancient DNA was extracted from 27 coprolites from archaeological sites in Chile and USA. Enzymatic amplification of human mtDNA sequences confirmed the human origin. We designed primers specific to the E. vermicularis 5S ribosomal RNA spacer region and they allowed reproducible polymerase chain reaction identification of ancient material. We suggested that the paleoparasitological microscopic identification could accompany molecular diagnosis, which also opens the possibility of sequence analysis to understand parasite-host evolution.
Parvovirus B19 (B-19) may cause chronic anaemia in immunosuppressed patients, including those infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We studied single serum samples from 261 consecutive HIV-infected patients using an enzyme immunoassay to detect IgG antibodies to B-19. The seroprevalence of B-19-IgG was 62.8%. The differences in seroprevalence across gender, age, educational categories, year of collection of the serum samples, clinical and antiretroviral therapy characteristics, CD4+ count, CD4+ and CD8+ percentage and CD4+/CD8+ ratios were neither substantial nor statistically significant. There was a non-significant, inverse association between B-19 seropositivity and plasma HIV load and haemoglobin level. Our results indicated that 37.1% of patients might be susceptible to B-19 infection and remained at risk for being infected, mainly during epidemic periods. As B-19 infection can be treated with immune globulin preparations, it may be included in the diagnostic approach toward chronic anaemia in HIV-infected patients.
Adverse food reactions can be classified into two main categories depending on wether an immune mechanism is involved or not. The first category includes immune mediated reactions like IgE mediated food allergy, eosinophilic oesophagitis, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome and celiac disease. The second category implies non-immune mediated adverse food reactions, also called food intolerances. Intoxications, pharmacologic reactions, metabolic reactions, physiologic, psychologic or reactions with an unknown mechanism belong to this category. We present a classification of adverse food reactions based on the pathophysiologic mechanism that can be useful for both diagnostic approach and management.
Significant scientific advances have been made over the last five years in the pathogenesis of hyperuricemia and understanding how monosodium urate (MSU) crystals provoke gout. New detection methods using ultrasound (US) have been evaluated and may become part of our routine diagnostic approach in a patient presenting with gout. This review will concentrate on the latest developments in the field, and discuss how these data may impact on clinical practice. Finally, a brief review of the therapeutic implications and new therapies that have become available will be presented.
Hirsutism is a relatively frequent condition in an ambulatory setting affecting about 4% of women. A rational clinical and biochemical diagnostic approach assures an optimal treatment directed at etiologic and pathogenetic factors. The diagnosis of hyperandrogenism is evaluated considering the pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for excessive growth of hair. Ovarian and adrenal tumors are the most serious diseases that have to be excluded by clinical and biochemical tests. The other causes for hirsutism are treatable by a great variety of modalities, available drugs can inhibit pituitary gonadotropins, the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and the conversion of testosterone into biologically active substrate. Finally the binding of androgens to its receptor can be blocked. These possibilities for treatment and their indications for the different etiologies of hirsutism are discussed.
The long QT syndrome may be acquired or genetically determined. The syndrome is characterized by a prolonged QT interval and is associated with an increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia such as a torsade de pointe and death. Electrolytes disorders such as hypomagnesemia and hypokaliemia and several drugs may increase the risk to develop a long QT syndrome. The epidemiology, the aetiology, the diagnostic approach as well as the management options of an acquired QT prolongation is discussed and reviewed herein.
Tuberculous spondylitis is rare in economically well-developed countries. MRI is the most sensitive radiologic method of diagnosis. CT-guided fine needle aspiration can be an appropriate method for obtaining samples for culture, with positive cultures in 25 to 89% of cases. However, it can take >6 weeks for specimens to grow, and it is essential to have adequate culture and sensitivity studies for the diagnosis and treatment of mycobacterial diseases. We propose a minimally invasive diagnostic approach that ensures that adequate surgical specimens are obtained prior to initiating treatment.